

单词 浅尝辄止



External sources (not reviewed)

14.36 委员会认为,罗太致电叶先生、莫礼时教授和莫教授,其中 一个目的为对教育改革或教育政策及有关施政不公平 [...]
14.36 In the Commission’s opinion, one of Mrs Law’s purposes
of calling Mr Ip and Professors
[...] Morris and Mok was totry to stopwhat she considered [...]
to be unfair criticisms of the Education
Reforms or education policy and its implementation.
(b) 积金局表示,如针对
[...] 有关雇主的执法行 动经已展开,积金局 可能会采取行动雇主转 移资产。
MPFA could possibly
[...] take action totry stopping the employer's [...]
transfer of assets.
如果无视香港这㆒社会经济及历史背景而时的医疗制度视为政府的财政 包袱,要除之而後快的话,则眼光未免过於当香港的廉价工资制度仍然存在、 财富分配不平等仍未得到实质性改善的时候,政府放弃这种医疗的承担、则只会带来 社会的不安与动荡。
It will be short-sighted to consider the existing medical system as the Government's financial burden which must be got rid of quickly, without regard to the social, economic and historical background of Hong Kong.
(d)警方司机较严重的" 危险驾 驶 " 罪行,即使司机在一些个案中只 是触犯了"不小心驾驶"的罪行。
(d) the Police had been too ready to lay the more serious charge of "dangerous driving" even if the driver had only committed "careless driving" in some cases.
As I have stated in the main reply, it may not be appropriate to simply adopt certain sentencing guidelines because the causes to each and every case can be very different.
不过, 对於香港应否 如 菲 律 宾 和 印 度 等 国家 般 , 以 强 制 的立法方式 落 实有关的守 则,港进联认为 必须审 慎 处 理 ; 政 府 或 有 关 团 体更不宜 矫枉过 正 ,推 广 等 可能违反资 讯 自 由 的 手 段 达 至 目 的 。
The Administration or the bodies concerned should not go to the extreme by rigidly putting a ban on any advertisement that promotes formula milk, as so doing would be in violation of freedom of information.
如果政府由市场、无能为力,那麽,我们今天所谈的行政主导、强势政府,便原来全 部都是空谈。
If the Government often cites the free market as the ground and says that it cannot do anything, the executive-led strong Government that we talk about these days will all turn out to be empty talk.
总 而 言 之 ﹐ 亚 历 山 大 二 世 改 革 的 主 要 结 果 ﹐ 是 让 俄 国 人浅 尝和 责 任 的 滋 味 ﹐ 并 让 他 们 较 前 更 加 明 白 改 革 有 其 局 限 性 和 缺 乏 真 正 的 自 由 。
To sum up, the main result of Alexander II’s reform was to give Russian a slight taste of freedom and responsibility and to make them even more aware than before of the very limited nature of the reforms and the contained lack of real freedom.
(1) 在本协议期限内或之後,因本协议或本协议的违反、效或与此等有关而产生的任何争议、争論或 索偿,包括按照第 8 条的规定而决定任何余 款的金额,但不包括因第 4 条 (3)款指明的扣减或调 整、对基本电费率所作的任何调整或按照附表三而进 行的任何检讨或与此有关而产生的任何争议、争論或 索偿,应根据聯合国国际贸易法委员会现行有效的仲 裁规则仲裁解决。
(1) Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach,termination orinvalidity thereof, during or after the Term, including in relation to the determination of the amount of any Residual Stranded Costs under clause 8 but excluding any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to deductions or adjustments specified in clause 4(3), any adjustment to the Basic Tariff Rate or any reviews to be conducted pursuant to Schedule 3, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules as at present in force.
道理很是至今有㆟将问题说个明白,及以真凭实据说明问题有 多严重。
The simple fact is thatno one, so far, has defined the problem and produced any supporting evidence to show its magnitude.
政府在徵收遗产税方面巨额行政费用,经济效益甚低;政府与遗 产继承㆟诉讼案延续十年八载的,比比皆是,胜诉所徵得的税款往往不能弥 补行政费用的支销,形成浪费公帑。
The Government has always spent huge administrative costs for the collection of estate duty, and its cost-effectiveness is really low; litigation between the Government and the inheritors often takes eight to 10 years to complete, even for a successful case, the tax collected often cannot offset the administrative costs involved, resulting in a waste of public funds.
主席先生,我并无意要求两间巴士公司要像经营慈善事业㆒样,但对於享有专营权的 公共服务机构而言,如果只懂得赚钱、加价,而面对蚀本或赚钱不多的巴士路线,不 去研究蚀本的原因并改善服务质素,便消有关路线,罔顾市民的需要,甚至动 不动便搬出「利润管制计划」这把「尚方宝剑」来吓㆟,这是否㆒间负责任的公共服 务机构应有的作为呢?
However, if what a utility company under franchise cares about is only profit-making, fare increases, scrapping loss-incurring or less lucrative bus routes at the expense of public interests without even bothering to find out the reasons for losing money and make improvement, and frequently resorting to the Profit Control Scheme as its trump card to scare people off, I cannot help from asking: Is this the proper conduct expected of a responsible public service company?
美 国 一些机构进行谘 询 工 作 , 亦 会 按照各不同阶 层 人士的需 要 ,提供有 关的资料 , 以便公 众 能 进行具 分 析 性、深入 及 全面的
[...] 意见交 流 和 专 业 探 讨 , 并公 众相信其建 议的优 点。
In carrying out consultation, some agencies in the United States will provide relevant information in light of the needs of the people from different walks of life so that the exchange of views can
be analytical, thorough and comprehensive,
[...] instead ofjust trying to convince the [...]
public of the merits of the proposal.
实行这些措 施的目的,是令经机提高警觉,减少在较高危的情况下 驾驶,从而减低意外的风险。
These measures aim to reduce the accident risks of inexperienced drivers by sharpening their awareness and reducing their exposure to high-risk situations.
黄容根议员进 一 步 表示,身 为 渔农界 功能界 别 选 出 的 议员,他对於政府当局感爆 发 而推出 损 害活家 禽 业 的 措 施 , 感 到十分难 过。
Mr WONG Yung-kan further said that being the Member returned from the agriculture and fisheries constituency, he was deeply saddened by the Administration’s move to introduce measures which were detrimental to thelive poultry industry in an attempt to prevent the outbreak of avian influenza.
我的态度及价值就是在规则中应该包含这些状 况,而这些状况不是,也生一次,而是很多次。
And it is not the case that these conditions have not arisen before, and they have arisen not just once but many times before.
[...] 64.2%吸食毒品的中学学生表示,从毒品或戒毒的原因 是因为他们不认为自己已经染上毒 [...]
瘾(表 2.19)。
On the other hand, 64.2% of drug-taking students had
[...] not attempted to stoptakingdrugs because [...]
they did not think they had been addicted (Table 2.19).
但是,在 扩 阔 法律援 助 服 务 方面, 我 们 必 须 符 合 社 会的需 要 , 并 顾 及 社 会 资源的 善用, 以 免被人 滥 用 ,讼 来解决 纠纷, 增加对司法系 统 及资源的 压力。
However, with respect to expanding the scope of legal aid services, we must be mindful of the needs in society and the effective use of social resources, so that such services will not be abused and that people will not resort recklessly to litigation as a means to solve disputes, thereby exerting pressure on the judicial system and the related resources.
这两项技术性措施之中, 一项是关於在若干情况下重新安排设定增薪日期,另一项是关於为设有 跳薪点的纪律部队职系作出的特别安排,都旨在确保资历的薪 酬在紧接调薪後或其後数年,不会超越资历较深人员的薪酬。
These measures (one dealing with the re-alignment of incremental date under certain conditions and the other dealing with those disciplined grades whose pay scales provide for incremental jump) ensure that the pay of more junior civil servants would not overtake that of their seniors immediately upon implementation of the revised starting salaries or in subsequent years.
政府要惩罚这样辞职的议员,理由是 随意辞职、或一再辞职会浪费公帑。
The Government wants to punish Members who resign, the reason is that they resign arbitrarily, frequently or repeatedly, leading to a waste of public money.
[...] 在香港会议展览中心及湾仔沿岸有填海的需要,以采用明 挖回填方式建道,但明显倾向於选择无须在铜锣 湾避风塘填海的隧道方案(虽然有些人士提出在避风塘内 [...]
Most participants in the public engagement exercises accept the need for
reclamation at the HKCEC and along the Wan
[...] Chai shoreline for shallowcut-andcover tunnel [...]
construction, but there is a clear preference
for tunnel options that do not result in reclamation in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (although some parties have suggested limited reclamation in the corners of the typhoon shelter for waterfront enhancement).
我 们不要社会,其实自己也要努力争取。
We should not readily lay our blame on society, in fact, we also have to make efforts.
这些大财团现在便出诉讼,而被告人往往是那些弱势社羣或年纪 较大的人,其中不少更正在领取综援。
I can sum up the situation with these words: the weak are bullied by the powerful and the people have nowhere to turn to as the Government does a lousy job in regulation.
真实而中肯的凌驾”条文可配合不断 转变的会计汇报规定,准则或  法律漏洞,避免把一些工具例如特别用途的个体 及其他资产负债表以外的非附属公司列入集团帐 目。
The “true and fair override” provisions will cater for the evolving nature of accounting reporting requirements. They would negate attempts to find ways around the standards or the law to avoid inclusion of vehicles, such as special purpose entities and other off-balance sheet non-subsidiaries, into the group accounts
政府当局告知法案委员会,“真实而公 平地反映的凌驾”条文会有助配合不断转变的会计汇报规定,并有助准则或法律漏洞,以规避把一些工具(如特设实体)列入集 团帐目。
The Bills Committee is advised by the Administration that the “true and fair view override” provisions will help cater for the evolving nature of accounting reporting requirements.
可是,我今天提出这项修正案,其实便是想从旅游方面的 角度,看看可否从地区性,即从“地头虫” ⎯⎯ “虫 ”的意思并非贬意, 纯粹是指熟悉当地,所谓的inside out,即对所有事情也了如指掌 ⎯⎯ 的建议和角度来看,效益可能不会较我们以亿万元计来建设的 大型旅游基建为差,甚至会更富特色。
However, in proposing this amendment today, I actually want to consider whether consideration from the tourism angle can be made in the context of districts, that is, from the angle of worms in the local area ― the term "worms" is not derogatory, and it is simply used to denote familiarity with the local area, that is, the worms know the area inside out.
但是,我们今天看 到,他便我们要得到北京最後的批准,以及要得到三分之二立法会议 员的同意,如果这些不能达到,一切都不过是空谈而已。
But we can see that today, he simply keeps talking about the need for obtaining final approval from Beijing, about the necessity of getting the agreement of two thirds of Legislative Council Members, and about how nothing can be achieved without all this.
但 是,便公职人员视作罪犯,认为对方服务社会必定是为了甚麽 利益,所以用一大堆指引或监管来限制,这会令一些有心人为了自表 比清白更清白而却步,又会令很多默默耕耘的社会人士感到气馁。
However, if we easilyregard public officers as criminals and regard their community service as a means to gain interest, and hence impose various guidelines or controls, people who really intend to serve the community would be discouraged to do so for fear that they would be wrongly accused, and people who have been silently serving the community would be greatly frustrated.




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