单词 | 流派 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 流派—genreless common: tributary (stream) (fig.) school (of thought) 流派noun—genrespl stylen See also:派n—schooln groupn factionn 派v—sendv appointv 派—assign clique the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 (loanword) pie pi (Greek letter Ππ)
特别报告员感谢各委员对他的报告作出的非常有用、令人感兴趣的批评性 评论,并指出这些发言体现了各种不同的思想流派。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur thanked members for the very useful, interesting and critical comments on his reports, noting that the interventions revealed a variety of schools of thought. daccess-ods.un.org |
由哥伦比亚广播公司美国在线广播电台powered功能超过200电台的跨度超过25个流派的音乐加上150 +哥伦比亚广播公司从美国各地的电视台。 cn.moba-app.com | AOL Radio powered by CBS Radio features over 200 stations that span more than 25 genresof music plus 150+ CBS RADIO stations from across the United States. moba-app.com |
专辑、艺术家、播放列表、流派、曲目、作曲家、指挥家、演奏家和最新的CD可以集体或单 [...] 独选定。 naimaudio.com | Albums, Artists, Playlists, Genres, Tracks, Composers, [...] Conductors, Performers, and Newest CDs can be collectively or individually selected. naimaudio.com |
(e) 对信仰、思想流派、意识形态、宗教、宗教标志或理念实行保护的形 式。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) The protection of beliefs, schools of thought, ideologies, religions, religious symbols or ideas daccess-ods.un.org |
2012年,在伦敦举行的印象派与现代艺术品拍卖会共带来1,823亿的拍卖 收入,市场对超现实主义流派中最杰出的作品表现出了极其旺盛的需求。 imgpublic.artprice.com | As we remember, the June sales in 2012 brought in more than $182.3 million and testified to the keen demand for the best works in the Surrealist movement. imgpublic.artprice.com |
作为约瑟夫布伊斯(Joseph Beuys)于20世纪60年代创立的社会雕塑流派的接班人,奥塔的作品,在某种意义上,是自身具备独特功能的艺术文物——这些令人痴迷的拼合艺术中,有料理台、净水装置、还有他们为2007年远征南极洲而创作的世界护照,此举也是他们为推动1948年版《世界人权宣言》第十三条的修订所作的努力之一。 shanghaibiennale.org | As heirs to the practice of social sculpture, formulated by Joseph Beuys in the 1960s, the Ortas’ works are, in a sense, relics of their own function—beguiling assemblages that are the platform for the preparation of food, mechanisms that actually purify water, and the world passport that they created for their 2007 expedition to Antarctica, part of an effort to amend Article XIII of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. shanghaibiennale.org |
任何决定或作法都应考虑应对文化背景,思想流派、价值体系、传 统、宗教和精神信仰以及其它相关的社会特点给予应有的考虑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | C Any decision or practice shall take into account the Cultural backgrounds, schools of thought, value systems, traditions, religious and spiritual beliefs and other relevant features of society should be given due regard. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您不知道这首歌或电影的名字,却知道它的类型时,在流派类别中进行查找—— 界面将只显示您选中的流派文件——让您尽享视听乐趣。 bsplayer.com | So look it up by the genre category – it shows you the selected genre filesonly – and you can give [...] in to the pleasures of your content. bsplayer.com |
在大多数情况下,在制订这些政策的同时,或在制订政策之前,都进行了研 究,其主要目标是促进在人文或宗教思想不同流派的领导之间交流思想和做法,以加强相互 承认作为其基础的价值观,从而帮助不同文化团体之间进一步相互理解和相互尊重。 目 前,越来越多的会员国要求教科文组织发起或配合促进文化间对话计划,以便使真正的相互 理解,甚至相互鉴赏渗透到所有政策之中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO is now being called upon increasingly either to launch or to support programmes promoting intercultural dialogue in order to enrich policies favouring genuine understanding and mutual appreciation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
譬如,在某 [...] 一国家,过去的几年中一个少数群体受到来自国家的压力,要他们加入该宗教的主流派别。daccess-ods.un.org | For instance, in one particular country, a [...] minority community has been pressured by the State in recent [...] years to join the mainstream branchof its [...]particular religion. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过 SoundBridge [...] 的显示屏和自定义的遥控,用户可以在房间的任何位置浏览、选择和控制音乐,并且可借助于Blackfin快速处理器按照曲目、唱片、艺术家、流派或作曲家快速浏览庞大的音乐收藏。 analog.com | Users can browse, select, and control music from across a room using the SoundBridge display and custom [...] remote control, [...] quickly browsing huge music collections by song, album, artist,genre,or composer [...]with the help of Blackfin's fast processor. analog.com |
其令人吃惊的现实主义对应流派当属配备风格化主题图案的 装饰派艺术(Art Deco) 手表。 hautehorlogerie.org | The counterpoint to their astonishing realism would be the Art Deco watch with its stylised motifs. hautehorlogerie.org |
根据我们的基本法律规定,教育是一项公共服务,一个建立在尊重世界上各流派思想的基础上的多元化教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with our basic law, then, education is a public service, one that is pluralistic and grounded in respect for all lines of universal thought. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目可以是单 一的曲目、一整张专辑、整个流派或搜索而来的项目组。 naimaudio.com | An item may be a single track, a whole [...] album, an entire genreor anygroup of [...]items generated from a search. naimaudio.com |
来自 1600 年左右的 siyah mashq 书法流传了下来,在 [...] 19 世纪下半叶它们似乎已经成为一种非常流行的流派。wdl.org | Although siyah mashq sheets from around 1600 survive, they seem to have been a [...] particularly popular genre during the [...]second half of the 19th century. wdl.org |
本壶的玉料和主题不是那个流派经常选用的,但是造型、俏色巧作、以及雕法都是那个流派的标准。 e-yaji.com | The pebble skin is also employed to great effect as a main decorative element on one side, which is common enough for certain wares of the school, and stylistically there are sufficient similarities for an entirely confident attribution. e-yaji.com |
这位波普艺术之王在拍卖市场上的辉煌表现是该艺术流派中任何其他艺 术家的拍卖纪录都无法比拟的。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The dazzling bids of the king of Pop Art far exceed the records of other artists in the movement. imgpublic.artprice.com |
大多数行动“新人”失去IBOVESPA - [...] 金融市场的时候,还给在近年来的首次公开募股(IPO,其英文缩写)的国家,这些操作的分析表明,中小投资者在进入交易之前,应谨慎流派。zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Most actions of 'newcomers' loses Ibovespa - At a time when the financial market gives back as some of the IPOs (IPO, its acronym in English) in the country, an analysis of [...] these operations in recent years shows that small investors should be cautious before entering into [...] a transactionthegenre. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
它到现在仍然是流行音乐界的一个高点,是任何希望跨越音乐流派的艺人的衡量标准,它对流行和严肃音乐界都有很强的吸引力。 tipschina.gov.cn | It remains a high point in pop music, as well as a measure for any artist wanting to cross musicalgenres and gather both popular and critical appeal. tipschina.gov.cn |
此外,刑事诽谤法不得被用于保护保护抽象或主观的观念或概念,如国家、 民族象征、民族意识、文化、思想流派、宗教、意识形态或政治理论。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, criminal defamation laws may not be used to protect abstract or subjective notions or concepts, such as the [...] State, national symbols, national identity, [...] cultures, schoolsof thought, religions, ideologies [...]or political doctrines. daccess-ods.un.org |
宪法规定,教育是一项公共服务,而且它是多元的,其根本是尊重世界上各种流派的思想。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitution states that education is a public service, and that it is pluralistic and grounded in respect for all lines of universal thought. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个源於唐朝的词汇,原指拥有智识与学术自由的私人学术机构。它具有三个基本职能:一是收集重要文献作品,二为在导师的教导下学习的场所,以及对文学、历史与哲学各领域的古典作品进行更深入研究的学术理论及流派。 isf.edu.hk | Originating in the Tang Dynasty, the traditional shuyuan was a private sanctuary of intellectual and academic freedom that had three essential purposes: a place to collect important literary works; a place for study under tutors; and a place in which to conduct deep research into the classics of literature, history, and philosophy. isf.edu.hk |
此份手稿开头有一页记录了曾经拥有这部作品的人的信息,指出这部作品相当于一份遗产,并说它曾经属于穆萨·伊本·赛义德·卡西姆·哈佳吉 (Musa ibn al-Sayyid Qasim Hajjaj),“...(他)是思想流派中的马利基,世家中的哈萨尼 (Hasani),信仰中的艾什尔里 (Ash’arite),起源地中的安达卢西亚。 wdl.org | A page at the beginning of this copy gives information about those who have owned it, states that it is meant to be a bequest, and says that it once belonged to Musa ibn al-Sayyid Qasim Hajjaj, “the Maliki in school of thought, the Hasani in linage, the Ash’arite in belief, the Andalusian in origin. wdl.org |
美国人希望有连属感,希 望知道他们自己的看法是主流派还是少数派, 以及他们支持的候选人在更广泛的选民中─即 [...] 在除了他们身边的朋友和家人、美发师和理发 员、便利店和街坊邻里以外的范围内─表现如 何。 americancorner.org.tw | Americans want to feel connected, to know if their own [...] views are inthe mainstreamor on the fringes, [...]and to see how their candidate is doing [...]among the larger public — beyond their own world of friendships, hairdressers and barbers, convenience stores, family, and neighborhood. americancorner.org.tw |