

单词 注射



subcutaneous injection
hypodermic injection


intramuscular injection



See also:


launch v

allude to
radio- (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

待稀釋後,消化物利 用附有汞濃縮系統的流注射汞分 析儀進行分析。
After dilution, the digestate was analysed
[...] by the Flow Injection Mercury Analyzer [...]
equipped with amalgam preconcentration system.
注射毒品使用者提供的旧针换新针服务、咨询服务和美沙酮治疗增加 了。
Provision of needle exchange and counselling services, and
[...] methadone treatment to injecting drug users has [...]
二十四) “使用”是指通过摄取注射或其 他任何方式应用禁用物质或禁用方法。
Use” means the
[...] application, ingestion, injection or consumption [...]
by any means whatsoever of any prohibited substance or prohibited method.
塔吉克斯坦还是毒品贸易的路线之一,这就更加重了打击腐败的挑战,并使通过 静注射吸毒 传播艾滋病毒/艾滋病成为一个关切。
Tajikistan is also a route for the drug trade which
complicates the challenge of tackling corruption and makes the spread of
[...] HIV/AIDS through injecting drug users a [...]
在緊接句號之前加上“;本會亦對行政長官在政府庫房有大筆盈餘的 情況下,投放在改善長者醫療服務方面的資源微不足道,不足以照顧
低下層長者的醫療需要,深表失望;本會促請行政長官及政府採取措 施及投入更多資源,改善長者的醫療服務,包括將醫療券的受惠對象 擴展至所有 65 歲或以上的長者、增加每名長者所獲的津貼金額、為
[...] 所有長者提供公營醫療半價優惠、設立基金津貼長者的牙科服務,以 及為所有長者提供免費流感防注射 等 ”
To add "; this Council also expresses deep disappointment that, despite a huge surplus in the government treasury, the Chief Executive only deploys a meagre amount of resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, which is hardly sufficient to meet the medical needs of the elderly in the lower class; this Council urges the Chief Executive and the Government to adopt measures and devote more resources to enhance the medical services for the elderly, including extending the beneficiaries of the health care vouchers to all senior citizens aged 65 or above, increasing the amount of subsidy for each elderly recipient, offering half-fee concession for public medical services to all senior citizens, setting up a fund to subsidize dental services for the
elderly, and providing all senior citizens with free
[...] vaccination against influenza, etc" immediately [...]
before the full stop.
一些国家指出,对于吸毒成瘾者,应使用美沙酮维持量疗法来取 代阿片疗法,以及采用针头-针筒方案来减少艾滋病毒 注射 毒 品者 中的传播。
Several countries noted the use of methadone maintenance treatment as opioid substitution
therapy for drug dependent people
[...] and needle-syringe programmes to reduce the spread of HIV among people who inject drugs.
其他相关专业经验:药物依赖性注射 吸毒 和减少艾滋病毒风险培训资源开发团队顾问(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,美 [...]
国和全印度医学科学院项目)(2005 年至今);药物依赖性技术准则和培训资源开 发团队顾问(加州大学洛杉矶分校、美国和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处(禁毒
办),维也纳)(2005-2006 年);减少南亚年轻吸毒者冒险行为网络项目研究和政 策顾问(禁毒办)(2004-2005 年);将艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题纳入不断减少南亚毒品 需求主流项目研究和政策顾问(印度政府和禁毒办联办项目,)(2003-2004 年); 印度政府国家药物滥用管制规划方案修改工作技术顾问(卫生和家庭福利 部)(2003 年)。
Other relevant professional experience: Consultant to the
team to develop resources for training in
[...] drug dependence, injection drug use and HIV [...]
risk reduction (University of California,
Los Angeles, USA and AIIMS project) (2005ongoing); consultant to the team to develop technical guidelines and resources for training in drug dependence (UCLA, USA and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Vienna) (2005-2006); Research and Policy Adviser for project Networking for Reducing Risk Taking Behaviour amongst Young Drug Users in South Asia (UNODC) (2004-2005); Research and Policy Adviser for project on mainstreaming HIV/AIDS concerns in ongoing drug demand reduction in South Asia (A Project of the Government of India and UNODC) (2003-2004); Technical Resource person to modify the National Drug Abuse Control Programme of the Government (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) (2003).
就此,即使身體在接受防注射 後, 需時兩至四星期製造抗體來對抗流感病毒感 染,但現在接種疫苗,仍能在本年剩餘的時間內提 供保護,對抗流感和其併發症。
In this regard, even if it took two to four weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against influenza virus infection, getting vaccinated then could still provide protection against influenza and its complications for the remaining of the year.
在全球范围,被证明对预注射吸毒者中新的艾滋病毒感染最有效的服务的 覆盖率仍然很低:仅少数人参与或有机会获得全方位药物依赖治疗服务,每月注射毒品者分发少量无菌器械,8%的人参加类阿片激动剂治疗方案,和 4%的艾 滋病毒呈阳性注射吸毒者接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Globally, the coverage of services that have been shown to be
most effective in
[...] preventing new HIV infections among people who inject drugs remains low: a limited number of people participate in or have access to the full spectrum of drug dependence treatment services, a limited number of sterile devices are distributed per month per person who injects drugs, 8 per cent participate in a programme involving opioid-agonist treatment therapy and 4 per cent of HIV-positive people who inject drugs are [...]
receiving antiretroviral therapy.
在该宣言中,会员国 承诺要实现明确目标,以确保到 2015 年不再有孩子 一出生就感染艾滋病毒,填补全球防治艾滋病的资源 缺口,努力实现到 2015
年将资金增加至 220 亿到 240 亿美元,加强普及抗逆转录病毒治疗的工作,以便到 2015 年能让 1 500 万人获得挽救其生命的治疗,将艾
[...] 滋病毒感染者中死于结核病的人数减少 50%,并注 射吸毒者中艾滋病毒的传播率降低 50%。
In this declaration, Member States committed to clear targets to ensure that by 2015 no more children will be born with HIV, to close the global resource gap for AIDS and to work towards increasing funding to between $22 billion and $24 billion by 2015, to increase universal access to antiretroviral therapy to get 15 million people onto life-saving treatment by 2015, to reduce tuberculosis deaths among
people living with HIV by 50 per cent, and to reduce the transmission of HIV
[...] among people who inject drugs by 50 per cent.
球或盘可能停留注射器的尖头上成为塞子注射期 间,当样品被强迫经过塞子或 在塞子周围流动时,样品可能发生溶血现象。
The ball or disk may
[...] become lodged in the tip of the syringe, and the sample may hemolyze when [...]
it is forced through or around the plug during injection.
專業護理設施護理 的示例包括:僅可由註冊護士或醫生提供的物理治療或靜 注射。
Examples of skilled nursing facility care include physical therapy
[...] or intravenous injections that can only [...]
be given by a registered nurse or doctor.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室实 施的活动包括为进行法律和政策审查提供技术支持;调整立法;制定和实施政 策和战略,确保公平获得艾滋病毒预防、治疗和护理服务的渠道;以及支持减
[...] 病毒预防、治疗和护理服务的渠道,办法是实施以人权为基础、男女有别和公 正的艾滋病政策和服务注射吸毒 者,包括监狱环境内的吸毒者在内,以及人 [...]
The activities implemented by UNODC included technical support to conduct legal and policy reviews; the adaptation of legislation; the development and implementation of policies and strategies to ensure equitable access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services; and support to reduce stigma and discrimination with respect to drug addicts, particularly those infected with HIV, and to improve access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services by implementing human-rights-based, gender-responsive and equitable AIDS policies and
services that are accessible to persons who
[...] abuse drugs by injection, including in [...]
prison settings, and to people who are vulnerable to trafficking in humans.
[...] ELASTOSIL®LR 3170/40还能满足市场对双组注射成型 产品日益增长的需求。
Moreover, ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40 uses the patented
WACKER self-bonding technology and therefore addresses the increasing importance of
[...] two-component injection molded products.
Epidural steroid injections involve inserting [...]
a fine needle into the spine from the back with x-ray guidance.
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每个角落,我们各自从事的工作中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访问新疆一所美国出资为HIV呈阴性 注射 吸 毒 者设立的治疗设施时,我看到了我们共同努力预防HIV/艾滋病的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I hardly visit a corner of this country without seeing evidence of these common interests in the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS
prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for
[...] HIV negative injecting drug addicts [...]
in Xinjiang last year.
基于流注射分析 和比色法原理,其将费时的手工分配样品和试剂、混合、测量等自动化,所有步骤完成大约花费1分钟/样品。
Based on flow injection analysis and [...]
applying colorimetric methods, it automates the time-consuming manual dispensing of
sample and reagents, mixing and measurement - all at a rate of 1 minute/sample.
在对防火性能要求高的双组分产品 注射 成 型 过程中, ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40能够比传统液体硅橡胶实现更高的生产自动化, 提高生产效率。
In the production of two-component injection molded products, the bonding behavior of ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40 allows manufacturers to increase automation to a level previously unattainable with flame-resistant liquid silicone rubber.
眼睛护理专家和全球领导者指出了尚未得到满足的主要需求:(3)改善药物释放方法、提高向眼 注射 药 物 的疗效、减少治疗次数和剂量、可提高疗效并缓解医生患者负担的联合疗法、逆转该疾病进程的药物,以及最重要的,对湿性AMD进行慢性病管理的标准化综合治疗方法。
Eye care specialists and global leaders point to significant remaining unmet needs:(3) improved drug
delivery methods, improved efficacy for
[...] drugs that are injected into the eye, [...]
reduced frequency of treatment and dosing,
combined therapies that can improve efficacy and the burden of treatment on physicians and patients, drugs that reverse the disease process, and most importantly, a standardized, integrated treatment paradigm that accounts for chronic management of wet AMD.
遵照世界卫生组织的建议,如今采取 注射 式 的 脊髓灰质炎疫苗,淘汰了 口服疫苗。
Following the World Health Organisation
[...] recommendations, injected form of polio [...]
vaccine (IPV) is now used instead of the oral vaccine (OPV).
干预措施包括协助为儿注射麻疹 、白喉、百日咳、破伤风和小儿麻痹症 等疫苗;维生素 A 补充;营养状况评估;驱虫;分发口服补液盐、净水片剂、提 倡母乳喂养、为年龄 15 至 49 岁的妇女进行破伤风病毒免注射。
The intervention would provide assistance in the areas of child immunization against measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio; vitamin A supplementation; nutritional assessments; de-worming; the distribution of oral rehydration salts and water purification tablets; the promotion of breastfeeding; and tetanus toxoid vaccination of girls and women aged 15 to 49.
在主管机关或机构的监督下,酌情在有关国家政策的框架内使人们有 机会获得已显示在降注射吸毒者和其他吸毒者中感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病、肝炎 和其他经血液传染疾病的风险方面具有效力的医药、疫苗和符合国际药物管制 条约的其他措施。
(d) To provide access, as appropriate and in the framework of the pertinent national policies, to medications, vaccines and other measures that were consistent with international drug control treaties and had been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among injecting drug users, under the supervision of competent authorities or institutions.
注射交换 措施和附近诊所的参 与作为补充,这些方案大大减少了与使用毒品有关 的艾滋病感染数量。
Complemented by needle-exchange programmes and care at local [...]
clinics, those initiatives had helped to drastically reduce
the number of HIV infections linked to drug use.
这进一步突出了,在马尔代夫存 在与像合注射针之类的高危行为有关的风险,艾滋病毒可能爆发。
This further highlight the risk associated with certain high risk behaviours like needle sharing in a possible outbreak of HIV in the country.
来自德国罗斯托克大学医院的Henrik Schneider博士表示:“与标准的30ml注射 器 相 比, 注射 器 把抽吸时间延长了一倍,避免了在许多情况下更 注射 器 , 从而可以更好地集中进行准确的抽吸。
The large syringe doubles the aspiration time compared to standard 30ml syringes, which avoids switching syringes in many cases and [...]
allows to better focus on the accuracy
of the procedure," says Dr. Henrik Schneider from the University Hospital in Rostock, Germany.
採 用 微注 射 透 明 質 酸 及 肉 毒 桿 菌 素 , 令 面部皮膚保持良好狀態。
Fine needle injections of hyaluronic acid [...]
and Botulinum Toxin Type A (BTX-A) keep facial skin in the best condition.
为了降低产妇死亡率,卫生 政策将重点放在高危妊娠和产科急诊的管理、监督分娩、打击切割女童性器官、 宣传计划生育、扩大疫注射覆盖范围、性传播感染的管理等方面。
To reduce maternal mortality, health policy will focus on caring for pregnant women at risk and dealing with obstetric emergencies, supervising deliveries, combating female genital mutilation, promoting family planning, extending immunization coverage and treating sexually transmitted infections.
我们的应用专家将协助您对盐水 制备、盐注射、嫩 化、滚揉、按摩以及解冻等各个过程中的各项参数进行优化选 择,帮助您实 现成本与质量的最佳平衡。
Together with our application specialists, you can test and fine-tune the brine-preparation, injection, tenderising, tumbling, massaging and defrosting process steps for an optimum balance of cost and quality.
委员会强烈建议缔约国为国际公认防 注射 嗜 毒 者之间传染的措 施,特别是利用美沙酮和盐酸丁丙诺非替代类罂粟碱疗法,以及针头和针筒交换 [...]
The Committee strongly recommends the State party to
[...] provide clear legal grounds and other support [...]
for the internationally recognized measures
for HIV prevention among injecting drug users, in particular the opioid substitution therapy with use of methadone and buprenorphine, as well as needle and syringe, and overdose prevention programmes.
为实现千年发展目标 6 项下的各项具体目标,各国一直都在以下 诸领域做出努力:(a)
提供与艾滋病有关的医疗咨询和测试服务;(b) 获得抗逆转录病毒治疗;(c) 在儿童中消除新的艾滋病毒感染,包括 通过其父母传给儿童的艾滋病毒;(d) 通过促进使用安全套并改变行
[...] 为方式来减少性渠道传播艾滋病的机会;(e) 设法在那些注射方式 使用毒品的人群之中实行减少危害的方案。
To achieve the Millennium Development Goal targets under Goal 6, member States had been increasing efforts to improve the following: (a) access to HIV counselling and testing services; (b) access to anti-retroviral treatment; (c) elimination of new HIV infections among children, including through parent-to-child transmission; (d) condom promotion and
behaviour change programmes to reduce sexual transmission; and (e) harm reduction
[...] programmes among people who inject drugs.




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