单词 | 洋溢着 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 洋溢着 verb—glow vSee also:洋溢—brimming with • steeped in 洋溢 v—flow v 洋 n—ocean n 溢 v—overflow v
总统先生,在您主持我的就职典礼那天,他的脸 上 洋溢着 自 豪 的笑容。 embassyusa.cn | And he was beaming with pride, Mr. President, the day you presided over my swearing-in ceremony. eng.embassyusa.cn |
豪华客房洋溢着优雅的亚洲风情,家具装饰豪华精美。 shangri-la.com | Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto's Deluxe rooms are among the largest introductory category rooms in the city. shangri-la.com |
此外,德国的赛车迷真的对此洋溢着 满 腔 热情,今年也因为Vettel和Nico这2位拥有惊人战绩的车手,我相信车迷们将会更加兴奋澎湃。 oris.ch | The German fans are really passionate, but I think this year they will be more so because of Vettel and Nico who are doing a great job. oris.ch |
人,太不人性化,他们的心中洋溢着 兴 奋 他们看到一个率上升10的,在一天之内%。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Human, too [...] human, their hearts overflow with excitement [...]when they see a rate rise 10% in one day. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
這套新郵票由蘇黎世平面畫家Paul Bühler設計,洋溢着濃濃 的聖誕氣氛,即使未拆開郵件,已令你感受到聖誕郵件帶來的喜悅。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | The new stamps designed by graphic artist Paul Bühler from Zurich radiate the Christmas spirit and make for attractive Christmas mail that gives pleasure even before it is opened. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
这位塞尔维亚网球冠军者的球技深具爆发力,难掩大器恢弘的风范,而举手投足间 更 洋溢着 不 可 思议的活力。 audemarspiguet.com | Expansive, explosive, bubbling with incredible energy, the Serbian tennis champion has made his mark on the history of the game by winning three audemarspiguet.com |
无与伦比的博物馆群以及 波茨坦广场周边的超现代化新型建筑也同 样洋溢着迷人的魅力。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | The magnificent choice of museums and the ultra modern new buildings around Potsdamer Platz are no less an attraction. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
于波兰东南部的航空产业集群洋溢着 乐 观 的情 绪。 paiz.gov.pl | sense of optimism is emanating from Poland’s aviation cluster in southeastern Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
这里洋溢着生动 的波西米亚氛围,音乐悦耳动听,顾客们畅谈甚欢,不过空间不大,尤其到了晚上更是人挤人。 visitfinland.com | It has a lively bohemian atmosphere, good music, chatting customers but not much elbow space, especially in the evenings. visitfinland.com |
在這個剛過去的假期中,強勁的消費市道及股市,令整個社 會 洋溢着近 年少見的樂觀氣氛,也許北上匯報工作的行政長官曾蔭權也被這片喜氣洋洋 的氣氛所感染,以致他也略嫌誇張地炫耀,香港的經濟環境是近 20 年來最 好的。 legco.gov.hk | During the holiday that just went by, because of strong consumption and a robust stock market, the entire community was radiant with a touch of optimism rarely seen in recent years. legco.gov.hk |
这款车的灵感源自洋溢着未来 主义风格的玛莎拉蒂Boomerang(用Bora的机械部件制造)。 maserati.com.cn | This car drew its inspiration from the futuristic Maserati Boomerang (created using the Bora’s mechanical components ). maserati.com.au |
阿布扎比是一座独特且洋溢着异域 情调的城市,其魅力尚未在国际上闻名遐迩。 shangri-la.com | A unique and captivating destination, Abu Dhabi has long been undiscovered by international visitors. shangri-la.com |
BLÆST BY LILLEBØE [...] (在挪威语中,blæst 的意思是风雷,其发音为blaist) 挪威雨衣品牌在上海的第一间展示 厅 洋溢着 积 极 的精神,它把天气作为生活的一部分,注入了全心全意的时尚风范。 citij.com | BLÆST BY LILLEBØE (in Norwegian, blæst means wind, storm and should be pronounced as blaist) is a Norwegian [...] rainwear brand with its first showroom in [...] Shanghai is all about positive attitude, [...]taking the weather as a natural part of [...]life and embracing it with all of your heart and fashion style. citij.com |
宾客们在国家音乐基地—茶凉粉乐队的现场演唱中畅谈艺术,参观作品,度过了一 个 洋溢着 艺 术与美的假日夜晚。 artbeijing.net | Guests talked freely about art and appreciated the works, as well as a live concert by the Chaliangfen Band. artbeijing.net |
Spa水疗馆洋溢着和谐、美感,是享受精心呵护和放松身心的理想世界。 shangri-la.com | The Spa's sensual beauty and flowing harmony deliver a world of sheer indulgence. shangri-la.com |
户外的露天茶座[The Terrace ] 令宾客饱览无敌的内港美景,黄昏日落相辉照,倒映着金色的海面,处 处 洋溢着 诗 情 画意。 saotiago.com.mo | Splendid views and outdoor seating on the Terrace make Pousada de São Tiago the ideal venue for all sort of gatherings and celebrations. saotiago.com.mo |
欣见在我们整个工作期间洋溢着友好 、团结和互信气氛; “为我们在圣多美和普林西比期间受到的热情款待和兄弟般关怀,向圣 多美和普林西比民主共和国总统弗拉迪克·班达拉·梅洛·德梅内塞斯阁下 以及政府和人民表达真诚和深挚的谢意。 daccess-ods.un.org | Express our sincere thanks and our profound gratitude to His Excellency Mr. Fradique Bandeira Melo de Menezes, President of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, and to the Government and people of Sao Tome and Principe, for the warm and fraternal welcome we have received during our stay in the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe. daccess-ods.un.org |
特级红葡萄酒酒身呈现出红宝石的色泽.鼻 尖 洋溢着 罕 见 的极富冲击力的水果香气(黑色覆盆子,黑加仑,桑葚,熏烤过的肉豆蔻),而这些香气在口中与香料以及炙烤般的单宁触感交相辉映,极富Burlenberg的特点.由其火山岩风土所形成的特有的强烈气质,但是这一款葡萄酒在其同类之中仍然显得比较稚气。 marceldeiss.com | The nose has a rare fruity violence (black raspberry, blackcurrant, blackberry, nutmeg and smoke), which bounces off the very spicy taste of the burnt tannins that are so characteristic of Burlenberg. marceldeiss.com |
每个胡同都洋溢着各种 不同情趣的昭和气氛,尤其是只要到了黄昏时刻便会随着那灯笼之光而明亮了起来,此地也因这当地的居民・旅客・以及男女老少们而热闹了起来。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | In the evening, each alley with a decades old atmosphere of Showa era welcomes various people including locals, tourists, young and old under bright lanterns. en.tohokukanko.jp |
我们毫不怀疑,这将是国际社会对我们区 域的宝贵支持,也是一种洋溢着人道主义关怀精神的 友谊和团结的长久姿态。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have no doubt that this would constitute invaluable support by the international community for our region, as well as an everlasting gesture of friendship and solidarity imbued with the spirit of humanitarian concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
派员来坎昆参加会议的公共与私营部门和各国际机构的国际领导人,为打击制假和盗版提供了新的、更有效的策略,”墨西哥工业产权局局长豪尔赫•阿米戈说,“我们希望,这些领导人和其他人回到出席本届大会的80个国家之后,会 上 洋溢着 的 合作精神将继续下去,化为具体行动,降低对消费者,对我们墨西哥经济以及全世界经济的威胁。 wipo.int | As these leaders and others return to the 80 countries represented at this Congress, we hope the spirit of collaboration and cooperation that was so evident here, will continue and lead to concrete actions that will reduce the threats to consumers and our economy in Mexico, and around the world. wipo.int |
她热情洋溢地谈到了阿富汗和约旦的妇女扫盲工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | She has spoken warmly about women’s literacy in Afghanistan and Jordan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
呈现着包罗 万象的景观,有美丽的芝加哥河和天际线,有热 情 洋溢 的 阳 光海岸花园广场和令人流连忘返的河岸,300北拉萨尔是一个为新老商业领袖设立的地址。 servcorp.com.cn | Presenting sweeping views of the stunning Chicago River and skyline, a welcoming sunlit waterfront garden plaza and an impressive river frontage, 300 North LaSalle is an address for both emerging and established business leaders. servcorp.bh |
青少年们参加讨论,不仅时刻提醒与会者谨记《公约》随时随地都是相 关的和重要的,而且还通过他们所参加的各种活动,营造了一种热 情 洋溢 的气 氛,在整整两天里均是如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through their participation in the proceedings, the youth not only provided a constant reminder of the continuing relevance and importance of the Convention, they also generated an environment of enthusiasm through all of their activities that remained evident throughout the two days. daccess-ods.un.org |
海洋通过洋流把热量输送到全球各处,或者使二氧化 碳下沉,从而使之离开大气,因此, 海 洋 在 决定气候方面发 挥 着 重 要 作用; 海洋 占世界上生物机体捕获的生物碳(或称绿色碳)总量的 55%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Oceans play an important role in determining climate by transporting [...] heat around the [...] globe through ocean currents or sinking carbon dioxide, thereby taking it out of the atmosphere; oceans account for [...]about 55 per cent of [...]the world’s total biological, or green, carbon captured by living organisms. daccess-ods.un.org |
去年,總督彭定康熱情洋溢㆞發 表他的施政報告,取向雖然有所不同,但 態度看來也同樣誠懇,並贏得廣大市民的支持,不過卻大大改變了現存與㆗國的諒解。 legco.gov.hk | In a different direction, but with seemingly similar sincerity, last year Governor PATTEN passionately made his popular appeal to significantly alter existing understandings with China. legco.gov.hk |
执行秘书最后说,亚太人民和全世界人民都期 待 着 亚 洲 及太 平 洋 实现 增长和保持稳定,并说这是建立更具包容性的、更可持续的和更有韧力的人 [...] 类未来所必需的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Secretary concluded by saying that the [...] people of the region and of the world [...] looked to Asia and the Pacific to provide the growth [...]and stability needed to build [...]a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient human future. daccess-ods.un.org |
斐济人民热情洋溢地拥 护独立,他们为有一个决定其自己前途的美好前景而欢欣 [...] 鼓舞,深信他们各个社区将同心协力地为实现所有人的更美好的生活一起努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fijians embraced their independence, full [...] of enthusiasm, excited by the prospect [...]of deciding their own future and believing [...]that their communities as a whole would work together in order to achieve a better life for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
勇夺15次以上令人激赏不已的LPGA锦标赛冠军,其中更包括2007年美国公开赛的大满贯头衔,这位美国女将自1996年投入职业巡回赛以来,已成功地成为魅力四射 、 洋溢 现 代气息的冠军杯梦想肖像的缩影。 audemarspiguet.com | With more than 15 LPGA victories to her credit, including a major championship at the US Open in 2007, [...] this American has epitomised the dream [...] portrait of the glamorous modern-day champion [...]since her beginnings on the professional circuit in 1996. audemarspiguet.com |
尽管随着全球海洋观测系统区域联盟(GRAs)在建立全球沿岸网络方面工作的逐步开展,会出现一套共用参数, 但是现在要选择一套临时参数,以帮助指导全球沿岸网络的初步设计和实施工作,这是 很有用处的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although it is likely that the common variables will emerge as the GRAs build the global coastal network over time, it is useful to select a provisional set of variables to help guide the design and implementation of the initial global coastal network. unesdoc.unesco.org |