



short board



browser (software)


Internet browser
network browser


a web browser

External sources (not reviewed)

不过,如果选浏览另一位置,您必须为保存仍在备份中的剩余数据的文件指定一个 [...]
However, if
[...] you choose to browse for another [...]
location, you will need to assign a name for the file that will contain the
remaining data being backed up (or you may accept the default name assigned by the program).
如要增加该网浏览量 和赢得新的访问者,那么就得开发 更多的多语言内容。
To ensure that the portal counts more new pages, that it is consulted and gains new visitors, more multilingual content should be developed.
它不仅可浏览本 机上的文件,也可以通过蓝 浏 览 远程设备上的文件。
It can not only browse the files on this machine , you can also browse through the Bluetooth files on a remote device .
澳方/中方活动 这个版块提供了向众浏览者推荐 您的会议、研讨会、论坛或重大活 [...]
Events Australia/China This site offers an opportunity to promote your conference, seminar, forum or
[...] major event to our many viewers.
了解更多有关澳洲政府如何确保您获得世界一流的教育方面的信息, 浏 览 质 量保障页面。
To find out more about how the Australian Government ensures you receive the world-class education you deserve, go to the quality assurance page.
您可以通过该应用程序创建浏览播 放列表、分享 Facebook 或 [...]
Twitter 上的音乐,还可以调节图形均衡器以便您根据自己的喜好调节曲目的音效。
Use the App
[...] to create and browse through playlists, [...]
share music on Facebook or Twitter and adjust the graphic equalizer
so you can play your tracks as you want to hear them.
这种先进的技术保护形式取消了以数字形式对著作权作品进 浏 览 、 分 享或复制以为个人使用的传统的“合理使用”权利,因为这些作品不付费是不能使用的, [...]
This sophisticated form of technological protection rescinds traditional “fair
[...] use” rights to browse, share, or make [...]
private copies of copyrighted works in digital
formats, since works may not be accessible without payment, even for legitimate uses.
例如,当您使用您的计算机网浏览 器或其他通信设备(包括手机、PDA 等)访问我们的站点时,我们将会自动地接收特定的信息,例如您的 IP 地址浏览器 类型、日期和事件以及您 浏 览 我们的站点之前 浏 览 的 网页。
For example, when your computer web browser or other communication device (including phone, PDA, etc.) accesses our Site, we receive certain information automatically, such as your IP address, browser type, date and time and the web page you visited before visiting [...]
our Site.
进一步的软件开发和提供各种分析 浏 览手 段,将有助于难民署发现和监测保护工作的差距,应对效果、绩效和资源分配方 面的趋势。
Future software development and the provision of a range of analytical views will assist the Office to better identify and monitor protection gaps, and respond to trends in impact, performance and resource allocation.
上下文菜单 - Web 浏览器 中的客户端鼠标点击事件以及全新的菜单控件可以在不请求服务器的情况下显示与日程表中各个元素关联的上下文菜单。
Context Menus - client events for mouse
[...] clicks in a Web browser and new menu [...]
controls allow to display context menus associated
with various elements of a scheduler without requests to a server.
外地中央审查机构中的 2 个一般事务(其他职等)工作人员负责与提交案件 供审查机构审查有关的所有行政细节,协助和指导成 浏 览 数 据库,追踪成员答 复率和其他数据供审查机构提出报告,更新必要的数据库并展开其他活动以追踪 和记录审查机构的工作,帮助协调审查机构的培训方案,包括预订设施、向成员 发出邀请函、准备活页夹、更新情况介绍、将内容材料送往各个训练设施并负责 与培训有关的其他行政细节。
The two General Service (Other level) staff members in the Field Central Review Body attend to all administrative details related to the submission of cases for review by the Review Body, provide assistance and guidance to members in navigating the database, track member response rate and other data for Review Body reporting, update the necessary databases and engage in other activities to track and record the work of the Review Body, provide assistance in the coordination of the Review Body training programmes, including booking facilities, sending invitations to the members, preparing binders, updating presentations, shipping content to the respective training facility and attending to other administrative details related to the training.
大多数网浏览器 在cookies存储至硬盘之前会向您发出警告,并可删除信息。
Most Internet browsers enable you [...]
to delete cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is stored on your hard drive.
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联 浏 览 速度更快、有应用软件一样的体验;1080p高清视频播放华丽、流畅、安静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可转换成3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下的3D游戏速度快、栩栩如生。
Selecting a PC equipped with the
VISION Engine and software from AMD partners
[...] means Internet browsing is a faster, [...]
application-like experience; 1080p HD video
playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard definition video looks high-definition; 2D content can be converted into stereoscopic 3D; even the most graphics-intensive websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast and easy; and 3D gaming at HD resolutions is fast and life-like.
该关浏览器 是综合关 税系统——ISZTAR的一个单元,为海关当局 [...]
The Tariff Browser (a module of [...]
the Integrated Tariff System - ISZTAR) provides information on goods in international trade
to customs administration and traders.
(h) 联合国网站(www.un.org)是否便浏览和 使用以及是否能够及时回答 用户提问。
(h) The navigability and usability of the United Nations website (www.un.org), as well as its responsiveness to user queries.
有时候我们只要保存整个幻灯片中的部分内容,那可以用PowerPoint打开要制作网页的幻灯片文件,接着点击菜单“文件-另存为网页”,在弹出的“另存为”窗口中点击“发布”按钮,弹出“发布为网页”窗口,选中“幻灯片编号”,在后面的选择框内输入幻灯片的起始编号和结束编号,如果需要显示备注的话,还要把“显示演讲者备注”选中,然后设置一下支持 浏 览 器 版本,一般都是选择第一个“Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0或更高”,最后选择网页保存的目录,可以点 浏 览 按钮来选择,全部设置好后点击“发布”按钮就可以了(如图2)。
Sometimes we just save the parts of the slide, then you can use PowerPoint to create web page slide open the file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click " release "button, pop-up" Publish to Web "window, select the" slide number "input box in the back of the choice of the starting number and ending slide numbers show notes if you need it, but also to" show the speaker Notes "is
[...] then set about to support the browser version, generally choose the first" Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0 or higher, "and finally select the saved web page directory, you can [...]
click the Browse button to select, all set
up and click "Publish" button on it (Figure 2).
针对如何扩大本组织的影响,包括改进教科文组织的网站使用户更易 浏 览 和更广泛 地传播纸质的《教科文组织信使》及其电子版提出了具体的建议。
Specific recommendations on how to improve the visibility of the Organization included improving UNESCO’s website to make it easier for user navigation and widely disseminating both a printed and an electronic version of the UNESCO Courier.
(b) 和当前适用于会员国的条件一样,必须提出书面请求才能获准在内部审 计处的房地馆舍浏览审 计报告,而且必须遵守保密要求。
(b) As is currently the case for Member States, access would be made upon written request, for viewing the audit report on the premises of the Internal Audit Service, and under condition of confidentiality.
如果用户希望在TRW Automotive的网站上加入一个链接,可根据本协议或任何未来TRW
[...] Automotive内容;不得为TRW Automotive内容创浏览器 、边界环境或边框;不得暗示TRW [...]
Automotive认可用户或用户的产品或服务;不得曲解用户与TRW Automotive的关系;不得提供TRW
Automotive产品或服务的虚假信息,并且,用户链接的网站不得包含可被认为是冒犯、无礼或争议性的内容,不得包含不适合所有年龄、种族、宗教或其他受法律保护团体的内容,或者TRW Automotive认为不可接受的内容。
If you wish to provide a link to a TRW Automotive Web Site, you may do so under the terms and conditions of this or any future TRW Automotive web access and use agreement, but: you may not use or
replicate TRW Automotive Content; you agree
[...] not to create a browser, border environment [...]
or frame for TRW Automotive Content;
you may not imply that TRW Automotive is endorsing you or your products or services; you may not misrepresent your relationship with TRW Automotive; you may not present false information about TRW Automotive products or services; and your linked web site shall not contain content that could be construed as distasteful, offensive or controversial, and or contain content that is not appropriate for all age, racial, religious or other groups protected by law or content that TRW Automotive deems unacceptable at its sole discretion.
你可浏览目 录,提交日记,查看文件和请求文件修订版之间的不同之处。
You can browse the directory [...]
, submit diaries, view files and file revisions requested the difference between .
新款 Jabra CLEAR 可以解放您的双手,让您随心滑动 浏 览 和 玩游戏;蓝牙耳机让您能够充分利用您的智能手机。
Free up your hands to swipe, browse and play with the new Jabra CLEAR, the Bluetooth headset that lets you get more from your smartphone.
浏览器的新闻阅读器可让您从任何计算机与您的 RSS [...]
订阅源保持同步,而可下载的应用程序则让您将之储存在您的主计算机上,此与您使用 Outlook 下载您的电子邮件或将之保留在诸如 Hotmail 之类的基于 web 的服务上相类似。
Browser-based news readers [...]
let you catch up with your RSS feed subscriptions from any computer, whereas downloadable applications
let you store them on your main computer, in the same way that you either download your e-mail using Outlook, or keep it on a web-based service like Hotmail.
当您访问我们的网站时,我们的网络服务器会自动记录您的网络服务提供商(ISP)的名称(或IP地址)、您从哪个网站访问我们、您在我们的网站 浏 览 了 哪些网页、您所使用的网 浏 览 器 和操作系统、以及您访问的日期和时间。
When you visit our website, our web server automatically records the name of your internet service provider (or IP address), the website from which you visit us, the
webpages you actually
[...] visit within our website, the internet browser and the operating system that you [...]
use and the date and duration of your visit.
先单击“PDF文件”下的浏览” 按钮,指定PDF文件,然后单击“输出文件夹”下的 浏 览 ”按钮,指定输出图片的文件夹位置,在“图像的基本名称”窗口中,指定输出图像文件的文件名序列,这里可以设置输出文件的格式是JPG还是BMP,再单击“继续”按钮,输入需要提取图片的页码范围。
First click the "PDF document" under the "Browse" button, specify the PDF document, and then click "Output folder" under the "Browse" button to specify the output image folder location, in the "image of the basic name of" window to specify the output image file name sequence, you can set the output file format is JPG or BMP, then click "Continue" button, enter the page number need to extract the scope picture.
[...] 性质也允许多方使用,使用者可以正式从图书馆借阅,也可以从别人那里借读,还可以在 书浏览(买不买都行)。
With printed media, there are provisions for “fair use” under copyright law, and the nature of the medium lends itself to multiple use either formally
through libraries or informally through borrowing and browsing (as may be done
[...] in a bookshop before deciding to purchase).
尽管所有用户可以使用免费号浏览 杂志摘要,全文本资料,但只有那些符合条件的和注册的公共机构,如教学医院,图书馆学院,专业学校,政府机构,可以免费享用HINARI [...]
[...] all users may browse journal abstracts [...]
and use a number of free, fulltext references, only those eligible and registered
institutions, such as teaching hospitals, academic libraries, professional schools, government agencies, have access to the full text and free access to all Hinari’s services.
如果您使用我们的网站无需注册或登录您的帐户,我们需要您继续使用我们的网站,我们默示许可使用cookie,如果您设置您 浏 览 器 允许上述1和2的目的。
If you use our website without registering for or signing into your account, we take your continuing use of our
website as implied permission for us to use cookies for purposes 1 and 2 above if you
[...] have set your browser to allow this.
这款高性能笔记本还安装了强大的NVIDIA(英伟达)独立显卡、15.6英寸高清宽屏显示器、杜比(R)家庭影院环绕音响和联想独有的工具如SlideNav--一个位于键盘上部的触控感应条,可 使 浏 览 程 序、搜索文档和使用快捷键更快速和简单,也可更快地更换系统的桌面墙纸。
This high-performance laptop also features powerful NVIDIA discrete graphics, a 15.6inch HD widescreen display, Dolby(R) Home Theater(TM) surround sound, and unique Lenovo tools like SlideNav -- a touch-sensitive bar above the keyboard that makes it faster and easier to navigate programs, documents and shortcuts, or even quickly change the desktop wallpaper on users' systems.
的网上查阅功能,使用户可以在网址 http://undocs.org 之后加上联合国正式文件
[...] 的文号进行检索。例如,用户在网 浏 览 器 上输入“undocs.org/A/62/793”,就 [...]
能 绕过与正式文件系统有关的其它一系列步骤,直接查到这份大会文件。
In addition, the Department has developed simplified online access by making it possible to add a United Nations official document symbol to the URL
http://undocs.org. For example, typing
[...] “undocs.org/A/62/793” in a Web browser will allow a [...]
user to bypass the additional ODS-related search
steps, permitting immediate access to the specific General Assembly document.
此外,我们还可能会从您访问我们网站所使用 浏 览 器 收集某些信息,例如Internet协议(IP)地址 浏 览 器 类型和语言、访问时间、将您引向我们网站的其他网站的统一资源定位器(URL),以及当您点击我们网站上的某个链接后从我们网站转到的URL。
We may also collect certain
[...] information from the browser you used to access our website, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and language, [...]
access times,
the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the website that referred you to our website and to which URL you navigate from our site if you click on a link on our site.




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