

单词 洼地


低洼地 n

hollow n

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

总结关于洼地和三角洲未来的知识、远见和经验,会议也提出了 对所有这些方面进行整合以应用到三角洲地区的计划 中。
Bringing together all the knowledge, [...]
experiments, visions, concepts, research and experiences on what to do with the future
of our lowlands and deltas, the conference also addresses the need to integrate all these aspects for a comprehensive planning approach in deltaregions.
洼地和许 多特定的三角洲地区及冲积平原通常 是地球上人类聚居的地方,也是最繁荣的地方。
Lowlands and more specifically delta regions and floodplains are often among the most densely populated places on earth.
如果海平面在数小时内迅速升高,会造成沿岸 洼地 区 的 严重洪涝灾害和人员生命 的巨大伤亡。
The local network will provide the infrastructure for transferring data and data products via the web, or otherwise as appropriate.
有可核实 的证据显示,到 2100 年海平面可能上升一米或一米
[...] 以上,这可能导致若干小岛屿国家消失和许多沿岸国 的沿海洼地区淹没。
There is verifiable evidence to suggest sea-level increases of a metre or more by 2100, which could lead to
the disappearance of several small island States and the
[...] submergence of low-lying coastal areas [...]
in many littoral States.
上海的湖泊集中在与江、浙交界的西 洼地 , 最 大湖泊为淀山湖,面积为62平方公里。
Shanghai lakes are located at the West part of the limit between Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the biggest one is called Dianshan Lake (62 square kilometers).
把雨水利用与天洼地、公 园的河湖等湿地 保护和湿地恢复相结合。
Combine rain use with protection and restoration of wetland such
[...] as natural low-lying land, lakes and [...]
rivers in parks.
居住 在人口稠密的沿海和洼地区、 干旱地区和高山地区以及小岛屿上的城市和农村 [...]
Particularly at risk are poor urban and
rural women who live in densely populated
[...] coastal and low-lying areas, drylands [...]
and high mountainous areas and small islands.
2006 水环境区域会议包括研究计划、科学论述与 讨论;还包括介绍和讨论洼地与三 角洲发展的新观 念,包括一天莱茵河三角洲实地考察旅行。
The Inter-Regional Conference Envirowater 2006 is dedicated in part to research projects and scientific presentations and discussions and in part to presentations and discussions of new concepts for the development of lowlands and deltas, including a one-day field trip in the Rhine Delta.
[...] 安全和生存的影响,特别是对沿海 洼地 区 和 岛屿国家安全与生存的影响。
The consideration of issues relating to sea-level rises and their
impact on security and survival,
[...] particularly on the low-lying coastal areas [...]
and island nations, against the background
of sustainable development was also suggested by many delegations.
[...] 候变化和极端气候的危害性及其对无水电的棚户 区、人类流动性、小岛屿和沿海 洼地 区 的负面影 响,指出受害最大的是那些责任最小的人群,这些 [...]
Recalling the main points of her report, she underlined the seriousness of climate change, its extreme manifestations and
its impact on informal and unserviced settlements, on human mobility, and on small
[...] islands and low-lying coastal areas.
Wetland 湿地 一年中的大多数时候被浅水和植物覆盖的 洼地。
Wetland a low area of land covered for much of the year with shallow water and plants.
主要适用于:1)各类挡土墙北面垂直及水平排水;2)公路、铁路路基、路肩,软土地基排水;3)隧道、地下道的排水;4)电力灰坝及水利坝体的排水;5)高速公路中央隔离带排水及保护植被;6)室外运动场地的排水;7)横向水平钻空排水;8)易崩滑地排水护坡;9)屋顶花园及花台排水;10)山坡地水上保持;11)整地工程的地下排水;12) 洼地 排 水 及盐碱地改造系统。
Mainly applicable to: 1) vertical and horizontal water drainage at the north side of all types of retaining walls; 2) water drainage at highway and railway subgrades, shoulder of road, soft soil foundation; 3) tunnels, underground drainage; 4) water drainage of electrical power ash dam and water conservatory dam;5)drainage at central partition of expressway and protection of vegetation; 6) water drainage of outdoor sports venues; 7) horizontal air drilling drainage; 8) water drainage at protection slope where landslide is prone to occur; 9) water drainage at the roof garden and raised flower bed; 10) slope water conservation; 11)
underground drainage of site preparation works; 12) water
[...] drainage of low-lying land and transformation [...]
of saline lands.
开花6-14厘米,细长,圆柱体; 轴1.5-2.5毫米宽; 5-10毫米的总状花序,在对生上被理 洼地 边 的 那些轴,着生(-)3-6小穗; 略胖的总状花序轴三棱,具短缘毛的沿边缘。
Inflorescence 6–14 cm, slender, cylindrical; axis 1.5–2.5 mm wide; racemes 5–10 mm, sunk in depressions on opposite sides of the axis, bearing (1–)3–6 spikelets; raceme rachis stoutly triquetrous, ciliolate along margins.
洼 地区不 适宜开发,该地区很容易受到岸边及暴雨洪水的影响。
Low-lying areas can be inappropriate [...]
for development and are vulnerable to riverine and storm-surge flooding.
联合提交的材料2(JS2) 指出,气候变化将会导致盐化有限的淡水资源,海 平面升高,导致潮汐洪水泛滥和浪潮汹涌,侵蚀海岸线以及 洼地 区 , 从而威胁 着食物权、健康权、生计权以及维持适足生活水准能力。
Joint Submission 2 (JS2) stated that climate change would threaten rights to food, health, means of subsistence, and the ability to maintain an adequate standard of living by causing salinization of limited freshwater sources, sea-level rise resulting in flooding and over-wash during tide surges, and erosion of coastlines and low-lying areas.
它妨碍国家和地方政府当局努力发展和 执 行具体 政 策确保人民享 受权 利,并改善物质和 精神生活标准,以及消除农 村 和 城 市、山 区 和洼 地 区之间的 差距。
This hinders the efforts of national and local government authorities to develop and implement concrete policies to ensure the rights and improve living standards materially and spiritually for the people, as well as narrow the development gap between rural and urban, mountainous and lowland areas.
增加的灌溉地面积主要是在下游国家,这些国家的 洼地 为 发 展灌溉农业提 供了合适的条件。
The area of irrigated land increased mainly in downstream countries, whose lowlands provided suitable conditions for the development of irrigation-based agriculture.
野生稻和栽培稻的差异也很大 野生 稻的秆更长 穗的重量也更大 因而秆也 更加弯曲 但产出的谷粒却很少 如今 在野生稻的发源地 中国 野生稻的数 量也越来越少
[...] 这是因为野生稻一般仅生 长在湿气很重的洼地 例如沼泽或溪流 与河流堤岸
Because it needs a lot of moisture, it occurs almost
[...] exclusively in low-lying land, such as [...]
swamps or on the banks of streams and rivers.
在南澳州建立官方行政区之后的十一年,两兄弟偶然发现两河之间的一 洼地。
Eleven years after the official settlement of South Australia, two brothers stumbled across a
[...] piece of land lying between two rivers.
联合来文3 声明,在巴布亚新几内亚,气候变化将威胁享有粮食、健康、 生存方式的权利,威胁个人维持其适足生活水准的能力,因为气候变化将有限的
[...] 淡水资源盐渍化、加剧飓风、海平面上升导致在潮涌时发生水灾和土地被淹没、 并使海岸线和洼地区遭到侵蚀。
Joint Submission 3 (JS3) stated that in Papua New Guinea, climate change would threaten the enjoyment of the rights to food, health, means of subsistence, and the ability of individuals to maintain an adequate standard of living as it would cause salinification of limited freshwater sources, worsened
cyclones, sea level rise resulting in flooding and overwash during tide surges, and erosion
[...] of coastlines and low-lying areas.
1999 年“西部大开发战略”的一部分,这些方案 力求解决草场退化的问题,控制 洼地 区 的 灾害。
These programmes, part of the 1999 Western Development Strategy (xibu da kaifa), seek to address the degradation of pasture lands and control disasters in the lowlands of China.
长期危害还可能包括损失大量可耕种土地,以及由于岛国或 洼地 区 越 来越不适宜居住而催生 的气候难民。
Acute weather changes will produce floods, droughts and even breed new diseases, threatening the survival and wellbeing of these countries. the possible long-term risks include a shift in arable land and the emergence of climate change refugees from island nations or low-lying areas as they become increasingly uninhabitable.
波罗的沿海地带是一个洼的地带, 它构成了 波兰主要的平坦的海岸线和北部边境。
The Baltic coastal
[...] plains are a low-lying region, which form [...]
Poland’s mostly smooth coastline and northern border.
自1985 年以来,中国政府在西部省份和自治区――西藏自治区、四川、青 海、内蒙古和新疆――执行了一系列政策,表面上其目的是实现畜牧业现代化和 商品化;同时解决草场退化的问题,防止在中国 洼地 区 发 生自然灾害。
Since 1985, the Chinese authorities have implemented a range of policies in the western provinces and autonomous regions—Tibet Autonomous Region, Sichuan, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang—ostensibly aiming at modernizing the animal husbandry industry towards commodification, while
at the same time addressing the degradation
[...] of pasture lands and preventing natural disasters in the lowlands of China.
上周股指表现来看,市场面临中期调整的考验,我们认为从1664点以来的本次上涨的主因是经济恢复的预期以及流动性带来的资金面的充沛,但从个股基本面来看,市场目前的预期显然过分乐观了,不少个股涨幅已经达到牛市的峰值,在价值投资无法找 洼地 的 时 候,我们只能倾向于趋势投资,最近两周的大幅调整,明显将市场的上升趋势破坏,预计未来指数需要一段时间的震荡调整来修复趋势。
Last week, the performance index, the market faces the test of the medium-term adjustment, we believe that 1664-point rise since the main reason for this is the expected economic recovery as well as the mobility of capital brought about by the abundant surface, but individual stocks fundamental point of view, market is clearly over-optimistic expectations, and many stocks have reached a bull market or a peak value of investments can not be found in the depression, we can only tend to trend in investment, the recent sharp adjustment in two weeks, obviously undermine the market's upward trend in is expected to take some time for the next index of the shock to adjust to fix the trend.
还需要进一步 研究有关的保护机制,以便保护由 于气候变化相关事件而 可被视为因失
[...] 所而在境内或 跨 界迁移 的人,以及由 于洼 地区和岛屿国家淹没而 导致永久失所的人。
Further study is also needed of protection mechanisms for persons who may be considered to have been displaced within or across national borders due to climate change-related events and for
those populations which may be permanently displaced as a consequence of
[...] inundation of low-lying areas and island States.
由于没有任何其他谋生办法,虽然政府在重新安置地区提供了 教育和基本医疗服务,他们最终还是在水灾过后回到了以前居住的 洼地 区。
In the absence of any alternative income generating activity, they eventually returned to the fertile low-lands once the flooding season was over, even though education and basic health care were provided at the relocation sites.
[...] 和培训方面进一步努力,以促进更好地理解所有与水资源有关的进程,而这些进程在 洼沿 海地带的 可持续发展中起着重要的作用。
The symposium recommended for UNESCO to enhance its efforts in education and training to contribute to a better understanding of all waterrelated processes which
play an important role for sustainable
[...] development of low-lying coastal areas and [...]
further strengthen the coordinated implementation
of cross-cutting projects, and education and training activities between IHP, MAB, IOC, IGCP, CSI and MOST.
2002 年 9 月 9-12 日,有关“洼沿海地区水文和沿海地带综合管理”的国际讨论会在 [...]
德国不来梅港举行,是由国际水文计划运行水文学方案德国和荷兰国家委员会共同举办,同 时还有教科文组织以及世界气象组织的合作。
An international
[...] symposium on “Low-lying coastal areas – Hydrology [...]
and integrated coastal zone management”, held from 9
to 12 September 2002 in Bremerhaven, Germany, was co-organized by IHP/OHP National Committees of Germany and the Netherlands in cooperation with UNESCO and WMO.
认识地势低洼国家 和其他小岛屿国家、具有 洼 沿 海 地 区 、干旱和半干旱 地区或具有易受水灾、旱灾和荒漠化影响地区的国家以及具有脆弱山区生态系统 的发展中国家特别容易遭受气候变化的不利影响
Recognizing that low-lying and other small island countries, countries with low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas or areas liable to floods, drought and desertification and developing countries with fragile mountainous ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change




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