

单词 活跃分子

See also:


brighten up

分子 n

molecules pl
part n
molecule n
polymer n
numerator n

分子 adj

molecular adj
intellectual adj


members of a class or group
one's share of a gift price
political elements (such as intellectuals or extremists)
(math) numerator of a fraction

External sources (not reviewed)

该办事处还是机构间人权 专题小组活跃分子,自 2007 年 12 月起一直与该工作组协同工作。
The Office
[...] has also been an active member of the human [...]
rights inter-agency group, and is coordinating since December 2007 the work of the group.
自那之后,她的唯一同胞即她的哥哥就成了以“常胜军”闻名 的图西族民兵活跃分子。
Thereafter, her only sibling, an older brother,
[...] J.F.N., became active in the Tutsi [...]
militia known as the “Sans Échec”.
伊斯兰合作组织对不仅袭击巴勒斯坦平民,而且 还袭击来自国际非政府组织的和 活跃分子 与 志愿 者深感不安。
The OIC group is highly perturbed by the
attacks not only on Palestinian civilians,
[...] but also on peace activists and volunteers [...]
from international non-governmental organizations.
在报告所述期间,另外约有 43
[...] 人在 抗议路障时遭到逮捕;一名以色列反路障 活跃分子 被判刑入狱 16 个月。
Some 43 others were arrested while
protesting the barrier during the reporting period, and an
[...] anti-barrier Israeli activist was sentenced to [...]
16 months in jail.
在报告期内,无数次发生受影响的社区、土 活跃分子 和 人权捍卫 者通过公开抗议表达对长期的土地争端的关切,对目前解决争端的办法和机制表 示不满。
During the reporting
[...] period, there were numerous occasions where affected communities, land activists and human rights [...]
defenders voiced their
concern over chronic land disputes through public protest, demonstrating discontent with the current methods and mechanisms available for resolving land disputes.
尽管海外广播受到干扰,但美国之音、BBC、自由亚洲电台、德国之声和法国国际广播仍然拥有大量听众,其中包 活跃分子 、 普 通公民和政府公务员。
Despite jamming overseas broadcasts, VOA, BBC, RFA, Deutsche Welle, and Radio France International had a large audience, including rights advocates, ordinary citizens, and government officials.
这就导致了对互联网的限制增加,通过使用日益 尖端的技术来封杀内容,监视和识 活跃分子 和 异 见者,对合法言论加以定罪, 并通过限制性立法将这些措施合法化。
This has led to increased restrictions on the Internet through the use of increasingly
sophisticated technologies to block content,
[...] monitor and identify activists and critics, criminalization [...]
of legitimate expression,
and adoption of restrictive legislation to justify such measures.
作为一个电子电路元件,杀菌灯可被认为是 活跃 ” 分子 , 因 为它会产生谐波和瞬态电压,电流。
As elements in an electrical circuit, germicidal lamps are referred to as “active” elements because [...]
they generate harmonic and transient voltages and currents.
继这些研究后,该机构还组织了一系列关于 “超越战争和危机的展望”的会议,这些会议为解决中东地区的冲突问题提供一
[...] 种不同的方案,这其中包含非政府组 活跃分子 、 学 术界以及国际组织代表有关 性别关系和国际捐赠政策的贡献。
Following the studies, the institute organized a series of conferences on “Perspectives beyond war and crisis” that offered a different approach to the
conflict in the Middle East, with
[...] contributions from NGO activists, academics and [...]
representatives of international organizations
on gender relations and international donor policies.
斯洛文尼亚对目前状况表示关注,并对保安部队继续对平民使用暴力和镇 压、任意拘留、逮捕人活跃分子以 及 杀害人权捍卫者表示遗憾。
Slovenia expressed concern over the current situation and regretted that violence and repression by the security forces against the civilian
population, arbitrary detentions, arrests
[...] of human rights activists, and killings of [...]
human rights defenders still continued.
Girls at
[...] War”描写了5位定居点的女孩,她们是定居点新一代激进政治 活跃分子 中 的 一员。
Girls at War” portrays of five young
female settlers, part of the new generation of settlers
[...] who have become active in the radical politics [...]
of the settlement.
国际经济、社会和文 化权利网络力争实现下列目标:建立有利的权力下放架构,使世界各地的各群体
[...] 能够共同致力于人权和社会正义;增强各群体、组织 活跃分子 和 其 他行为者以 人权为工具加强自身工作的能力。
The Network works towards the following goals: developing a supportive and decentralized structure to enable groups from different parts of the world to work together on human rights and social
justice; and enhancing the capacity of groups,
[...] organizations, activists and other actors [...]
to use human rights as a tool to strengthen their own work.
他还是Xebia的一名Scala布道师和荷兰Scala用户组 活跃分子。
He is an active member of Xebia’s [...]
Scala evangelists and the Dutch Scala usergroup.
2008年3 月,在
[...] 世界消费者权利日那天,警察逮捕和起诉了18 名反对派新加坡民主党活跃分 子和成 员,罪名是对生活费用的上升举行非法集会与游行。
In March 2008, on World Consumer Rights Day, the police had arrested
[...] and charged 18 activists and members of [...]
the opposition Singapore Democratic Party
with illegal assembly and procession against the rising cost of living.
2008 年 10 月 7
[...] 日,强迫或非自愿失踪问题工作组主席兼报告员就对与 联合国人权机构合作的民间组 活跃分子 P.I.N 进行恫吓和打击报复问题迅速发出 [...]
一 封干预 信件。
On 7 October 2008, a prompt intervention letter was sent by the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on enforced or involuntary disappearances concerning
intimidation and reprisals against P.I.N.,
[...] a civil society activist who cooperates [...]
with United Nations human rights bodies.
[...] 深为关注当局对人权维护者、博客作者、诗人、政 活跃分子 以及 对残暴镇压和平抗议和示威发表批评意见的普通公民所采取的行动。
JS3 expressed deep concerns over the actions of the authorities
towards human rights defenders, bloggers,
[...] poets, political activists and ordinary citizens [...]
who had spoken out against the brutal
crackdown on peaceful protests and demonstrations.
真主活跃分子组织 并极 力怂恿黎巴嫩居民和真主党活动分子策划看似自发 性的暴乱活动,针对联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队进行抗 议,随后于 7 月 3 日发生多起针对联黎部队的事件。
Only a few days ago, Hizbullah yet again demonstrated its disregard of civilians when its operatives organized and [...]
actively encouraged
Lebanese residents and Hizbullah activists to stage seemingly spontaneous violent riots of protest against the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, to be followed by numerous incidents directed at these forces, which consequently took place on 3 July.
你知道你的细胞每天都被极活跃的 「 自由 基分子所侵袭吗?
Include whole grains, fruit and vegetables Did you know that each day your
[...] cells are bombarded by very active “free radical” molecules?
基地组织、其他恐怖组织及当地极 分子 仍 然 很活 跃,世 界许多地区都面临来自这些群体的威胁。
Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations
[...] and local extremists are still active, and many areas [...]
in the world face a threat from such groups.
在专家组在对关活跃在刚果(金)东部武装团体筹资问题的任务规定做出的 严格解释中,专家组将刚果领土内的布隆迪反 分子 称 为 民解力量,但在其 2011 年最后报告脚注 46 中说明“布隆迪各反对派领导人还在谈判用什么名字来称呼其 战斗人员。
In a strict interpretation of the
Group’s mandate
[...] regarding the financing of armed groups active in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Group referred to the Burundian rebels present on Congolese soil as FNL, but acknowledged [...]
footnote 46 of its final report of 2011 that “negotiations among Burundian opposition leaders about a name for their combatants are ongoing.
妇女被排除在公 共生活之外的原因包括经济匮乏、诋毁妇女政 活跃 份 子 受 人 尊敬的品质的性别 定型观念、妇女的人身安全受到威胁、学历低,以及家庭责 分 工 不 平等,在时 间上受到限制。
The reasons for women’s exclusion
[...] from political life include economic deprivation, gender stereotypes that denigrate the respectability of politically active women, threats to women’s physical safety, lower educational attainments and the constraints time imposed by the unequal division of domestic responsibilities.
建议针对贸易便利化问题采取以下六项行动:(1) 建立和加强 体制机制,以便发现贸易便利化的瓶颈和制订解决办法,(2) 开展或 加快旨在建立国家单一电子窗口的计划,以便在技术层面确保跨境互 操作性,(3) 建立一个协调统一的区域框架,以便以 子 方 式 交换贸 易数据和文件,(4) 实现过境便利化,作为贸易便利化计划的一分,(5) 创建一个泛亚协调机制,使活跃在贸 易便利化领域的各主要 的区域组织的代表都参与进来,以及(6) 鼓励发展贸易基础设施和物 流服务。
The following six actions are recommended to address trade facilitation issues: (1) Establish and strengthen institutional mechanisms for identifying trade facilitation bottlenecks and developing solutions, (2) Initiate or accelerate plans to establish national electronic Single Windows, incorporating existing international standards to ensure cross-border interoperability at the technical level, (3)
Develop a harmonized
[...] regional framework for electronic exchange of trade data and documents, (4) Facilitate transit as part of trade facilitation plans, (5) Create an Asia-wide coordination mechanism bringing together representatives of key regional organizations active in trade facilitation, [...]
and (6) Encourage
trade infrastructure and logistics services development.
[...] 织的代表组成的来自民间社会的传统伙伴之外,教科文组织还应该努力摸清那些基 活跃 团 体 的作 用,分利用 它们的专业知识和技术专长。
Some delegations considered that, in addition to its traditional partners from civil society, composed mainly of representatives of international non-governmental organizations, UNESCO should also
strive to ascertain contributions and avail of itself the know-how
[...] and expertise from groups active at the grass-roots level.
在这样的大背景下,罗兰贝格结合大量数据分析及多年研究经验,发布了行 分 析 报 告,指出电子商务的崛起源于五大因素的驱动:网购客户基数迅速扩大、信用支付体系日趋完善、电子商务企业日益壮大、电子商务领域融 活跃 、 电 子 商 务 的模式和品类不断丰富。
In this context, Roland Berger releases its latest industry report
combining a large amount of data analysis resource and years of research experience, pointing out 5 factors
[...] for the rise of E-commerce: the rapid expansion of the online customer base, the improving credit payment system, the growing E-commerce enterprises, the aggressive financing activities, and the diverse models and categories of E-commerce.
2010 年 2 月 18 日,海地总理让-马克斯·贝勒里夫在“灾后需求联合 评估研讨会”上的发言中概述了这一观点:“我们分享同一个梦想:看到海地从现 在起到 2030 年成为一个新兴国家,拥有简洁、平等、正义和团结的社会,与环 境、文化和谐共处,国家的现代性是建立了国家权利、结社言论自由和国土治 理,拥有现代化的、强有力的活跃 的 、有竞争力的、开放的和以本土为基础的 经济,人民所有的基本需求都能够满足并由一个统一.强大、确保总体利益、高 度地分权和 权力下放的国家来治理”。
This vision was outlined in speech delivered by Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive at the opening seminar of the joint post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) on 18 February 2010: “We share a dream: the dream of seeing Haiti as an emerging country by 2030, a society of simplicity, fairness, justice and solidarity living in harmony with its environment and its culture, enjoying a controlled modernity in which the rule of law, the freedoms of association and expression, and the country’s development are firmly in place, within a modern, strong, dynamic, competitive and open economy embracing the whole of the territory, one in which all of the people’s basic needs are satisfied and managed by a strong unitary State, the guardian of the general interest, a State which has undergone extensive devolution and decentralization.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐 分子 入 境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦 活 动 的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the
international airport in order to prevent
[...] terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
接下来的世界本身是各种位于 - 在地球上,在天空,在太阳或月亮 - 但最常用的地底下,而导致的生活设想,有一个沉闷和 子 , 或多或少存在着要么无能,或作为一个世俗的追求和对生活的乐趣更高或理想化形 活跃 的 延 续。
The next world itself is variously located -- on the earth, in the skies, in the sun or moon -- but most commonly under the earth; while the life led there is conceived
either as a dull and
[...] shadowy and more or less impotent existence, or as an active continuation in a higher or idealized form of the pursuits and pleasures of earthly life.
最后,海关组织秘书处欢迎委 员会发挥作用,协活跃在电子商务 法律标准领域的各种机构,从而拟订出能 够与技术层面所作类似努力互补的统一的法律标准。
Finally, the secretariat welcomed the role of the Commission
in coordinating the
[...] various bodies active in the field of legal standards for electronic commerce, thus preparing [...]
a harmonized
legal framework able to complement similar efforts taking place at the technical level.
反对将委员会改为政府间机构的那些国家共同阐述了以下两个理由:(a) 有 可能重活跃在国 际税务合作领域的其他国际组织的工作,以及因此有可能在国 际税务领域制订多重和不一致的国际标准;(b) 所需资源增加,可能使各国政府 目前为国际税务问分配的 本已有限的资 分 散。
Countries that objected to the conversion of the Committee to an intergovernmental body commonly cited the following two reasons: (a) the danger of duplication of work
of other international
[...] organizations active in the area of international tax cooperation and the resulting danger of establishment of multiple and inconsistent international standards in the area of international taxation; and (b) additional resource requirements with the risk of fragmenting the already [...]
limited resources currently
allocated by Governments to international tax issues.




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