

单词 流萤

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Take a enchanting glowworm raft ride where you gently float through the caves and experience a rather spectacular sight.
从旅舍出发步行20分钟,你可以在令人惊叹的艾比洞穴(Abbey Caves)看到数以千计萤火虫 、钟乳石和石笋。
Also just 20 minutes walk from the YHA Whangarei backpacker hostel you can view thousands of glow worms, stalactites and stalagmites in the fascinating Abbey Caves network.
对于喜爱冒险的人来说,洞穴探险、绳索下降和黑水漂流是不容错过的活动 ——穿越狭窄的通道、从逐级而降的地下瀑布一跃而下 、沿着流缓缓漂流并欣赏拱形的石灰岩地道和闪烁 萤 火 虫 飞舞。
For the thrill seekers, go adventure caving, abseiling ,rappelling and black water rafting – work your way through tight
squeezes, take leaps
[...] of faith over cascading underground waterfalls and float serenely down river as you enjoy the glowworm show on the [...]
vaulted limestone galleries up above.
Color wallpaper can be downloaded from the TUNEWEAR website to match the color of the Homebutton Cover Drops.
直径16公尺的巨蛋萤幕上 映射出极具震撼力的武器-- MOBILE SUIT的影像,现场并展示超过1,000座历代敢达模型,还设有数位摄影处以供参观者与心爱的角色模型合照,丰富多样的展示内容保证让粉丝 流 连 忘 返。
It’s packed with fan-friendly content, such as a 16 meter diameter dome screen showing a variety of Gundam MS videos, an exhibit with over 1,000 plastic Gundam models detailing its long history, and a digital photo booth where you can take your photo with your favorite character.
在中国,我们的主要服务为检验鉴定、测试分析及技术服务。产品范围包括能源矿产品(煤、焦炭、生物燃料等)、钢铁原材料(铁矿、锰矿、铬矿、铁合金等)、有色金属(铜、铝、铅、锌等)、钢材和海事、工业矿产品(水泥、石材、镁砂、盐 萤 石 、 重晶石等)、化肥及固体化工品、农药及除草剂、地质勘探样品、机械采样系统等。
In China, our team mainly provides the services of inspection, testing and technical consultation for a wide range of field such as: coal and coke, iron ore, manganese ore, chromites, ferro-alloy, copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, steel
products and marine services, cement, stone,
[...] magnesia, salt, fluorspar, barite, fertilizer [...]
and dry chemicals, pesticide and herbicide,
geochemical exploration samples, mechanical sampling system, etc.
除此之外,此数位录放影机还另新增BNC 萤 幕 输 出端子,和VGA为2主要萤幕外接端子选择。
Besides, this DVR is equipped
[...] with 2 main monitor outputs (BNC and VGA) for additional video device [...]
科研人员复制萤火虫 发光器官的结构,从而增加称为发光二极管(LED)的小型高效灯具的光传播。
Researchers have copied the structure of a firefly's lantern to increase light transmission in the small, efficient lights known as LEDs.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲流行性 感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
同时,除了明星机型外,我们也推出了一系列性价比更好、带有更多个性化特征的智能手机(比如专为移动互联网定义的一键微博3G智能手机5820、更低价格 4 寸 萤 幕 智 能机5860、具有在线电视功能的TDSCDMA网路制式智能手机8810)。
At the same time, except these star models, we also launched a series of better cost/performance smartphones with more individual features (such as 5820 One-Key Weibo 3G Android smartphone optimized for mobile social networking, 5860 a 4-inch screen smartphone at a lower price, 8810 the online TV TDSCDMA smartphone).
蚂蚁和黄蜂并没有对农药的比赛,但因为他是要消灭蚁丘,一个甲虫 萤 火 虫 管理比尔斯在裤裆咬。
Both the ants and wasps were no match against pesticide, but as he is about to exterminate the ant hill, a beetle and glowworm manage to bite Beals in crotch.
温暖的仙女做了一切他们所能来挽救仙尘树 -
[...] 叶毛毡上的树的每个分支鼓捣人才,动物的人才撤离的青蛙到一个更安全的地方,Iridessa疏 萤 火 虫 的beriwinkles Rosetta和Silvermist疏散蜗牛到一个更安全的地方,,天衣疏散一些动物在她的房子。
All warm fairies did everything they can to save the Pixie Dust Tree – the tinker-talents placing the leaf blankets on each branch of the tree, the animal-talents
evacuate the frogs into a safer place, Iridessa
[...] evacuates the fireflies on one of the [...]
beriwinkles of Rosetta and Silvermist evacuates
the snail into a safer place and Tink evacuating some animals on her house.
宏碁电脑的HS244HQ与HN274H,及美商优派的V3D241WM-LED显 萤 幕 ,都是透过HDMI 1.4a或DVI-DL介面,利用主动的快门技术让3D眼镜与显 萤 幕 同步,呈现卓越的立体3D效能。
Utilizing HDMI 1.4a or DVI-DL connectors, the Acer HS244HQ and HN274H, and Viewsonic V3D241WM-LED monitors, enable stellar stereo 3D performance using active shutter technology to sync the 3D glasses with the monitor.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员 流 动 机 会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
目前Berkh Uul JSC已经被授权可以重新开采德勒格尔 萤 石 矿 ,该矿曾是蒙古最大 萤 石 矿 之一。
Berkh Uul JSC is committed to reopening Delgerkhan, historically one of the largest producing fluorspar mines in Mongolia.
高梯度分离过程 机:赤铁矿,褐铁矿,菱铁矿,钛铁矿,铬铁矿,黑钨矿,钽铌矿,以及其他弱磁性矿物的选矿,石英,长石,霞石 萤 石 , 硅线石,锂辉石和其他非金属矿物的除铁的应用,和纯化。
Process of High-Gradient Separator The applications of the machine: hematite, limonite, siderite, ilmenite, chromite, wolframite, tantalum and niobium ore, and other weakly magnetic minerals beneficiation; quartz, feldspar, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite, spodumene and other non-metallic minerals to remove iron, and purification.
瑞士布斯化工及技术有限公司(简称BCT)60年来为铝用阳极和氟化铝的生产提供先进的不断发展的专用设备,包括: • 绿色阳极工厂 • 沥青熔化工厂 • BCT 混捏机 • 焦炭预热螺旋 • 糊料冷却器和液压阳极成型机 •萤石或 氟硅酸生产氟化铝的工厂 2011年九月以来,我公司加入了KRESTA工业集团,该集团员工人数达到700人,拥有自己的生产制造设施,提供EPC(设计,采购,施工)项目承包服务。
For more than 60 years Buss ChemTech (BCT) offers high developed and fully dedicated applications for Carbon Anode & Aluminium Fluoride production, covering: • Green Anode Plants • Pitch Melting Plants • BCT Paste Kneader • Coke Preheater, Paste Cooler • Hydraulic Anode Press • AlF3 plants Since Sep 2011 BCT is joining KRESTA Industries, a private owned industrial group with 700 employees, own fabrication facilities and full EPC services.
儘管单点触萤幕和电阻式触萤幕 都 是革命性技术,但仍有两大缺点,一是电阻式技术依赖于触 萤 幕 的 实体运动 [LU5],儘管影响 [LU6 ]不大,但经过正常的磨损老化后,性能就会下降;二是这种技术只支援单点触控,即一次只能用一个手指 萤 幕 的 某个区域做单一动作。
Although the single-touch screen and
[...] resistive touch screen is revolutionary technology, but there are still two major drawbacks, one resistive touch screen technology relies on physical movement [LU5], although in [LU6] little However, after normal wear and tear of aging, the performance will drop; Second, this technology only supports single-touch, that is, one can only use one finger on the screen of an [...]
area to do a single action.
对于划入爆炸物分类中的小青蛇萤火虫 以及其它符合本标准的产品,其通用名 必 须 是 “ Consumer Fireworks UN0336 ” 或 “Consumer Fireworks 1.4G”。
For snakes and glow worms that are not exempt from classification as explosives and all other items subject to this Standard, the common or usual name must be “Consumer Fireworks UN0336” or “Consumer Fireworks 1.4G.
该材料的例子有:石英,长石,重晶石 萤 石 , 白云石,石榴石,碳化硅,矾土,锆石,大理石,方解石,铁矿石,磷矿石,煤炭,陶瓷,矿渣等(400种材料)。
Examples of the materials are: quartz, feldspar, barite, fluorite, dolomite, garnet, carborundum, bauxite, zircon, marble, calcite, iron ore, rock phosphate, coal, ceram, slag and so on(400 kinds of materials).
例如,为了监视消散剂应 用的成效,除了由接受过培训的观察员目测观 察外,可以使用紫外线萤光测定法 (UVF) 来收 集关于水体中油类浓度的数据2 。
For example, to monitor the effectiveness of dispersant application, in addition to visual observations by trained observers, ultra-violet fluorometry (UVF) can be used to collect data on oil concentrations in the water column2 .
之后踏入乐坛参与多项音乐制作,其中包括东南亚《Olympic Di Beijing》宣传歌曲、TVB弦乐录制、Wincci Soo的萤光》《看见》、Ariel Chang《二楼阳台》、新纪院《空中之城》、符琼音《蝴蝶花,花蝴蝶》、国大(UKM)中秋音乐剧《花嫁 Flor de Marriage》声音及配乐、NTV7《檐下温情》配乐等。
Soon after-that, he started to step into Music Industry and participated in many album production such as 《Olympic Di Beijing》 Promo Songs, TVB Strings Secessionist,Wincci Soo 《Fluorescent》, 《See》 , Ariel Chang 《2nd Floor Balcony 》, New Era College 《Air City》, Meeia Foo 《Butterfly Flower, Flower Butterfly》, UKM Moon-cakes  Festival Musical 《Hanayome Flor de Marriage》vocalist and soundtrack, NTV7 《Helping Hands》soundtrack.
工研院绿能与环境研究所表示,可调光与色温的LED室内人因照明系统可取代现有使用的T五灯管光源的灯具,若 萤 光 灯 管相较,LED灯管使用效能不仅增加四成,还具有不含汞的环保特性,甚至使用寿命高达六万小时以上, 萤 光 灯 管的二万五千小时更实惠。
ITRI green energy and Environment Institute said, adjustable light and colour for LED interior lighting system can replace the existing used T five lamp light source lamp and fluorescent lamp, if compared, LED lamp use efficiency not only increased four, also has no mercury environmental characteristics, and the service life of up to more than sixty thousand hours fluorescent lamp, than twenty-five thousand hours more affordable.
所以技嘉科技以站在消费者的角度思考,研发出桌面化BIOS™工具,提供消费者更直觉的操控方式,不论透过键盘、滑鼠或触 萤 幕 , 都可以轻松完成BIOS设定及调校。
With GIGABYTE Touch BIOS™, GIGABYTE engineers have completely re-imagined how users can interact with their BIOS, allowing for a more intuitive user experience.




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