

单词 流落



wander far from home


be utterly defeated
be in a sorry state

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 努力提高罗姆儿童入学率,采取有效措施保 流落 街 头 的罗姆儿童, 包括提供庇护场所,并为他们复原和重新融入社会提供服务保障。
(c) Make every effort to increase the rate of school enrolment of Roma children and take
effective measures to protect Roma children
[...] living and working in the streets, including [...]
by ensuring shelters and providing
them with recovery and social reintegration services.
关于家庭暴力问题,除了禁止家庭暴力中心外,该国已经 为暴力受害者设立了一个收容所,并设想 流落 街 头 的儿童设立一个收容所。
Regarding domestic violence, apart from the Centre for Combating Domestic Violence, a shelter for victims of violence has been established, and a shelter for street children has also been envisaged.
其中有些活动以有特殊需要的 儿童为对象,另有一些活动则流落 街 头儿童和打工儿童以及难民营中贫穷青年为对象。
Some of these activities targeted children with special needs and others targeted street/working children, as well as deprived youth in refugee camps.
一 名被辞退的留宿工人不得常流落街 头 ,没有收入,没有合法的居留地位,没有 家庭支持网,没有返程机票或者没有权利寻找另一个工作。
A live-in worker who is dismissed can find herself from one moment to the next in the street with no income, legal residence status, family support network, return air ticket or right to seek another job.
为了提高公众对吉尔吉斯共和国被遗忘的 流落 街 头 的青年与儿童情况的认识,并动 员政府、民间和捐助者采取行动,教科文组织支持由吉尔吉斯共和国教科文组织全国委员会 组织的题为“被遗忘的流落街头 的青年与儿童问题及其出路”的科学与实践大会,吉尔吉 斯全国委员会被指定为该国实施此项目的联系中心。
With a view to raising public awareness on the
[...] situation of neglected and street children and young people in Kyrgyzstan and mobilizing efforts of the government, civil society and donors, UNESCO supported the scientific and practical conference on “Problems of neglected and street children and [...]
young people and ways
of their solution”, organized by the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO, which had been designated the focal point of the project in the country.
墨西哥关切地看到,这场灾难影响普遍,医院、学校、教堂和政府建筑物悉 数被毁,成千上万流落街头 无家可归。
Mexico notes with concern the total extent of the devastation, with
hospitals, schools, churches and government buildings in ruins and tens of
[...] thousands of people on the streets without [...]
随后,她又在班乃岛(Panay)居住8个月,并了解儿 流落 街 头 的真实情况。
She then spent 8 months in Panay island where she discovered the reality
[...] of children living on the streets.
人道主义机构向 19 000 名由于战斗 而从 Samaha 流落到邻 近各村的新流离失所平民提供援助。
Humanitarian agencies provided assistance to 19,000 civilians newly displaced from Samaha to neighbouring villages by the fighting.
委员会还促请缔约国 采取具体行动,流落街头 的儿童一起来解决造成这一状况的根本原因,并加强 努力,防止儿流落街头,并帮助他们摆脱街头生活。
The Committee further urges the State party to take concrete action, in
cooperation with
[...] children living in the streets, to address the underlying causes of this situation, and to strengthen efforts to prevent children from living in the streets and assist them in leaving the streets.
然而,鉴于一些发布的内部审计报告在互联网上传播,独立审计咨询委员会 在 2009 年的年度报告中建议,应在不影响披露透明度的原则的情况下,审查向会员 国散发报告的方式,在这方面,国际内部审计师协会在实务咨询 2410.A3 中指出, 如果发布的报告可流落到组 织外部,则这类文件应就发布和使用报告结果设置一 些限制。
However, in the light of the diffusion on the Internet of some internal audit reports that were released, IAAC in its 2009 annual report recommended reviewing the way reports are disseminated to Member States, without prejudice to the principle of transparent disclosure.
他说,鉴于他与中国 无联系或家庭关系,他将不得流落 街 头 乞讨。
He notes that, given that he has no contact or family connections in China, he
[...] would be forced to beg in the streets.
這一幅良辰 美景, 市 民現在難 以 欣 賞 , 因 為 在 市 民 眼 前 的,是 另 一 幅 圖 畫:本港 的 失 業 率 高 達 6.1%,失 業 人 數 達 二 十 二 萬 多 人 ;失 業 的青少流 落 街 頭 ,成為露宿 者 ; 很 多 家 庭 節 衣 縮 食 ,生活 清 苦 。
This wonderful scene, however, can hardly be enjoyed by the citizens right now because they see quite a different picture: the unemployment rate in Hong Kong tops 6.1%, with over 220 000 people out of a job; unemployed young people roam the streets as street sleepers; many families are retrenching, leading real hard lives.
娇韵诗加入赞助行列,在过去三年中,帮助项目团队规划长期计划,以帮助亚力山大港(Alexandri a) 的 流落 街 头 的儿童:建立多个活动中心,为这些儿童提供活动空间;规划学习课程,教导其读书认字,并且拟订完整的社会化项目,协助这些“被遗忘”的儿童成为社会的一分子。
Clarins has made it possible for a team to develop over the last three years a long-term programme to help the street children of Alexandria: setting up centres where the children can spend part of their day, the organization of literacy programmes and the development of complete socialization projects that allow these otherwise "forgotten" children to be part of society for good.
伊拉克政府继续努力确流落邻国 的伊拉克人 返回,流离失所和移民部长阿卜杜拉·萨马德·拉赫 曼·苏尔坦先生最近率领一个部级代表团首先前往叙 利亚,随后的行程包括对埃及和黎巴嫩的访问。
As part of the Iraqi Government’s continuing efforts to ensure the return of displaced Iraqis in neighbouring countries, the Minister of Displacement and Migration, Mr. Abdul Samad Rahman Sultan, recently headed a ministerial delegation to Syria on the first leg of a trip that included stops in Egypt and Lebanon.
The child is exposed
[...] to neglect and displacement.
英國上 議 院 曾 就此向法
案委員會提供 典 據,並解 釋 “自願 "一詞 應與非 自 願 的 逗 留有明 顯差異 , 非 自 願 逗 留 , 就如“因綁 架 、監禁
[...] 或如《 魯 賓遜漂流記》的主人翁流落荒 島 ,根本無從逃 走等原因 而 [...]
被 強 迫 逗 留"。
As the House of Lords explained in an authority provided to the Bills Committee, "voluntary" is to be contrasted with such involuntary stay as "enforced presence by
reason of kidnapping or imprisonment, or a
[...] Robinson CRUSOE existence on a desert [...]
island with no opportunity of escape".
世界会议旨在流落实土 著人民权利方面的观点和最佳做法,并谋求实现 《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的各项目标。
The aim of the conference is to share perspectives and best practices on the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples, and to pursue the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
[...] McWhinney建立, 旨在帮助来到上海寻求更好生活却不 流落 街 头的外来务工人员。
The Renewal Centre was started by American born Jimmy McWhinney in 2008 with the idea of providing help and support to
migrant workers from all over China who come to Shanghai in search of a better life, only
[...] to find themselves on the streets.
他 们的建立了帮助不同群体的项目,包括无家可归者 流落 街 头、忍饥挨饿的儿 童。
They set up projects to help different groups of people including the homeless, the hungry and street children.
不断有报道说,儿童的人权和基本自由受到侵犯,特别是许多儿童一直 无法获得基本经济、社会和文化权利,并在这一方面注意到,回返或遣返的 儿童流落街头 的儿童、残疾儿童、父母被拘的儿童、生活在拘留所的儿童 以及触法儿童等,尤其处于易受伤害的地位;4 ㈧ 不断有报道说,残疾人的人权和基本自由受到侵犯,特别是使用集中营 和采取强制措施剥夺残疾人自由、负责任地决定生育几个子女和生育如何间 隔的权利
(vii) Continuing reports of violations of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of children, in particular the continued lack of access to basic economic, social and cultural rights for many children, and in this regard notes the particularly vulnerable situation faced by, inter alia, returned or repatriated children, street children, children with disabilities, children whose parents are detained, children living in detention or in institutions and children in conflict with the law;4 (viii) Continuing reports of violations of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities, especially on the use of collective camps and of coercive measures that target the rights of persons with disabilities to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children
这是一个很大的城镇,在那里居住很安全,不 会最流落国内流离失所者营地。
It is a large town safe enough to live there without ending up in a camp for Internally Displaced Persons.
部长会议表示注意到关于 2011
年非洲实现千年发展目标进展情况报告草稿, 建议 2011 年 7 月举行的国家元首和政府首脑会议通过该报告,呼吁非洲各国将
[...] 千年发展目标纳入本国国家发展计划和战略的 流 , 落 实 千 年发展目标加速框 架,建立政策和评价机制,与立法机关、民间社会和私营部门分享年度千年发展 [...]
The Conference of Ministers took note of the draft report on progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa 2011 and recommended its adoption by the Assembly of Heads of State and
Government in July 2011, and called upon
[...] African countries to mainstream Millennium Development [...]
Goals into their national development
plans and strategies, implement Millennium Development Goal acceleration frameworks, set up monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and share the annual Millennium Development Goals reports with legislative bodies, civil society and the private sector.
委员会还感到 关切的是,许多无人陪伴的未成年人无家可归 流落 街 头 ,因而更有可能遭受剥 削和暴力
It is further concerned that many unaccompanied minors end up homeless and living in the streets where they are often exposed to heightened risks of exploitation and violence (arts. 2, 11 and 16).
委员会极其关注连续发生对单亲母亲及其子女的袭击,且这些行为没 有受到任何制裁,这些罪行的受害者与其子女一起生活在恐怖和极其贫困之中, 缔约国没有向其提供任何支持;和 (b) 社会排斥和侮辱往往使未婚怀孕妇女与女孩冒着生命危险进行秘密堕 胎,遗弃其子女流落街头 ,他们没有任何其他机遇,只有靠卖淫来养活其子 女。
The Committee is extremely concerned that attacks against single mothers and their children continue to be committed with impunity and that victims of these crimes live with their children in situations of fear and extreme poverty without support being provided by the State party; and
亚太经社会每年利用联合国无纸贸易专家 网这个平台举办亚太贸易便利化论坛,推动公私营对话并 流落 实 贸 易便 利化措施方面的经验教训。
Using the UN NExT platform, ESCAP organizes the annual Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum in order to promote public-private dialogues and share lessons on implementing trade facilitation measures.
决定于 2014
[...] 年组织召开一次大会高级别全体会议,将称为世界土著人 民大会,以便流落实土 著人民权利方面的观点和最佳做法,包括谋求实现《联 [...]
合国土著人民权利宣言》的各项目标,并邀请大会主席与会员国进行不限成员名 额的协商,并在土著问题常设论坛框架内与土著人民的代表以及与土著人民权利
专家机制和特别报告员协商,以便确定会议的方式,包括土著人民参与该大会的 方式;9.
Decides to organize a high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, to be held in
2014, in order to share perspectives and
[...] best practices on the realization of [...]
the rights of indigenous peoples, including
to pursue the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and invites the President of the General Assembly to conduct open-ended consultations with Member States and with representatives of indigenous peoples within the framework of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, as well as with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Special Rapporteur, in order to determine the modalities for the meeting, including the participation of indigenous peoples in the Conference
圣约社的目标是:查明和解决城市穷人特别是无家可归、离家出走 流落街 头 的儿童和青年的社会、心理和身体问题,并提高公众对建立有效关心青年的设 施的必要性的认识。
The aims of Covenant House are to identify and address the social, psychological and physical problems of the urban poor, especially homeless, runaway and street children and youth, and to increase public awareness of the need for effective facilities to care for young people.
造成这种情况的 原因在于以色列国继续非法占领巴勒斯坦领土、继续 非法封锁加沙地带、继续在巴勒斯坦被占领土从事非 法定居点活动,在流落异乡 的巴勒斯坦难民的合法 权利未能得到恢复这一事实,也在于从巴勒斯坦领土 向以色列持续发射卡萨姆火箭弹以进行报复的做法。
This insecurity is the result of the continued illegal occupation of the Palestinian territory by the State of Israel, the continuation of the unlawful blockade of the Gaza Strip, the unlawful settlement activities within the occupied territories of Palestine, the failure to address the legitimate right of return of Palestinian refugees in the diaspora, as well as the continuation of retaliatory Qassam rocket attacks from the Palestinian territory into Israel.




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