

单词 济州特别自治道

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

古巴代表团反对所有胁迫性和单边措 施,包括旨在施加治和经济压力, 特别 是 针 对发 展中国家的措施。
Her delegation opposed all coercive and
unilateral measures, including those
[...] designed to exert political and economic pressure, in particular on developing [...]
将第 14.4 段改为:“在 2014-2015 年期间,预期该方案将继续把精力集 中放在下列六个主要领域:(a) 增强妇女在涉及其生活的所有领域的领导力 和参与,其中包括治和经济领域 ;(b) 使妇女更易于增强济权能和获得 各种机会,尤其是最受排斥的妇女 特别 是 处 于贫困的妇女;(c) 防止并消 除暴力侵害妇女和女童行为,并扩大幸存者服务的获取 道 ; (d) 增强妇女 在和平与安全及道主义反应方面的领导力;(e) 在所有各级加强计划和预 算对性别平等领域的敏感度;(f) 支持拟订关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的 全球规范、政策和标准。
14.4 During the 2014-2015 period, the programme is expected to continue to concentrate its efforts on the following six focus areas: (a) increasing women’s leadership and participation in all
areas that affect their
[...] lives, including in political and economic areas; (b) increasing women’s access to economic empowerment and opportunities, especially for those who are most excluded, particularly women living in poverty; (c) preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls and expanding access to survivor services; (d) increasing women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; (e) strengthening [...]
the responsiveness
of plans and budgets in the area of gender equality at all levels; (f) supporting the development of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
七家得到注册的报社,五家设在杜 别 ; 哈 特 隆 州 和 戈尔诺-巴达赫自 治州各有一家。
Seven independent news agencies have been registered, five in
[...] Dushanbe and one each in Khatlon province and in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province.
所举实 例包特别在以下领域旨在促进社会 济 发 展与可持续发展的国家、双边、区 域和国际方案:农业和渔业、气候变化监测、侦测非法作物和罂粟种植 自然 灾 害和人为灾害的预警与应对、地质学、 道 主 义 救 济 、 水文学、生态系统自然资 源的管理、关于生物多样性资源、沿海地区、土地使用、荒地和湿地的 测绘、监测空气质量、荒漠化、旱灾、粮食安全、毁坏森林、电离层与气候、 海洋学、农村发展与城市规划、搜索和救援工作。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and
international programmes to
[...] further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; climate change monitoring; detecting illegal crops and opium poppy cultivation; early warning of and response to natural and man-made disasters; geology; humanitarian relief; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; [...]
mapping biodiversity
resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; monitoring air quality, desertification, droughts, food security, deforestation, the ionosphere and weather; oceanography; rural development and urban planning; and search and rescue efforts.
因此,这个计划包 括:增加家庭保健队,以进行产前检查、护理分娩和新生儿;增 特别治 疗 单特别护理单位病床;调整产院和医院的物质空间;确保孕妇和新生儿安全的交 通服务;扩充人奶库网络;培训儿科和妇科医生;培训产科紧急护理专业人员; 培训运输、资讯和健康监测专业人员;资讯管理方面,扩大死亡率资讯系统和活 产儿资讯系统的涵盖范围和提高其素质 州 、 市 卫生局监测导致胎儿、婴儿、产 妇死亡的流行病情况;设立婴儿和产妇死亡率问题委员会;加强社会监督和动员; 促进有关婴儿和产妇死亡率主题的区域调查研究。
The Plan therefore provides for an increase in the number of family health teams; prenatal, childbirth and newborn health
examinations; additional
[...] beds in the intensive care units (UTIs) and intermediate care units (UCIs); facility modification in maternity units and hospitals; safe transport for pregnant women and newborns; expansion of the Mother’s Milk Bank Network; training of paediatricians and gynaecologists; training of urgent and emergency obstetrical care professionals; training of health transport, information and monitoring professionals; with respect to information management, an increase in the coverage and quality of the mortality and live birth databases; epidemiological monitoring of foetal, infant and maternal deaths by the state and municipal [...]
health departments;
establishment of infant and maternal mortality committees; improved social monitoring and mobilization; and promotion of regional studies on issues related to infant and maternal mortality.
计划推出一套具 有区域眼光的旗舰出版物,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经 济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) 向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治
转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得 出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和
[...] 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区一体化,对 一体化的潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、济、文化层面的还是治层面的 —— 及特点提出分析并评估自对本 地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委员会的联合出 版物,《千年发展目标以后:联合国的未来 [...]
A set of flagship publications have been planned with regional lens, which include (i) The Arab Region 2025, which will forecast and analyse current and future trends for the region in economic, social, political and cultural areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration,
which analyses the
[...] potential areas and characteristics of integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their [...]
prospective impact on
the long-term development of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda.
承诺到 2015 年解决限制患者接受治疗和助长下列情况的因素:治疗服务短 缺,药品生产和交货延误,药品储存不足,患者辍治(包括前往诊所的交通条件 不足不便),缺少了解信息、资源和地点的 道 ( 特别 是 残 疾人缺少这种渠道), 对治疗相 关的副作用管理欠佳,治疗坚持不力,治疗中的非药物部分 自 付费用,因就诊而导致收入损失以及医疗人力资源不足
Commit by 2015 to address factors that limit treatment uptake and contribute to treatment stock-outs and delays in drug production and delivery, inadequate storage of medicines, patient dropout, including inadequate and inaccessible transportation to clinical sites,
lack of
[...] accessibility of information, resources and sites, especially for persons with disabilities, sub-optimal management of treatmentrelated side effects, poor adherence to treatment, out-of-pocket [...]
expenses for non-drug
components of treatment, loss of income associated with clinic attendance and inadequate human resources for health care
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学
[...] 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金堂县政府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏自治州)以 及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang
Country Government (2002), the Yunnan
[...] Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) and [...]
Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
提到秘书长关于《阿拉木图行动纲领:在内陆 和过境发展中国家过境运输合作全球新框架下满足 内陆发展中国家特别需要 》的执行情况的报告 (A/63/165),他指出,很多内陆发展中国家还没有 步入实现千年发展目标的道,他 们的 济 还 极 容 易受到外部冲击,尤其是目前全球经济下滑情况的 影响。
Turning to the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the
Almaty Programme of
[...] Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries (A/63/165), he noted that many of the landlocked developing countries were not yet on track to meeting the Millennium Development Goals and their economies remained extremely [...]
vulnerable to external
shocks, including, in particular, the current global economic slowdown.
在第二场会议第二节期间,各国议会联盟 济 及 社 会事务高级顾问亚历山德 罗·莫特、最 不发达等国家高代办代理主任兼会议执行秘书桑达 道 里 ·额别列格 、以及孟加拉国议会成员撒贝尔·乔杜里详细介绍了各国议会联盟和高级 代表处旨在推动议会今后积极参与执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的联合项目议案 及随附议会行动计划。
In session II.2 Alessandro Motter, IPU Senior Adviser for Economic and Social Affairs, Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Acting Director of OHRLLS and Executive Secretary of the Conference, [...]
and Saber Chowdhury, Member of Parliament
(Bangladesh), elaborated on a joint IPU/OHRLLS project proposal and accompanying parliamentary action plan to get parliaments actively involved in the future implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action.
1844年,在被放逐济州岛后 ,韩国画家和书法家金正喜(Kim Jeonghui)自己的 好友兼翻译Yi Sangyeok写了一封信,感谢他从北京寄书。
In 1844, after being exiled to the island of Jejudo, the Korean painter and calligrapher Kim Jeonghui [...]
wrote a letter to his friend
and interpreter Yi Sangyeok in order to thank him for the books he had sent him from Peking.
至关重要的是,必须承认阿拉斯加土著人民自决 自治 的 权利,以 充分落实其参与决策的权利,包括他们作为按照《阿拉斯加土著人土地权属解决 法》建立州特许公司等自己的 机构”受益人的权利。
It is crucial to recognize the right of Alaska
[...] Native peoples to self-determination and selfgovernment in order to give full effect to their right to participation in decisionmaking, including their right to be beneficiaries of their “own institutions”, such as the State-chartered corporations under the Alaska Native Claims [...]
Settlement Act.
(b) 若 選委會成員(包括主席)違反治中立 的原 則,該 名成 員會受到新澤西州道 德 標 準 行政委員會(“道 德 標 準 行 政委員會”)的懲處。
(b) if an ELEC member (including the
Chairman) violates the
[...] principle of political neutrality, he or she would be punishable by the Executive Commission on Ethical Standards [...]
(ECES) in New Jersey.
众所周知,外地行动和方案的资金 自 于 不 同的预算 道 : 维 和行动专用摊 款比额、经常预算为治特派团 拟订的摊款比额和为建设和平、发展和人道主义活 动等许多建设和平行动筹措的自愿捐款,甚至私营部门的供资。
It is well known that the funding of field operations and programmes comes from different budget sources: a special scale of assessed contributions for peacekeeping, assessed contributions on the regular budget scale for political missions, and voluntary [...]
for many peacemaking initiatives for peacebuilding, development and humanitarian activities and even private sector funding.
该代表 指出,自食典委和特别小组的东道 国 政 府和联合东道国政府的给食典预算的大量实物 捐献未包括在工作文件中。
The Representative noted that the
[...] significant in-kind contributions to the Codex budget from the host governments and co-hosting governments [...]
of Codex Committees
and Task Forces were not included in the working document.
在乌别克斯坦实现人的济、社 会和文化权利是国家和社会活动的优先方 向,这在 2006 至 2010 年期间主要表现为大力推进国家沿着建设 治 、 民 主国 家、完善可成功战胜全球金融济危 机 影响及优先保护穷人和社会弱势群体的经 济和社会权利的社会济政策的道路 进 行发展。
The fulfilment of economic, social and cultural rights is a priority for the Uzbek Government and people. From 2006 to 2010, efforts in this area took place in the context of significant strides towards building a democratic government based on the rule of law and building up economic and social policy so as to offset the effects of the world financial crisis, with primary regard for the economic and social [...]
rights of impoverished and vulnerable social groups.
如果如咨询委员会报告(A/63/593)第 11
[...] 段所述,此种任务的活动是针对业务事项,因此不适 合于完全纳入秘书处的工作方案,那么他想 道 为何 秘书长提议没有时限特别政治任务 ,如联合国中亚 地区预防性外交中心的情况,又为何联合国西非办事 处的职能不适于纳入工作方案。
If, as suggested in paragraph 11 of the report of the Advisory Committee (A/63/593), such missions’ activities were directed towards operational matters and, as such, did not lend themselves to full integration with the work
programme of the
[...] Secretariat, he wondered why the Secretary-General was proposing special political missions with no [...]
time limit, as in the
case of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, and why the functions of the United Nations Office for West Africa did not fit within the work programme.
缔约国认为,为确保采 用最有效的办法,应对社区所面临的风险进行一般性评估,以确定是否需要开展 传统的地雷危险教育,能否以最佳方式把稀缺资源分配给其他减少风险活动以及 能否与其他减少风险活动一起开展地雷危险教育;确保考虑到任 特 定 社区的多 样化的减少风险需求;并确保利用顾及年龄、 别 、 社 会、 济 、 政 治 和 地 理等 因素的适当信息、技术和媒介,根据受众不同而调整做法。
It is understood that in order to ensure the most effective approach, a general assessment of the risk faced by a community should be undertaken to identify whether traditional MRE is required, scarce resources could best be allocated to other risk reduction activities, MRE can be delivered in conjunction with other risk reduction activities and to ensure that the diverse risk reduction needs of any
given community are
[...] taken into account, and, that approaches are adapted to different audiences through appropriate messages, techniques and mediums that take age and gender as well as social, economic, political and geographical [...]
factors into consideration.
自决权被公认是一个民族最根本的权利 特别 适 用于那些遭受任何形 式外来统治、使自治、经济发展 、人权和掌控集体命运受到干扰的民族。
As is generally accepted, the right of self-determination is the most fundamental
right of a people,
[...] and it applies especially to those subject to any form of external domination interfering with self-governance, economic development, human [...]
rights and control over collective destiny.
(f) 期待与监测和报告国家工作队紧密合作,确保成功执行第 1612(2005) 号决议,并敦促相关机构,包括联合国开发计划署和联合国儿童基金会 特别注 重解决更广泛的社会-经济、治理和 安全问题。
(f) Looked forward to working closely with the country task force on monitoring and reporting to ensure the successful implementation of resolution 1612 (2005), and urged the relevant agencies, including the United Nations Development Programme and the
United Nations
[...] Children’s Fund, to give special focus on addressing the broader socio-economic, governance and security issues.
信息自由流动比以往任何时候都更为重要,因此,本组织应继续努力,确保每一位 公民都有获取信息的道,特别是边 缘化和弱视群体,从而使各个社会把握机会并从中受 益。
The free flow of information is as important as ever, and the Organization should continue to ensure that every citizen has access, targeting in particular the marginalized [...]
and vulnerable, to
enable societies to explore opportunities and to reap the benefits.
阿里斯铁阿斯谈到了州的翻译法(),法例(nomothesia),对立法者的书籍,现在这些表 特别 是 近 两年,当然指的是摩西五,书籍独家其他旧约:和圣杰罗姆(Comment.在密歇 州 ) 说 :“约瑟夫 道 , 和 希伯来人告诉我们,只有摩西五书的分别为(翻译了他们72),并考虑到国王托勒密。
Aristeas speaks of the translation of the law (nomos), of the legislation (nomothesia), of the books
of the legislator;
[...] now these expressions especially the last two, certainly mean the Pentateuch, exclusive of the other Old Testament books: and St. Jerome (Comment. in Mich.) says: "Josephus [...]
writes, and the Hebrews
inform us, that only the five books of Moses were translated by them (seventy-two), and given to King Ptolemy.
美丽济州,坐 落在西归浦的seaes酒店及度假村1万3千多平的地段,提供现代与传统和谐 自 然 共存 的 别 墅 型 客房,为顾客提供极致的放松和美好的回忆。
Located in Jeju Jungmoon complex, SEAES hotel & resort provides you with rest and beautiful memory by offering independent villa-style rooms in harmony with tradition, modernity, and nature in 13,000 [...]
pyeongs of site.
阿拉伯联合酋长国政府承诺继续为近东救济工 程处提供治、道义和经济援助 ,要求全世界强烈 谴责以色列的所有进攻行为,这些行为公然违反了 《联合国宪章》以及国际人道主义法和国际法,尤 其是《日内瓦第四公约》、《联合 特 权 和豁免公约》 和近东救济工程处与以色列之间的《1967 年科迈- 米歇尔莫尔协定》。
His Government pledged
[...] its continuing political, moral and financial support for UNRWA and urged the strongest international condemnation of all Israeli violations, which blatantly contravened the Charter of the United Nations, as well as international humanitarian law and international law, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities [...]
of the United Nations
and the 1967 Comay-Michelmore agreement between UNRWA and the Government of Israel.
有两个因素在对大部分暴力活动起着推动作用:一个是巴布亚省民众普遍对印尼中央政府心存不满,另一个则是中央政府虽然声称想要构建信任、加快发展和保证2001年出台的针对巴布亚省 特别自治 法 会 给该省带来实实在在的好处,但是现有的安全政策却似乎与这些愿望 道 而 驰
Two factors are driving much of the violence: a wide range of Papuan grievances toward the Indonesian state and a security policy that seems to run directly
counter to the
[...] government’s professed desire to build trust, accelerate development and ensure that a 2001 special autonomy law for Papua yields concrete benefits.
我们 还认为,仅将国内生产总值作为国家进步和整体福利状况的指标是不够的,并敦 促国际社会特别是政治领导 人在其国民核算中纳入真正可持续发展指标,包括 生态足迹、可持续济福利 指数、真实进步指标和快乐星球指数等作为实际可持 续发展的重要指标。
We also suggest that GDP is insufficient as a national indicator of progress and general
welfare and urge the
[...] world community and political leaders, in particular to include indicators of real sustainable development in their national accounting, including the Ecological Footprint, the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, the Genuine [...]
Progress Indicator and the Happy Planet Index.
(v) 对于希望获得戒烟知识和实践技能,并将提供戒烟支持作为他们工作一部分的医务工作者需要学
习——烟草控制;尼古丁成瘾;戒烟指南;尼古丁依赖评估;可用、可获得、可负担、性价比高的戒烟药物 治疗;设定一个戒烟日;行为支持;安排随访;识别尼古丁戒断症状;诱发吸烟的因素;烟草使用的奖赏行
[...] 为;相关的基本解剖学和生理学知识,尤其是大脑内涉及奖赏和依赖的区域,肺脏和心血管系统;证 自我 报告戒烟真实性的可行方法治疗 终点 , 特别 是 七 天的时点戒烟率及持续戒烟率;保持戒烟状态,复杂病例 的建议;对特殊人群的风险效益评估。
(v) Cessation support for health staff who want to gain a knowledge base in cessation and gain the practical skills to provide cessation support as part of their rolea - tobacco control; nicotine addiction; cessation guidelines; assessing nicotine dependence; available, accessible, affordable, cost-effective cessation pharmacotherapy; setting a quit date; behavioural support; arranging follow-up support; identifying symptoms of nicotine withdrawal; cues that trigger urges to smoke; tobacco use compensation behaviour; basic relevant anatomy and physiology, particularly the areas of the brain involved
in reward and dependence, the lungs, and the cardiovascular system; available
[...] methods of verifying self-reported abstinence; treatment endpoints, in particular seven-day point [...]
prevalence and continuous
abstinence; maintaining abstinence, seeking advice on complex cases; and risk-benefit assessment of specific population groups.




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