

单词 注明


注明日期 v

date v

External sources (not reviewed)

缔约国应确保立即对被剥夺自由的人员进行登记,并在法律 注明 逮 捕 后至 正式登记间的最长时限。
The State party shall ensure prompt registration of persons deprived of
[...] their liberty and specify in law the maximum [...]
time for when official registration pursuant
to apprehension shall take place.
[...] 绍了本国为处理监狱中的妇女及其子女的需要而采取的措施,如“母子房”和 不得在孩子出生证注明孩子 出生时母亲在监狱。
Some speakers described national measures taken to address the needs of women and their children in prisons, such as
the “mother and child houses” and the
[...] exclusion of an indication on a child’s birth [...]
certificate that the mother was in prison at the time of birth.
一般而言,教科文组织出版的所有著作以及得到教科文组织资金支持的外部出版物均 应可以开放式获取,准许在正注明 教 科文组织的情况下,为非商业目的进行复制、发行和 传播。
In general, all UNESCO published works and those external publications that receive financial support from UNESCO, should be made available in Open Access with rights to copy, distribute and transmit the work, for non-commercial purpose with appropriate attribution to UNESCO.
这一开放式获取政策设想教科文组织作为权利持有人授予全世界人民不可撤销的权利, 使其能够在正注明原作 者的情况下,为任何合法活动复制、使用、发行、传播和制作任何 格式的衍生作品。
This OA policy envisages that UNESCO as the rights holder grants worldwide irrevocable right of access to copy, use, distribute, transmit, and make derivative works in any format for any lawful activities with proper attribution to the original author.
[...] 研究报告中载有一个表格,列出了各个区域 及其范围注明了各 个区域的地点以及已知 布设地雷的日期和地雷数量。
The feasibility study report that has been made available to the States Parties contains a table listing each
area and its size, relating each area to a
[...] locality and indicating if known the [...]
date of emplacement of mines and the number of mines emplaced.
每个项目注明日期 指的是安理会首次在正式会议上讨论该项目的日期,以及安 [...]
The dates given
[...] for each item indicate when the item [...]
was first taken up by the Council at a formal meeting, and the most
recent formal Council meeting held on that item.
(C) 除非閣下事先通過書面形式通知吾等,指定代表閣下操作帳戶人員的姓名和地址,以及與有關人
[...] 員之間關係的性質,否則閣下在任何時間將以自己的名義來操作閣下的帳戶,為免生疑問,這注明包括發出指令。
(C) Unless you provide us with prior written notice of the name and address of and nature of relationship with the person whom you appoint to operate the Account(s) on
your behalf, you will operate your own
[...] Account(s) at all times, including, for [...]
the avoidance of doubt, the giving of orders.
[...] 解释说,他曾经试图以最佳方式利用可获得的材料,而且他在报告中总 注明出 处 ,他在报告里也一再明确地说,所引述的情况并非包罗全面,并且当然不是为 [...]
Replying to certain criticisms of his use of sources and examples in his sixth report, the Special Rapporteur explained that he had tried to make the best use of the material
available, the sources of which had
[...] always been clearly cited, and that he had expressly stated in [...]
his report that the cases cited
were not comprehensive and certainly not intended to stigmatize the countries mentioned.
乌干达提供了一个表格,列出了每个可 疑区域及其范围注明了每 个区域所在的地 区,并说明在每个区域进行的调查类型。
Uganda provided a table listing each suspected area and its size, relating each area to a district, and indicating the type of survey that each area had been subjected to.
任何學生升讀幼稚園、6及9年級,並需要融合服務(如其個別教育計劃 注明 ) , 可以在入學申請表上任意填上多個學 校選擇。
Any student transitioning to Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade requiring inclusion services, as indicated on their IEP, may apply and list as many school choices as desired on the enrollment application form.
除特注明外, 指租赁交易总额,不包含管理费用和其它支出。
Gross transacted rents
[...] (unless otherwise specified), which excludes [...]
management fees and other outgoings.
古 巴不反 对通过报告,但 希 望 报告正注 明,古 巴希望以色列了解国际社会的呼吁,努力尊重包括生活在被占巴勒斯坦领土 [...]
Cuba would not object to the adoption of the report, but
wished to place on record their hope that
[...] Israel would understand the appeals from [...]
the international community and would
endeavour to respect all human rights including of the Palestinian people living in the occupied Palestine territories, as is their obligation as the occupying power.
对售房广告宣传必不可少的要求是必 注明 开 发 商将调整其做法和签订合同,以 执行1968年7月 27 日通过的 57号法令中的规定,明确指出售房单位要保证在合同无 法执行时退款,以及指定退款入账的银行或储蓄所的专用账户。
An essential requirement for the advertising of selling the houses is that it should be stated that the promoter will adjust his acting and hiring to the fulfilment of the requirements established on the Law 57/1968, from July 27th, mentioning expressly the body that guarantees the refund of such amounts in case of non fulfilment, as well as the banks in which the said amounts will be deposit in a special account.
在这种情况下,由寻求庇护者提交一份个人就业证明文件,然后在寻求庇 护者临时身份证件注明该个人有权获得就业,同 注明 雇 主
In this case the persons present a document which certifies that the person is employed; subsequently in the temporary identity document of the asylum seeker it is mentioned that the person holds the right to employment and the employer is also mentioned.
[...] 带有不规范的因素在里面:工作时间不符(一般来说他们让你工作的工作时间超过法律所规 定的时间);一部分的工资在“工资单以外”支付(你得到的工资和合同上的不符,会比合 同上的工资多或者很多时候比合同上的少);在合同 注明 的 工 作种类不同于事实上你在工 作中所作的事情(比方上在合同 注明 你 是一般工人或搬运工,而事实上你是一个专业工人 或是一个酒店的前台工作人员)。
There is the so-called “grey work”, i.e. work which is formally regular, but which includes some elements of irregularity: different working hours (often you are made to work more hours than those permitted by law); a part of your payment is not registered on the pay bill (i.e. you receive a wage which is different from the contractual one, it can be
higher or, often, also
[...] lower); you are taken on with a qualification (for example of simple worker or porter) which is different from the duties you really carry out (as a matter of fact you are a specialised [...]
worker or you work at the reception of a hotel).
委员会还建议缔约国 采取步骤,取消要求在所有病假条 注明 疾 病 代码的做法。
The Committee also recommends that the State party take steps to
[...] eliminate the mandatory indication of disease codes [...]
on all medical sick leave forms.
一名埃及代表指出,埃及希望在记录 注明 , 该 国在对决定草案案文相关 章节进行协商期间提出了对第60段(a)和(c) 的不同表述建议,即“非附件一缔约 方在国家信息通报内容和频率方面的负担应低于《公约》附件一所列缔约方”, 以及“发展中国家可依照其能力和在提交报告方面获得支持的程度,每两年提交 一次更新报告,载入国家温室气体清单的最新情况,包括一份国家清单报告及有 关缓解行动、需要和收到支持的资料”。
A representative of Egypt stated that Egypt wanted it put on the record that it had proposed during consultations on the relevant section of the draft decision text different formulations for paragraph 60 (a) and (c), namely “The content and frequency of national communications from non-Annex I Parties will be less onerous than that for Parties included in Annex I to the Convention” and “Developing countries, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support provided for reporting, may also submit biennial update reports, containing updates of national greenhouse gas inventories including a national inventory report and information on mitigation actions, needs and support received”.
如 果相关,另注明主要生长季节。
Also specify the main growing season, [...]
if relevant.
考虑以下项目是数 据收集中的良好做法:一览表注明 数 据 报告的方式、时间、报告 人和接收人,以及什么类别的数据是可接受的);收集数据使用的 标准形式;详细的数据限制条件(用于记录数据值是否以计量、计 算或估计为依据);不确定和限制性数据(检测范围详情、现有样 本数);作业环境详情(现行过程操作和/或环境条件详情)。
Considerations of the following items are good practice in data collection: schedules (stating how, when, by whom and to whom the data are to be reported, and what types of data are acceptable); use of standard forms for collecting data; data qualification details (used to record whether data values are based on measurements, calculations or estimations); uncertainties and limitations data (details of detection limits, numbers of samples available); operational context details (details of the prevailing process operations and/or environmental conditions).
注明每人 任期的委员名单载于本报告附件一。
A list of members,
[...] together with an indication of the duration [...]
of their terms of office, is provided in annex I to the present report.
[...] 會擁有該礦藏的權益。儘管蒙古政府正加入各戰略性重點礦藏的確切位置及坐標,但戰略性重點礦藏名單 中若干礦藏僅有名稱識別,並注明 礦 藏的經緯坐標,因此並不能時常都可以精確確定各指定戰略性重點 [...]
While the Government of Mongolia is in the process of adding the exact location and coordinates for each Mineral Deposit of Strategic Importance, a number of deposits on the Strategic Deposits
List are identified by
[...] name only with no indication of the latitude and [...]
longitude coordinates for the deposit, and it is therefore not always possible to precisely determine the intended geographic area covered by each
designated Mineral Deposit of Strategic Importance or to accurately determine whether or not any given license area is within, or overlaps, a Mineral Deposit of Strategic Importance.
社會安全號碼必注明「準 許工作」(意味著可以在美國合法工作)或者是用於領取州或 地方福利(而不是聯邦福利)。
The Social Security Numbers must be either “employment authorized” (meaning that they permit them to work legally in the United States) or must have been issued in order to receive a state or local benefit (rather than a federal benefit).
以色列注意到理事会主席在引述理事会第 5/1 号决议第 32 段时提醒大 家 , 得到所涉国家 支持的建议将 予 以 标 明 ;
[...] 其他建议,连 同 所涉国家 的相关评 论,将注 明 。
Israel noted the remarks of the President of the Council who, citing paragraph 32 of Council resolution 5/1, reminded that recommendations that enjoy the support of the state concerned will be
identified as such, while other recommendations, together with the comments of the state
[...] concerned thereon, will be noted.
同樣,WRI / WBCSD議定書修
[...] 訂版推薦統計合資公司的所有特殊合同,注 明合同 各方如何分配排放量的所有權,或者說 [...]
Likewise, the revised WRI / WBCSD Protocol recommends to
account for any special contracts in joint
[...] operations that specify how the ownership [...]
of emissions, or the responsibility for
managing emissions and associated risk, is distributed between the parties.
非争议方提交的材料应当:(a)注明日 期并由提交材料者签名;(b)行文 [...]
简洁,篇幅绝对不超过 [仲裁庭允许的限度 ] [打印文字 20 页,包括任何附 录 ];(c)列出关于申请人对问题的立场的简明陈述;以及(d)仅涉及争议范围 内的事项。
The submission filed by a non-disputing
[...] party shall: (a) be dated and signed [...]
by the person filing the submission; (b) be
concise, and in no case longer than [as authorized by the arbitral tribunal] [20 typed pages, including any appendices]; (c) set out a precise statement of the applicant’s position on issues; and (d) only address matters within the scope of the dispute.
(b) 登记有效期可在登记有效期期满之前随时延长或缩短,延长期或缩短 期为修订通知注明的期限。
(b) The period of effectiveness of a registration may be extended or reduced for the period of time indicated in an amendment notice at any time before the period of effectiveness of the registration expires.
(2) 因股东身故、精神紊乱或破产而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可藉预 付邮资的信函及在信封或封套注明 其 为收件人而把通知邮寄给该人士,以身故者 代表或破产者受托人的称谓或类似称谓而享有股份权利的人士,本公司可把通告寄 交声称如上所述享有权利的人士就此目的所提供的地址(如有),或(直至获提供 地址前)藉如无发生该身故、精神紊乱或破产时原来的方式发出通告。
(2) A notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
(a) 根据委员会的一致意见,秘书处以一 注明 日 期 为 2010 年 10 月 11 日 的普通照会的形式向委员会所有成员国发送了工作组主席的一份载有工作组拟 [...]
议职权范围和工作方法的工作文件,该工作文件有望形成 A/AC.105/C.1/L.307 的基础。
(a) In accordance with the agreement of the Committee, the
Secretariat had sent to all member States of
[...] the Committee, in a note verbale dated 11 [...]
October 2010, a working paper submitted
by the Chair of the Working Group containing proposed draft terms of reference and methods of work for the Working Group, intended to form the basis of A/AC.105/C.1/L.307.
在2011-2012學年,校區所有小學、初中及高中將會在幼稚園、6、9年級為有需 要的學生(如個別教育計劃注明) 提供融合教育服務。
For the 2011-2012 school year, all SFUSD elementary schools, middle and high schools will offer inclusion services at Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade levels to students requiring those services as outlined in their IEPs.
注册人在六个月期间内作出答复,申请对商品(甲 + 乙)的 临时驳回进行复审;经过复审,决定驳回商品(甲)上的保护,但允许保护 商品(乙);主管局发布公告,说明商标将在商品(乙+丙)上得到保护, 公告之日起四个月内可以对此提出异议;给注册人的决定通知书中还说明将 发布公告,同注明了公 告日和异议期。
The holder responds within the six-month period, requesting a review of the provisional refusal in respect of goods (X + Y); following such a review, a decision is issued, refusing protection for goods (X) but allowing protection for goods (Y); the Office publishes a notice to the effect that the mark is to be protected for goods (Y + Z), and that any opposition to this may be filed within four months of the date of publication of the notice; the communication informing the holder of the decision also indicates that this notice is being published, together with its date and the duration of the opposition period.




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