

单词 泾渭分明

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与作业型组织明显相对的是,行政型组织的行政支持单元与作业核心的边 泾渭分明。
And in sharp contrast to the operating
adhocracy, the administrative
[...] adhocracy makes a clear distinction between its administrative component and its operating core.
关系工作的四个类型并不泾渭分明 的, 一个人可能同时占有两种或更多的关系工作特征,也可能连一种都不沾边。
These four Dimensions of
[...] Relational Work are not discrete types; a person [...]
can have great interest and skill in two or more areas or in none of them.
求职和申请晋升之间泾渭分明,也 有诸多相似之处,所以, 我把它们放在一起介绍。
Although there are clear differences between [...]
applying for a promotion or applying for a job, there are many similarities
too so I will discuss them both together.
若开佛教徒 族群和罗兴亚族群基本泾渭分明, 分 别住在自己 的安置帐篷里。
The Rakhine Buddhist and Rohingya communities have been
[...] essentially segregated, including with separate displacement camps.
例如,具有 ISSN 号码的国际审稿期刊中的论文与未经审稿的会议发言稿之 泾渭 分明。
There really are clear differences between a publication in an internationally refereed journal with an ISSN number and a proffered non-refereed presentation at a conference.
通过这个精心设计的数字平台,The North Face有效地提供了支持品牌承诺的服务,同时体现了数字交流与提升产品和服务之间其实并没有那 泾渭分明。
With this highly sophisticated platform, The North Face provides a service that effectively supports its brand promise and shows how thin the frontier is between digital communication and product and service development.
。 培育网络为先: 网络的突出特征在于它没有明显的中心和边界, 工业时代你我、彼泾渭分明的忠诚法则在网络时代越来越没有意义了, 在信息时代,忠诚法则唯一要求你关注的就是:你是否在网络中。
The vital distinction between the self (us) and the nonself (them) - once exemplified by the allegiance of the industrial-era organization man - becomes less meaningful in a Network Economy.
色,是渭分明的。 制訂政策明顯是行政機關的職責,而市
Policy formulation is clearly the responsibility [...]
of the executive.
副主席先生,立法局和行政局的關係其實在原則㆖ 渭分明。
Mr Deputy President, the relationship between the Legislative Council and the Mr Deputy President, the relationship between the Legislative Council and the Mr Deputy President, the relationship between the Legislative Council and the Mr Deputy President, the relationship between the
Legislative Council and the
[...] Executive Council is already clearly defined in principle. The Executive Council Executive Council is already clearly defined in principle.
This example can
[...] already show the division between the two sides and what is right and wrong clearly.
瓦克化学上海研发中心座落于上海漕 泾 开 发 区,公司办公楼位于虹梅路和漕宝路交叉口的西北角。
Park in Xuhui. You will find WACKER office building at the northwest corner of the crossing of Hongmei Road and Cao Bao Road.
泾流直 驱式机组的研发工作基于福伊特的潮汐水轮机技术,也是与慕尼黑工业大学和斯图加特大学进行紧密合作开发的成果。
The team based their development work on Voith's own marine tidal current turbine and collaborated closely with the Technical University of Munich and the University of Stuttgart.
它地处上海西南门户-沪杭高速公路 泾 出 口,邻近沪杭铁路 泾 站。
It situated at southwest Shanghai
gateway - Shanghai and Hangzhou
[...] highway maple tree exportation, close to Shanghai-Hangzhou Railroad maple tree station.
商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長 (通訊及科技)進一步解釋,隨 科技進步和電子通訊界的媒體匯 流,電訊及廣播之間的界線已變得模糊,並正逐步把傳統上渭分明的市 場轉化為跨界別的多媒體市場。
PS(CT) further explained that technological advances and media convergence in the electronic communications sector had blurred the boundaries between telecommunications and broadcasting, and was also gradually transforming the conventional sector-based markets into a cross-sector multi-media market.
1)临时撤除 30°32′22″.9N、122°03′01″.0E 位置处的泾大型灯浮,其上雷达应答器暂停工作。
1)Delete the light-buoy named " 漕泾大型灯浮" and Radar Beacon temporarily in position 30°32′22″.9N,122°03′01″.0E.
但是,我们的目标是泾流直 驱式机组成为全球电力行业的一个成熟的系列产品。
In contrast, our intention is to develop the StreamDiver into a mature series product for energy utilities all around the world".
香 港 出 現 公 眾 假 期和法定假 期 的 不同安 排 ,是歷史遺 留 下 來 的 產 物 , 同 時 亦 充 滿 了渭分 明的階 級 烙 印 , 從 我們的公眾 假 期 俗 稱 為“白 領 假 期”, 法定假 期 俗 稱 為“勞工假 期”或 “ 藍 領 假 期”, 便可見一斑 。
The existence of general holidays and statutory holidays in Hong Kong is a legacy of history. The existence of these two different types of holidays is also marked by the clear brand of class distinction, evident in the fact that general holidays are commonly called "white-collar holidays" and statutory holidays "labour holidays".
自2006年进入中国市场以来,思亚诺非常自豪能成为BYD多媒体和娱乐系统的一 分 , "思 亚诺中国区总经理 渭 说 , "最近的测试结果 明 思 亚 诺在CMMB的接收上是非常完美的,图像画面非常清晰、完美无暇,甚至在非常严苛的移动状态下。
Since entering the Chinese market in 2006,
Siano has taken great
[...] pride in being part of the multimedia and infotainment systems for market leaders such as BYD,” comments Wang Wei, General Manager, Siano China. [...]
“Recent test results showed that CMMB reception was flawless,
the picture was clear and sound quality was exceptionally good, even under extreme mobility conditions.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多
[...] 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,明充分 执 行 大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 [...]
况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it
at its sixty-fifth session a
[...] comprehensive report on the full implementation of [...]
its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示
59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高
[...] 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 知程度,在確定大分香港市民均清明 白廣 深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and
re-submit the funding
[...] proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance [...]
of the XRL and its impact on the society.
該事務委員會委員對有關建議沒有異議,但要求當局提 供進一步資料,明分目A007GX的建議撥款中新工程計劃的資料,以 及在 2007-08 年度和 2008-09 年度整體撥款中,批給資訊科技界中小型 企業的工程計劃的數目和款額。
ITB Panel Members had no objection to the proposal, but sought further information on the new projects under the proposed allocation for Subhead A007GX, and information on the number of projects and project amount involved that were awarded to small and medium enterprises in the information technology sector under the block allocation for 2007-08 and 2008-09.
雖然諮詢委員會及其小 組進行的公眾諮詢工作,不能完全足以令市民大眾 分明 白發 展個別設施所涉及的長遠財政承擔,但它們所做的工作至少為 推展該項發展計劃,奠定了一個頗穩固的基礎。
While the public consultation work of the Consultative Committee and its Advisory Groups was not entirely sufficient to make the general public fully understand the long-term financial commitment arising from the development of the individual facilities, their work has at least provided a fairly solid foundation for taking the project forward.
在区域和全球层面上,越来越多的加工外包趋势已 分明 显 , 但进 一步将生产活动外包给发展中国家则可能受到难以达到卫生要求和劳动力成本不 断上升的局限。
The increasing practice of outsourcing processing at the regional and world levels is very significant, but further outsourcing of production to developing countries might be restricted by sanitary and hygiene requirements that are difficult to meet as well as by growing labour costs.
在 2 月 28 日和 29 日第 2
[...] 和第 3 次会议上,委员会面前有 秘书长的明,分别转 递农业统计主席之友委员会的报告(E/CN.3/2012/6)及农 [...]
At its 2nd and 3rd meetings, on 28 and 29 February, the Commission had
before it notes by the
[...] Secretary-General transmitting, respectively, the report of [...]
the Committee of the Friends of the Chair
on agricultural statistics (E/CN.3/2012/6) and the report of the Wye Group on statistics on rural development and agriculture household income (E/CN.3/2012/7).
但尤其值得注意的是,特别报告员在 1966 年分明确地 拒绝将单方面声明或当事方之间的协定列入这种“背景”,尽管美国 为此曾建议通过一项修正案。
But it is particularly noteworthy
that, in 1966, the Special
[...] Rapporteur very clearly refused to include unilateral declarations or agreements [...]
inter partes in the
“context”, even though the United States had suggested doing so by means of an amendment.
該兩項收購大大加強本集團渭南地 區及陝西省中東部地區的地位及定價能力,消除渭南地 區的競爭,並延伸市場覆蓋範圍至富平縣及西安東 北部。
These two acquisitions considerably strengthen the Group’s position and pricing power in the Weinan Region and eastern central Shaanxi Province, eliminating competition in the Weinan Region, and extending market reach into the Fuping County and northeastern Xi’an metropolitan markets.
本集團於二零一二年四月及六月,收 渭 南 實 豐廠房 渭 南 富 平廠房,為陝西省供應 整合過程的一項重要行動,鞏固其於西安市場的地位。
The Group acquired the Weinan Shifeng Plant and the Weinan Fuping Plant in April and June 2012, an important move in the supply consolidation process in Shaanxi Province and strengthening its presence in the Xi’an Metropolitan market.
該等收購事 項為陝西供應合理化過程中的重要交易,並為本集團於西 安高標號水泥市場取得重大市場份額,同時鞏固我們於陝 西中渭南地區之營運。
These acquisitions have been landmark deals in the Shaanxi supply rationalisation process, and have gained the Group significant market share in the high-grade cement market of Xi’an, as well as strengthening our operations in the Weinan Region of central Shaanxi.




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