

单词 洞房花烛



wedding night

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External sources (not reviewed)

提供北京城的鬼故事、电梯缝的人头、自习室的命案 洞房花烛 夜 、 逃不出的八楼、中横死亡之旅等鬼故事。
Provides Beijing clever story, elevator
seam number of people, studies
[...] by oneself room homicide case, wedding festivities night, not [...]
run away eight buildings, center
travel horizontal death clever story.
如果洞不能夠盡快填 補,不良房販賣經過稀釋的咳藥水的情況,便會變成「無王管」,後果將難以想像。
If the loophole cannot be plugged as soon as possible, the situation that unscrupulous drugstores [...]
sell diluted cough syrup will
get out of hand and the consequences will be unthinkable.
来到“世界虚拟公墓”的祭拜者还能在他们祭拜的I-Tomb前留下音像祭词、点上 烛 、 献 花 和 焚 香。
Visitors to "The World Virtual
Cemetery" can also leave audiovisual
[...] tributes, light candles, place flowers and burn incense in [...]
the I-Tombs they are visiting.
留 下 這些現 成房 不用花大 量 投資開發 新 土 地,必須在 經 濟 效益方面帶 [...]
來 明 顯 好 處 , 否 則 只 是 浪 費現有資源 。
If we should leave these premises vacant but expend huge [...]
resources to develop new land, there must be obvious benefits in
terms of cost-effectiveness, or else it would only be a waste of the existing resources.
当我们需要测量某个光源的时 候,按下按钮,一个测量的数据就被提取( 烛 光 ) ,然后被整合到运算当中。
When we aim the meter at some light source and push the button, the measurement
[...] is taken (in foot candles) and incorporated [...]
into the calculation.
烛的顺 序往往形成模式,有助于预测分析师和投资者更多或更少的准确性什么市场储备。
The sequence of candles often form patterns [...]
that help to predict analyst and investor with more or less accuracy what the market reserve below.
徐州众联玻璃瓶厂产品有:食品玻璃瓶、化妆品瓶、药用瓶、玻璃工艺品、玻璃 烛 台 、奶瓶玻璃、香水玻璃瓶、墨水玻璃瓶、出口玻璃瓶、马口铁瓶盖、调料瓶、保健瓶、麻油瓶、酒瓶、罐头瓶、酱菜瓶、饮料瓶、蜂蜜玻璃瓶、饮料玻璃瓶、大酒坛子、玻璃容器、药用玻璃瓶、输液瓶、抗生素瓶、精油瓶、 花 油 瓶 、膏霜瓶、指甲油瓶、玻璃口杯等1500多个品种,并能为客户来样加工 花 、 刻 字。
Xuzhou public glass bottle factory products are: glass bottle, cosmetic bottles,
[...] [...] medicine bottles, glass crafts, glass candlestick, glass bottles, perfume bottles, glass bottles, glass bottle of ink, tinplate, seasoning bottles, bottles, oil bottles, health care, cans, bottles pickles bottles, beverage bottles, honey glass bottles, beverage bottles, large wine jar, glass containers, medicinal glass bottle, transfusion bottles, oil bottles, bottles of antibiotics, safflower oil bottles, cream bottles, nail polish [...]
bottles, glass and so on more than 1500 varieties, and for customers to sample processing decorated, lettering.
要杜絕此等洞, 房委會 在招標過程㆗和興建工程時,必須作出檢討,更要審慎、有效率和有足夠的㆟ 手去監察整個過程,加強懲罰那些處事失當、無良或以不合理的理由延遲交樓的建築 商,才可使居屋的質和量都得到保證。
It is only by imposing heavier penalties on those constructors who do not perform properly, who are unscrupulous or those who fail to finish the construction work on time without reasonable reasons that the Authority can ensure the quality and quantity of the HOS flats.
主席女士, 是次條例草案的修訂主要把房屋津貼納入入息計算、改善一些執法工作和技 術上的修訂,藉以避免有無良僱主利 房 屋 津 貼的 洞 來 逃避為僱員供強積 金。
Madam President, the amendments proposed in this Bill are mainly the inclusion of housing allowance into the calculation of income, the improvement of enforcement actions together with some technical amendments to prevent unscrupulous
employers from taking
[...] advantage of the loophole arising from the granting of housing allowance to [...]
evade their responsibility
of making MPF contributions for their employees.
我 更 希望發 展 創 新 科技這 方向對香港的 意 義 , 並不會 像 早 前 的科技股 熱 潮 般 , 只 是花 一 現洞 無 物
I also hope that the significance of the direction of developing innovation and technology to Hong Kong is not merely transient or lacking substance, just like the upsurge of technology shares earlier on.
Frades II 机组安装在地下房洞室中 ,上下两个水库之间的高差为 420 米。
Frades II will be installed
[...] in an underground cavern. The difference in [...]
height between the upper and lower water basins is 420 meters.
主席先生,在我的選區花園大廈是 房 屋 協會興建的大型屋 ,㆖星期五晚㆖,這個屋 的居民為了響應今日的動議辯論,專誠舉行了各座互助委員會聯席會議,在會議㆖,居 民代表對房協提出了很多意見,現在我只是轉述其㆗具有㆞區特點的兩項,至於其他的意 見,因為具有普遍性,其他議員已經提及或將會提及。
I am going to relate two points that are unique to that housing estate; as to the others, because of their generality, they have either been already mentioned by Members, or they will be mentioned later.
正如前联合国大会主席扬·埃利亚松所说:“如果我们将重点从冲突的晚期 阶段转到其早期阶段,如果我们在探测烟雾方面比在照顾一所已被烧毁 房 子上 花更多的时间,那么联合国就会出现截然不同的情况”(A/60/PV.98,第 4 页)。
As the former President of the General Assembly, Jan Eliasson, proclaimed, “What a qualitative difference we could have in the United Nations if we moved the focus from the late stages of conflict
to the early stages, if
[...] we were to spend more time on smoke detection rather than taking care of a house that has already [...]
burned down” (A/60/PV.98, p. 4).
美丽的花园、木制品和错综复杂的压锡 花 板 为这 所 房 子 创造了独特的氛围。
Beautiful gardens, woodwork and intricate pressed tin ceilings create [...]
a unique atmosphere.
富裕国家美国、加拿大、澳大 利亚和英国郊区花园房屋的用水量要高于本国的楼房住户,主要是因为花园用水量 大。
The household occupying a
[...] suburban house with garden, strongly associated [...]
with affluence in such countries as the USA, Canada,
Australia, and UK, is a higher water user than a high rise apartment dweller in the same country, largely because of garden water use.
[...] 各不相同的人、一个个家庭以及一群群男孩和女孩聚 集在华沙市中心,手持红色和白色的 烛 , 点 点 烛光 闪动,他们在悲痛、痛苦和悲伤中团结起来,但也团 [...]
结在对他们的国家、民主以及自由硕果的深爱中,卡 钦斯基总统为这一切作出了巨大贡献。
Poland felt “shock at the immensity of its loss”, as one prominent newspaper wrote at the sight of so many people of all ages and political persuasions, families, and groups of boys and
girls gathered in central Warsaw holding
[...] flickering flames, candles in the red and white [...]
colours; united in grief, pain and
sorrow, but also in care for their nation, their democracy and the fruit of freedom to which President Kaczyński contributed so much.
可以制作出20多种不同类型的图表其中包括:面积图,条形图,泡沫图,等高线图 烛 台 图 ,方块图,曲线图,曲面图,圆环图,甘特图,HighLowClose,线条图,OpenHighLowClose,柏拉图,饼状图,菱形图,点图,雷达图,散点图,茎叶图,地面天气图,以及上述类型图表的许多变种图。
Create more than 20 different charts types including Area, Bar, Bubble, Contour, Candlestick, Cube, Curve, CurveArea, Doughnut, Gantt, HighLowClose, Line, OpenHighLowClose, Pareto, Pie, Pyramid, Point, Radar, Scatter, Step, Surface, as well as many variants of these types.
代 理主席,希望經 過今次 辯 論 後 ,政府能夠真正 落 實 檢 討 區 議會的職 能 , 訂 出時間表,不要讓 權 力 空 虛 的 區 議員繼續以洞 的政治 花 瓶 形象無 聊 地 工 作。
Madam Deputy, I hope that after this motion debate the Government will genuinely implement its proposal to review the functions of DCs and draw up a timetable for this purpose.
問 題便出在㆒些不良㆞產商,利用現時的法律 洞 , 在 商用 花 或 改 建樓宇市場做手腳。
The problem arises when some unscrupulous developers
[...] take advantage of the loopholes in the existing laws [...]
to make unwarranted alterations to the design of the commercial premises and the conversion flats.
花栗鼠在洞穴储 存食物,以及他们在春季,夏季和秋季活动最重要的是致力于觅食和储存粮食,冬季种子,坚果和橡子。
Eastern Chipmunks store food in their burrows, and most of their [...]
activity during the spring, summer and fall is devoted
to foraging for and storing grain, seeds, nuts and acorns for winter.
然 而 , 政 府指出,房 穿 了很多洞 ,達三百多 億元,我們也 須考慮這 個 問 題 , 雖 [...]
然 基 本 上 我們不贊成 加 價,但如果 加 幅 不 太 離 譜,我們是會支持政 府,所以, 我們便 中 間 落墨。
However, as the
[...] Government puts it, its coffers are full of holes and [...]
there is a deficit of more than $30 billion. So we have to consider this.
長度索契洞穴約 12 公里和滴達 240 小時在遊覽網站上,在 Voroncovskoj
[...] [...] 的洞裡,你會發現神奇的房間:"Stalaktitovyj","先賢祠","Očažnyj"、"沉默" "流行"橢圓"、"熊"、"普羅米修士"異想天開和非同尋常的形式的鐘乳石大廳 "流行",他 Voroncovskoj 被認為是最美麗房間的洞穴。
Length Sochi caves about 12 km and drops up to 240 hours at the excursion site, in Voroncovskoj cave, you'll find fantastic rooms: "Stalaktitovyj", "Panthéon", "Očažnyj", "Silence" "Pop""Oval", "Bear", "Prometheus"
By whimsical and
[...] unusual form of stalactites Hall "Pop", he Voroncovskoj is considered the most beautiful room of the cave.
虽然你可能已经来到这里,而以后的日期,视频是非常有益的,因为它适用于基本概念,如移动平均线,支持线, 烛 及 其 他。
Although you may have come here on a date rather later, the
video is quite instructive because it applies basic concepts such as moving
[...] averages, Support lines, candles and the like.
2006 年底颁布的土地保有制度 改革法令,旨在确保每位皮特凯恩岛民只要居住在皮特凯恩岛上,就有权分配到 “足以满足其需求的”房、花园、 果园和林地。
A Land Tenure Reform Ordinance was enacted at the end of 2006 to ensure that every Pitcairn Islander was entitled to an allocation of house, garden, orchard and forestry land “sufficient to meet their needs” for as long as they live on Pitcairn.
由1982年5月推出的居者有其屋 (居屋)
[...] 計劃第三期乙起,透過居屋計劃、私人機構參建居屋計劃、可租可買計劃、重建置業計劃及中等入息家 房屋 (花園) 等計劃下出售的單位,以及由1998年推出的租者置其屋計劃 [...]
(租置計劃) 第一期起,透過租置計劃出售的單位,均有根據房屋條例
(第283章) 附表所規定的轉讓限制。
Flats sold under the Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) / Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS) / Buy or Rent Option
(BRO) / Mortgage Subsidy Scheme
[...] (MSS) and Melody Garden in the Middle Income Housing Scheme (MIH) [...]
since the launch of HOS Phase
3B in May 1982 and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) since launch of its first phase in 1998 are subject to alienation restrictions under the Schedule to the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283).
[...] Francine),本名托马索·弗朗西尼,1599年被亨利四世召至法国修建安置在圣日耳曼昂莱大平台上 花 园 岩 洞 中 的 喷泉自动装置,他是这个水世界的奠基者。
Summoned to France in 1599 by Henri IV to
install the fountains for the
[...] automata in the grottoes of the terraced garden in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, [...]
Thomas Francine –
gallicised from Tommaso Francini – was the founding father of the dynasty.
按摩服务品种多样,巴里四手按摩、足底按摩、指压、火山岩按摩、泰式按摩、淋巴排水疗法、排毒疗法、草药及 烛 疗 法 、情侣双人按摩和颅顶按摩。
The range of massages offered is immense, from Balinese four-handed massages, reflexology and Shiatsu to
hot lava stone, Thai, lymphatic drainage,
[...] detox, herbal and candle massages, as [...]
well as a special massage for couples and cranial massages.




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