单词 | 泥涂轩冕 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 泥涂轩冕 —despise titles and high officesSee also:轩冕—chariot and crown (symbols of important persons) • fig. royals and dignitaries
例如,该公司提供的胶粘剂可用于安装带 水 泥涂 层 的 聚苯乙烯泡沫结构板,以及用于内部装饰品和卫生设施的石膏和水泥构件。 wacker.com | To name but a few examples, the company supplies adhesives [...] for the assembly of structural panels [...] consisting of cement-coated polystyrene foam, [...]as well as gypsum and cement elements [...]used in interior fittings and sanitary facilities. wacker.com |
在那里,他们发现,“RAB”假魂器的小金盒 是 轩 辕 大角黑色,小天狼星布莱克的弟弟。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | There they discover that the “R.A.B.” from the false Horcrux locket is Regulus Arcturus Black, the younger brother of Sirius Black. seekcartoon.com |
老城的一个独特之处就是色彩鲜亮的房屋,通常都采用了上好 的 涂 墙 泥 灰 来 装饰。 glifr.com | A special feature of the old town are the brightly coloured houses, [...] often decorated with fine stucco-work. glifr.com |
双方应保持冷静,并避 免冠冕堂皇 的空话或任何有损和平进程的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Both parties should remain calm and avoid rhetoric or any actions that could undermine the peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
于2010年推出的NOWNESS.com是酩悦‧轩尼 诗 -路易‧威登集团一个编辑自主的网站。 lvmh.cn | NOWNESS.com, launched in 2010, is the editorially independent website of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton. lvmh.com |
消泡剂,不含VOC和有机硅,基于脂肪衍生物和聚合物,用于水性建 筑 涂 料 、 灰 泥 及 胶 粘剂。 byk.com | VOC-free and silicone-free defoamer on the basis of fat derivatives and polymers for [...] aqueous architectural coatings, plasters, and adhesives. byk.com |
梁特首,無論你是為了樹立管治威信又或是收買人心,請不要再 分化我們的長者,把他們妖魔化,把他們塑造成對將來社會只有負累、 [...] 沒有貢獻的壞印象,重蹈曾蔭權的覆轍,使用當年曾特首增加“生果 金 ”1,000元兼引入審查時的“相同技倆”,不斷以跨大開支、以財政難 [...] 以承擔,或帶來財政災難為由,迷惑和誤導一羣中產和知識份子,令 他們誤信這些冠冕堂皇 的理由和數據,卻忽視箇中的假設。 legco.gov.hk | He must not use similar tactics employed by Donald TSANG. Back then, in increasing the rate of "fruit grant" to $1,000 and introducing the means test, Chief Executive Donald TSANG had repeatedly exaggerated the expenditure, citing the reason that it would be difficult for public revenue to meet the expenditure or it would bring about a financial disaster in order to confuse [...] and mislead the middle class and the [...] intellectuals, making them believe in those [...]lofty reasons and data, but overlooking the assumptions. legco.gov.hk |
粉末涂料应用方便而且环保,不会产生废气 或 涂 料 污 泥。 eckart.com.cn | They can easily be applied in an environmentally friendly manner without producing [...] waste gases or paint sludge. eckart.net |
一般情况下,承插接口应 采用橡胶圈密封的柔性接口技术,金属管内壁采 用 涂 水 泥 沙 浆或树脂的防腐技术;焊 接、粘接的管道应考虑涨缩性问题,采用相应的施工技术,如适当距离安装柔性接 口、伸缩器或 U 形弯管。 wrdmap.org | As for welded or glued pipes, adopt relative construction technologies such as proper distance installing flexible interfaces, expansion pipes or U-typed pipes in consideration of pipe harmomegathus. wrdmap.org |
地球物理学和天文学研究所的专家们利用国际太阳巡视和卫星观测所得的 数据,继续研究强度超过 10 MeV 的质子能量变化强度的方向性,并根据等离子 粒团(行星际日冕物质抛射)在太阳中的位置,研究其到达地球附近的时间的 分布情况,在编写材料时采用逐步多元回归办法进行变差分析。 daccess-ods.un.org | Specialists at IGA continued to study the directionality of the intensity of protonic energy events exceeding 10 MeV and the distribution of arrival times of plasmoids (interplanetary coronal mass ejections) in the immediate neighbourhood of Earth according to their positions in the Sun, using data from the international solar patrol and satellite observations, following the step-by-step multiple regression method with variation analysis in the preparation of the material. daccess-ods.un.org |
加盟玛泽之前,康礼轩先生 曾在英国BDO Stoy Hayward担任合伙人10年,近年负责东亚及东南亚区对内及对外企业融资服务。 chi.mazars.cn | Prior to joining Mazars, Jack was for ten years a partner at BDO Stoy Hayward in the UK, most recently in charge of inbound and outbound corporate finance services for East and South East Asia. mazars.cn |
而图书室和文体活动室如同一个明轩 坐 落 在主庭院内,将院子分为东西两个性格不同的部分。 chinese-architects.com | A library and a recreational room are located in the major courtyard like a bright pavilion, separating the main courtyard into two distinct areas. chinese-architects.com |
对于其他奢侈品牌也一样:美国蒂芙尼宣布由于第三季度营业额亏损,将有可能裁员;意大利宝格丽利润也被估计下滑,类似的还有路威 酩 轩 , 20 08年第三季度与前两季度相比,增长率下降50%。 labbrand.com | And for other luxury brands is the same: US Tiffany has announced a possible staff cut due to a third quarter drop in turnover; Italian Bulgari looks at an expected fall in profits similarly to LVMH, who has sawn its third quarter growth sliced 50 per cent in comparison to the first two terms of 2008. labbrand.com |
品味轩Thoma s Chan 营养学学士,美酒美食发烧友,为你精挑细选真正好味道,比朋友或自己享受。 givegift.com.hk | Gourmet Cellar's Thomas Chan nutritionist and wine fanatic, delicate selection of delectables, to share with friends or to enjoy for yourself. givegift.com.hk |
雖然我完全同意男女平等這個大原則,但是原動議和修訂 動議,字句看似冠冕堂皇 ,其實卻是混淆視聽,建基於㆒個誤導性的假定之㆖。 legco.gov.hk | While I entirely agree with the principle of equality between men and women, the original motion and the amendment motion, whose wording is high-sounding, are actually misleading as they are based on a mistaken assumption. legco.gov.hk |
根據目前 [...] 市況,位於大埔Providence Bay、西半山加冕臺及 大坑華倫街項目亦最早將於二零一一年預售,務求盡享當前的市場發 [...]展動力。 wingtaiproperties.com | Subject to market conditions, Providence Bay [...] in Tai Po, Coronation Terrace in [...]Mid-Levels West and Warren Street in Tai Hang [...]will also be ready for pre-sales launch in 2011 at the earliest timeframe to make the most out of the current market momentum. wingtaiproperties.com |
“在不同的经度地区架设两架类似的设备将提高地面的太阳观测密度,且因此能够提高和目前已经上天的几大空间设备,包括STEREO(日地关系天文台)、TRACE(太阳过渡区与 日 冕 探 测器)和RHESSI(拉马第高能太阳光谱成像探测器),以及明年将要发射的太阳动力学观测站的合作机会。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The availability of two similar instruments at different longitudes will increase the amount of solar observing from the ground and will therefore increase the opportunities to collaborate with space-based instruments such as STEREO (Solar [...] Terrestrial Relations Observatory), TRACE (Transition [...] Region and Coronal Explorer), [...]and RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic [...]Explorer), which are currently flying; and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which will be launched next year,” he said in a written interview. chinese.eurekalert.org |
他近期个展包括:“流言:吴俊勇个展”,F2画廊,北京(2011);“双重奏:吴俊勇个展”,艺术ISSUE PROJECTS,北京(2011);“鸟兽散:吴俊勇个展”, 弗羽森画廊, 洛杉矶,美国(2010); “彩虹末端:吴俊勇个展”,艺法画廊,上海(2010);"吴俊勇:极权的肖像",F2画廊,香港国际艺术博览会 (2010);“春天俱乐部”,汉雅轩, 香港 (2008)。 fabienfryns.com | His selected recent solo exhibitions include Rumor, F2 Gallery, Beijing (2011); Cloud’s Nightmare, Fabien Fryns Fine Art, Los Angeles (2010); DUET – Wu Junyong Solo Exhbition, ART ISSUE PROJECTS, Beijing (2011); The End of Rainbow, ifa Gallery, Shanghai (2010); Totalitarian Portrait, Art HK, F2 Gallery (2010); Club Primavera, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong (2008). fabienfryns.com |
从2010年起,这座中国射电频谱日像仪将“调”到太阳的“波段”,捕捉来自 日 冕 物 质 抛射现象的低频射电波。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Starting in 2010, the Chinese spectral [...] radioheliograph (CSRH) will “tune in” to the Sun to capture low-frequency radio bursts of a [...] phenomenon known as coronal mass ejection. chinese.eurekalert.org |
此外,本集團洞悉時機,收購兩個分別位於西半山 加 冕 台 及 位於銅鑼灣大坑華倫街的優質地段發 [...] 展項目。 wingtaiproperties.com | In addition, the Group executed in a timely fashion the [...] acquisitions of two prime development land plots [...] located at the Coronation Terrace site [...]in Mid-levels West and the Warren Street [...]site in Tai Hang, Causeway Bay. wingtaiproperties.com |
在其东北和西北两侧成犄角之势各布置两栋长短不一的条式体量的客房楼,东侧的平行临河,西侧的垂直临河;它们的内部布局都是线形串联结构,两层双坡;底层的中心是一个位于临水平台上的四面可开敞的 明 轩 式 客 厅。 chinese-architects.com | The north-eastern side one is parallel with the river and the north-western side one is perpendicular to the river. chinese-architects.com |
日冕—光子”号携带着卫星望远镜 STEP-F,用于测量电子和中子的通量,该望远镜是作 [...] 为乌克兰国家空间方案的一部分,在卡拉辛哈尔科夫国立大学制造的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Coronas-Photon carries the [...] satellite telescope STEP-F, which measures electron and proton fluxes and was constructed at [...]the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University as part of the National Space Programme of Ukraine. daccess-ods.un.org |
带有大量金色锦缎边饰的绿色锦缎壁衣上,挂着以下画作 :《阿波罗和女祭司》和《阿波罗和亚森特》,作者为路易德布洛涅(Louis de Boulogne);《阿波罗在特提斯》, 作者为让儒弗内(Jean Jouvenet);《得到胜利女神加冕的阿 波罗和阿波罗的休憩》,作者为诺埃尔科瓦贝尔(Noël Coypel)。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The green damask wall coverings enriched with a gold brocade border form the backdrop for the following paintings: Apollo and the Sibyl and Apollo and Hyacinth by Louis de Boulogne; Apollo and Thetis by Jean Jouvenet; Apollo Crowned by Victory and Apollo At Rest by Noël Coypel. en.chateauversailles.fr |
其餘 3 個整體撥款分目,分別為總目 701「 土地徵用」 項下的分目 1004CA和 1100CA,以及總目 705「 土木工程」 [...] 項下的分目 5001BX( 防 止山泥傾瀉計劃) ;就這些分目,財務委員會已授權有關的管制人員批 [...]核個別項目,且不設撥款限額,惟所需開支須屬可從有關分目撥款支 [...]付的適當費用,而且開支總額不超過財務委員會在該年所批准的款額。 legco.gov.hk | In the case of the three remaining block allocations Subheads 1004CA and 1100CA under Head 701 – Land Acquisition [...] and Subhead 5001BX under Head 705 – Civil [...] Engineering (landslip preventive [...]measures), the relevant controlling officers [...]have delegated authority of the FC to approve individual items without a financial limit, provided the spending is a proper charge to the subheads and the aggregate expenditure does not exceed the annual allocation approved by FC. legco.gov.hk |
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括帐篷、窝棚和粗糙的 水 泥 结 构 都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms. daccess-ods.un.org |
计划开展两项活动,一项是提高社区对自然灾害和风险的认 [...] 识,考虑在加勒比地区开展这项活动(与金斯敦办事处合作),另一项是关于安第斯山 脉泥 石流的风险评估(由秘鲁政府牵头)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two activities are envisaged, one on community awareness of natural hazards and risk, which is foreseen to take place in the Caribbean (in [...] collaboration with the Kingston Office) and [...] the other on landslide risk assessment [...]in the Andean range (to be headed by Peruvian authorities). unesdoc.unesco.org |
本标准适用于石膏板、纤维增强水泥 板 、 加气混凝土板、轻集料混凝土条板、混凝土空心条板、 纤维增强硅酸钙板及复合板等轻质墙体板材。 greencouncil.org | This technical requirement shall apply to lightweight wall boards such as plasterboard, fiber reinforced cement board, aerocrete panel, light aggregate concrete ribbon board, concrete hollow ribbon board, fibrous reinforcement calcium silicate board and composite board. greencouncil.org |