

单词 流血死亡

See also:

流血 n

bloodshed n
bloodbath n


shed blood

死亡 v

die v
end up v

External sources (not reviewed)

當然,相比起國人災難之多,我個人的遭遇可說是微不足道, 相比起當時在六四鎮壓之流血、 死亡 的 同胞,我的遭遇真的是微不足道。
Compared with the
[...] compatriots who spilt their blood or died in the suppression [...]
on 4 June, what I had encountered is really trivial.
这些伤口不会立即致命,但没有医疗救治, 他在很短时间内流血过多死亡。
These wounds would not have
[...] caused instant death, but he would have bled to death within a short [...]
time without medical attention.
没有一处伤口可即刻致命,但对肝部的损害导 流血 , 如果 不血,就会造死亡。
None of the wounds would have been instantly fatal, but damage to
[...] the liver caused bleeding which would have been fatal if not stemmed.
然而,腦中風CVA絕大部份是因為本身腦血管產生病變而引起狹窄,導 血流 阻 塞 而引起腦梗塞,因为堵塞持续时间长,导致大脑中的细 死亡。
However, when
[...] there is a cerebral vascular accident (CVA), the blockage lasts long enough to cause cell death in a significant section [...]
of the brain.
保护暴 力 受 害 者组织提到 了以色列对
[...] 加沙地带 发 起 的 军 事行动,并提 到 了巴勒斯坦人和受 困 居 民死 亡 、 受流离失所。
The Organization for Defending Victims of Violence referred to the Israeli military
operation launched against the Gaza
[...] Strip and to the death, injuries and displacement of [...]
Palestinians and the blockaded population.
然而,世界上许多地区肥胖和 糖尿病的增加,预示着继续减少血 管 病 造成 死亡 越 来 越困难。
Nevertheless, the rising levels of obesity and
diabetes in much of the world portend increasing difficulties in
[...] continuing to reduce the toll of cardiovascular diseases.
可悲的现实是,发达世界 90%患有白血病的儿童 得以治愈,而世界 25 个最贫穷国家 90%患有血病的 儿童死亡。
The sad reality is that 90 per cent of children with leukaemia in the developed world are cured, while 90 per cent of their counterparts in the world’s 25 poorest countries will die.
原 本為反貪 污 而 進 行 的 學 生運動 , 變 成 了 反 政 府 、
[...] 企 圖 打 倒 當時中央 領 導層的政治活動 , 結 果 出現流 血 衝 突亡事件
What began as a student movement against corruption turned into an antigovernment political
movement with the aim of pulling down the Central leadership of the time,
[...] which ultimately ended in bloodshed and casualties.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率死 亡率高 ),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病 流 行 , 包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小儿麻痹症,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by
high child and
[...] maternal morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable [...]
diseases, including
HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
思想和信息的自流动被死亡的沉默警 告所取代。
The free flow of ideas and information is replaced [...]
by the silent warning of the grave.
[...] 内部和之间的冲突、部落之间的冲突导致平民的生活和生计遭到破坏,1 000 多死亡,数千人流离失所。
Throughout the current mandate, clashes between the Government of the Sudan and the various rebel factions, intra- and inter-factional clashes, and inter-tribal clashes reportedly
resulted in the destruction of civilian lives and livelihoods, with a toll of
[...] over one thousand dead and thousands displaced.
心血管和动脉疾病是主要死因,糖尿病、癌症 和血压也是死亡主因,这对个人、对年轻的发展中 社会构成了双重威胁。
Cardiovascular and arterial illnesses are the
[...] primary cause of death, along with diabetes, cancer and hypertension at levels that [...]
pose a dual threat to
individuals and to young, developing societies.
2005 年 7 例死亡产妇中有一例是一名 15 周岁的产妇死于败血症,占总例数的 12.8%。
In 2005, in 7 cases of
[...] maternal mortality a case of one maternal death was registered with a 15 year old teenager which constitutes 12.8, the cause being septicaemia.
医疗报告表明死于头部右侧伤 流血过 多,根据这一报告,穆沙拉夫政府通过 Cheema 准将阐述了其结论:布托女士的 头碰到了越野车安全顶窗的推杆上。
Based on the medical report
[...] indicating that she died of heavy bleeding from a head wound [...]
on the right side of her head,
the Musharraf Government set out its conclusion, through Brigadier Cheema, that she must have hit her head on the lever of the vehicle’s escape hatch.
唔該”局長解釋如何教育市民,有甚麼計劃來 達到減低市民因血管疾病而死亡的 成 效?
Will the Secretary "please" explain how the public will be
educated and what plans he has to achieve the effect of
[...] minimizing the number of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases?
据发表在11月7日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在一则包括了近1万5000名中年或以上男性医师的随机化的研究中,每日服用多种维生素进行长达10年以上的治疗和随访不会导致重大心血管事件、心肌梗塞、中风或因 血 管 疾病 而 死亡 的 减 少;这是一期有关心血管疾病的专刊。
In a randomized study that included nearly 15,000 male physicians who were middle-aged or older, daily multivitamin use for more than 10 years of treatment and follow-up did not
result in a reduction of major
[...] cardiovascular events, heart attack, stroke, or death from cardiovascular [...]
disease, according to
a study appearing in November 7 issue of JAMA, a theme issue on cardiovascular disease.
因此,这个计划包 括:增加家庭保健队,以进行产前检查、护理分娩和新生儿;增加特别治疗单位 和特别护理单位病床;调整产院和医院的物质空间;确保孕妇和新生儿安全的交 通服务;扩充人奶库网络;培训儿科和妇科医生;培训产科紧急护理专业人员;
[...] [...] 培训运输、资讯和健康监测专业人员;资讯管理方面,扩大死亡率资讯系统和活 产儿资讯系统的涵盖范围和提高其素质;州、市卫生局监测导致胎儿、婴儿、产死亡的流行病 情况;设立婴儿和产妇死亡率问题委员会;加强社会监督和动员; 促进有关婴儿和产妇死亡率主题的区域调查研究。
The Plan therefore provides for an increase in the number of family health teams; prenatal, childbirth and newborn health examinations; additional beds in the intensive care units (UTIs) and intermediate care units (UCIs); facility modification in maternity units and hospitals; safe transport for pregnant women and newborns; expansion of the Mother’s Milk Bank Network; training of paediatricians and gynaecologists; training of urgent and emergency obstetrical care professionals; training of health transport, information and monitoring professionals; with respect to information management, an increase in the coverage and quality of the
mortality and live birth
[...] databases; epidemiological monitoring of foetal, infant and maternal deaths by the state [...]
and municipal health
departments; establishment of infant and maternal mortality committees; improved social monitoring and mobilization; and promotion of regional studies on issues related to infant and maternal mortality.
有 42%的孕妇患 有贫血,疟疾、艾滋病毒和其他疾病经常加重贫血,增加产妇因 血死亡 的 风 险。
Anaemia, which affects 42 per cent of pregnant
women and is often exacerbated by malaria, HIV and other conditions, increases the
[...] risk of maternal death from haemorrhage.
(c) 尽资源的最大可能,采取一切必要措施确保生活贫困的人至少能得到
[...] 营养适足和安全的最低水平的必要食物、基本的躲避处、住房和卫生设施,以及 供应充足的安全饮用水,以预防疾病和物质匮乏所造成的其他有害后果,包括营 养不良流行病和母死亡等。
(c) Take all possible measures, to the maximum of their available resources, to ensure that persons living in poverty have access to at least the minimum essential food that is nutritionally adequate and safe, basic shelter, housing and sanitation, and an adequate supply of safe drinking water, so as to prevent diseases and
other harmful consequences of material deprivations,
[...] including malnutrition, epidemics and maternal and infant mortality.
(c) 加紧努力进一步降低全国的产妇死亡率,其中包括采取具体行动防止 产后血和其他产死亡的主要原因
(c) Increasing its efforts to further reduce maternal mortality throughout the
country, including generalization of specific actions to
[...] prevent post-partum bleeding and other major causes of maternal death
今天,我们大家都认识到,我们有 责任制止数以千计无辜叙利亚人 流血 伤 亡 , 发 挥 积极、建设性作用,找到办法解决危机,同时维护 [...]
叙利亚人民的团结和叙利亚的主权、独立和领土完 整,并使《联合国宪章》各项原则得到充分尊重。
Today, we are all reminded of our responsibility to
[...] put an end to the bloodshed of thousands of [...]
innocent Syrians and to play a positive
and constructive role in finding a solution to the crisis while maintaining the unity of the Syrian people and Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, in full respect for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
就政府當局的文件的第10段,陳健波議員 詢問,若在2009及 2010年的流感季節高峰期間,每 星期只分別錄得20宗嚴重個案及12宗死亡個案,由 一間本地大學進行的疾病模式研究如何得出每年 約有1 000宗流感導致的死亡個案的結論。
Referring to paragraph 10 of the Administration's paper, Mr CHAN Kin-por asked how the disease modelling study conducted by a local university reached the conclusion that around 1 000
deaths per year were
[...] attributable to influenza, if only 20 severe cases and 12 deaths were recorded every week during the peak flu seasons in [...]
2009 and 2010 respectively.
[...] 只有一位独一的三一神—父、子、灵;耶稣基督是神的儿子,道成肉身成为人;基督为我们的 死在 十字架上流出血来救 赎我们;第三天他的身体从死人中复活;他已被高举在神的右边,被立为万有 的主;将来他为着属他的人还要再来,并要在地上建立他的国度。
Every genuinely saved one has what the Bible calls the "common faith" (Titus 1:4), which includes what we must believe in order to be saved: we must believe that the Bible is the complete divine revelation wholly inspired by God; that there is a unique Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit; that Jesus Christ is the Son of God
incarnated to be a
[...] man; that Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption; [...]
that on the third day
He was bodily raised from the dead; that He has been exalted to the right hand of God and made the Lord of all; and that He is coming again for His own and to set up His kingdom on earth.
在一系 列令人非常恐惧的事件中,许多索马里籍联合国工作
[...] 人员和他们的家属在一份列有成为武装分子暗杀对 象死亡名单流传开以后,不得不离开他们的工作地 点被重新安置。
In a particularly chilling turn of events, many Somali United Nations staff and their families had to be relocated from
their duty stations following the
[...] circulation of an apparent death list of individuals [...]
targeted for assassination by armed groups.
以 流感 為 例,根據香港 大學公 共 衞生學院 的 研 究 ,在 1996 年至 1999 年 間 , 每 年 有 933 名 65 歲 以上長 者因流感而 死 亡,是 患 流感而 死 亡 的 最 高 危 組 羣。
Take influenza as an example. Studies of the School of Public Health of the University of Hong Kong have found
that 933 elderly people
[...] aged over 65 died of influenza each year from 1996 to 1999, and this group of people has the highest risk of influenza-induced death.
还需要提供援助以应对气候变化造成的自然灾 害,比如最近在也门东部省份发生的雨灾和洪灾已 造成数百死亡,数千人流离失 所,农田和基础设 施被毁。
Assistance was also needed to confront natural disasters caused by climate change, such as the recent rains and flooding
in the eastern provinces of his
[...] country that had killed hundreds, displaced thousands and [...]
destroyed farmland and infrastructure.




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