

单词 派出


派出所 n

police station n


local police station

See also:


group n
school n
faction n

(loanword) pie
the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
pi (Greek letter Ππ)

External sources (not reviewed)

(e) 派出現場觀察員往香港站觀察及報告有關緊急巴士服 務的安排、候車乘客㆟龍的長度、㆟ 控制及在該站 的消息發布情況。
(e) sent site observer to Hong Kong Station to observe and report on the emergency bus arrangement, passenger queue length, crowd control and station information disseminations.
141.4 儘管第 141.1.1 條或第 141.1.2 條的條文有所規定,但宣布派息的股東大會可在董事的建 議下,指示派息須全部或部分以分派資產、尤其是任何其他公司的繳足股份或債權證, 若派出現任何困難,董事可作償付,尤其可發行零碎股份股票及釐定任何資產的分派 價值,並可決定根據所定價值釐定須支付給任何股東的現金,以調整股東權利,並可將 任何資產歸屬予受託人。
141.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 141.1.1 or 141.1.2, a general meeting declaring a dividend may, upon the recommendation of the Directors, direct that it shall be satisfied wholly or partly by the distribution of assets and in particular of paid-up shares or debentures of any other Company and, where any difficulty arises in regard to the distribution, the Directors may settle the same and in particular may issue fractional certificates and fix the value for distribution of any assets and may determine that cash shall be paid to any member upon the footing of the value so fixed in order to adjust the rights of members and may vest any assets in trustees.
在两年组建期间内建立一个由所有愿 派出 代 表 的会员国代表组成的理 事会。
During the two-year establishment period, a Board of Governors will be constituted comprising representatives of all member countries who so wish.
2010 年,泰国皇家项目基金会的可持续高 原发展和联网项目派出一个 小组,到秘鲁了解如何建立小型农民合作社,以 [...]
In 2010, the Sustainable Highland Development and Networking
project of the Royal Project Foundation of
[...] Thailand will send a team to Peru to learn [...]
about the creation of small farmer cooperatives
and farmer-led production and marketing chains for specialty and niche-market coffees.
因此,科一级的监 管应由一个 P-5 职等的科长进行,原因是:支助账户和后勤基地的性质复杂;该 司有必派出适当 代表与客户单位进行互动,而客户单位代表的级别从 P-5 到 D-2 不等;加强对概览报告编写工作的监督,而这需要进行司内协作和跨部协作。
Consequently, oversight at the section level should be exercised by a Chief at the P-5 level owing to the intricate nature of the support account and UNLB, the need for appropriate representation of the Division in interactions with client offices, for which representation ranges from the P-5 to the D-2 levels, and strengthened oversight of the preparation of the overview report, which requires intra-Division and interdepartmental collaboration.
他們知道, 這些少數族裔,例如南亞裔,對於合約中某些條文或中文可能是不懂的,或 會對某些台(如印度文台)或某些特別台有興趣的,他們便會特 派出 一組 人專門盯着這羣少數族裔,說為他們提供這類專門服務。
They know that these ethnic minorities such as those from Southeast Asia may not understand some of the terms in the contract and the Chinese language, or they may be very interested in some telecommunications networks such as those using the language spoken by Indians, so they would send out a special group of people to keep a close eye on these people.
在冲突背景下,采派出实地救助人员的举措,目的就在于防止学校遭袭击,包括保护校舍、社区 参与对学校的保护、易地开课教学、与各利益攸关方谈判划定非冲突区、禁止 军、警占用校舍并推行各项倡议计划。
Measures that field-based practitioners in conflict settings have used to prevent schools from being attacked include physical protection, community involvement in protection of schools, alternative delivery of education, negotiations with stakeholders to make schools conflict-free zones, restrictions on the military and political use of schools, and advocacy initiatives.
2011 年所需资源与 2010 年批款之间出现差异,其主要原因是,2010 年用来
支付专家小组搬迁到一个新办公空间的费用的一笔非经常经费,在 2011 年已停 发,但部分抵消这一节省额的是:工作人员费用增加,这是由于增设了一个 P-3
[...] 职位;而且咨询人项下的费用也有增加,这是由于专家的每月收费标准提高,并 增加了为工作人派出作业 和返回的旅行经费。
The variance between the 2011 requirements and the 2010 appropriation is due mainly to the discontinuation in 2011 of the non-recurrent provision in 2010 to cover the cost of the move of the Panel to a new office space, partly offset by increased requirements under staff costs due to the creation of one additional P-3 position and under consultants due to an increase in
the monthly rates of the experts and the inclusion of a provision for
[...] travel of staff on assignment and for repatriation.
该部派出的一个代 表团最近访问也门,专门讨论此事。
A delegation from the Ministry recently visited Yemen to discuss the matter.
根据《组织法》第 IV 条第 14 段、《议事规则》第 6 条第 7 段和《关于教科文组织与 非政府组织之关系的指示》第 I.8.1
[...] 条的规定,总干事将通知与本组织保持密切正式关系的 组织,并邀派出观察员。
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 14, of the Constitution, Rule 6, paragraph 7, of the Rules of Procedure and Section I.8.1 of the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with non-governmental organizations”, the Director-General will notify
organizations maintaining formal relations with UNESCO of the convening of the session
[...] and invite them to send observers.
派出国际实况调查团以评估该分离地区 的巨大武器和弹药储存库势在必行。
An international
[...] fact-finding mission to assess the [...]
huge stockpiles of weapons and ammunition in that breakaway region was imperative.
这名警察殴打律师,威胁说如果他再 派出 所 就 会死,强迫他撤回所有针对 警察提出的申诉,包括有关贿赂、落实基本权利,以及针对警察在不同阶段对提 交人及其家人进行威胁的申诉,还有关于酷刑的申诉,律师担心自己的安全,离 开派出所。
The officer assaulted the lawyer, threatening him with death if he came back to the police station, and coercing him to withdraw all the complaints against the police officers, including that regarding bribery, the fundamental rights application, and the complaints filed at various stages against police officers for threats received by the author and her family, as well as the complaint for torture.
[...] 接受指令而被捕,当时他拒绝证实自己的身份,随后在警 派出 所 内 被拘禁一 夜,第二天获释。
When he refused to comply with the order, he
was arrested, refused to prove his identity, then was detained overnight in a police
[...] station and released the next day.
最后,根据卡塔尔当局(见第 101 段)和阿拉伯联合酋长国提供的信息,专家 小组致函北约,要求提供卡塔尔和阿拉伯联合酋长国或参与北约行动的其他国家
[...] 所提供军事物资,包括武器和弹药的详细清单,并要求提供这些国家在实施禁运 后向利比派出军事 人员的人数和作用的信息。
Finally, on the basis of the information given by the authorities of Qatar (see para. 101) and the United Arab Emirates, the Panel sent a letter to NATO asking it to provide a detailed list of military materiel, including weapons and ammunition, sent by Qatar and the United Arab Emirates or any other country that participated in the NATO operation, and information
regarding the number and roles of military personnel sent by those
[...] countries to Libya since the imposition [...]
of the embargo.
不结盟国家运动支持并呼吁全面执行人权理事会 2009 年 1 月 12 日通过的关 于巴勒斯坦被占领土境内特别是由于以色列对被占领加沙地带发动军事进攻而
[...] 出现的严重侵犯人权行为的决议,按照决议的要求迅 派出 独 立 的国际实地调查 团,调查以色列的侵犯人权和违反国际法的行为。
NAM supports and calls for the full implementation of Human Rights Council resolution on the grave violations of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly due to the Israeli military attacks against the occupied Gaza Strip, adopted on Monday, 12 January 2009, and the
speedy dispatch of the independent international
[...] fact-finding mission called for therein [...]
to investigate violations of human rights
and of international law by Israel.
与一个端口组件关联的多个处理程序在授权之后,服务实现 bean 的业务逻辑方法被派出去之前运行。
Handlers associated with a Port component run
after authorization has occurred and before the business logic method of the Service
[...] Implementation bean is dispatched to.
[...] 和举行两次专家组会议,开发一个标准化地理参数统计信息系统,为政府官员 举办两次培训讲习班派出技术 咨询团,建立一个网上实践群体,并举办一次 区域范围知识交流讲习班。
This will be achieved by conducting needs assessments and other activities through a survey and two expert group meetings, the development of a standardized geo-referenced statistical information system, the organization of two training
workshops for government officials,
[...] the conduct of technical advisory missions, the establishment [...]
of an online community of practice
and a regional knowledge-sharing workshop.
根据参与国家的需要,将向单个参与国的农业研究机派 出杂交水稻专家,向当地的教员就如何根据当地条件引进杂交水稻栽培技术提 供咨询意见,并监测对当地农民的培训,通过亲自参与的方式解决他们的关心 的问题。
Based on the needs of participating countries, hybrid rice experts will be sent to agricultural research institutes in individual participating countries to advise local trainers on how to adapt hybrid rice cultivation technology to local conditions and monitor the training of local farmers, addressing their concerns through participatory engagement.
葡萄牙作为葡语国家共同体和欧洲联盟的成员, 并且作为在包括治理和公共行政、司法、教育和安全 部门改革等广泛领域中的主要双边伙伴,仍然充分参 与支持东帝汶为巩固民主与发展作出的努力,向联东 综合派出 200 多名警官和军事联络官,并充分支持 综合团负责的所有领域。
Portugal remains fully engaged in supporting Timor-Leste in its efforts to consolidate democracy and development, as a member of the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries and of the European Union, and as a major bilateral partner in a wide spectrum of areas, including governance and public administration, justice, education and security sector reform, and by contributing over 200 police officers and military liaison officers to UNMIT, and fully supporting all areas under the responsibility of the Mission.
访问团根据收集到的证据,确认对示威活动的反应,包 派出 大量武装士兵的做法是不相称的。
On the basis of the evidence gathered, the mission was able to confirm that the response to demonstrations, including the presence of numerous armed soldiers, was disproportionate.
东盟的努力取得了突破性进展,即泰柬双方同意接 受由印派出的观 察员队伍以监督停火。
ASEAN broke more new ground after both sides agreed to receive teams of Indonesian observers to monitor a ceasefire.
委员 会还赞赏地注意到缔约派出了高 级别代表团并同委员会进行了积极和建设性的 接触。
It also notes with appreciation the high level of the State party’s delegation, and its positive and constructive engagement with the Committee.
對此類個別會議而言,本細則所有與公司大會或程序有關的 規定都在必要變更後適用,例外情況是,必要的法定人數為兩人,且與股東或派 遣代理出席會議的股東持有該級別以面值發行股份至少三分之一股份(當舉行延 期會議以上限定的法定人數未出席時,任何持有該級別以面值發行股份至少三分 之一以上股份的兩名或持有相同數量股份股 派出 的 代 表都構成法定人數),而 且每名親自出席會議或派遣代表出席會議的該級別股份的所有人在投票表決 時,都可以就其所持有的每一股份投出一票,而且也有權要求進行投票表決。
To every such separate meeting all the provisions of these Articles relating to General Meetings of the Company or the proceedings thereat shall mutatis mutandis apply, except that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least holding or representing by proxy one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of the class (but so that if at any adjourned meeting of such holders a quorum as above defined is not present any two persons holding or representing by proxy shares of the class shall be a quorum, whatever the number of shares held by them), and that every holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy shall, on a poll, have one vote in respect of every share of the class held by him and shall be entitled to demand a poll.
理事会 9 个成员国派出 12 名代表出席了本届会议:孟加拉 国、柬埔寨、印度、印度尼西亚、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古、大韩民国、斯 [...]
The session was attended by 12 representatives [...]
of 9 member countries of the Governing Council, namely Bangladesh, Cambodia,
India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
通过多边、区域和双边贸易协 定,减少对各种劳动力包括非熟练工人临时流动的限制,可 派出 国 和 接受国创 造双赢机会。
Reducing restrictions on temporary movement of all labour categories, including less-skilled labour, through multilateral, regional and bilateral trade agreements could open win–win opportunities for both sending and receiving countries.
有關預先包裝食物總數的結果已根據下列數據來源作出 估計: a) 從經調查的19間店鋪取得的詳細產品資料; b) 由神秘顧客在190間店鋪點算得到的產品數目;以及 c) 從業界收回的6份問卷(一派出45份)
a) Detailed product information surveyed from 19 shops; b) Number of products counted by mystery shoppers from 190 shops; and c) Six questionnaires returned from trade out of a total of 45 being distributed.
女囚通常都由监狱女性工作人员看守。但是,委员会注意到,如上文提到 的,在涉及派出所时 ,缺少足够设施导致出现将被定罪者和审前被拘留者关在 一起的情形。
It noted, however, as mentioned above in relation to police stations, that the lack of adequate facilities led to situations where convicted prisoners were held together with pre-trial detainees.
轉讓股份 MMD及飛利浦均不可以轉讓合營公司股份的法定及╱或實
[...] 益擁有權的方式(為免生混淆,包括有條件或無條件轉讓或投 票權),直接或間接地出售、轉讓或以其他方式 派 、 出 售或 承諾派或出售其持有的合營公司股份(「股份轉讓」),除非 符合若干規定,計有(其中包括)合營公司其他股東已就股份 [...]
Transfer of shares Neither MMD nor Philips may sell, transfer or otherwise assign, or dispose of, or undertake to assign or dispose of, whether by way of transfer of the legal and/or beneficial ownership of the shares of JVCo (including for the avoidance of doubt a conditional or unconditional
transferorvotingrights),any shares of
[...] JVCo held by it, whether directly or indirectly (the ‘‘Share [...]
with certain provisions, including, among others, the other shareholder of JVCo has given its approval in writing to the Share Transfer.
[...] 对抗日益扩大和各方之间缺乏对话的情况,阿拉伯国 家联盟主动采取行动制止流血派出 一 组 观察员监测 叙利亚政府执行其承诺的情况,并保护手无寸铁的叙 [...]
Thus, in view of the escalating situation in Syria and the thousands of victims felled, the widening confrontations and the absence of dialogue between the parties, the League of
Arab States took the initiative to stop the
[...] bloodshed by sending a team of observers [...]
to monitor the Syrian Government’s implementation
of its commitments and to protect unarmed Syrian civilians.




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