单词 | 泾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 泾 —Jing RiverExamples:洋泾浜英语—pidgin English 泾渭分明—as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly [idiom.] • be entirely different
与作业型组织明显相对的是,行政型组织的行政支持单元与作业核心的边 界 泾 渭 分 明。 12manage.com | And in sharp contrast to the operating adhocracy, the administrative adhocracy makes a clear distinction between its administrative component and its operating core. 12manage.com |
泾流直 驱式机组的研发工作基于福伊特的潮汐水轮机技术,也是与慕尼黑工业大学和斯图加特大学进行紧密合作开发的成果。 voith.com | The team based their development work on Voith's own marine tidal current turbine and collaborated closely with the Technical University of Munich and the University of Stuttgart. voith.com |
求职和申请晋升之间既泾渭分 明,也有诸多相似之处,所以, 我把它们放在一起介绍。 biggerbrains.com | Although there are clear differences between applying for a promotion or applying for a job, there are many similarities too so I will discuss them both together. biggerbrains.com |
若开佛教徒 族群和罗兴亚族群基本上泾渭分 明,分别住在自己 的安置帐篷里。 crisisgroup.org | The Rakhine Buddhist and Rohingya communities have been essentially segregated, including with separate displacement camps. crisisgroup.org |
但是,我们的目标是让泾流直 驱式机组成为全球电力行业的一个成熟的系列产品。 voith.com | In contrast, our intention is to develop the StreamDiver into a mature series product for energy utilities all around the world". voith.com |
泾流直驱式机组对我们来说很不一般,”Lochschmidt说。 voith.com | The StreamDiver is really something very special for us," says Lochschmidt. voith.com |
泾流直驱式机组——福伊特的最新研发的产品——可以适用于传统水电站无法修建的环境,且以环保的方式进行发电。 voith.com | The StreamDiver - one of [...] Voith's very latest developments - can now be used to generate environmentally-friendly power in [...]places where it was previously impossible to build conventional hydro power plants. voith.com |
例如,具有 ISSN 号码的国际审稿期刊中的论文与未经审稿的会议发言稿之 间 泾渭 分明。 biggerbrains.com | There really are clear differences between a publication in an internationally refereed journal with an ISSN number and a proffered non-refereed presentation at a conference. biggerbrains.com |
瓦克化学上海研发中心座落于上海漕 河 泾 开 发 区,公司办公楼位于虹梅路和漕宝路交叉口的西北角。 wacker.com | Park in Xuhui. You will find WACKER office building at the northwest corner of the crossing of Hongmei Road and Cao Bao Road. wacker.com |
关系工作的四个类型并不是泾渭分 明的, 一个人可能同时占有两种或更多的关系工作特征,也可能连一种都不沾边。 12manage.com | These four Dimensions of Relational Work are not discrete types; a person can have great interest and skill in two or more areas or in none of them. 12manage.com |
通过这个精心设计的数字平台,The North Face有效地提供了支持品牌承诺的服务,同时体现了数字交流与提升产品和服务之间其实并没有那 么 泾 渭 分 明。 labbrand.com | With this highly sophisticated platform, The North Face provides a service that effectively supports its brand promise and shows how thin the frontier is between digital communication and product and service development. labbrand.com |
。 培育网络为先: 网络的突出特征在于它没有明显的中心和边界, 工业时代你我、彼此泾渭分明的忠诚法则在网络时代越来越没有意义了, 在信息时代,忠诚法则唯一要求你关注的就是:你是否在网络中。 12manage.com | The vital distinction between the self (us) and the nonself (them) - once exemplified by the allegiance of the industrial-era organization man - becomes less meaningful in a Network Economy. 12manage.com |
相反,这些正是泾流直 驱式机组的用武之地。 voith.com | These are precisely the conditions in which StreamDiver can be used. voith.com |
它地处上海西南门户-沪杭高速公路枫 泾 出 口,邻近沪杭铁路 枫 泾 站。 business-china.com | It situated at southwest Shanghai [...] gateway - Shanghai and Hangzhou [...] highway maple tree exportation, close to Shanghai-Hangzhou Railroad maple tree station. business-china.com |
1)临时撤除 30°32′22″.9N、122°03′01″.0E 位置处的漕泾大型灯浮,其上雷达应答器暂停工作。 aton.gov.cn | 1)Delete the light-buoy named " 漕泾大型灯浮" and Radar Beacon temporarily in position 30°32′22″.9N,122°03′01″.0E. aton.gov.cn |
从2010年开始,我公司开始积极参与国内水务市场的开拓,目前,我公司已经成功与淮安开发区水厂、济南鹊华水厂、济南玉清水厂、嘉兴石臼漾水厂、大同市黄河供水有限责任公司口泉水厂、连云港市城市饮用水安全保障工程、福建东南区水厂、嘉兴 贯 泾 港 水厂、上海闵行自来水公司第二水厂、淮南市第一水厂、吴江市区域供水第二水厂、太仓市第三水厂、郑州市白庙水厂、桐乡凤栖运河水厂等水厂签署了供货服务协议,并得到了客户的一致好评。 huaqingcarbon.com | Beginning in 2010, the company began to actively participate in the domestic water market development, the present, our company has been successful with Huaian Development Zone, waterworks, Jinan magpie China Water Plant, Jinan Yuqing waterworks Jiaxing Shijiuyang, waterworks, Datong Yellow River water supply mouth springs plant in a limited liability company, Lianyungang City drinking water safety engineering, Fujian southeast waterworks, Jiaxing the consistent Jing waterworks, the Shanghai Minhang water company, water treatment plant, the first water plant, Huainan City, Wujiang City, regional water supply second waterworks, Taicang City waterworks the Zhengzhou City Baimiao waterworks, Tongxiang Fengqi Canal Water Plant Water Plant signed a supply agreement, and got the praise of customers. huaqingcarbon.com |