

单词 派遗

派遗 ()

send (sb) on a mission

See also:


send v
appoint v


group n
school n
faction n

pi (Greek letter Ππ)
the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
(loanword) pie

sth lost
leave behind
involuntary discharge (of urine etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

鉴于这些积极进展, 他敦促以色列政府通过停止定居点活动和其他旨在 改变被占领土,包括多种派的遗产 圣 城耶路撒冷 的历史、人口和文化现实的非法活动,为恢复谈判 消除障碍。
In light of those positive advances, he urged the Israeli Government to remove obstacles to the resumption of negotiations by halting settlement and other illegal activities aimed at altering the historical, demographic and cultural realities of the occupied territories, including the multiconfessional heritage of the holy city of Jerusalem.
此外, 2011 年 5 月派出了第二个派团, 对遗址安 保和埃及文化财产遭到劫掠的情况进行评估,其两名专家中有一名来自国际刑警组织。
Furthermore, the second mission, comprising two experts, including one from INTERPOL, was dispatched in May 2011 to assess the site security situation and the looting of Egyptian cultural property.
正在组织一个国际派团—由世遗 产 基 金供资—以评估所需修复工作的范围。
An international mission, to be financed by the World Heritage Fund, is being [...]
organized to assess the scope of restoration work needed.
派团将不遗余力地协助政府加强和支持综合安全分遣队,以使之 逐步承担起这支部队须承担的全部责任。
MINURCAT will spare no efforts to help [...]
the Government consolidate DIS and support it to gradually take over full responsibility for this force.
我们鼓励政府调动国际伙伴参与以军事当 局制定的军队改革计划为基础的战略对话,以便建立 一支训练有素的核心部队,能够在联刚特派团部队撤 离刚果民主共和国后接管派团的遗 留 安 全职责。
We have encouraged the Government to engage its international partners in a strategic dialogue based on the army reform plan developed by the military authorities so as to dispose of a nucleus of well-trained forces that will take over MONUC’s residual security responsibilities as its forces leave the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
(CCLXXIX)],以及联合国安全理事会第 2010(2011)号和第 2036(2012) 号决议,非索派团继续不遗余力 地确保它开展的行动将严格遵守国际人道主义 法。
(CCLXXIX)], as well as to United Nations Security Council resolutions 2010 (2011) and 2036 (2012), AMISOM continues to spare no efforts in ensuring strict compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL) in the conduct of its operations.
该办事处的工作包括支持世遗产中心派特派团核 查对目前濒于破坏的昌昌城的保护,并向马丘比丘派出一个监测团。
The Office work has included
[...] support to the World Heritage Centre during its mission [...]
to verify the conservation work at
Chan Chan currently at risk and a monitoring mission to Macchu Picchu.
2009 年 3 月 9-21 日,世遗产中心派考察团去耶路撒冷,对已列入由意大利政府资助 的该行动计划第一阶段的剩余活动的可行性进行了审议。
A mission from the World Heritage Centre to Jerusalem [...]
took place from 9 to 15 March 2009, during which the feasibility of
the remaining activities foreseen within the first phase of the Action Plan funded by the Italian Government was examined.
自通过安全理事会第 2036(2012)号决议以来,非盟委员会和非索 派 团 部队 派遣国一直遗余力 地执行上述决议的有关规定。
Since the adoption of Security Council resolution 2036 (2012), the AU Commission and the TCCs to AMISOM have spared no efforts towards the implementation of the relevant aspects of the said resolution.
与此同时,继总干事 2007 年 2 月派出世界遗产中心、国际古迹遗址理事会和国际文化 财产保护与修复研究中心特别考察组考察之后,教科文组织根据执行局第一七六届会议的决 定61 ,拟订并在耶路撒冷实施了“强化监督机制”。
Concurrently but separately, UNESCO defined and implemented in Jerusalem the “reinforced monitoring mechanism”, in compliance with a decision adopted by the Executive Board at its 176th session,61 which followed a special mission from the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS and ICCROM that had been dispatched by the Director-General in February 2007.
正如安理会 所知,非索派团正在不遗余力 地利用我们所掌握的 一切手段,常常在非常困难的条件下,在当地同残害 索马里平民的恐怖主义分子作斗争。
We cannot conclude our thanks without mentioning the valuable assistance that we receive from all of our partners, the United Nations and all others, and expressing our appreciation to all the countries that contribute troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) who, as the Council knows, are sparing no effort on the ground, with every means at our disposal, often in very difficult conditions, to fight the terrorists who sow death among the Somali civilian population.
从 2009 年
[...] 7 月 15 日至 18 日,世界遗产中心和国际古遗址 理事 会 派 出 了考察团,对 建议进行评估,并起草了可行性研究报告。
From 15 to 18
[...] July 2009, a mission by the World Heritage Centre and [...]
ICOMOS was undertaken with the aim to assess the proposal
and prepare the present feasibility study concerning the proposal.
遗留盘在被派给磁 盘阵列之前必须初始化。
A legacy disk must be initialized before assigning it to an array.
世界遗产中心继续为提高缔约国保护世界遗产的能力建设提供帮助。主要方式有向入遗址派出指 导组、举办培训班或研讨班、开展技术合作和遗址现场保护等,活动遍及六十 [...]
The World Heritage Centre continued to assist in building the
capacity of States Parties to
[...] protect world heritage through monitoring missions to selected sites, [...]
training courses and seminars,
technical cooperation activities, and onsite conservation of properties in some 60 countries.
在教科文组织的支持下,世界遗产中心向非洲世 遗 产 基 金 派 出 了 一名临时技术顾问。
Thanks to
[...] UNESCO, the World Heritage Centre seconded a [...]
technical advisor to AWHF on a temporary basis.
他就此忆及所做出 的向遗产地派遣技 术考察团的决定(考察团的报告已作为 176 [...]
EX/Special Plenary Meeting/INF.1 号文件提交执行局),致以色列总理的信函和世界遗产委员会主席在上述考 察团回来后致以色列总理的信函,以及世界遗产中心和以色列当局就此问题的来往信函。
In this context, he recalled his decision to send a
[...] technical mission to the site (whose report [...]
has been presented in document 176
EX/Special Plenary Meeting/INF.1), the letter he sent to the Prime Minister of Israel and that which was sent by the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee upon the return of the mission, as well as exchanges of correspondence between the World Heritage Centre and the Israeli authorities in this regard.
世界遗产委员会还要求世界遗产中心/国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心/国际古迹遗址 理事会向遗产地派出业 务指南中所提到的被动检查组,评估在实施行动计划方面取得的进 [...]
It also requested a joint World Heritage Centre/ICCROM/ICOMOS
[...] Reactive Monitoring Mission to the property [...]
as referred to in the Operational Guidelines
to assess and advise on progress made in the implementation of the Action Plan and, in cooperation and consultation with the concerned parties, identify appropriate operational and financial mechanisms and modalities to strengthen technical cooperation with all concerned parties in the framework of the Action Plan.
该项目确保了各机构和政府对有遗 址 的 支持, 派 遣 了适当专家帮助全国委员会和 非政府组织,利用他们取得了预期的结果,展示了遗产修复如何可与关心受其谋生手段变化 [...]
The project has secured support from various agencies and
[...] governments to the selected sites, and put in place appropriate [...]
expertise with the help of
National Commissions and NGOs, and is therefore harnessed for producing the expected results of showing how heritage rehabilitation can go along with caring about the poor populations affected by such changes in their livelihoods.
它还感遗憾的 是,没有就侮辱、诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 [...]
It also regretted the fact that [...]
no recommendation had been made on the law concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury
of civil servants, which had led to the imprisonment of several journalists.
尽管会晤推迟了,但是世遗产中心 仍 派 团 进 行了考察,以评估当地的局势并与有关 各方,即以色列文物局、耶路撒冷市政工程人员、地区规划人员和耶路撒冷伊斯兰宗教财产 [...]
Despite the postponement of the
[...] encounter, the World Heritage Centre mission took place [...]
in order to assess the situation
on the ground and hold meetings with the parties concerned, namely the Israeli Antiquities Authority, the City Engineer at the Jerusalem Municipality, the District Planner and the Islamic Waqf of Jerusalem.
这一黑潮也严重损坏了比布鲁斯世 遗 产 遗 址 ,正如教科文组 派 往 黎巴嫩评估该国文遗产遗址状况的派团所 看到的,黑潮漫延到两座中世纪城楼的底部和位于“古城废墟小 山岗”脚下的古迹。
The oil slick has also caused serious
[...] damage to the World Heritage site of Byblos, soiling the bases of the two medieval towers and the antique vestiges below the “tell”, [...]
as noted by the UNESCO mission sent to Lebanon to assess the state
of the country’s cultural heritage sites.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难是未爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战 遗 留 爆 炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和 各派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理和客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统和口粮管理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer relationship management, as well as a fuel management system and a rations management system for peacekeeping functions.
(f) 董事會可議決,按溢價配發將予配發的股份,惟溢價須入賬列為 悉數繳足,而在有關情況下,除將用以撥充資本及根據上文(e) 分段予以運用的金額外,及就其中所載而言,董事會須將其可釐 定的股份溢價賬的進賬額及任何部份本公司未 派 利 潤 (包括轉 入任何儲備或其他特別賬項作為進賬的利潤)撥充資本及予以運 用,該筆款項相等於將予配發股份的溢價總額,並須連同根據上 文(e)分段將予運用的款項一併運用,及按照其中所載基準用於悉 數繳足向選擇股份持有人配發及派 的 適 當數目的未發行股份。
(f) the Board may resolve that the shares to be allotted shall be allotted at a premium provided that the premium is credited as fully paid up and in such case the Board shall in addition to the amount to be capitalised and applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above, and for the purpose therein set out, capitalise and apply out of the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account or out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserve or reserves or other special account) as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premium on the shares to be allotted and shall apply the same together with the sum to be applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above and on the basis therein set out in paying up in full the appropriate number of unissued shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the Elected Shares.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数 遗 产 得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 [...]
“世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put
forward, such as: to ensure the
[...] preservation of digital heritage, including archives [...]
and libraries as a component of the
“Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战 遗 留 爆 炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
(C) 倘本公司將向任何股東作出有關股份之任何股息或其他 派或 任 何其他付款為以有關貨幣向股東作出小額款項之付款,則董事會認為此舉就本公司 或股東而言屬不可行或花費昂貴,而當時有關股息或其他 派 或 其 他付款可於董事酌 情決定權以有關股東所在國家(按股東名冊上有關股東列示之地址)之貨幣作 派付 或作出支付。
respect of shares or any other payment to be made by the Company to any shareholder is of such a small amount as to make payment to that shareholder in the relevant currency impracticable or unduly expensive either for the Company or the shareholder then such dividend or other distribution or other payment may, at the discretion of the Board, be paid or made in the currency of the country of the relevant shareholder (as indicated by the address of such shareholder on the register).
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级派团领 导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是派 团 所 有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting
leadership programmes:
[...] the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at [...]
the D-2 level and above,
conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
(3) 倘屬任何股份之聯名登記持有人,其中任何一名持有人均可親自或 派 代 表 於任何股東大 會上就所持股份投票,猶如彼為單獨持有股份,惟倘超過一名聯名持有人親自或 派 代表 出席任何會議,則只有在股東名冊上就有關股份排名首位之與會人士方有權就所持股份投 票。
(3) Where there are joint registered holders of any Share, any one of such persons may vote at any meting, either personally or by proxy, in respect of such Shares as if he is solely entitled thereto, but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting personally or by proxy, that one the said persons so present whose name stands first in the register of members in respect of such Share shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
很多会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加强部门间合作的机遇:多种语言;信息传播 技术为教育特别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和具有文化多样性的地方内容; 文遗产, 其中特别是要加强“世界记忆”计划和重大计划 IV 中的其它文遗产活动的联 系;信息伦理;信息传播技术为人权和民主教育服务。
Many Member States identified opportunities for furthering intersectoral cooperation in the following areas: multilingualism; ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally
diversified local
[...] content; cultural heritage, in particular by strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other cultural heritage activities under [...]
Major Programme IV;
infoethics; and the use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education.




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