

单词 洛杉矶湖人

See also:


Los Angeles Lakers

External sources (not reviewed)

洛杉矶湖人队球 星科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)和职业网球选手卡洛琳·沃兹尼亚奇(Caroline [...]
The FC Barcelona forward joins the
[...] ranks of Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant [...]
and professional tennis player Caroline
Wozniacki who have been brand ambassadors since 2011 and 2010 respectively.
在加入新美术馆之前,她洛杉矶的 加 州艺术剧院画廊的创 人 和 策展人(2003-2007)。
Before joining the New Museum, Joo was the
[...] founding director and curator of the Gallery at REDCAT in Los Angeles (2003–07).
自2000年起,位洛杉矶的私人公司 WorldMate(R) 公司一直在开发获奖的移动旅行软件。
Based in Los Angeles, CA, privately held WorldMate(R) [...]
has been developing award-winning mobile travel software since 2000.
正是亚裔美人和华人以及 其他移民的血、汗、泪,为三藩市 洛杉矶 、 西 雅图、芝加哥这样的城市的繁荣做出贡献。
And it was the blood, sweat and tears Asian-Americans and
Chinese, and other
[...] immigrants, that contributed to the prosperity of the cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago.
2010 年 3 月,全球创造性论坛在加利福尼亚 洛杉矶 召 集 了制 人 、 导 演、 作者和演员以及联合国高级官员,探索联合国和娱乐业可以协力提高人们对全球 [...]
In March 2010, the Global Creative Forum brought together producers, directors,
writers and actors with senior United
[...] Nations officials in Los Angeles, California, to explore [...]
ways in which the United Nations
and the entertainment industry can join forces to raise awareness and mobilize the public around global issues.
为支持Ma先生的工作,United Mines将加洛杉矶世界 贸易中心(WTCLA)、旧金山世界贸易中心(WTCSF)和香港世界贸易中心(WTCHK)等组织。
In support of Mr. Ma's efforts, United
Mines will join the World Trade Center
[...] organizations in Los Angeles (WTCLA), San [...]
Francisco (WTCSF) and Hong Kong (WTCHK).
涉嫌復仇殺4人的前洛杉磯警 察Christopher Dorner,週三晚被追捕的警員在San Bernardino山區大湖發現 ,Dorner匿藏的渡假屋被警方圍困後起火,警方在燒毀的屋裡發現一燒焦了的屍體。
(AP) Los Angeles police say their department has returned to normal patrol operations, the day after a shootout and fire in the San [...]
Bernardino Mountains is
believed to have claimed the life of former cop Christopher Dorner.
法庭 感谢会议的协办者和主办者——加州大 洛杉矶 分 校 法学院的萨内拉·戴安 娜·詹金人权项 目以及芬兰、荷兰和瑞士政府。
The Tribunal is grateful to the co-organizers and sponsors of the Conference — the Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Project at UCLA School of Law and the Governments of Finland, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
传说中,圣帕特里克(St Patrick)在卡林福湖(Carlingford Lough)的滩头上种下了一株红杉, 此 后700年间,这株红 杉 的 叶 子始终指着天堂的方向。
Legend has it that St Patrick
[...] planted a yew tree at the head of the strand of Carlingford Lough, which pointed its dark green fronds towards the heavens for [...]
700 years.
Edward的体育生涯主要从事帆船运动,包括在澳大利亚举行的“1970’世界锦标赛”上“奥运飞翔的荷 人 ” 银 牌,在19 84 年 洛杉矶 和 19 88年韩国举行的“奥林匹克帆船赛”上代表英国。
Edward’s sports career centred on Sailing, including a Silver Medal in the Olympic Flying Dutchman Class in the 1970 World
Championships in Australia and represented
[...] Great Britain in the 1984 Los Angeles and 1988 Korean Olympics Sailing Class.
虽然此 后叛乱在乌干达结束,但这些团体的残余势力继续在更广泛的 湖 地 区犯 下 人权 暴行。
While the insurgency has since ended in Uganda, remnants of these groups
[...] continue to commit human rights atrocities in the wider Great Lakes Region.
U2009国际铀研讨会将于2009年5月9日至13日在Keystone科罗拉多度假村及会议中心举行,该会议中心位 洛矶 山 风景区,距离丹佛国际机场2个小时的车程,附近有许多滑雪场 湖 泊 , 以及白雪皑皑的群山。
The U2009 Global Uranium Symposium will be held May 9-13, 2009 at the Keystone, Colorado Resort
& Conference located
[...] in the scenic Rocky Mountains, a two-hour drive from Denver International Airport and near several other ski resorts, lakes and snowcapped mountains.
提高了有关国家在研究、教育和培训方面以及在促使妇女更多参与民主进程方面的能 力,具体做法是对以下活动提供了支持:a) 2002 年 2 月
[...] 15 日--19 日在内罗毕举办的“促 进”湖地区“刚人相互对话”的内罗毕(肯尼亚)讲习班;b) [...]
2002 年 9 月 17 日--22 日 在法国图卢兹举办的第三次法语男女平等主义者国际讨论会,c)
2003 年 3 月在智利圣地亚 哥的智利大学社会科学学院设立了性别平等研究教席;d) 2003 年 7 月为乌干达的律师和法 官举办了能力培养讲习班,具体办法是将国际人权标准用于判决对妇女施暴案件。
National capacity was strengthened in research, education and training, and in increasing women’s participation in democratic processes through support to: (a) the Nairobi (Kenya) Workshop on
“Engendering the Inter-Congolese
[...] Dialogue” in the Great Lakes region, Nairobi, from [...]
15 to 19 February 2002; (b) the Third
International Colloquium on French-language feminist studies, Toulouse, France, from 17 to 22 September 2002; (c) the creation of UNESCO Chair on Gender Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, March 2003; (d) capacity-building workshop for Ugandan lawyers and judges on applying international human rights standards in adjudicating cases of gender-based violence against women, July 2003.
常设论坛成 员兼伙伴关系共同主席 Devasish Roy 先生和其他土著专家,包括 Adelfo Regino Montes 先生(墨西哥瓦哈卡州政府土著事务秘书)和 Angela Riley 女士(加州大洛杉矶分校美国印第人研究 中心主任、法律系教授兼美利坚合众国波塔瓦托米 民族最高法院院长)积极参加了这次会议。
Mr. Devasish Roy, member of the Permanent Forum and co-chair of the Partnership, as well as other indigenous experts, including Mr. Adelfo Regino Montes (Secretary of Indigenous Affairs, Government of the State of Oaxaca, Mexico) and Ms. Angela Riley (Director of American Indian Studies Center and Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Chief of the Supreme Court of the Citizen Potawatomi Nations, United States of America) actively participated in the meeting.
地图显示了划拨给居住在美洛杉矶 且 目 前没有汽车的贫穷有人种儿童的游乐园。
Map displaying park access for
[...] children of color living in poverty with no access to a car in Los Angeles, USA.
它们出色的可操作性确保了主要港口内的安全性、可靠性、及时性和精确性:例 洛杉矶 的 救 火船,以色列海法港口系缆脱力为70吨的港口拖船或者在土耳其伊斯坦布尔穿过博斯普鲁斯海峡的高度机动性的渡轮。
Their outstanding maneuverability ensures safety, reliability, promptness and
precision in major ports: for example as
[...] fireboat in Los Angeles, as harbor tug [...]
with a bollard pull of 70 tons in the Israeli
port of Haifa or as highly maneuverable ferry crossing the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey.
美国航空建大堂人签入在洛杉矶为 的 名字,迎接贵宾接收预先印制的登机牌,然后采取的电梯在前面的安全线。
American Airlines built a
[...] lobby private check-in in Los Angeles for VIPs who [...]
greeted by name, receive pre-printed boarding
pass and then taken by elevator at the front of the security line.
此外,计入 Aydarkul-Arnasay 和 Sarykamish 湖体 (分别有 40 和 46
[...] 立方公里的水量)以及其他含有废水和污水 人 工 湖 , 乌 兹别克 斯坦水库的水量与目前咸海的水量相同。
Furthermore, factoring in the Aydarkul-Arnasay and Sarykamish lake system (40
and 46 cubic kilometres respectively)
[...] and other artificial lakes containing wastewater [...]
and drainage water, Uzbekistan’s reservoirs
hold the same amount of water as that currently found in the Aral Sea.
The design of the "L.A. Fireboat 2" is based on the VWT principle.
[...] 梅康圖爾其實是一個非常吸引游客的旅游觀光地,在其600公裡的山間小道上,每年有800,000多名游客來此登山、滑雪或游覽﹔欣賞此間的山谷奇觀,40,000個史前雕刻和鑲嵌在山中的 洛 斯 湖 , 這是歐洲最大的高海拔天然湖泊。
Awareness campaigns for educational purposes related to the inventory are being conducted among the general public, including exhibitions, talks, conferences, publications, summer schools, etc. The Mercantour National Park is indeed very popular among tourists, with over 800,000 visitors coming here every year to climb, ski or hike along its 600 kilometres of paths, or admire the Vallée
des Merveilles and its 40,000 prehistoric rock carvings or the
[...] Lac d’Allos, Europe’s highest natural high-altitude lake.
如:依托中南大学冶金物理化学学科,学校以技术出资与社会投资 合作相继创立了湖南瑞翔新材料有限公司 湖 南 杉杉 新 材料有限公司、湖南海纳新材料 有限公司,从 2001 年开始,在较短的时间内,先后实现了钴酸锂、电池级四氧化钴等 近 10 种具有国际先进水平的系列电池材料的产业化, 2004 年,实现销售收入 6 亿多 元,利税 6700 多万元,多项产品开始出口韩国等国际市场,实现出口 500 多万美元, 为社会创造就业岗位 650 多人,有 望构建湖南区域内能源材料的产业基地。
Since 2001, these corporations have successively realized the industrialization of nearly ten kinds of advanced battery materials, such as lithium cobaltate, CoO4, and so on.
KIT digital总部位于布拉格,在亚特兰大、北京、波士顿、布宜诺斯艾利斯、开罗、剑桥(英国)、清奈、科隆、德里、迪拜、加尔各答、伦敦 洛杉矶 、 墨尔本(澳大利亚)、孟买、纽约、新加坡、索非亚、斯德哥尔摩、台北和多伦多设有总办事处。
KIT digital is headquartered in Prague, and maintains principal offices in Atlanta, Beijing, Boston, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Cambridge
(UK), Chennai, Cologne, Delhi, Dubai,
[...] Kolkata, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne (Australia), [...]
Mumbai, New York, Singapore, Sofia,
Stockholm, Taipei and Toronto.
加州大洛杉矶分校 儿童精神病学家和精神科教授丹尼尔•西格尔(Daniel J. Siegel)曾说过:“从婴儿期开始人 们 通过感受养育者的情绪状态来调节自身的情绪状态。
Dr. Daniel J. Siegel[1] – child psychiatrist and clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine – said, “From early [...]
infancy, it appears
that our ability to regulate emotional states depends upon the experience of feeling that a significant person in our life is simultaneously experiencing a similar state of mind.
(a) 新闻部安排联合国高层工人员在 洛杉矶 和 纽 约参加一些活动,目的是 向电影和电视专业人士介绍联合国的工作,这些活动的场所有:美国制片人协会、 [...]
美国作家协会、The Good Pitch(BritDoc)和全球创意论坛
(a) The Department arranged for senior
United Nations staff to participate in
[...] several events in Los Angeles and New York designed [...]
to familiarize film and television
professionals with the work of the United Nations, at the Producers Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America, The Good Pitch (BritDoc) and the Global Creative Forum
在保存法庭的遗产方面,2010 年,在荷兰政府和加州大洛杉矶分 校法学院 的赞助下,法庭举办了关于“评价前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭遗产”这一主题的会 [...]
议,主要目标是促进不同行为者之间的协调和合作,以加强利用法庭遗产从而促 进前南斯拉夫及其他地区的法治、和平和正义的努力。
In the context of preserving the Tribunal’s legacy, in 2010 the Tribunal organized, with sponsorship from the
Government of the Netherlands and the University of
[...] California, Los Angeles, School of Law [...]
a conference on the theme “Assessing the
legacy of the International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” whose primary objective was to promote coordination and cooperation among various actors in order to strengthen efforts to utilize the Tribunal’s legacy for the promotion of the rule of law, peace and justice in the former Yugoslavia and beyond.
在土著问题常设论坛第十届会议期间,知识产权组织共同赞助了 由加州大洛杉矶分校美国印第人 研 究 中心举办的关于保存和保护土著人民 文化遗产和知识产权的会外活动。
At the tenth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, WIPO co-sponsored a sideevent, organized by the American
Indian Studies Center of the
[...] University of California in Los Angeles, on preservation and protection [...]
of the cultural heritage
and intellectual property of indigenous peoples.
Lilliana了,药水,芭比公主Graciella可以是一个正常的公主并没有继续作用下的爱情药水,他们到 洛杉矶 光 泽 ,登上小马穿越宫,Graciella公主意识到,他们是泰勒和Carrie她发送Raquelle和芭比娃娃里面一笼锁定,笼子里是无敌的一个童话充满激情的骄傲,但说话的芭比娃娃和Raquelle和道歉后,他们意识到,笼子里的酒吧开始断裂,突然有真正的翅膀在他们的背上和记住的短语“宽恕让你飞”。
Lilliana gave to Barbie, a potion, for Princess Graciella can get to be a normal princess and do not
keep acting under a love potion,them
[...] arrived to Gloss Angeles, crossing the [...]
Palace aboard ponies,Graciella Princess realizes
that they are Taylor and Carrie then she sends Raquelle and Barbie inside a cage locked ,the cage is invincible to pride of a fairy passionate, but after talking Barbie and Raquelle and Apologize,they realizes that cage’s bars begin to breaking, suddenly have real wings on their backs and remember a phrase “forgiveness makes you fly”.
从那之后,他开始随洛杉矶吉他 四重奏一起学习古典吉他,并且在各种各样的hip hop组织中作DJ,还在放克和爵士团体中表演,和众多艺术家同台,像Lyrics Born,KRS One,Living Legends等等。
Since then, he has studied classical guitar with the LA Guitar Quartet, DJed in various LA hip hop crews, played in various Funk and Jazz groups, and performed with various artists including Lyrics Born, KRS One, Living Legends, etc. He is part of Los Angeles Hip Hop group, The Oddibles, and Qingdao crew, Ding Zhen Ban (Thimble Clan).
(e) 在茂物举办的可持续农业和粮食安全专家组会议:印度尼
[...] 西亚与泰国为解决当前问题交流经验活动期间推动亚太次级作物减贫中心 的工作; (f) 协助正在美国加洛杉矶举办第二届气候与森林的州长
(f) Assistance in the organization of and networking activities at the second Governors’ Climate and Forests Workshop and
the second Governors’ Global
[...] Climate Summit, held in Los Angeles, United States of America, [...]
with representatives of dozens
of states of the United States, five Brazilian states and five Indonesian provinces.




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