单词 | 洗发露 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 露n—dewn gelsn syrupn 露v—revealv exposev showv 露—nectar betray outdoors (not under cover) surname Lu 露露n—Lulun
洗发露 hk.loccitane.com | Shampoo hk.loccitane.com |
全系列多个美肤组合包括基本日常护理产品,包括︰多种配方对应不同发质需要的 TERPSICHORE 活发洗发露、蕴含100%纯正天然精油有效纾缓身心疲劳的 CIRCE 润肤乳、有效去除老化肌肤细胞的 CASSANDRA 香薰气泡弹,以及含极致润泽油脂、维他命E及香草精油的朱古力润唇膏,加上采用希腊有机草本萃取所制花茶取代水,美肌效果会更加显着。 style-tips.com | The Ancient Facial Remedies consist of 8 collections that include products for your daily skincare routine, as well as products that cover special dermatological needs, like antiaging, blemishes, disorders etc. The active ingredients used in all products – essential oils, botanical extracts, natural oils, butters and vitamins – synergize in targeted formulations, offering multiple effects and spectacular results to the skin. style-tips.com |
Suchel 联合公司不能在美国市场购买生产肥皂、洗衣粉 和润肤露的主要原 料,造成额外开支 6 716 600 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Suchel Union has been unable to purchase raw materials in the United [...] States market for the production of [...] items including soap, detergent and creams, which has [...]resulted in additional expenditures of US$ 6,716,600. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们无泪,天然温和配方的二合一洗发水 和沐浴露是您宝宝娇嫩头发和皮肤的完美洗浴品。 cn.iherb.com | Our tear-free, gentle Shampoo & Body Wash isperfect for [...] your baby's delicate hair and skin. iherb.com |
洗发乳 tw.loccitane.com | Shampoo tw.loccitane.com |
将所有部件放在喷枪清洁剂中,冲洗暴露在外的端 口。 graco.com | Place all parts in [...] gun cleanerand flush exposed ports. graco.com |
作为含有机硅的表面活性剂, 该产品可以稳定洗发水和沐浴露的泡沫, 同时对皮肤和头发还具有护理效果。 wacker.com | In shampoos and shower gels, the silicone-based surfactant [...] helps to stabilize the foam and provides a conditioning effect. wacker.com |
每支 MIZU 生姜洗发水及护发素均萃取 3000ml 姜汁而成,用後有效速进血液循环,改善脱发、减少头风痛症等现象,头发乌黑柔顺,散发闪亮光泽。 aster.com.hk | It helps to increase circulation as to improve headache and decrease hair loss. aster.com.hk |
用法︰於使用浓缩鱼子洗发乳後,用於已湿透的发丝上按摩,丰富的泡沫能防止发丝折断,然後用清水冲洗。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | How to use: Apply [...] on damp hair after washing with Shampoo Treatment, with [...]soft massage on hair and wash with abundant water. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
选择性或自愿性的加强程序或服务(包括减重、生发、性功能、运动表现、美容用途、抗老化与心智表 [...] 现),有医疗必要性者不在此列。 lacare.org | Elective or voluntary enhancement procedures or services (including [...] weight loss, hair growth, sexual [...]performance, athletic performance, cosmetic [...]purposes, anti-aging and mental performance), except when medically necessary. lacare.org |
此款全效合一透明洗发沐浴露配方 为追求积极生活的现代消费者提供了只需轻松一步即可完成的个人护理程序。 cn.lubrizol.com | This clear, [...] all-in-one hair and bodywash formula provides complete [...]personal care in one easy step for today’s active consumer. lubrizol.com |
这款半透明洗发沐浴露专为男士设计,展示了Carbopol® Aqua SF-1聚合物通过增加屈服值对低pH值配方进行增稠,并悬浮气泡的独特能力。 cn.lubrizol.com | This translucent hair and body wash, designed for men, [...] showcases the ability of Carbopol® Aqua SF-1 Polymer to thicken a [...]low pH formulation and to suspend air bubbles, by providing yield value. lubrizol.com |
几个拥有特别任务授权的 专门机构包括反腐败委员会(反腐委)、审计局、约旦证券委员会、调查局、财 务披露司、反洗钱部门、监察局(每个部内部的管制机构)、司法部和内政部、 司法理事会、安全总局和检察官办公室。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several specialized agencies with ad hoc mandates include the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Audit Bureau, the Jordan Securities [...] Commission, the Ombudsman [...] Bureau, theFinancialDisclosure Department, the Anti-MoneyLaundering Unit, the Inspectorates [...](internal control [...]bodies within each ministry), the Ministries of Justice and Interior, the Judicial Council, the General Security Directorate and the Office of the Public Prosecutor. daccess-ods.un.org |
或者您想不想学习更多个人修饰的知识,比如理发和美容? studyinaustralia.gov.au | Or do you want to learn more about personal grooming such as hairdressing and beauty therapy? studyinaustralia.gov.au |
我们始终深信,若能「站在未来,拉近当下」,最能够落实创新,所以在日常工作里,也善用这种愿景,这项重覆装填的概念应用在个人护理产品中,如 洗发精、沐浴乳等,也帮助我们说服消费性品牌客户,不再设计抛弃式产品,最终设计或许与最初愿景有所出入,但仍展现愿景激发创意的力量。 thisbigcity.net | This refill concept – called Boomerang – was created for personal care products such asshampoo or bodywash, and has helped us talk to our consumer brand clients about design beyond single-use, disposable products. thisbigcity.net |
是一种优异的富脂护理剂,非常适合用于干性皮肤配方,如洗手液 、沐浴露、膏霜和乳液。 cn.lubrizol.com | It is an exceptional superfatting conditioner, making it ideal for dry skin formulations [...] such as hand soaps, bodywashes,creams and lotions. lubrizol.com |
(d) 必须至少能够洗消所有曾暴露于附表 1 化学品的物项,尤其是能够洗消 已用作化学武器的化学品,处理后的物项不再构成值得重视的危险。 opcw.org | (d) The kit must, at the minimum, be capable of decontaminating all [...] items that havebeen exposed to Schedule 1 chemicals, [...]especially those that have been [...]used in chemical weapons, to the extent that treated items do not constitute an appreciable risk. opcw.org |
令配方师庆幸的是,Rheomer® 33可以应用到各种各样的产品体系中,如悬浮彩色粒子的晶莹剔透沐浴露,珠光沐浴露和洗发香波,富含油脂保湿沐浴膏,磨砂洁面膏等。 rhodia.com.cn | A formulator's delight, Rheomer® 33 can be used in various [...] applications such as crystal [...] clearbody washes with suspended beads, pearlescent body washes andshampoos, [...]oil-rich moisturizing [...]shower creams, facial scrubs with beads etc.... rhodia.com.cn |
营地内的生活条件,包括过于拥挤、帐篷没绑牢、露天洗涤区 和照明不足等,造成了安全事件,包括性暴力和基于性别的暴力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Living conditions in the camps, including overcrowding, poorly [...] secured tents, open washing areas and inadequate [...]lighting, have contributed to security [...]incidents, including sexual and gender-based violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
这款洗发水和沐浴露能彻底清洁您宝宝的每一寸肌肤,绝不添加任何粗糙、干燥的表面活性剂。 cn.iherb.com | It has been formulated to thoroughlycleanse your baby from head-to-toe without using harsh, drying surfactants. iherb.com |
其天然温和的功效,是配制沐浴露、洗发水、洗面奶和液体肥皂的理想选择。 rhodia.com.cn | A natural and mild performance concentrate, it is an ideal component in the [...] creation of bodywashes,shampoos,facial [...]cleansers and liquid soaps. rhodia.com |
该公司於二零一零年的销售 额达223亿欧元(相当於约312亿美元),在心脏护理、急救护理与家居健康护理、能 源效益照明方案与崭新照明技术应用,以及个人护理与消闲时尚产品等范畴稳占市 场领导地位,尤其执男士毛发修剪、手提娱乐及口腔护理产品之牛耳。 cre8ir.com | With sales of EUR22.3 billion (equivalent to approximately US$31.2 billion) in 2010, the company is a market leader in cardiac care, acute care and home healthcare, energy efficient lighting solutions and new lighting applications, as well as lifestyle products for personal well-being and pleasure with strong leadership positions in male shaving and grooming, portable entertainment and oral healthcare. cre8ir.com |
这款基于肥皂/合成洗涤剂的沐浴露系采用美白成分(甘草精华和抗坏血酸葡糖苷)、天然柔肤精油(葵花籽油)及植物萃取润肤成分(Glucam™ [...] E-10保湿剂)共同配制而成,并以Carbopol® Aqua SF-1聚合物作为稳定剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | A soap/syndet-based body wash formulated with skin [...] brightening ingredients (Licorice Extract and Ascorbyl Glucoside), a [...]skin softening natural oil (Sunflower Seed Oil) and a vegetable-derived skin moisturizing ingredient (Glucam™ E-10 Humectant), stabilized by Carbopol® Aqua SF-1 Polymer. lubrizol.com |
一体化自动感应照明灯,即插即用,360度环绕热能移动感应功能,高智能自动感应光线,适用於家居、走廊、露台、梯间、车库、洗手间、储物室通道等地方。 greencouncil.org | Environmental friendly, pwer safe, all-in-one sensor light, Installation free, plug and play, Intellifent light detect system, 360 degree radiation sensor, can install on walls at indoor corridor,front door, staircase, basement, patio,washroom etc. greencouncil.org |