单词 | 流浪者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 流浪者—wandererless common: vagabond rover vagrant 流浪者noun—RovernSee also:流浪—homeless roam vagrant wander nomadic unsettled (e.g. population) drift about 浪—unrestrained dissipated breaker
流浪者队显示了调查,希望流星会帮助免费汤米,并通过Tyrannodrones,并在Rojobot的怪物迎接。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Rangers showup to investigate, hoping thatthe meteor willhelp [...] free Tommy, and are greeted by Tyrannodrones and the Rojobot monster. seekcartoon.com |
所有的流浪者队学习的重要一课,对你的信任时,国王盟下发Defectormonster,欺骗他们。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | All of the Rangers learn an important [...] lesson about trust when King Mondo sends down the Defectormonster to trick them. seekcartoon.com |
当着名演员尼克情人节的捕获,由Mesogog被用来作为他的邪恶计划的一部分,流浪者队必须救她和面对反对Mesogog最新的妖怪命名Megaldor。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When famous actress Nikki Valentine is captured by Mesogog to be used as a part of his evil schemes, the Rangers must save her and face off against Mesogog's newest monster named Megaldor. seekcartoon.com |
康纳,Ethan和基拉回忆,他们改变了多少,因为成为流浪者,而特伦特面临着失去他的权力,除非他找到一个方法来挽回自己的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Conner, Ethan and Kira recall how much they've changed [...] since becoming Rangers, while Trent faces [...]losing his powers unless he finds a way to redeem himself. seekcartoon.com |
格拉斯哥流浪者站在一起,并在主,他们的愤怒和功率,摧毁了他与他们的压倒性的魔力。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | TheRangers stand together and take [...] on The Master with all their fury and power, destroying him with their overwhelming magic. seekcartoon.com |
为的驯狮组织的的野生Zords对控制格拉斯哥流浪者战斗。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Rangersbattle for control of [...] the Wild Zords against Lion Tamer Org. seekcartoon.com |
另外,政府特别向各地方政府划拨预算救治街头流浪人员,旨在鼓励在地 方级别开发关于救治街头流浪者并帮助他们重返社会的项目,也意在加强地方政 府对街头流浪者的司法责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Government specifically designates budgets for the treatment of street dwellers, which are allocated to the local authorities, in order to encourage the development of programs for the treatment and integration of street dwellers at the local level, and in order to enhance the responsibility of the local authority for the street dwellers in its jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
2007 年期间,1 737 名街头流浪者获得救治,其中 232 人住在国有机构 中。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2007, 1,737 street dwellers received treatment, 232 of them in the national facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
流浪者队需要贾森指挥中心和Zordon的告诉他们,贾森将失去他的权力金别动队员的权力和生命,如果不调回的Treys,这只能发生时,的地球,Aquitar和Triforia对齐,所以。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Rangerstake Jason to [...] the command center and Zordon tells them that Jason will lose his Powers and life if the Gold [...]Ranger’s Powers are not transferred back to the Treys, which can only happen when the Earth, Aquitar and Triforia are aligned just so. seekcartoon.com |
格拉斯哥流浪者返回Mesogog的岛屿恐龙实验室,在那里他们找到它被毁掉。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Rangers return from Mesogog's island [...] to the Dino Lab, where they find it destroyed. seekcartoon.com |
另外,4 家国家机构为严重的情况和没有地方救治机构的城市 转来的街头流浪者提供救治。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, 4 national facilities provide treatment for severe cases and for persons referred by municipalities that do not operate local treatment facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
社会 事务、职 业 培训和 青 年 改 造部更 [...] 加关注弱势 群 体,如 孤 儿 、 鳏寡、 街头流浪者、老年人和残疾人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ministry of Social Affairs, Vocational Training, and Youth [...] Rehabilitation has paid more attention to vulnerable people such as orphans, widows, [...] street people, the elderly, and the disabled. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中包括“生命之屋”方案,截至 2007 年该方案为 无法康复和无法在社会上独自居住的街头流浪者提供救治框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include the “House for Life” program, which, as of 2007, offers a treatment framework for street dwellers who are unable to rehabilitate, and unable to live independently in the community. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一个压轴的两部分开始时Mesogog的折磨安东Mercer和艾尔莎显示他的最新计划,一个巨大的加农炮,可以击败格拉斯哥流浪者,并带回了恐龙在我们的世界。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The first of the two part finale starts when Mesogog tortures Anton [...] Mercer and shows Elsa his latest plan, a giant cannon that [...] can defeatthe Rangersand bring back [...]The Dinosaurs in our world. seekcartoon.com |
估计有 1 000 多名街头流浪者没有获得任何救治,因为他们时常迁徙且对救 [...] 治设施持怀疑和勉强态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The estimate is that some 1,000 street [...] inhabitants do not receive any treatment, because [...] of both their mobility andof their distrustful [...]and reluctant approach towards the establishment. daccess-ods.un.org |
社会事务和社会服务部的目标首先是防止街头流浪者死亡,并为其提供适 足的生存条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry’s goal is firstly to [...] prevent street dwellers’deaths and to [...]provide them with adequate living conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
同学们也向Hudson女士介绍了中国庇护站的情况,并就两国流浪者救助理念、政策、国情等进行了比较,气氛非常融洽和热烈。 ssdpp.net | The students also told Ms. Hudson about the development of Chinese shelters in return; both sides [...] compared the guiding concepts, [...] policies, andcurrent state of helping thehomeless in the two countries [...]in a harmonious and warm atmosphere. ssdpp.net |
一个流浪者,最大的安慰是可以找到一个像家的家居住。 4tern.com | I preferred here a lot more. As a nomad, the feel to be home is very essential. 4tern.com |
按行业说,全球流浪者Marco Evaristti 是一名建筑师,但从时间上说则是一名艺术家。 bang-olufsen.com | Global nomad MarcoEvaristti is an architect [...] by trade, but an artist by day. bang-olufsen.com |
社会事务和社会服务部将“街头流浪者”定义为露天居住、住在废弃房屋或 公园里,在身体上和精神上遭受严重忽视并与家庭和朋友疏离和分离的人(男性 或女性)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, defines a “street dwellers” as a person, manor women, who resides on the street, in an abandoned house or in public parks, suffers from severe physical and mental neglect, and is alienated and disassociated from family and friends. daccess-ods.un.org |
但很多其他人则属于“寻求就业的流浪者”,他们为了挣 生活,以各种不同的理由流动于情况可能完全不同的国家之间,但同时又希望与自己的祖国 [...] 保持密切的联系,因为那里还有他们的家、他们的孩子、他们的过去,乃至他们的未来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Many others, [...] however, are“nomademploymentseekers”whowant to [...]earn a living in different countries too, with new reasons [...]for moving, whilst hoping to maintain close ties with their country of origin where they have left their family, their children, their past and sometimes their future – and they send home one billion US dollars a year (IOM, 2002a). unesdoc.unesco.org |
社会事务和社会服务部旨在帮助街头流浪者实现其合法权利(社 会安全福利、个人身份证件等),并最终使其重新融入社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry aims to assist the street dwellers in epitomizing their legal rights (social security benefits, personal documentation, etc.) and eventually achieve full re-integration into the community. daccess-ods.un.org |