单词 | 泸 | ||||||||||||
释义 | 泸—old name of a river in Jiangxiplace nameExamples:泸沽湖—Lugu Lake 泸州市—Luzhou prefecture level city in Sichuan 泸州—Luzhou prefecture level city in Sichuan 泸西—Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan 泸西县—Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
金之彩科技有限公司是广东省着名商标,以制造国内和国际名酒品牌包装盒闻名,为业界的翘楚,为国内品牌如五粮液、茅台、剑南春、泸州老窖、郎酒、洋河、汾酒、西凤及着名洋酒如尊尼获加(Johnnie Walker)、杰克•丹尼(Jack Daniel’s)、芝华仕(Chivas)、卡慕(Camus)生产包装,业务遍及国内及美国。 ipress.com.hk | One of Guangdong¡¦s leading trademarks in the printing industry, Jin Cai collaborates with numerous local and world-famous wine manufacturers in the production of tailor-made packages including Wu Liang Ye, Moutai, Jian Nan Chun, Luzhou Laojiao, Langjiu, Yanghe, Fenjiu, Xifengjiu, Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniel¡¦s, Chivas, and Camus. ipress.com.hk |
在进 行 焚 化 前把废 物 妥 为分隔,再 加上现代 化 的 焚 化 炉 采 用高温燃 烧 和隔泸废物设施, 能有效 减少排 放 有 害 物 质到空 气 中 。 legco.gov.hk | Proper separation of wastes prior to incineration, together with high temperature combustion and filtering facilities in modern incinerators can effectively minimize the emission into the atmosphere of harmful substances. legco.gov.hk |
虽然热力解吸处理厂的运作风险极 低 ( 这是由 於热力解 吸处理厂的运作会是密封式,工㆞㆖亦没 有 需要储 存 燃 料 ) , 为 了 确保在 倒扣湾的热力解吸厂排 出的气 体 能 持 续 符 合各项 排放标准, 该 厂将设有气 体 污染控 制 系 统 ,包括长期运作的 气 体排放监察系 统 以及活 性 碳过泸後备系统 。 legco.gov.hk | Notwithstanding the low inherent risk of the operation of thermal desorption plant (air-sealed operation, inert environment inside the plant, no fuel storage on site), the TKW plant will be equipped with stringent air emission controls including continuous emission monitoring system and backup carbon filter to ensure consistent compliance with the emission standards. legco.gov.hk |
长荣交响乐团於2004年起开始出国巡演,至今已创下国内乐团出国巡演的场次纪录,目前海外巡演的足迹包括新加坡、日本东京、韩国首尔、釜山、挪威阿连多、英国伦敦、美国洛杉矶,义大利第里雅斯特、拉维纳、拉维罗、中国上海、北京、厦门、佛山、武汉、长沙、宁波、合川、泸州、自贡、成都、重庆、綦江、南京、溧阳等地。 evergreensymphony.org | The ESO has long since established an outstanding domestic reputation — in September 2004, the ESO began a number of tours abroad, including a public performance at the Esplanade Concert Hall in Singapore, our participation in the "Day of Enthusiasm" Beethoven and Mozart Music Festival in Tokyo, Japan, and our highly successful tour of Beijing and Shanghai in Mainland China. evergreensymphony.org |
我们於机舱内不断增添新鲜空气,经过泸以消除当中的尘埃、真菌及细菌,然後从客舱顶部流入,於底部连同空气中不洁的微粒流出客舱外。 dragonair.com | Fresh air is added to recycled air through very fine filters to remove dust, viruses, fungi and bacteria, and is delivered to the top of the cabin and extracted at floor level to carry any particles downwards away from the breathing zone. dragonair.com |
专家小组在其报告中建 议香港应采取较高的污水处理水平,以及建造短距离而稀释度较低的 排污口,并以生物曝气泸池技术处理策略性计划的所有污水。 legco.gov.hk | In its report, IRP recommended that Hong Kong should go for a higher level of wastewater treatment with a short and low dilution outfall, and that Biological Aerated Filters (BAF) treatment should be provided to all SSDS flows. legco.gov.hk |