单词 | 派发 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 派发 verb —distribute vSee also:派 n—school n • group n • faction n 派 v—send v • appoint v 派—assign • clique • (loanword) pie • the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926 • pi (Greek letter Ππ)
我们并不预见这些因素会有大幅度、足以严 重影响未来红利派发的波动。 aia.com.sg | We do not expect major fluctuations in these factors that will significantly affect future bonuses. aia.com.sg |
第 44 段:观察团报告,在 Homs 死亡的法国记者是被反对派发射的迫击 炮弹打死的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Paragraph 44: The Mission reports that the French journalist who died in Homs had been killed by mortar shells fired by the opposition. daccess-ods.un.org |
应建立新的区域和次区域金融机构,这些 机构除其他外,应能够派发特别 提款权。 daccess-ods.un.org | New regional and subregional financial institutions should be created and they should be able, [...] inter alia, to issue special drawing rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,报告第 44 段明确指出,法国记者吉勒·雅 基耶是被反对派发射的 迫击炮弹炸死的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, paragraph 44 of the report clearly indicates that Gilles Jacquier, the French journalist, was killed as a result of mortar attacks fired by the opposition. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些权利包 括:个人的生命权、人身自由与安全权和享有财产权,以及除了通过正当法律程 [...] 序之外,这些权利不得被剥夺的权利;法律面前人人平等和受法律保护的权利; [...] 尊重私人生活和家庭生活的权利;在公共权力机构行使职能时获得平等待遇的权 利;参加政治党派、发表政 治观点的权利;父母或监护人访问为子女或受监护人 [...] 的教育自己选定的学校的权利;行动自由;良知自由和宗教信仰与实践自由;思 [...] 想和言论自由;结社和集会自由;以及新闻自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; the right of equality before the law and the protection of the law; the right of respect for private and family life; the right of equality of treatment from any public authority in the [...] exercise of any functions; the right to join [...] political parties and to express political [...]views; the right of a parent or guardian [...]to access a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward; freedom of movement; freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance; freedom of thought and expression; freedom of association and assembly; and freedom of the press. daccess-ods.un.org |
而Deeqa公司却选择在一个动荡时期同 时 派发 其 车 队的所有 35 辆 卡车经过该地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Deeqa, however, opted to send all 35 trucks of its convoy through the area at the same time during a volatile period. daccess-ods.un.org |
(3) 本公司可在董事会推荐下透过普通决议案决议,就本公司任何股息特 定配发入账列作缴足的股份作为派发 全 部股息(尽管有本细则第(1)段的规定), 而毋须授予股东选择收取现金股息以代替配发股份的权利。 aactechnologies.com | (3) The Company may upon the recommendation of the Board by ordinary resolution resolve in respect of any one particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of [...] paragraph (1) of this Article [...] a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid [...]up without offering [...]any right to shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such allotment. aactechnologies.com |
这些光 碟已派发给学 校,以进一步向学生和家长推广共融文化。 daccess-ods.un.org | These DVDs have been distributed to schools for further promotion of the inclusive culture among students and parents. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们并以多种语文印备了《非华语家长资料套:香港教育指南》 , 派发 给非 华语家长,向他们介绍本地学校体系、主要的教育政策及相关的教育服务,包括 为有特殊教育需要的非华语学生提供的教育服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The NCS Parent Information Package in major ethnic minority languages has been published and distributed to NCS parents to introduce to them the local school system, major education policies and related education services, including education services for NCS children with SEN. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家臭氧机构还将继续通过媒体、非政府组织、向行业和其他利益攸关 方 派发报 纸 、小册子、宣传小册等宣传材料开展外联方案。 multilateralfund.org | The NOU will also continue its outreach programme through the media, NGOs and distribution of outreach materials such as newspapers, brochures, pamphlets to industry and other stakeholders. multilateralfund.org |
倘获普通决议案批准,股息亦可自股份溢价账或法例 就此授权应用的任何其他基金或账目内拨 款 派发。 aactechnologies.com | With the sanction of an ordinary resolution dividends may also be declared and paid out of share premium account or any other fund or account which can be authorised for this purpose in accordance with the Law. aactechnologies.com |
将在今后几个 星期内向所有专业职类人员派发一份 关于本部门人员流动征询意见表,以资为部门推动这项 工作提供帮助并尽可能地适应工作人员的个人偏好。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A sectoral mobility questionnaire will be sent to all professional staff in the coming weeks to assist the Sector in this exercise and seek to match staff preferences to the extent possible. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一旦 宣布派发,您 应得的年度红利及分红将在保单周年记入您的保 单。 aia.com.sg | Once declared, annual bonuses and dividends will be credited to your plan at the policy anniversary. aia.com.sg |
董事会宣布派发中期 股息每股普通股16.0美仙,与去年同期 所 派发 的 股 息相同。 vtech.com.cn | The Board of Directors has declared an interim dividend of US16.0 cents per ordinary share, which is the same as the dividend paid in the corresponding period last year. vtech.com.cn |
在 Bam,伊朗政府使用补助和低息贷款相结合的 方法进行住房重建 17, 也提供了免费设计服务、许可证派发 、 认 证和质量控制等扩展 计划(Ghafory-Ashtiany Hosseini, 2008, p.235)。 alnap.org | In Bam, the Iranian government used a combination of grants and low-interest loans for shelter reconstruction,17 but also provided outreach programmes providing free design services, licensing, certification and quality control (Ghafory-Ashtiany and Hosseini, 2008, p. 235). alnap.org |
除非税务协定提供较低的税率或适用于欧盟指 令 (所谓的PSD指令), 由波兰公司向非居民派 发的股利适用于 19% 的预扣税。 businessinmalopolska.com | Dividends paid by Polish companies to nonresidents are subject to a 19% withholding tax, unless a tax treaty provides for a lower rate or the EU directive applies (so called PSD directive). businessinmalopolska.com |
董事会可在建议派发任何 股息前,先从本公司的利润中将他们认为合适的款项拨 [...] 作储备,而该储备可按董事会的酌情决定,用于适当运用本公司的利润的任何用 途上,而在作此运用前,在同样的酌情下,可用于本公司的业务或投资于董事会 不时认为合适的投资项目(本公司的股份除外)上,但不必将构成储备的任何投 [...] 资独立或区分于本公司的任何其他投资项目。 cr-power.com | The Board may, before [...] recommending any dividend, set aside out [...]of the profits of the Company such sums as they think proper [...]as a reserve or reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Board, be applicable for any purpose to which the profits of the Company may be properly applied and pending such application may, at the like discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments (other than shares of the Company) as the Board may from time to time think fit, and so that it shall not be necessary to keep any investments constituting the reserve or reserve separate or distinct from any other investments of the Company. cr-power.com |
远远不是一个崇拜,印度教,在这个意义上统一的大系统,组成,除了正统的婆罗门教,众多的 教 派发 展 的 邪教毗湿奴,湿婆,他们的同伙,其中几个世纪以来,人民群众有伟大的荣誉发现他们的宗教渴望满意。 mb-soft.com | Far from being a uniform system of worship, Hinduism, in this large [...] sense, comprises, besides orthodox [...] Brahminism, the numerous sectarian developments of [...]cult in honour of Vishnu, Siva, and their [...]associates, in which for centuries the great mass of the people have found satisfaction for their religious cravings. mb-soft.com |
现金流量与总体负债比为 [...] 60%,依然保持强劲,使得我们能够对业务持续投资 并 派发 红 利。 emerson.com | The cash flow to total debt position remains strong at 60 percent, allowing for continued investment in the business [...] and support of the dividend. emerson.com |
b. 教区印制“婚姻及家庭牧民指南”,由堂 区 派发 给 每位登记结婚的教友,让他们至少在结婚前六个月,知道一些有关婚前培育的资料,并能积极参与。 catholic.org.hk | b. The Diocese can publish a "Pastoral Guide to Marriage and the Family", [...] copies of which are to be distributed [...] by parishes to every Catholic who gives notice [...]of his/her marriage, so that he/she [...]can have some information about premarriage formation at least six months before an intended marriage, and can take an active part in the formation programmes. catholic.org.hk |
拒绝接收包装箱外部没有清晰标示之前 所 派发的 RA# 的退货商品。 hk.ashford.com | An item returned [...] without a pre-assigned RA# clearly [...]written on the outside of the box will be refused. ashford.com |
在法例规限下,本公司股东大会可不时宣布以任何货币向股 东 派发 股 息 , 惟股息额不超过董事会建议宣派的数额。 chiho-tiande.cn | Subject to the Law, the Company in general meeting may from time to time declare dividends in any currency to be paid to the Members but no dividend shall be declared in excess of the amount recommended by the Board. chiho-tiande.com |
局长文绮华及副局长白文浩与相关部门主管今(4日)到新口岸区的"怡"字头及国际中心的大厦住宅单位及管理处,向区内居民及相关社团了解情况及听取意见,同 时 派发 新 印 制的宣传单张,宣传打击非法提供住宿活动。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Director Fernandes, Deputy Director Manuel Pires and the related department supervisors visited the building management offices and living apartments of the "Yi"-titled residential blocks and Macau International Centre in ZAPE today (February 4) to consult the communities' residents and related associations about the situation and listen to their opinions. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
一个线程的事件循环为驻足在该线程中的所有QOb je c t s 派发 了 所有事件,其中包括在这个线程中创建的所有对象,或是移植到这个线程中的对象。 qt-project.org | A thread event loop delivers events for all QObjects that are living in that thread; this includes, by default, all objects that are created into that thread, or that were moved to that thread (more info about this later). qt-project.org |
此外,您不可使用、复制、发布、出版 或 派发 本 网 站内的任何内容,除非此在 Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)之目的中构成合理的交易。 servcorp.com.cn | Apart from this, You must not use, reproduce, communicate, publish, or distribute any of the content on the Website, unless this constitutes a fair dealing for the purposes of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). servcorp.com.my |
系统是全网故障监控平台和运维流程统一管理平台,具有强大的告警处理能力、能对整个网络进行全面、实时、准确掌握及综合展现,支持快速准确的工 单 派发 处 理流程,加快业务提供的速度,通过统一接入平台与权限控制,减少系统巡检排查时间,强化管理,并为用户提供灵活的报表定制。 surekam.com | The system which is not only a fault monitoring platform for the whole networks and a uniform management platform for operation and maintenance process, has a strong alarm handling capability, can give full, real-time and accurate control and comprehensive display of the whole network, can support fast and accurate work order distribution process, accelerate the services to be provided, and can reduce system routine checking time and enhance management through a uniform access to the platform and access control, and can provide flexible report customization for customers as well. surekam.com |
这方面取 得了一些进展,比如,在政党法草案以及反 对 派发表 可 适当体现某些进展的公报方面,但不幸的是,我认 为目前的法律草案尚不能充分体现议会外反对派的 看法并满足其要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | There has been some progress in this area, with, for example, the draft law on political parties and a communiqué from the opposition reflecting some forward movement, but unfortunately I believe that the current draft does not yet adequately satisfy the views and needs of the extra-parliamentary opposition. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年,基金会制作了题为“《消除对妇女歧视公约》: 一项秘密条约”的《公约》教育光盘 , 派发 到 美 利坚合众国的 400 多所大学校园, 在那里,我们拥有许多学生团体,即我们的女权多数人领导同盟。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2009, the Foundation produced its educational DVD on the Convention entitled “CEDAW: The Secret Treaty”, for distribution to over 400 college campuses in the United States of America where we currently have grassroots student groups, our Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances. daccess-ods.un.org |