单词 | 活力 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 活力 noun —vibrancy n
很多人希望文化和藝術能融入香港市民的日常生活裡,認為飲食及零售 等活動均能增加該區的活力。 legco.gov.hk | Many expressed the wish of having arts and culture integrated [...] into Hong Kong citizens’ everyday lifestyle, including dining, retail etc., which could [...] also add vibrancy to the district. legco.gov.hk |
考慮增加對香港藝術節的資助,以豐富其節目內 容、吸引高水平的表演者參與,以及委託藝術家 創作新的作品,為本地藝壇注入活力。 legco.gov.hk | consider enhancing the level of funding support for the Hong Kong Arts Festival to enrich [...] the programmes, attract high calibre performers and commission new [...] works to inject life and vibrancy in our arts scene. legco.gov.hk |
政府會繼續探 討以公私營合作 [...] 模式推行西九計劃,藉此引進 市 場的創 意和活力, 促 進文化 藝術的多元 發展,以及確保文 [...]娛藝術區可 持續運 作。 legco.gov.hk | The Government will continue to explore public private partnership (PPP) in taking forward [...] the WKCD with a view to bringing in [...] market creativity and vibrancy, facilitating diversity [...]in arts and culture, and ensuring [...]sustainable operation of the Cultural District. legco.gov.hk |
(iv) 多用途的廣場:廣場應可容納從享受綠色空間的靜態休憩活動以至舉行充 滿活 力的不同活動。 forum.gov.hk | (iv) Multi-purpose uses: The piazza should be able to [...] accommodate activities ranging from passive [...]enjoyment of green open space to vibrant events. forum.gov.hk |
3.10 在質性分析的相關意見中,約 35%為正面意見、25%為負面 意見和 [...] 40%為非正面或負面意見但提供其他意見和建議(例 如:進一步提升朝氣活力、營 造地方特色,以及詳細設計的 建議)。 legco.gov.hk | 3.10 About 35% of the relevant views recorded in the qualitative analysis were considered positive, 25% negative, and 40% were neither positive nor negative but making other views and [...] suggestions (such as further scope for [...] improvement in terms of vibrancy, place-making and [...]suggestions on detailed design aspects). legco.gov.hk |
發展露天廣場的主要目的是為本地居民和遊客提供一 個新的公共空間,藉此加強天星碼頭一帶景點的連繫,令該區更 添 活力。 forum.gov.hk | The main objective of the piazza project is to create a new [...] public open space for use by both the locals and tourists alike, thereby enhancing the [...] connectivity and vibrancy of the area. forum.gov.hk |
有些建議提升朝氣活力、把 總樓面面積重新分配 以讓海濱能有更和諧的設計、把陸地與海港有更佳的 [...] 連合、提供更多地面的行人接駁和更寬濶的園景平 台、沿海濱長廊提供電車路和單車徑、收窄 P2 路的闊 度、達致更明確的休憩用地、推廣更環保的建築設計、 [...] 引入綠化比率、和確保有效的落實機制。 legco.gov.hk | Some suggested enhancing vibrancy, redistributing [...] GFA to achieve harmonized design at the waterfront, better land-water [...]interface, providing more at-grade pedestrian links and wider landscaped decks, providing tram lines and cycle tracks along the waterfront promenade, reducing the width of Road P2, achieving better defined open spaces, promoting environmentally-friendly building design, introducing greening ratio, and ensuring effective implementation mechanisms. legco.gov.hk |
英國經濟的增長前景 仍然黯淡,雖然勞工市場已呈現活力 , 但歐元區 的狀況和消費信心疲弱,至少仍對當地經濟產生 一定影響。 hsbc.com.tw | The prospects for growth in the UK remain subdued as they are in part influenced by the situation in the eurozone and weak consumer confidence, although the labour market has proved to be resilient. hsbc.com.tw |
其增值為本的方向將有助香港定位為亞洲國際都會,把香港 塑造成具活力、創 意和企業家精神的城市,吸引世界各地的 設計專才。 legco.gov.hk | Its value-added approach will help enhance Hong Kong’s position as the Asia’s world city and promote Hong Kong as a vibrant, creative and enterprising location for design talents and professionals. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 主辦亞運會既可彰顯我們籌辦大型活動的能力,亦可展示我 們的管理水平、運動員的成就和潛能,以及香港的多元化和 活力,並 為體壇和整個社會留下多項體育設施。 legco.gov.hk | (d) It would demonstrate our ability to organise major events, showcase our management capability, the achievements and potential of our athletes and the diversity and vitality of Hong Kong, and leave behind a suite of sports facilities for the sports sector as well as the community at large. legco.gov.hk |
採用誇張陳述是正當的常用廣告宣傳手法,因為該等陳述照理是不應按字面理 [...] 解,一般消費者不大可能會從字面盡信這些顯然是誇大或吹捧的聲稱,例如「世 上最好的汽車」或「立即讓你活力四 射 」。 legco.gov.hk | Common advertising practice of making exaggerated statements are legitimate as these statements are not meant to be taken literally and the average consumer would unlikely take literally the [...] meaning of these obvious exaggerations or puffery, for example, “the best car in [...] the world”, or “it energizes you instantly”. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 「西九」應發展為世界級的綜合文娛藝術及旅遊區,區 內設施應作適當的匯聚,俾能日夜吸引人流,從而產生 協同效應,加添活力 legco.gov.hk | (a) WKCD should be developed into an integrated world-class arts and cultural, entertainment and tourism district. It should be a [...] district with its facilities suitably clustered together to attract people flow all [...] day, hence creating synergy and vibrancy legco.gov.hk |
不少城市均意識到文化發展能增加城市的 『 活力 』 以及在經濟發展方面作出獨特的貢獻 legco.gov.hk | Many cities have recognised the unique contribution of cultural development to the "livability" and the economic development of the city. legco.gov.hk |
特區政府宜有限度改變新界地區《分區計劃大綱圖》所規限的土地用途, 開拓商機以促進新界地區的經濟活力 及 創 造就業,從而為市區和新界締造「雙 贏」的局面。 procommons.org.hk | The Government should also consider changing the permitted land use as [...] stipulated in the Outline Zoning Plan in the New Territories on a limited basis, for the [...] sake of promoting economic vibrancy and crea ti ng job opportunities, so as to foster a [...]“win win” situation for the metro core areas and the New Territories as a whole. procommons.org.hk |
綜 合發展 區」地帶內除 計劃提供高質素的 寫字樓,以應付對 商業中 心 區 [...] 寫字樓的長遠 需求外 , 還 為 增添海旁的活 力及對市民 和 遊客的 吸引力而提供商業消 [...]閒 用途,例 如 茶座、 酒 樓 餐 廳 及零售商店。 legco.gov.hk | While high quality office is envisaged in the “CDA” site to meet the long-term office demand in the CBD, the provision of waterfront-related commercial and leisure uses such as cafes, [...] restaurants and retail shops is intended [...] to enhance the vibrancy and attraction [...]of the waterfront to both tourists and local people. legco.gov.hk |
我們依然滿懷信心,區內充滿活力的 經 濟增長和市場對儲蓄及保障產品的龐大需求將繼續為本集 [...] 團帶來長遠而顯著的具盈利增長機遇。 aia.com | We remain confident that [...] the region’s dynamic economic growth [...]and vast demand for savings and protection products will continue [...]to provide the Group with significant profitable growth opportunities for many years to come. aia.com |
我們會採用概念總綱計劃所載的方便暢達、嶄新面貌、優良 設計和多元發展等策略,把九龍東轉型為一個具吸引力和充 滿 活力 的 商 業區。 devb.gov.hk | Following the broad strategies of Connectivity, Branding, Design and Diversity (CBD2) in our conceptual master plan, we will transform Kowloon East into an attractive and vibrant business district. devb.gov.hk |
政務司司長表示,在目前全球經濟處於非常時刻,《綱要》的出台意 義重大,對粵港澳打造最具經濟活力 區 域提供了明確的政策保證,要加大 力度、加快速度落實《綱要》。 legco.gov.hk | The Chief Secretary for Administration indicated that while the global economy is facing a challenging and critical time, launching of the Framework has important impact as it provides a clear policy to develop Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao into the most energetic economic region. legco.gov.hk |
Prudential Capital 持續投資於能力發展,透過維持必要 的 活力 及 彈性,以確保在監管變動增加的 時期內仍保持穩健的財務管理及批發服務,並在可接受的風險範圍內發掘及實現盈利機會。 prudential.co.uk | Prudential Capital has continued to invest in developing its capabilities, by seeking to maintain the dynamism and flexibility necessary to ensure that the treasury and wholesale services remain robust in a period of increased regulatory change, and to identify and realise opportunities for profit within acceptable risk parameters. prudential.co.uk |
成 員認為系統除方便行人流通之外,行人通道的設計 亦應可供進行合適的活動,令行人體驗更多趣味和 提升海濱的活力。 legco.gov.hk | Members considered that other than facilitating circulation, [...] the walkways should be designed to allow [...] appropriate activities to enrich the pedestrian experience and enhance vibrancy. legco.gov.hk |
與大型商場相反,根據"劇院區"的概念,該等零售/飲食/ [...] 娛樂設施將會分散設於西九文化區各處,與文化藝術設施融 合,藉以產生協同效應和增加人流,使西九文化區時刻都充滿 活力。 legco.gov.hk | Instead, the RDE facilities will be scattered throughout WKCD to integrate with the arts and cultural facilities under the "theatreland" [...] concept, so as to create synergy and bring about increase in people flow to [...] keep the district in vibrancy at all times. legco.gov.hk |
他們還列出有關的交通暢達程度和活力 的評 級準則,如何改善維港的建議以及提供漫步海傍的最佳路線。 harbourfront.org.hk | They also outline how they rated [...] accessibility and vibrancy, their recommendations [...]for improving the harbour, and what the [...]best routes are for walking along the waterfront. harbourfront.org.hk |
特區政府應考慮採取比較分散的土地利用模式,有限度改變新 界地區《分區計劃大綱圖》所規限的土地用途,把更多社會和經濟活動和人口 從都會區遷至新界,更致力提升新界地區的經 濟 活力 及 就 業機會,從而減輕市 區的壓力。 procommons.org.hk | The Government should consider a more decentralized land use pattern and modify the lan d use as stipulated by the Outline Zoning Plan. procommons.org.hk |
另一方面,新界地區的經濟和社會 活力 遠 遜 市區; 更嚴重的是很多新界居民因工作與居住地點錯配而導致失業,造成新界地區失 業率偏高的情況。 procommons.org.hk | Even worse, residents of considerable proportion might be continuously obsessed with soaring unemployment rate or to say, the displacement between their places of residence and work. procommons.org.hk |
博物館諮詢委員會將會為博物館的工作及營運注入新意念,並 協助制訂更具活力和創 意的計劃來吸引年青觀眾,拓闊觀眾基礎。 legco.gov.hk | The Panels also inject new ideas into the work and operation of the museums and help formulate dynamic and creative plans to attract young visitors and widen the audience base. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 概念圖三 “體藝之都”,是要將這片位於都會區的土地,發展成為 體育及康樂中心,以康樂設施毗鄰低至中密度模式發展住宅項 目,加強其活力盎然的綠化市區形象。 legco.gov.hk | (c) The Sports by the Harbour concept (OCP3) aims to promote a sports and recreation hub in this part of the Metro Area, with low to medium density residential neighbourhoods created around the recreation facilities to reinforce a green and lively urban district. legco.gov.hk |
4. 在制訂有關建議時,小組委員已考慮現行的文化政策及 [...] 演藝界的情況、公眾及專業人士的意見,以及「西九」需要發 展的表演場地,以達致卓越的藝術水平、加強藝術界 的 活力, 以及促進綜合發展。 legco.gov.hk | In drawing up its recommendations, PATAG Members have taken into account the existing cultural policy and the current performing arts scene, views received from the public and the professionals, and the need for performance venues in WKCD [...] to contribute to achieving artistic [...] excellence, enhancing vibrancy of the arts, and [...]facilitating integrated development. legco.gov.hk |
亦有人列舉韓國首爾仁寺洞地區為例,指其古董店、 [...] 特色商舖、藝廊和其他商業活動,可帶動生機 和 活力 氣氛,成功吸引當地和海外旅客參觀,香港應予以參 考。 centralpolicestation.org.hk | It was also suggested that reference could be drawn from the Insadong area in Seoul, Korea where antique shops, [...] specialty shops mixed with art galleries and [...] other commercial activities make it a vibrant [...]and popular destination for locals and tourists alike. centralpolicestation.org.hk |
我們會繼續以開放 的態度,吸納立法會、區議會、海濱事務委員會、 相關持份者及公眾對優化海濱的意見,落實優化 維港兩岸的各項措施,以締造更有 活力 及 創 意的 海濱,讓市民共享。 legco.gov.hk | We will continue to collect views on harbourfront enhancement from the Legislative Council, District Councils, the HC, relevant stakeholders and the public with an open attitude to take forward the enhancement measures at both sides of the harbour with a view to creating a vibrant and innovative harbourfront can be created for public enjoyment. legco.gov.hk |
區內的各項文化和商業設施,不單可以為香港帶來更多遊 [...] 客,還會吸引更多世界知名的表演者到香港表演,使香港成為一個更 具有活力及國際化特色的商業中心。 devb.gov.hk | Cultural and commercial facilities on the site will not only draw more tourists to Hong Kong, it will also help us attract more [...] world-renowned performers and add to our attraction as the most [...] cosmopolitan and dynamic international [...]business centre in Asia. devb.gov.hk |