单词 | 泥灰岩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 泥灰岩 noun —marl nSee also:泥灰—lime plaster (construction) 泥岩—mudstone • shale 灰岩—limestone 灰泥—mortar
卢布林高地,白垩纪灰岩和泥灰岩。 paiz.gov.pl | Lublin Upland, [...] with Cretaceous limestone and marls paiz.gov.pl |
从斜坡的 顶端向山坡方向,砂砾的厚度逐渐变薄,显露出含有砂岩的粘 土 泥灰岩 , 和 中新 世的砂质泥灰岩。 chateau-olivier.com | From the tops of the slopes, as they go down, [...] the thickness of the gravel layer narrows, allowing outcrops [...] of clayey, sandy, marl and Miocene sand-limestone to appear. chateau-olivier.com |
泥 灰岩层上 的深层砂砾土壤非常适合种植浓郁清新的梅洛。 chateau-olivier.com | Deep gravel soil [...] standing on marl is very well [...]suited to the production of Merlot grapes as it results in a combination [...]of concentration and freshness in the wine. chateau-olivier.com |
例如,如果一家公司使用大量某類粉 煤灰 或頁岩作為水泥窯的 原料,則有機碳產生的二 氧化碳排放就和總排放量有相關度了。 wbcsdcement.org | For example, the resulting emissions can be [...] relevant if a company consumes large quantities of [...] certain types of fly ash or shale as raw materials entering [...]the kiln. wbcsdcement.org |
地层包括新元古代石灰岩,上 部依次为 下 泥 盆 纪至 上 泥 盆 纪 火山沉积岩层序,有中泥盆纪和上泥盆纪Khatanbulag侵入杂岩体侵入。 tipschina.gov.cn | The stratigraphy consists of Neoproterozoic Limestone and quartzite, trusting over the [...] Lower to Upper Devonian volcano-sedimentary [...]sequences and intruded by Middle to Upper Devonian Khatanbulag intrusive complex. tipschina.gov.cn |
贡兹冰期砂砾和泥灰质; 品种繁多的石英、石 英 岩 、 玉 石、玛瑙、 燧石和黑碧玉。 chateau-olivier.com | Günzian gravel and clay-limestone; an exceptional variety of quartz, quartzites, [...] jaspers, agates, flint and lydian stone. chateau-olivier.com |
公元前189年,罗马人开始统治石灰岩 构 造 的爱奥尼亚岛,但它于1864年重回希腊的怀抱。 msccruises.com.cn | The Romans ruled the limestone Ionian Island [...] from 189 BC, but it was reintegrated into Greece in 1864. msccruises.com.au |
由于沿着侵入于泥盆纪石灰岩的晚 二叠纪次火成侵入体附近发现了矽卡岩,因此13602X许可证区域南部矽卡岩型矿床的成矿潜力较高。 tipschina.gov.cn | The southern region of license 13602X has potential for skarn related mineralization, as suggested by the identification of skarns along the contact of a late Permian sub-volcanic intrusion with Devonian limestone. tipschina.gov.cn |
分隔煤層之間的縫組主要是砂岩和礫岩, 而在煤層組矸往往要由泥岩和碳質 泥岩 為 主。 southgobi.com | Interburden between the seam [...] groups is mainly sandstone and conglomerate, whilst partings within the seam groups tend to be dominated by mudstone and carbonaceous mudstone. southgobi.com |
Orbite已開發出環保及可持續的新技術用于 從 泥 质 岩 、 矾 土、 赤 泥 、 粉 煤 灰 等 多 種物質來源中提取氧化鋁,公司將利用其位於魁北克Gaspe地區的現有礦床中的鋁粘土作爲主要物質來源生産5N(或99.999 [...] %純度) 氧化鋁。 tipschina.gov.cn | Orbite, which has developed new, eco-friendly and sustainable technology to allow for the extraction [...] of alumina from a wide [...] range of source materials such as argillite clay, bauxite, red mud, and [...]fly ash, will use aluminous [...]clay from its deposit in the Gaspe region of Quebec as its primary source material, for the production of 5N (or 99.999 % purity) alumina. tipschina.gov.cn |
适用范围:广泛适用于水泥厂的 生料、熟料细碎作业,同时也可用于白云石、焦宝石、铅锌矿、蛇纹石、高炉渣、煤矸石、磷矿石等中等硬度物料的细碎作业,特别适用于硬质 石 灰岩 、 白 云岩、花岗岩、玄武岩等人工造砂或高速公路路面石料的加工破碎。 mayastar.com.cn | It is also applicable for crushing iron ore, sandstone, gypsum, blast furnace residue, coal stone, piece coal, and many other ores of medium hardness, characterized by the large crushing ratio, little energy consumption, stable run, simple structure, and convenient maintenance and operation. mayastar.com.cn |
透鏡狀地層由脈狀或半塊狀至塊狀黃銅礦組成,每單位 沙 泥岩 主 要由 接近垂直的石英石-綠泥石區組成。 glencore.com | Lenses consist of vein or semi massive to massive chalcopyrite hosted by sub-vertical quartz-chlorite shear zones within a siltstone unit. glencore.com |
在需要切除任何类型的金属时,我们训练有素的技术人员可以高效完成此项服务,比其他传统方法(如钻孔、磨碎、电弧刨削或 喷 灰泥 ) 要 快数倍。 hydratight.com | When it comes to metal removal of any type, our highly trained technicians can perform this service [...] efficiently and several times faster than other conventional [...] methods such as drilling, grinding, arc [...]gouging or torching. hydratight.com |
今后建造了油页岩灰碴运输测试装置,其性能将在一年中予以评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | A test device for [...] transporting oil shale ash was built this year [...]and its performance will be evaluated over one year. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 中心还可以与很多国家中从事岩溶学专题研究(如岩溶水文地质学和洞穴学等) [...] 的岩溶研究机构进行密切合作,例如瑞士纳沙特尔大学的水文地质研究中心、奥 [...] 地利格拉茨大学的水文地质系、新西兰奥克兰大学的地理系、德国不来梅大学的 实验物理研究所、土耳其赫色特普大学的岩溶水研究中心、波兰西里西亚大学的 地理学院、斯洛文尼亚波斯托依娜的岩溶研究所、美国俄亥俄州查尔斯镇的岩溶 水研究所、英格兰赫德斯菲尔德大学的 石 灰岩 研 究 小组,以及美国国家公园管理 局洞穴与岩溶计划署。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, the centre has close collaborations with karst research institutions of many countries which deal with special topics of karst science, such as karst hydrogeology, speleology, etc. such as Centre d’Hydrogéologie, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Department of Hydrogeology, Graz University, Austria; Department of Geography, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany; Center of Karst Water Research, Hecetteppe University, Turkey; Institute of Geography, University of Silesia, Poland; Karst Research Institute, Postoina, Slovenia; Karst Water Institute, Charles [...] Town, Ohio, United [...] States of America; Limestone Research Group, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom; National Park Service Cave and Karst Program, [...]United States of America. unesdoc.unesco.org |
熱液礦物作為石灰質砂岩(紅 色岩層)、 礫 岩 、 凝 灰岩 、 安 山石及 石 灰岩 在 結 構上嚴格受控並包含於褶皺岩石單元內。 glencore.com | This hydrothermal mineralisation is strongly structurally [...] controlled and hosted in folded [...] rock units as calcareous sandstones (red beds), conglomerates, volcanic tuffs, andesites and limestones. glencore.com |
主要环境污染问题,包括采矿和利用油页岩所产生的堆积如山的半焦与灰 碴(直接和间接明显污染环境),油页 岩灰 碴 运 输(在 2009 年 7 月 15 日之前,部分 允许把油页岩灰碴作 为液体废物处置),到 2008 年把半焦中的的有机化合物从 12%还原到 16%,爱沙尼亚环境意识水平低(导致多起把废物倾倒在路边或林中 的事件),还有市政废物分类程度有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main environmental pollution problems include the gigantic mountains of semicoke and ash [...] resulting from mining and [...] use of oil-shale, which pollute the environment both directly as well as indirectly (visually), transport of oil shale ash (disposal of oil shale ash as liquid [...]waste is partially permitted [...]until 15 July 2009), the reduction of organic compounds in semi-coke from 12% to 16% by 2008, the low level of environmental awareness among the Estonian population, resulting in numerous cases of waste being dumped by the roadside or in forests, as well as the limited extent of sorting of municipal waste. daccess-ods.un.org |
在平均 70 岁的寿命期间,西欧人耗用大约 460 [...] 公吨的沙和砾石,大约 39 公吨的钢和 100 公吨的石灰岩,来供应房屋的暖气, 生产电力,或驱动汽车。 daccess-ods.un.org | During an average 70-year lifetime, Western Europeans use about 460 tons of [...] sand and gravel, about 39 tons of steel, and [...] 100 tons of limestone to heat houses, [...]produce electricity, or keep cars running. daccess-ods.un.org |
Sinichi Wayra組合中的大部分礦床屬於包含於各種岩性(從 凝 灰岩 到 沉 積岩)的後生熱液基本金屬型礦脈及由斷層填充的礦物。 glencore.com | The majority of the deposits within the Sinichi Wayra portfolio are epigenetic-hydrothermal base metal type [...] vein and fault filled mineralisation hosted within a [...] variety of lithologies from volcanic [...]tuffs to sedimentary packages. glencore.com |
然而,如果在没有废物的情况下发现 灰泥 中的重金属浓度超过正常范围,应当 对 灰泥 和 /或 混凝土进行浸出试验(德国技 术合作公司/豪西蒙公司,2006 年)。 ficem.org | However, in cases where the concentration of heavy [...] metals exceeds the [...] normal range found in cements made without waste, leaching tests on mortar and/or concrete should [...]be conducted (GTZ/Holcim, 2006). ficem.org |
我們進行這些勘測和研究後,便可更了解工地的地下情況、 測 定泥土和 岩體的 特 質和查 明地下是否 有 公 用設施,以便提供 所需資 料 , 盡早制定隧道路線和設計。 legco.gov.hk | By carrying out the investigations and surveys, we [...] can better ascertain [...] the sub-surface conditions of the works sites, determine the characteristics of the soil and rock masses, and identify [...]the presence of [...]underground utilities so as to provide the required information for early finalisation of the tunnel alignment and design. legco.gov.hk |
在完成对现有管道系统的维修后,如果可能通过在维修地点周围施用杀真菌剂对潮湿 的 灰泥 板 和 木制框架进行防霉处理,则应将暴露在外的管道套入与之兼容的塑料套管或管道绝缘材料内,从而防止杀真菌剂直接接触冷热水管道系统。 cn.lubrizol.com | When repairs are made to an existing system, and the possibility exists that fungicides will be applied to treat damp drywall and wood framing surrounding the repair site, exposed piping should be sleeved with a compatible plastic sleeving or pipe insulation material to prevent direct contact of the fungicide with the plumbing system. lubrizol.com |
當中由各種不同岩石,例如花崗岩、 凝 灰岩 、 玄 武 岩等形成的各種自然景觀,以及海岸公園附近水域的珊瑚礁,更吸引不少市 民前往欣賞。 legco.gov.hk | Various types of natural scenery formed by such rocks as granite, tuff and basalt in these parks and the coral reefs in marine parks have attracted many members of the public to visit these parks for appreciation. legco.gov.hk |
已经利用可分辨海底类别(泥、沙、岩 石 )并能确定生态特征(珊瑚丘、 甲烷水合物露头等)的地球物理高清晰度工具,对大片海域的生境进行分类和测 绘。 daccess-ods.un.org | Geophysical and high resolution tools that can discriminate [...] seabed type (mud, sand, rock) and allow the [...]characterization of ecological features [...](coral mounds, outcropping methane hydrate, et cetera) were used to classify and map habitats over large areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
就在测量师和地质队忙于在波兰各地 测定泥页岩的位置以及弄清楚页岩气 质量的时候,波兰的页岩气行业似乎 进入了观望模式。 paiz.gov.pl | As surveyors and seismic crews criss-cross Poland, trying to more precisely locate the shale formations and ascertain their quality, the shale gas world in Poland seems to have gone into a holding pattern. paiz.gov.pl |
隨著香腸構造的薄透鏡狀地層變為接近垂直的富礦体,火山成因並含粘 土粉砂岩的綠泥石- 絹雲母-石英石頁岩的近接觸部分的分層細脈浸染狀多金屬礦石發生了折疊斷層,並出現在向下延伸至580至725米深度的65至80個 傾斜層。 glencore.com | Stratified [...] vein-disseminated polymetallic ores in the near-contact part of volcanomictous chlorite-sericite-quartz shales with clayey [...]siltstones underwent [...]folded dislocation and occur at 65-80 dip extending down to the 580-725m depth as thin boudinaged lenses changing into subvertical ore shoots. glencore.com |
此外,港鐵公司會要求 [...] 承建商盡可能在工地或其他合適的建築工地再用惰性建築廢物( 例如挖 掘所得的岩石和泥土物料),以盡量減少須棄置於公眾填料接收設施3 [...]的 惰性建築廢物。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, MTRCL will require the [...] contractor to reuse inert construction [...] waste (e.g. excavated rock and soil materials) [...]on site or in other suitable construction [...]sites as far as possible, in order to minimise the disposal of inert construction waste at public fill reception facilities3 . legco.gov.hk |
z 随着更多的汞从更多来源——包括气体过滤产品、氯-碱行业的 淤 泥 、 灰 烬 、 炉渣及失活的矿物残渣、 还有使用过的荧光灯管、电池及通常不能回收的其它产品中收集到,汞废物处理就已经变得更复杂了。 zeromercury.org | z Mercury waste management has become more complex as more mercury is collected from a greater variety of [...] sources, including gas [...] filtering products, sludges from the chlor-alkali industry, ashes, slags, and [...]inert mineral residues, [...]as well as used fluorescent tubes, batteries and other products that are often not recycled. zeromercury.org |