

单词 流言



Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly (common expression); Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen others' gossip.

流言蜚语 n

gossip n


rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip
lies and slanders

External sources (not reviewed)

听到可能是谣言或不流言时, 请询问区(市町村)政府。
If you hear an announcement that you think
[...] may be a rumor or a lie, speak to municipal [...]
如果我们继续看到他在球队的角色降低,我们可能会相 流言。
We will probably lean on the rumours if we continue seeing [...]
him playing a diminished role for the team.
[...] Lybra两款车型将参与众泰的品牌塑造活动,同时网上又传 流言 , 称不久便会有更多车型参与其中。
Fiat Multipla and Lancia Lybra will go under the Zoyte branding and
[...] sources on the web rumor that more of the [...]
Fiat models might be bought in the near future by the Chinese brand.
此外, 要避免散播有關其他公司流言,或 不公平地猜測它們的 產品品質。
[...] avoid spreading rumors about other companies [...]
or unfairly speculating about the quality of their products.
以传统、文化或宗教价值为借口的这类违法行为经常针对少数民族和被剥 夺权利者,这些群体无法影响阐述整个社会或社区价值的 流言 论。
Such violations justified by traditional, cultural or religious values are often targeted against minority or disenfranchised
groups that are not in a position to shape
[...] the dominant discourse defining the [...]
values of the overarching society or community.
不管他们在欧洲冠军联赛对阵拜仁慕尼黑的结果如何,枪手都需要休息,如果他们不作出改正,温格可能会再次发现他自己处 流言 蜚 语的震中,矛头指向他在本赛季结束后将被解雇,尽管阿森纳大佬们完全的支持他。
Regardless of the outcome of their Champions League tie against Bayern Munich, the Gunners need to focus the rest of the way and if they don’t make
amends, Wenger could again find himself at
[...] the epicentre of rumours zeroing in on his [...]
sacking from the club after this season
even though Arsenal bigwigs are said to be completely behind him.
流言流传几 天之后,明阳风电如今正式宣布了另一桩交易,这次的是与中国华能新能源公司(HKEx: [...]
A few days after those rumors, Ming Yang is now [...]
officially announcing another deal, this time a joint venture with fellow
Chinese firm Huaneng Renewables (HKEx: 958), to develop wind power.
[...] 因徐君位高權重,但亦因環繞是次事件的種 流言 , 疑幻疑真,平添事件的神秘色彩。
The incident of the ICAC invoking its statutory power to terminate the employment of Mr Alex TSUI has aroused extensive public concern not only because Mr TSUI was a senior
official in the ICAC but also that the incident, shrouded in mystery, has been
[...] accompanied by many unconfirmed rumours.
尽管仅仅有1.54亿美元的市值,但有关明阳风电正在进行收购丹麦公司维斯塔斯(Copenhagen: VWS) 的流言使之占据了众新闻头条。
Despite having a market cap of just $154 million, Ming Yang was in the headlines earlier this week when rumors surfaced that it was in talks to buy larger Danish rival Vestas (Copenhagen: VWS) Something about the deal didn’t seem right, since
Ming Yang was much smaller than Vestas in terms of market cap,
[...] with Vestas’ current market value at [...]
around $900 million.
他近期个展包括:流言:吴俊勇个展”,F2画廊,北京(2011);“双重奏:吴俊勇个展”,艺术ISSUE [...]
PROJECTS,北京(2011);“鸟兽散:吴俊勇个展”, 弗羽森画廊, 洛杉矶,美国(2010); “彩虹末端:吴俊勇个展”,艺法画廊,上海(2010);"吴俊勇:极权的肖像",F2画廊,香港国际艺术博览会
(2010);“春天俱乐部”,汉雅轩,香港 (2008)。
His selected recent solo
[...] exhibitions include Rumor, F2 Gallery, Beijing [...]
(2011); Cloud’s Nightmare, Fabien Fryns Fine Art,
Los Angeles (2010); DUET – Wu Junyong Solo Exhbition, ART ISSUE PROJECTS, Beijing (2011); The End of Rainbow, ifa Gallery, Shanghai (2010); Totalitarian Portrait, Art HK, F2 Gallery (2010); Club Primavera, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong (2008).
尤其是在 1997
[...] 年金融風暴期間,某間發鈔 銀行甚至出現了小型的擠提,當 流言 四 起 ,我身邊亦有不少親友在聽到消 息後趕快提款,由此可見,當時人心虛怯。
This can be illustrated especially
by the financial turmoil in 1997, during
[...] which widespread rumours even led to a small-scale [...]
bank run on a note-issuing bank.
Many relatives and friends of mine also hurried to withdraw money from the bank at hearing the rumours, showing how weak their confidence was.
言流畅性 是反映执行功能的语言组织能力的一种表现。
Verbal fluency, the ability to [...]
generate word lists under certain stimulus constraints, is considered to reflect executive function.
教科文组织继续向国言论自由交流 网 ( IFEX) 提供支持,特别是为发展中国家和转型期国家中的相关群体,以促进更好地保护 [...]
UNESCO has continued to provide support to the International
[...] Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) network, in [...]
particular for groups in developing
and transition countries to promote better protection of press freedom and the rights of journalists.
脑卒中老年女性前额皮质萎缩时 言流 畅 性
Poor verbal fluency ascribed to dorsolateral [...]
prefrontal cortex atrophy in stroke women
鉴于秘书长在关于会议时地分配办法的上一份 报告(A/62/161)中做出了令人震惊的预测,称 25%的 语文工作人员将在 2007 年至 2011 年这 5 年中退休, 菲律宾代表团支持通过竞争性考试、工作人员培训和流方案、面向言培训 机构的外联活动以及为吸引 年轻专业人员到联合国就职而可能推出的见习方案, 努力解决这一问题。
In the light of the alarming forecast in the Secretary-General’s preceding report on the pattern of conferences (A/62/161) that some 25 per cent of language staff would retire in the five-year period from 2007 to 2011, his delegation supported efforts to address the issue through competitive examinations, staff training and exchange programmes, outreach to language training institutions, and a possible traineeship programme to attract young language professionals to a career at the United Nations.
为了对今天快速发展的全球媒体环境有效地 做出反应,并对新交流平台的快速增长所带来的机遇加以利用,秘书处应尤其在灵活性内容的创 建、网络和新媒体管理、媒体制作和营销方面营建一个多 言 交 流 技 能 基础。
In order to respond effectively in today’s fast moving global media environment, and to exploit the opportunities presented by the exponential growth of new communications platforms, the Secretariat will need to build up a multilingual communications skills base, particularly in flexible content creation, web and new media management, media production, and marketing.
为很好协调在全球推进和保护言论自由的工作,教科文组织与地区和国际媒体组织以 及倡导新闻自由的团体保持密切的关系,其中特别是国 言 论 自由 交 流 网 (I FEX)。
To ensure coordination of the efforts to promote and preserve freedom of expression globally, UNESCO maintained close relations with regional and international media
organizations and press freedom advocacy groups, notably the International
[...] Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) network.
比如,在诺查丹玛斯,是16世纪的法国医生和占星家,埃德加凯西,美国谁住在20世纪初,并声称拥有灵和愈合能力的世界末日 言流 行 的 兴趣。
For instance, there is popular interest in the apocalyptic predictions of Nostradamus, a 16th-century French physician and astrologer, and Edgar Cayce, an American who lived in the early 20th century and claimed to have psychic and healing abilities.
联邦刑事诉讼法》 第 15 条规定,凡涉及土著人民或土著社区诉讼者,必须配有熟识土著语言和文 化的口译员和辩护律师出席,并且必须将这种援助证明列入诉讼记录内;该《诉 讼法》第 18 条又规定,如果牵涉到土著人民或土著社区的成员,有关口译员除 了土著言流畅外 ,也要娴熟土著风俗习惯。
Article 15 of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedure establishes that, in proceedings involving persons belonging to an indigenous people or community, those persons must be assigned interpreters and counsel who are familiar with their language and culture, and proof of such assistance must be documented in the record of the proceedings.
[...] 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲 言 翻 译 的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and
increase in the translation of Arabic works
[...] into European languages; a comparative [...]
study of school textbooks; dialogue involving
professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界)围绕编制一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则言 进 行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 [...]
工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定实际的政策工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia)
around the desirability of preparing a
[...] draft universal declaration of ethical principles [...]
in relation to climate change, it
became clear that significant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical principles, including but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區 言 屬 合 理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間言,拾 獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
(f) 董事會可議決,按溢價配發將予配發的股份,惟溢價須入賬列為 悉數繳足,而在有關情況下,除將用以撥充資本及根據上文(e) 分段予以運用的金額外,及就其中所載 言 , 董 事會須將其可釐 定的股份溢價賬的進賬額及任何部份本公司未分派利潤(包括轉 入任何儲備或其他特別賬項作為進賬的利潤)撥充資本及予以運 用,該筆款項相等於將予配發股份的溢價總額,並須連同根據上 文(e)分段將予運用的款項一併運用,及按照其中所載基準用於悉 數繳足向選擇股份持有人配發及分派的適當數目的未發行股份。
(f) the Board may resolve that the shares to be allotted shall be allotted at a premium provided that the premium is credited as fully paid up and in such case the Board shall in addition to the amount to be capitalised and applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above, and for the purpose therein set out, capitalise and apply out of the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account or out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account) as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premium on the shares to be allotted and shall apply the same together with the sum to be applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above and on the basis therein set out in paying up in full the appropriate number of unissued shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the Elected Shares.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员 流 动 机 会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲流行性 感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.




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