

单词 流於形式

See also:


manifold (math.)


change (for the worse)


outer appearance

External sources (not reviewed)

(B) 本公股东大会上,就任何董事按上 形式退,可重选 相同的人数为董事以填补职务空缺。
(B) The Company at any general
[...] meeting at which any Directors retire inmanner aforesaid may fill the vacated office [...]
by electing a like
number of persons to be Directors.
该条承认残疾人有权自由表达意见,包括通过自行选择的一切流形式 求、接 受、传递信息和思想的自由。
This article recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to freedom of expression and opinion,
including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and
[...] ideas through all forms of communication [...]
of their choice.
(b)  本公司可备有按该条例第 73A 条所允许之正式印章一枚,用以在本公司所
[...] 其他文件上毋须任何董事、高级人员或其他人士之签署及机械式复制签署,且该等 证书或其他文件即使没有任何该等签署或上述机械式复制签署仍属有效及应视为已 在董事会之授权下盖章及签立),以及可备有按董事会决定根据公司条例条文规定之 供在外地使用之正式印章一枚,且本公司可以书 形式上该印章委任在外地之 任何一名或多名代理人或者一个或多个委员会作为本公司之获妥为授权之代理人, 目的及使用该正式印章,并可施本公司认为合适之有关使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction thereof shall be required on any such certificates or other document and any such certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an
official seal for
[...] use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company may by writing under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees or committee [...]
abroad to be the
duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
(b) 任何董事董事期间兼任本公司任何 其他职位或有薪岗位(核數师职位除外), 该兼任职位或岗位的任期及条款由董事会决 定,有关董事可就此收取董事会可能决定的 有关额外酬金(无論以薪金、佣金、分享溢 利或其形式),而有关额外酬金须为 任何其他细则规定或根据任何其他细则支付 的酬金以外的酬金。
(b) A Director may hold any other
[...] office or place of profitwith the Company (except that of Auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by wayof salary, commission, participation in profit or otherwise) as the Board may determine, [...]
and suchextra remuneration shall be in
addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Article.
从这些报告得出了若干要点:53 (a) 法院之间进行联系是可能的,但应谨慎从事,并为保护当事方实质性
权利和程序性权利提供适当的保障;54 (b) 联系应当公开进行,事先通知有关方面55
[...] 并让其到场(极端情况例 外);56 (c) 可以进行的流形式多样,其中包括:交流正式的法院命令或判 [...]
抄本;57 (d) 联系手段包括:电话、视频链接、传真、电子邮件等;58 (e) 若能适当进行必要的联系,可为参与跨国界破产的人和受跨国界破产 影响的人带来很大的好处。
From those reports a number of points emerged:53 (a) Communication between courts is possible, but should be done carefully and with appropriate safeguards for the protection of substantive and procedural rights of the parties;54 (b) Communication should be done openly, with advance notice to the parties involved55 and in the presence of those parties, except in extreme circumstances;56 (c) Communications that
might be exchanged are various and
[...] include: exchangesof formal courtorders or [...]
judgments; supply of informal writings of
general information, questions and observations; and transmission of transcripts of court proceedings;57 (d) Means of communication include, for example, telephone, video-link, facsimile and electronic-mail;58 (e) Where communication is necessary and is used appropriately, there can be considerable benefits for the persons involved in, and affected by, the crossborder insolvency.
委员会将通过无障碍流形式 一览表。
The Committee will adopt its
[...] standard listof accessible formatsofcommunication.
(i) 倘以邮形式达,该通告或其他文件之信封或封套邮寄投递翌 日视作已经送达;在载有该通告之信封或封套已妥为预付邮资、注明地址 [...]
并邮寄投递(倘由香港可以空邮投递之香港境外地址,则须预付空邮邮 资),且由本公司秘书或董事会委任之其他人士签署,书面证明有关载有
该通告或其他文件之信封或封套已填妥该地址及邮寄投递後,即为已经送 达之不可推翻之证据
(i) if served by post, shall be deemed to have been [...]
served on the day following that on which the envelope or wrapper containing
the same is posted and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly prepaid, addressed and posted (in the case of an address outside Hong Kong by air-mail postage prepaid where air-mail posting from Hong Kong to such place is available) and a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other person appointed by the Board that the envelope or wrapper containing the notice or other document was so addressed and put into the post shall be conclusive evidence thereof
各国 政府和其他行为者应尊重少数群体非流形式济生活及不同的发展优先事 项,认识到顺应此差异对于保护少数群体权利和社会的整体发展是不可或缺的。
Governments and other actors should be
[...] respectful of alternative forms of economic life [...]
and different development priorities
expressed by minority groups, recognizing that such accommodation is integral to the protection of minority rights and the development of society as a whole.
流变学特性,例如:粘性及粘弹性,可采用机 式流由样品得,也可使用微观流变学光学技术对微量样品进行测量得出。
Rheological properties, such as viscosity and viscoelasticity, can be measuredfrom bulk sample deformation using a mechanical [...]
rheometer, or
on a micro-scale using an optical technique such as Microrheology.
在这些功能上具有的能力可以直接是-流形式 到浏览器,Web表单嵌入的组件,自动浏览器检查和响应以及拖放功能。
Among these features is the
[...] abilityto bit-stream directly to a browser, a Web Forms enabledcomponent, [...]
auto browser detection
and response and drill-down capabilities.
这些挑战包括:对水和林木等自然资源不 断增长的需求;侵蚀、毁林及其 形式流退化的 后果;自然灾害不断发生;向外移民日趋增加;工 [...]
业、运输、旅游、采矿、农业造成的压力;以及全 球气候变化的后果。
Those challenges included: the growing demand for natural resources including water and
wood; the consequences of erosion,
[...] deforestation and other formsofwatershed degradation; [...]
the increasing occurrence of natural
disasters; increasing out-migration; the pressures of industry, transport, mining, agriculture; and the consequences of global climate change.
开 发 阶 段 的 支 出,只 有 在 同 时 满 足 下 列 条 件 时,才 能 予 以 资 本 化,即:完 成 该 无 形 资 产 以 使 其 能 够 使 用 或 出 售 在 技 术 上 具 有 可 行 性;具 有 完 成 该 无 形 资 产 并 使 用 或 出 售 的 意 图;无 形 资 产 产 生 经 济 利 益 的括 能 够 证 明 运 用 该 无 形 资 产 生 产 的 产 品 存 在 市 场 或 无 形 资 产 自 身 存 在 市 场,无 形 资 产 将 在 内 部 使 用 的,能 够 证 明 其 有 用 性;有 足 够 的 技 术、财 务 资 源 和 其 他 资 源 支 持, 以 完 成 该 无 形 资 产 的 开 发,并 有 能 力 使 用 或 出 售 该;归开 发 阶 段 的 支 出 能 够 可 靠 地 计 量。
Expenditure incurred on projects to develop new products is capitalised and deferred only when the Group can demonstrate the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale, its intention to complete and its
ability to use or sell
[...] the asset, how the asset will generate future economicbenefits (including demonstration that the product derived from the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself will be marketable or, in the case of internal use, the usefulness of the intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset, and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure [...]
during the development.
(ii) 倘用电形式 司网站登载之方式 除外),则相关财务文件及╱或财务摘要 [...]
报告(视情况而定)应不迟於有关股东大 会召开日期前二十一日以电子形式(按本 细则第 171 条所述)发送予同意人士,               於上述任何一种情况下,就同意人士而言(在遵
守该条例及上市规则相关条文下),本公司应被 视为已履行第 (B) 段所述之义务。
(ii) in electronicform (other thanby making [...]
it available on the Company’s website), then sending the relevant financial
documents and/or the summary financial report (as the case may be) not less than twenty-one days before the date of the relevant general meeting to the Consenting Person in electronic form (as referred to in Article 171), shall, in either case in relation to such Consenting Person, (subject to compliance with the relevant provisions of the Ordinance and the Listing Rules) be deemed to discharge the Company’s obligations under paragraph (B).
流动资产包括现金或约当现金、主要为交易目的持 有之资产,以及预期於资产负债表日後十二个月 内变现之资产;固定资产、及其他不於 流产之资产为非流动资产。
Property and equipment, intangible assets and those not classified as current assets are noncurrent assets.
二 种形 式诫,则 是 在 某 人 被 控 犯 某 项 罪 行 或 获 通 知 他 可 能 会 被 检 控 某 项 罪 行 时 施 行 , 而 在 此 之 後 , 与 该 项 罪 行 有 关 的 问 题 只 限 於 特 殊 情 况 之 下 方 可 提 出 , 这 些 情 况 是 〆 问 题 是 为 求 防 止 对 任 何 人 或 公 众 造 成 伤 害 或 损 失 或 减 轻 此 伤 害 或 损 失 而 有 必 要 提 出 的,又 或 者 是 为 求 澄 清 旧 有 答 案 或 陈 述 中 的 [...][...]
含 糊 之 处 而 有 必 要 提 出 的 。
Thereafter questions relating to the offence can be put only in exceptional cases, where they are necessary for the purpose of preventing or minimising harm or loss to any person or to the public or for clearing up an ambiguity in a previous answer or statement.
道德操守办公室依赖广泛的流形式道德操守纳入 2011 年组织议程,这包括:面对面的道德操守培训 和情况通报会;强制性道德操守在线培训;出版题为“言行一致:人口基金行动 [...]
The Ethics Office relied
[...] on a range ofcommunicationmodalities to keep ethics on the [...]
2011 organizational agenda, including
face-to-face ethics training and briefing sessions; mandatory online training on ethics; publication of the booklet “Walking the Talk: Ethics in Action at UNFPA”; and use of the Ethics Office website.
本公司生产比较重要的零件如阀体(考克)及比例式水盘下座重要之主要配件,厂内自行加工,有从1993年采用省力化、合理化 流式生产线作业,全厂重新规划整顿,产量能高出原来的一倍,既能利润回馈客户,又能提高品质。
This company produces the quite important components like valve body (cock) and under the proportion type water plate the place important major assembly, in the factory
voluntarily processes, used from 1993 reduceseffort to
[...] melt, the rationalization flowsautomatically thetype transportation production line [...]
work, the
entire factory replanned the reorganization, the output can outdo an original time, both could the profit back coupling customer, and could improve the quality of the product.
他指出,委员会应该建立或促成建立一些机制,这些机制将有助于赋予南方国家产 生和传播文化表现形式的能力并可以防止发达国家与发展中国家间文化表形式流 失衡。
The Committee should adopt or move towards adopting mechanisms which would help to give the countries of the South the capabilities to produce and disseminate cultural expressions and which
would make it possible to
[...] counter imbalances in theflow of culturalexpressionsbetween [...]
developed and developing countries.
第 16.31 段 第二句改为:
[...] “本次级方案将向成员国提供关于信息和通信技术快速进步、新兴趋 势、新的社会沟通和流形式新的数字鸿沟,特别是最不发达国家 [...]
和其他有特别需求国家当中的数字鸿沟的社会经济分析,以此推动以人 为本的综合处理办法。
“The subprogramme will promote integrated and people-centred approaches by providing member States with socioeconomic analysis on rapid advances in
information and communications technology,
[...] emerging trends, new forms ofsocial networking [...]
and communication, and new digital divides,
especially among the least developed countries and other countries with special needs.
该 决 议 可文 件形 式的 多 份 文 件 内 , 每 份 经 由 一 名 或 以 上 董 事 或 替 任 董 事 签 署 [...]
, 就 此 目 的 而 言 , 董 事 或 替 任 董 事 的 传 真 签 署 应 视 为 有 效 。
Such resolution may be
[...] contained in one document or in several documents in like formeach signed by [...]
one or more of the Directors
or alternate Directors and for this purpose a facsimile signature of a Director or an alternate Director shall be treated as valid.
倘本公司认定,有必要或适宜以其他形式进行交易(如安排或合并计划),据此,本公司或本公 司附属公司可於同期相约时间,按经济条款及其他条款及条件(包括(但不务处理形 式每股普通股的代价金额)及结果对Anvil及Anvil股东而言属相等於或有利於拟进行交易的情 况下有效收购全部普通股(「替代交易」),则Anvil同意支持以与要约相同的方式完成替代交易, [...]
并将以其他方式就该替代交易履行其於支持协议的契诺,惟任何替代交易将不会受到融资条件的 规限。
If the Company concludes that it is necessary or desirable to proceed with another form of transaction (such as a plan of arrangement or amalgamation) whereby the Company or a Company Subsidiary would effectively
acquire all of the Common
[...] Shares within approximately thesame time periods and on economic terms and other terms and conditions (including, without limitation, tax treatment and formandamount of consideration [...]
per Common
Share) and having consequences to Anvil and the Anvil Shareholders that are equivalent to or better than those contemplated by the Support Agreement (an “Alternative Transaction”), Anvil agrees to support the completion of such Alternative Transaction in the same manner as the Offer and will otherwise fulfil its covenants contained in the Support Agreement in respect of such Alternative Transaction, provided any such Alternative Transaction will not be subject to a financing condition.
(2)案之如关系密切之其他国家就职务所生之创作有规定,或规定 因当事人间之契约关系,该创作之所有经济上权利视为已让与或专属授权者,此 等规定之法律效果之发生,得藉由依第1项所定应适用之法律,解释当事人间之 法律关系,认其包含让与该创作之所有经济上权利或予以专属授权之予 以承认。
(2) If the situationhas a close connection with another State that has a work made for hire provision or deems a transfer or exclusive licence of all economic rights in the work to have taken place by virtue of the parties’ contractual relationship, effect may be given to such rules by constructing the parties’ relationship under the law applicable according to paragraph 1 as involving a transfer or exclusive licence of [...]
all economic rights in the work.
根据上述不具法律约束力的条款清单,买卖南地财务的 4.76%股权的代价将为现形 式约相南地财务的股份从百領国际有限公司转让予南聯香港之日当日或左右 [...]
南地财务综合净资产 4.76%(并且就此目的而言,南地财务及 Chericourt
所拥有的该物 业的部分的价值将与南聯集团截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止年度之经审计综合账目 中所采用的价值(以对於二零一一年十二月三十一日南聯集团在麗晶中心之权益(包括 构成该物业的单位及車位以及将构成经分派业务一部分的麗晶中心的其他单位(即麗晶 中心 B 座 505 至 510 号单位)的独立估值为基准)相同)。
Pursuant to the above non-binding term sheet, the consideration for the sale and purchase of the 4.76% shareholding interest in
WPFSL will be in cash and
[...] equal to approximately4.76% of the consolidated net assetvalue of [...]
WPFSL on or around the date
of completing the transfer of the shares in WPFSL from Parex International Limited to Winsor HK (and for which purposes the parts of the Property owned by WPFSL and Chericourt will be valued at the same value as in the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based on an independent valuation of Winsor Group's interest in Regent Centre as at 31 December 2011, which includes units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses).




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