单词 | 泽 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 泽noun—pondn泽—moist (of metals etc) luster favor or beneficence Examples:色泽n—colorAEn colourBEn 光泽adj—glossy lustrousadj 光泽n—shinyn lustreBEn radiancen
本公司可以普通决议案授权董事会根据其章程细则及泽西法律发行股份,以及增加、合并、分拆及注销股份。 glencore.com | The Company may by ordinary resolution authorise the Board to issue shares, and increase, consolidate, sub-divide and cancel shares in accordance with its Articles and Jersey law. glencore.com |
修颜润色,即刻提亮肤色,持久靓丽装容,肌肤发现属於自己的完美色泽。 aster.com.hk | Instantly mention bright color, beautiful lasting installed capacity, was found belong to their skin color perfection. aster.com.hk |
成本中性轻量级没有影响安全性和舒适性的发展是我们的目标博泽。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Cost Neutral lightweight without compromising on safety and comfort is the goal of the development of Brose. en.developmentscout.com |
根据租赁协议,杨先生同意珠海泽涛之租赁期限为三年,自二零一三年三月一日起至二 零一六年二月二十九日止,首十二个月之月租为人民币97,000元(相等於约120,318港 元),随後两年每年增加5%,即截至二零一四年二月二十八日止年度、截至二零一五年 二月二十八日止年度及截至二零一六年二月二十九日止年度之年度代价将分别为人民币 1,164,000元(相等於约1,443,810港元)、人民币1,222,200元(相等於约1,516,001港元)及 人民币1,283,310元(相等於约1,591,801港元)。 cre8ir.com | Pursuant to the Lease Agreement, Mr. Ieong has agreed to grant the Lease to Zhuhai Centresin for a term of three years commencing from 1 March 2013 to 29 February 2016 at a monthly rent of RMB97,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$120,318) for the first twelve months and annual increment of 5% for the subsequent two years, i.e. the annual consideration for the year ending 28 February 2014 will be RMB1,164,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,443,810), for the year ending 28 February 2015 will be RMB1,222,200 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,516,001) and for the year ending 29 February 2016 will be RMB1,283,310 (equivalent to approximately HK$1,591,801). cre8ir.com |
不同方面的光泽使一个必须具备的手表宝石的完美和谐与今天的女人的生活的节奏,并确认他的人格魅力四射,感性,强烈而大胆的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The different facetsof shine make this a [...] must have watch jewel in perfect harmony with the rhythm of a woman's life today [...]and confirms his personality glamorous, sensual, strong and bold. en.horloger-paris.com |
於二零零六年五月一日至二零零 八年四月一日,珠海泽涛(i)未经中国海关当局同意装卸中国海关监管货物,招致人 民 币940,000元 罚 金;(ii)从 事 生 产 储 存 未 经 核 准 或 登 记 的 危 险 化 学 品, 招 致 人 民 币 130,000元的罚金;(iii)向徫顿购买有毒化学品,违反中国有关规则及规例,招致人 民币350,000元罚金;(iv)在未取得中国有关当局的业务登记文件的情况下从事售後服 务,招致人民币15,000元罚金;及(v)向第三方销售涉税人民币188,756元的免税进口原 材料,招致人民币100,000元罚金。 cre8ir.com | During 1 May 2006 to 1 April 2008 Zhuhai Centresin (i) handled goods under the detention of the PRC customs authority without the customs authority’s consent resulting in a fine of RMB940,000; (ii) engaged in production and storage of dangerous chemicals without approval or registration resulting in a fine of RMB130,000; (iii) purchased from Righton toxic chemicals contravening to the relevant PRC rules and regulations resulting in a fine of RMB350,000; (iv) performed after-sale services without business registration document with the relevant PRC authority resulting in a fine of RMB15,000; and (v) sold tax-exempted imported raw materials involving a tax amount of RMB188,756 to a third party resulting in a fine of RMB100,000. cre8ir.com |
他的顾问公司设在杜拜,他也住在 那里,但需要经常往来伦敦分公司、泽西及中欧其他城市,与客户会面。 hsbc.com | He lives in Dubai where his consultancy is based, but travels frequently to his branch office in London, to Jersey and to other cities in continental Europe to meet clients. hsbc.com |
为此,从加利福尼亚州到新泽西州,从得克萨斯州到犹他州,我们的州 [...] 议会─以旁观州为首─现在可以联合起 来行使其宪法权利,在美国推行我们一 直在世界其他国家提倡却未能在国内实 现的名副其实的全民普选总统:基於多 数当选、一人一票和每张选票份量均等 三项原则。 americancorner.org.tw | Thus, from [...] California toNew Jersey, from Texas [...]to Utah, our legislatures — led by the spectator states — can now unite [...]and use their constitutional powers to give the United States something we have promoted for the rest of the world but never achieved at home: a truly national election for president based on principles of majority rule, one person-one vote, and every vote counting equally. americancorner.org.tw |
根据该协议,泽兴及俊丰(两间均为本公司之全资附属公司)已有条件同意向卖方购买300股爱克销售股 [...] 份及100股皮尔布莱特销售股份,分别占相当於爱克已发行股本50%及皮尔布莱特已发行 股本约16.67%。 mmg.com | Pursuant [...] to the Agreement,Shining and Wise Plenty, both [...]being wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company have conditionally [...]agreed to purchase from the Vendors 300 ACE Sale Shares and 100 Pearl Bright Sale Shares, representing 50% of the issued share capital in ACE and approximately 16.67% of the issued share capital in Pearl Bright, respectively. mmg.com |
在 2004-05 年度,署方在“资助护理及管理拉姆萨尔公约湿地”项目之 下将会拨款约 130 万元,资助世界自然(香港)基金会管理米埔沼泽自然保护区的 生境,但不会再拨出 192,000 元资助该会在元洲仔自然环境保护研究中心举办教 育活动,原因是渔护署及其他机构亦有举办同类活动。 devb.gov.hk | The subvention of $192,000 for WWF/HK to run education programmes at the Island House Conservation Study Centre will however cease because similar programmes will be provided by AFCD and other organizations. devb.gov.hk |
唯有正确的禮仪和谦让 的道德,才能净化社会的情操,润泽人生。 panasonic.net | Only through this untiring effort can we fulfill our Basic Management Objective and help to realize lasting peace and prosperity. panasonic.net |
不论是男、女装支线,相泽阳介每年的秋冬系列一直最叫人引颈以待,「Porlar」今季度选以啡及灰等野外调色为主,配衬黑色雪纺、软羊毛、流苏及多种拉链等设计,既保持女性特质,也呈现出品牌强调的高机能性元素。 think-silly.com | Both male and female fans of the brand always [...] long for Yosuke Aizawa’s Fall/Winter [...]collections, and for Porlar, this season’s [...]lineup is based on neutral colors such as brown and grey, while selected pieces are accessorised with black chiffon, wool, zippers and fringed designs to bring out the femininity and maintaining the functional elements of the garments. think-silly.com |
独特维生素C乳胶状配方,使肌肤散发明亮健康的光泽。 products.herbalife.com.tw | Use it every day under make-up, to help minimise the potential effects of external influences. products.herbalife.co.uk |
参加过的联展有:「另一个天堂」(2005,金泽21世纪美术馆,金泽)、「东京艺术博览会」(2005、2007、2008、2009、2010,东京)、「日本动漫」(2006,东京画廊,北京)、「日本当代艺术」(2007,SUN当代画廊,首尔)、「进行中之作」(2007,东京画廊,北京)、「魅惑之像」(2008,筑波美术馆,日本茨城)、「里程碑」(2008,东京画廊,北京)、「典藏展II─壳」(2008,金泽21世纪美术馆,金泽)。 ravenelart.com | Some of the group shows he joined are: [...] "Alternative Paradise" (2005,21st [...] Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa); " Art Fair Tokyo" (2005; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010, Tokyo); "Japanimation" (2006, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing); "Japanese Contemporary Arts" (2007, Gallery Sun Contemporary, Seoul); "Works in progress" (2007, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing); "Figurative : Personified Shapes" (2008, Tsukuba Museum, Ibaraki); "Milestones" (2008, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP, Beijing); "Collection II shell – shelter" (2008, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa). ravenelart.com |
在该项提名调查中,被访者可说出多至10名最熟悉的内地及台湾政治人物,结果发现,最多被访者提及的政治人物依次为马英九、胡锦涛、温家宝、陈水扁及江泽民,余下名单请参阅有关数表。 hkupop.hku.hk | In that survey, respondents could name, unaided, up to 10 political figures whom they knew best. hkupop.hku.hk |
民意研究计划自1995起,已开始进行有关领导人功过的调查,当中关於彭定康的调查已在1997年停止,而关於毛泽东、周恩来及蒋介石的调查则在2003年停止。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since 1995, POP has been tracking people's appraisal of these leaders, but our series on Chris Patten stopped in 1997, and that on Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Chiang Kai Shek stopped in 2003. hkupop.hku.hk |
此外,新泽将凭藉与既有及过往的夥伴合作创造更具果效的协同效应,并不遗余力地 [...] 於北京及江苏省内积极寻找合适的房产项目或公司收购机会。 nh-holdings.com | Furthermore, New Heritage will spare no [...] efforts to capitalize on synergies with its past and present partners and actively [...]look into appropriate opportunities of site or company acquisitions in both Jiangsu Province and Beijing. nh-holdings.com |
Parker先生也是纽约/新泽西贩毒集中区管治项目(HIDTA)主任,这是一个由联邦政府资助的组织,宗旨是利用联邦、州和地方的执法的合作捣毁非法毒品市场。 manhattanda.org | Mr. Parker is also the Director of the New York/NewJersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), a federally-funded program that invests in federal, state and local law enforcement partnerships designed to disrupt the market for illegal drugs. manhattanda.org |
本集团透过泽兴及俊丰向青海投资作出股本出资而应付之金额乃根据爱克及皮尔 布莱特根据增资协议须向青海投资作出之股本出资厘订。 mmg.com | The amount of the equity contribution [...] towards Qinghai Investment payable by [...] the Group through Shining and Wise Plenty was [...]determined based on the equity contribution [...]required to be made to Qinghai Investment by ACE and Pearl Bright under the Capital Increase Agreement. mmg.com |
顾客亦可选择三种矜贵的木料﹕亮泽核桃木、亮泽白蜡木、白杨木,车厢内饰亦可选高亮度钢琴漆面饰边,AMG 碳纤配以高亮度黑钢琴漆面饰边。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Customers have a choice of three exclusive wood types: high-gloss brown burr walnut, high-gloss black ash and satin-finish light-brown poplar. The interior is given an even more progressive look with the addition of piano lacquer or AMG carbon fibre/black piano lacquer trim elements. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
允许的成长和肯定的关键因素之一 Poliform的 许多着名的公司,国际知名的建筑师与设计师的工作是创造性的贡献 马塞尔·万德斯,卡罗科伦坡,文森特·Duysen,保罗·皮瓦,保拉Navone,工作室关键时刻,和罗伯托拉泽罗尼的罗伯特·巴比里。 naharro.com | One of the key elements that have allowed the growth and affirmation of Poliform is the creative contribution of the many prestigious designers that work with the company, internationally renowned architects as Marcel Wanders, Carlo Colombo, Vincent Van Duysen, Paolo Piva, Paola Navone, Studio Kairos, and Roberto Lazzeroni Roberto Barbieri. naharro.com |
花岗石饰面的独特光泽会随光线转变,令您的车厢光芒四射。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The granite veneer has a unique shimmer that changes according to the light and transforms the interior of your Mercedes-Benz into a real eye-catcher. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
这栋三层楼高的建筑外墙色泽较深,使用许多上海老建筑常见的木石,虽然风格显然受中国影响,但肯定是现代建筑,木质墙面背後是整片玻璃帷幕,展现中国政府大楼少见的透明感。 thisbigcity.net | Behind much of the wooden facade are floor to ceiling glass walls, offering a transparency rarely seen in Chinese government architecture. thisbigcity.net |
这个名称代表各种类型的白色与 彩色高级纸张,极度平滑以及高光泽的纸张表面足以显现它们与其 他纸张的不同。 chromolux.de | The name stands for a range of white and coloured fine papers, distinguished by their extremely smooth and high-gloss surfaces. chromolux.de |
高精度功率放大器4090的 的 舒伯特+萨尔泽控制系统提高了空气动力的控制信号从定位的致动器,以便这些阀门切换取决於阀的尺寸没有任何进一步的变形例的快四倍。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The high-precision power amplifier 4090 from Schubert + Salzer Control system enhances the air power of the control signal from the positioner to the actuator so that these valves switch depending on valve size without any further modification up to four times faster. en.developmentscout.com |
日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)研究人员饭岛朋子与日航航空顾问(JALCON)技术顾问金泽慎一及冈田孝一一行三人,於2013年2月6日至7日到访香港天文台。 hko.gov.hk | A group of three delegates from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and JAL Aero Consulting (JALCON) comprising Ms. Tomoko Iijima (researcher, JAXA), Mr. Shinichi Kanazawa and Mr. Koichi Okada (technical advisors, JALCON) visited the Observatory between 6 and 7 February 2013. hko.gov.hk |
AFTC中心经理梁泽祺先生及注册物理治疗师何浩仪先生应湾仔区议会及循道卫理中心邀请於2006年11月4日为「健康迈步在湾仔」计划的开幕典礼中进行演讲 。 aftc.com.hk | Our Center Manager, [...] Mr. Jacky Leung, and our physiotherapist, [...]Mr. Alex Ho, were invited by the Wanchai District Council [...]and Methodist Center to deliver a talk during the opening ceremony of “Get Fit Stay Fit in Wanchai” on 4th Nov, 2006. aftc.com.hk |