单词 | 浅嚐者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 者—(old) this -er -ist (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ... (after a noun) person involved in ... (used after a term, mark a pause before defining the term) (old) (used at the end of a command)
无论以重量级早餐或野菜补充能量,又或者与朋友浅嚐轻食与啤酒聊天,躲在On The Corner都可以乐上半天。 think-silly.com | Whether it is a full breakfast or vegetable dish one is after, On the Corner is an excellent restaurant as well as a venue for hanging out. think-silly.com |
Tastings Wine Bar设有创新的Enomatic餐酒调配系统,以一杯、半杯甚至浅嚐的份量提供40款酒品。 redpacket.hk | With the innovative Enomatic wine dispensing machines, at any one time, Tastings Wine Bar offer 40 wines by the taste, half or full glass. redpacket.hk |
A Cut牛排馆将在六月份推出为期一个月的「美国西北葡萄酒单杯酒」促销活动,欢迎消费者前往品嚐华盛顿州与俄勒冈州美酒。 ait.org.tw | The A Cut Steakhouse will launch "U.S. Pacific Northwest By-glass [...] Wine Promotion" throughout the entire [...] month of June for consumers to tastemany of [...]these outstanding Oregon and Washington wines. ait.org.tw |
大部份公众参与活动的参加者接受在香港会议展览中心及湾仔沿岸有填海的需要,以采用明 挖回填方式建造浅层隧道,但明显倾向於选择无须在铜锣 湾避风塘填海的隧道方案(虽然有些人士提出在避风塘内 湾进行有限度填海,以作优化海滨之用)。 devb.gov.hk | Most participantsin the public engagement exercises accept the need for reclamation at the HKCEC and along the Wan Chai shoreline for shallowcut-andcover tunnel [...] construction, but [...]there is a clear preference for tunnel options that do not result in reclamation in the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (although some parties have suggested limited reclamation in the corners of the typhoon shelter for waterfront enhancement). devb.gov.hk |
在大多数国家,任何嚐试剥夺客户或经销商决定价 格、销售条款及细则的自由或者对其独立运作的权利施加限制的行为皆违反公平竞争法。 colgate.com | In most countries, any attempt to deprive customers or distributors of their freedom to determine prices, terms and conditions of sale, or to place undue limitations on their right to operate independently violates the competition laws. colgate.com |
XANGO Juice 果汁到达送货目的地时,保证每位消费者都能获得同样惊人的体验,品嚐无可匹敌的滋味与无与伦比的营养。 xango.com.hk | When XANGO Juice [...] arrives at its destination, every consumer is guaranteed the same incredible [...]experience—unmatched flavor [...]and premium nutritional support. xango.com.au |
最後,《民意网站》的主编在即日开始,会不时以短打形式,在网站的「编者随笔」中轻描淡写,与读者粗谈浅见。 hkupop.hku.hk | Finally, starting today, the Chief Editor of our POP Site will share his concise views with readers, via "Editor's Casual Remarks" in the homepage, from time to time in a relaxed and casual manner. hkupop.hku.hk |
美酒展将於明天星期六(2011年11月5日)向公众开放,届时香港葡萄酒爱好者有机会品嚐优质的澳洲葡萄酒。 hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au | Hong Kong’s wine lovers will have an opportunity to sample the distinctive tastes of Australian wines when the Fair opens to the general public tomorrow (Saturday, 5 November 2011). hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au |
节目的胜出者将会接受由CJ E&M 及CUBE Entertainment成为K-POP歌手准备的密集式训练,另外会获得丰富的奖品,更有机会登上韩国数一数二最具认受性的音乐颁奖典礼—2013 MAMA的舞台上,一嚐星光闪闪的演出滋味。 tvnstarhunt2.com | The winnerfor this talent search will then receive an exclusive trainee contract from Korea’s biggest media group CJ E&M and CUBE Entertainment together with an official album release and a debut stage performance at Korea’s leading international music award show, the 2013 MAMA alongside K-pop artistes such as G.Na and 4Minute. tvnstarhunt2.com |
其品嚐专区备有鲜美生蚝及特级Mons芝士等美食,还特置 Enomatic智能侍酒机,设有16款美酒以供选择。 yp.mo | The tasting lounge offers delicacies and [...] beverages including freshly shucked [...] seasonal oysters, aselection of fine Mons [...]cheeses, as well as 16 fine wines by the glass [...]dispensed through the state-of-the-art Enomatic wine serving system. yp.mo |
从SEVVA提供的精致甜食引伸,饼店内多款蛋糕造型均充满艺术美感,亦各自配有独特的名字:例如以「Butterfly Kisses」作名称,蛋糕内有多层雪芳蛋糕及鲜果,表面则缀以手制糖霜蝴蝶装饰;「Madame Butterfly」则以多层雪芳蛋糕夹配别具异国风味的红菜头、开心果及朱古力,配以鲜忌廉及糖渍杏桃,并於顶部缀以黑白相间的环状朱古力片;「Memoirs of a Geisha」是一款充满红豆忌廉的雪芳蛋糕,伴手指饼乾的嚐味小品;「Sunshine」则为柠檬罂粟籽雪芳蛋糕配酸甜的柑橘类凝乳,感觉清新。 think-silly.com | An extension of its offering at Sevva, the cakes are mini art pieces of their own and each named individually, such as Butterfly Kisses (layers of chiffon cake with fresh fruit), Madame Butterfly (layers of chiffon cake with beetroot, pistachio and chocolate, with fresh cream and sweetened apricot, topped with black and white chocolate ring), Memoirs of a Geisha (chiffon cake filled with red bean cream, with finger biscuit on the side), Sunshine (lemon and poppy seed chiffon cake with sweet and sour citrus cream), Million Dollar Truffle Cake (wrapped with 24 carat gold) and Crepe Suzette Cake (layers of French pancake with orange cream). think-silly.com |
在葡萄园慢慢享受午餐或者品嚐不同主厨准备的美味晚餐。 australia.com | Indulge in a long lunch in the vineyards or a degustation dinner prepared by different chefs. australia.com |
大多数人都爱在傍晚时分来这里品嚐咖啡和观赏夕阳。 4tern.com | Most of the people would love to come here in the evening for a sip of coffee whileenjoying the sunset. 4tern.com |
於 9 月 8 日至 16 日举行的《「澳门银河」亚洲啤酒节 2012》已隆重开幕,云集多个深受欢迎的亚洲啤酒品牌,包括朝日啤、生力啤、青岛啤,以及备受青睐,让啤酒迷一次过嚐尽来自日本、泰国、菲律宾、韩国、中国等多国的优质啤酒。 yp.mo | From 8 to 16 September, the Galaxy Macau Asian Beerfest 2012 brings together Asia‟s best known beer brands such as Asahi, San Miguel, Tsingtao and Macau Beer as well as a wide range of exotic brews from Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, Korea and China. yp.mo |