

单词 济贫



robbing the rich help the poor


rob the rich to help the poor


rob the rich to help the poor [idiom.]


assist poor households or poor regions
almsgiving for the needy
help the poor

See also:

cross a river
be of help
aid or relieve


External sources (not reviewed)

委员会甚为关注弱势儿童,尤其是残疾儿童、没有父母照顾的儿童以及济贫困家 庭中的儿童常常遭受歧视的问题。
The Committee is deeply concerned about the discrimination frequently experienced by children in vulnerable situations,
particularly by children with disabilities, children without parental care,
[...] and children in economically disadvantaged households.
我们现在正在帮助 One Hen
[...] 开发和构建一个数字化学习平台,以使 One Hen 能够将其计划扩展至美国其他济贫 困 地 区。
We are now helping One Hen develop and build a digital
learning platform to allow One Hen to scale its
[...] program to other economically distressed regions [...]
across the United States.
他幼年遭生母遗弃,虽曾得亲友的照顾,但不久即被送往环境极为恶劣 济贫 院 自 生自灭。
Abandoned by his mother, he spent his earliest years in the custody of relations but was then raised in the grim conditions of a workhouse.
济贫困也 是一把双刃剑:一方面,人们对福音的需要可能势不可挡;另一方面,两极分化的生活环境也对基督徒工人本身提出了挑战。
Economic poverty is also a two-edged [...]
sword: the needs of the people can be overwhelming, and the extreme living conditions
create personal challenges for Christian workers.
尽管有第 150 款之规定,但伊斯济贫税中 央机构根据 2001 年《课税法》 第 38(A)条之规定,可能提供尽可能多的必要资金,并根据达尔富尔地区的贫困 线,执行服务形式多样化的扶贫方案和项目,特别是对流离失所者和难民而言, 如挖井、提供医疗器械和设备、教育和其他生产性项目。
Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 150, the Central Zakat Chamber, under Article 38(A) of the 2001 Zakat Law may provide the maximum possible necessary funding and implement programmes and projects in favour of poor families, particularly displaced persons and refugees, in various services, such as digging wells, providing medical devices and equipment, education and other productive projects in line with the poverty level in Darfur.
不得将济贫穷和 物质贫穷,或是可直接和特别归咎于贫穷的各种状况作为 剥夺父母对儿童的照料、以替代性照料方式安置儿童或阻止其与家人团聚的唯一 理由,而应将其视为一种信号,表明有必要向该家庭提供适当支助。
Financial and material poverty, or conditions directly and uniquely imputable to such poverty, should never [...]
be the only justification
for the removal of a child from parental care, for receiving a child into alternative care, or for preventing his/her reintegration, but should be seen as a signal for the need to provide appropriate support to the family.
美国 20 年来在整个国际舞台上推行不明智政策,对我国所在区域造成不可
[...] 避免的影响。该政策的倾向是点燃区域不稳定热点和危机,以通过“危机管理” 无限期操控受影响各国人民的苦难和 济贫 困。
The ill-advised policies that the United States has pursued in the past 20 years in the international arena as a whole, with its inevitable ramifications in our specific region, are characterized by a propensity to instigate flashpoints of regional instability and crises so as to control, for an indefinite
period of time, the suffering of the affected
[...] peoples and the economic destitution of countries through [...]
“crisis management”.
长久以来,济贫困和 家庭破裂或遭到遗弃共同被视为儿童流落街头的两 个主要原因。
Traditionally, economic poverty and family breakdown [...]
or abandonment of children were held in combination to be the main causes of street children.
基于 迈阿密大学的一个成功项目,它鼓励着本科生和研究生以及教师和校友中的创业思想和活动,以便培养能有助于 济贫 困 地 区经济振兴的新一代企业家。
Based on a successful program at the University of Miami, it encourages entrepreneurial thinking and activity among undergraduate and graduate students as well as faculty and alumni for the purpose
of incubating a new generation of entrepreneurs who will
[...] contribute to the economic revitalization [...]
of distressed regions.
(ii) The
[...] extent to which economic deprivation and [...]
exploitation are linked to violence against women
扶贫一词既涉 及受生活之需趋动的企业家,也涉及在 济贫 困 地 区经营的其他企业家。
The term pro-poor related to both necessity-driven entrepreneurs and other entrepreneurs
[...] operating in economically poor areas.
新的领导班子必须设法医治两级分化 严重的社会的创伤,并向济贫穷的 人民提供就业、教育和服务。
A new leadership must try to heal the wounds
of a deeply polarized society and provide jobs, education and services to a
[...] population that is economically impoverished.
儿童权利委员会关切地注意到,罗姆儿童、移民家庭儿童或社会 济贫困 地 区儿童的逃学率、辍学率很高,难以融入学校,并注意到,移民家庭的一些儿 [...]
CRC noted with concern the high rate of truancy, school drop-out and the difficult school integration of Roma children, children
belonging to migrant families or children
[...] living in socio-economically deprived areas, [...]
and also noted that some children belonging
to migrant families, particularly girls, do not complete compulsory education or have great difficulties in attending school.103 8.
寻求途径对圣战组织就各种原因——包括赈 灾济贫、救济在押的穆斯林战士的亲属—— 而筹集的资金进行审核,从而将不寻常活动和 可疑的滥用行为曝光。
Find ways to audit the funds collected by jihadi organisations for a variety of causes – disaster relief, alms for the poor, assistance to families of imprisoned mujahidin – and expose any irregularities or suspected abuse.
他们进一步肯定了他在 解决冲突、加强种族关系、促进与保护人权、和解、 两性平等和儿童及其他弱势群体权利等领域以及在济贫穷和 发展不足社区方面作为一名人道主义者 为人类服务的价值和奉献精神。
They further recognized his values and dedication to the service of humanity as a humanitarian in the fields of conflict resolution, race relations, the promotion and protection of human rights, reconciliation, gender equality, and the rights of children and other groups in vulnerable situations, and in uplifting the poor and underdeveloped communities.
在亚洲和太平洋地区,用尽可能低的生态成本满足人类需求、改善福祉特别 具有相关性,在那里,迅速扩张的 济 、 贫 穷 程度、消费压力、以及低于世界其 他地区的人均自然资源基础同时并存。
Meeting human needs and improving well-being at the lowest possible ecological cost is especially relevant in Asia and the Pacific, where
there has been a concurrence of
[...] rapidly expanding economies, poverty levels and consumption [...]
pressures, as well as a natural
resource base that is more limited than any other in per capita terms.
[...] 为当地的释囚提供帮助,但它建立在了几个错误的假 设上:济贫困导 致激进主义;这些释囚都是无业人 员;雇用他们将对改善安全作出重大贡献。
group of ex-prisoners there was premised on several wrong
[...] assumptions: that economic deprivation drove radicalisation; [...]
that the ex-prisoners were
unemployed; and that employing them would make a major contribution to improved security.
回教银行大专文凭的毕业生们可以在这门日益增长的领域中觅得相关工作,他们将有能力服务于政府部门,又或者作为一名银行助理人员服务于回教银行领域,金融领域以及成为muamalat顾问(遗属,投资,伊斯 济贫 税 )
Graduates of the Diploma in Islamic Banking can look forward to a bright future in this growing industry. They will be able to seek employment as officers in government departments and as assistant
banking officers in the Islamic banking sector, financial
[...] sector and in muamalat consultancy (wills, investment, zakat).
Following these decisive political developments, the
country was free to
[...] finalize its strategic poverty reduction framework (CSLP) aimed at consolidation of peace and socio-economic reconstruction.
所有这些改革都将 在促进济增长和减贫困方 面起到非常重要的作用,但不可能立即评估这些改 革所造成的影响。
All these reforms constitute an
important instrument in the
[...] promotion of the economic growth and poverty reduction, but their [...]
impact may not be immediately assessed.
提高农业生产力能够直接增加依靠农业的大 多贫困人口的济收入 和就业水平,也有助于为城乡的贫困人口(相对或绝对地)降低 粮食价格。
Raising productivity in agriculture can directly increase the incomes and employment levels of the majority of poor people dependent on agriculture.
除正在议程项目 3
[...] 下审议的共同文件之外,经社会还收到了宏观济 政策、减贫及包容性发展委员会第二届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/4)和可持 [...]
续农业促进减贫中心理事会第八届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/5)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had
before it the report of the
[...] Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive [...]
Development on its second
session (E/ESCAP/68/4) and the report of the Governing Council of the Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture on its eighth session (E/ESCAP/68/5).
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童贫困线 以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from
marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural
[...] areas or below the poverty line.
因此, 在绿色经济和“包括农业的绿色经济”背景下,绿色的渔业和水产养殖要求在综
[...] 合治理框架内整体认识其更广泛的社会角色,特别是在小型活动对当地 济 增 长、 减贫困和 粮食安全方面,除其他外,目的是管理该领域或领域外的外在性;创 [...]
Therefore, in the context of the green economy, the greening of fisheries and aquaculture requires the overall recognition of their wider societal roles – in
particular of small-scale
[...] operations for local economic growth, poverty reduction and food [...]
security – within a comprehensive
governance framework, aiming inter alia: to manage externalities from or on the sector; to create alternative livelihood opportunities; and to improve access to social and financial services and education.
另外,在所有国家在过去 3 年来均报告济增长的同时贫困和 缺乏足够社会服 务的情况——特别是在教育领域——依然是由国家政府在国际合作的支持下将要解决 的重大问题和关注事项。
Moreover, whereas all
[...] countries reported economic growth over the last three years, the state of poverty and the lack of adequate [...]
social services
– in particular in the area of education – remain important issues and concerns to be addressed by national governments with the support of international cooperation.
一个有活力、基础广泛、运作良好和对社会负责的私营部门是增加投资和贸 易、改善就业和创新的宝贵工具,可以带来 济 增 长 并消 贫 穷 , 而且能够推动 工业化和结构转型。
A dynamic, broad-based, well-functioning and socially responsible private sector is a valuable instrument for increasing investment and trade,
employment and innovation,
[...] thereby generating economic growth and eradicating poverty and serving as an [...]
engine for industrialization
and structural transformation.
将针对所提出 的各项政策选项、以及秘书处在这一次级方案下正在开展的辅助性分析工
[...] 作诸事项寻求经社会的看法和指导 — 宏观济政策、减贫和包 容性发展 委员会的相关报告(E/ESCAP/66/5)中已就此作了详细的阐述。
The views and guidance of the Commission are sought regarding the policy options identified as well as the supportive analytical work being undertaken by the secretariat under this subprogramme, as
elaborated in the report of the
[...] Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive [...]
Development (E/ESCAP/66/5).
根据 2004 年 12 月 2 日第 389-XV 号法律,在《促进济增长和减贫困 战 略》中对社会援助领域的政策措施进行了修订,并确定了明确的中期改革战略 目标,着重于下列两个目标:通过针对穷人的再定向,使社会服务体系合理化和 重点关注面临风险状况的社会群体,包括发展替代现有机构化的社会服务体制。
Revision of policy measures in the field of social assistance and determination of clear strategic objectives of reform in the medium term have been developed in the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy according to Law No. 389-XV from 2.12.2004, focusing on two main directions: rationalisation of the system of social services by means of their redirection to the poor and their concentration on social groups facing situations of risk, including development of an alternative system of social services to the existent institutionalisation.
应当认识到初级商品贸易在推动全球经济体实现可持续 济 增 长和 减贫 方面 的潜力,但初级商品经济的一些根本缺陷依然存在:初级商品部门的价格不 [...]
稳定,实际收入因投机活动而受到影响;生产和贸易对许多发展中国家的发展产 生的益处有限;与多样化有关的问题一直未能解决。
The potential of commodity trade to contribute to
[...] sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in the global [...]
economy should be acknowledged,
but some fundamental flaws of the commodity economy persist: volatile prices in the sector and their impact on real incomes as a result of speculation the limited benefits that production and trade contribute to development in many developing countries; and the constant problems with diversification.
动专题辩论被认为是一个建立共识的论坛,能够更新和重振伙伴关系,调动 更多有利于最不发达国家实现贫和 持续 经 济 增 长 以及可持续包容性发展的国 际支助措施和行动。
The interactive thematic debates were seen as consensus-building forums to renew and reinvigorate partnerships and mobilize additional international
support measures and
[...] actions in favour of poverty reduction, sustained economic growth and sustainable [...]
and inclusive development in least developed countries.




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