单词 | 波状云 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 波状云—undulatusSee also:波状adj—undulateadj 波状—wave-shaped
取而代之的是,更多的云朵从它们的烟囱上飘出,城岛的西南边已变成这云状交通单元体的起点和终点站。 venicebiennale.hk | Instead,more clouds floated out from [...] the factory chimneys. venicebiennale.hk |
这个岛屿悬浮在水上,有云状的物体很有规律地飘於其上,彷佛形式了岛内的交通架构。 venicebiennale.hk | The island hovered [...] over the water withcloud shaped units floating [...]above in a seemingly organized formation. venicebiennale.hk |
同时,由於工资可能随 经济状况而波动,若遇到经济不景以致影响工资水平时,受助㆟的需要便可能难以充分照顾。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, as wages mayfluctuate according to the [...] economic conditions, a client's needs might not be fully satisfied in [...]the event of an economic downturn affecting the level of wages. legco.gov.hk |
除Tilwezembe外,Lower Roan内以硫化物形式存在的主要矿化物与层状白云岩及硅化岩结合形成劣等矿体,而与基底片岩及上盘白云叶岩结合形成优 等矿体,并被认为起源於同步沉淀。 glencore.com | With the exception of Tilwezembe, primary mineralisation, in the form of sulphides, within the Lower Roan is associated with the Stratified Dolomite and Silicified Rocks for the Ore Body Inferior and the Basal Schists and Upper Dolomitic Shales for the Ore Body Superior and is thought to be sys-sedimentary in origin. glencore.com |
联交所的买卖状况近年时有波动,倘日後股份以低於本身价值之价格买卖,而本公司可购回股份,则可提高全 面摊薄每股资产净值及╱或每股盈利(视情况而定),对仍保留於本公司之投资的股东有利, 而董事仅在相信进行购回对本公司及其股东有利的情况下,方会进行购回。 cre8ir.com | Trading conditions on the Stock Exchange have sometimes been volatile in recent years and if there are occasions in the future when Shares are being traded at a discount to their underlying value, the ability of the Company to repurchase Shares can be beneficial to those Shareholders who retain their investment in the Company since this may, depending on the circumstances, result in increases to the fully diluted net assets and/or earnings per Share and will only be made when the Directors believe that such a repurchase will benefit the Company and its Shareholders. cre8ir.com |
主席,国际社会波谲云诡,全球经济政治形势动荡莫测的今天, 香港经受不起内耗和耽误。 legco.gov.hk | President, at this point when the situation of the international community is highly unpredictable and the global economy is experiencing fluctuations, Hong Kong can afford no internal strife and procrastination. legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 土 木 工 程 [...] 署 於 1996 年 2 月 委 托 香港大 学机械 工 程 系 进行《 内港 波 浪 及其消减研究》, 勘 测 内港的波浪状况,该 研究於 1998 年 3 月 完 成 。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The Civil Engineering Department commissioned the Department of Mechanical [...] Engineering of the [...] University of HongKong in February 1996 to conduct the "Study of Inner Harbour Wavesand Their Reduction". legco.gov.hk |
监於当前全 球经济和市场状况波动,上述误解可能会对香港的金融 稳定造成莫大损害。 legco.gov.hk | The potential damage to the financial stability of Hong Kong can be significant in the light of the current volatile global economic and market conditions. legco.gov.hk |
直接在表面上绘制巨幅点状云纹。 prada.com | A huge scale moire of dots was painted directly on the surface. prada.com |
通亮白玻璃,透明含大小气泡鲜绿套料;平唇,凸敛底,突出圈足,圈足底全面接触地面;各正面雕单色套料一盘据玉璧图,螭身上部扮蝠状,璧刻云纹,侧面套刻兽首衔环耳 e-yaji.com | Transparent emerald-green, and translucent white glass, the former with scattered air bubbles of various sizes; with a flat lip and recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved as a single overlay with an identical design on each main side of a chi [...] dragon crawling through a bi [...] disc and positioned so that its upper body resembles a bat in flight, the disc engraved withformalized ‘C’-scrolls, [...]the narrow [...]sides with mask-and-ring handles e-yaji.com |
可爱动物形状,加上天然的云呢拿味, 是小朋友难以抗拒的营养片 organicmama.com.hk | Cute animal shapes, with natural vanilla flavor is [...] irresistible children's nutrition tablets organicmama.com.hk |
过去十多年,国际市场波谲云诡,出现了多次金融危 机和多宗企业管治的大丑闻,例如是Enron和英国霸菱银行的倒闭、 麦斯威尔(Robert Maxwell)退休基金的丑闻,以及2008年的金融海啸 等。 legco.gov.hk | There were a number of financial crises and major scandals on corporate governance such as those concerning Enron, the closure of the British bank Barings, the scandal involving the Robert Maxwell retirement fund and the financial tsunami in 2008, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
扫瞄的影像上有叠纹或图样,例如条纹或波浪状的噪讯。 graphics.kodak.com | Scanned image has moire fringes or patterns, such as stripes orwavy pattern noise. graphics.kodak.com |
带状疱疹:波浪(生产材料)、 芬兰 (KATEPALOY) 材料和元件。 krovlya-gidroizo...litel.g-sochi.ru | SHINGLES: WAVY (production Materials), Finland (KATEPALOY) MATERIALS [...] and components. g-sochi.ru |
可选择直线、矩形、圆形、爆炸、螺旋、波浪、盒状、球形等 Replicator 图样。 mammals.org | Choose between line, rectangle, [...] circle, burst, spiral, wave, box, sphere, and more [...]for Replicator patterns. mammals.org |
(3) 根据证劵及期货条例第 XV 部规定,周文轩先生被视为於所有由其配偶周严云震女士拥有权益之本公司股份 中拥有权益,反之亦然。 wingtaiproperties.com | (3) Under Part XV of the SFO, Mr. Chou Wen Hsien is deemed to be interested in all the shares in the Company in which Mrs. Chou YimWan Chun, Ina, his spouse, is interested and vice versa. wingtaiproperties.com |
例如,规定枢密院司法委员会为加拿大终审法院之时曾有这样的论述:「此司法 委员会的优点在於远离加拿大政治㆖波谲云诡、扰攘纷争的局面,成为㆒个公正无 私的法院,为加拿大提供最终的㆖诉途径。 legco.gov.hk | For example, on providing it for Canada it was stated: "this Judicial Committee has the advantage of giving Canada an impartial court of last resort far removed from the stress and storm of Canadian politics. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 沙中线将不会设立建於地底的慈云山站,而会改为在地面兴 建一个专供乘客使用的自动轻便运输系统,连接钻石山站及慈云山区。 legco.gov.hk | (c) Instead of providing an [...] underground Tsz WanShan Station, a dedicated above ground automated people mover (APM) link would be provided between Diamond Hill Station and Tsz WanShan area. legco.gov.hk |
Lake District的美丽景观深深吸引着碧雅翠丝·波特,并启发她创作出备受欢迎的儿童故事,这在《波特小姐》(由云妮丝颖嘉 Renee Zellweger 饰演) 这出有关她生平的电影中一一呈现。 visitbritain.com | The beautiful Lake District landscape that captivated Beatrix Potter and inspired her beloved children's books is showcased in the film about the author's life, ‘Miss Potter’, starring Renee Zellweger. visitbritain.com |
很多时 候 , 当我们处於情绪波动或激 动的状态时, 激 情 会令我们不知怎 样做, 甚 或 失 控 。 legco.gov.hk | we are emotionally disturbed or agitated, we are likely to be at a loss or even lose our control because of strong emotions. legco.gov.hk |
人们 有时会以为国内的判决书很简单草率,有人说都是一些莫须有的内 [...] 容,很草率和简短,但这判决书并非如此,它的内容很详细,把刘晓波的罪状全部列出,当中写道:“2008年 9月至12月期间,被告人刘晓 [...]波夥同其他人起草、炮制了《零八宪章》,提出‘取消一党垄断执政 [...]特权’、‘在民主宪章的架构下建立中华联邦共和国’等多项主张,试图 煽动颠覆现政权。 legco.gov.hk | It reads that, "Between September and December [...] 2008, defendant LIU Xiaobo, in collusionwith others, [...]drafted and concocted Charter [...]08, putting forward various propositions such as 'abolish one-party monopolization of ruling privileges' and 'establish China's federal republic under the framework of constitutional democracy' in an attempt to incite the subversion of the current state power. legco.gov.hk |
如果出现这种情况,政府的财政状况便会非常波动,社会 亦会产生不少争议。 legco.gov.hk | In this case, the financial condition of the Government [...] will experience wild fluctuations. And controversies [...]will arise in the community. legco.gov.hk |
Auto:示波器处於自动方式并正采集无触发状态下波形。 tecpel.com.tw | Auto: The oscilloscope is working in the automatic mode and [...] displaying the waveformunderthe non-trigger state. tecpel.com |
BeoLab 12 宛如雕塑作品,面网呈现波浪状的设计。 bang-olufsen.com | BeoLab 12 features a sculptural design [...] that forms a reassuring wave pattern. bang-olufsen.com |
考虑到金融市场状况波动,董事会认为,以公开发售方式筹集额外资本以改善其一般 营运资金状况及扭转本集团之负债净值状况,乃符合本公司及股东之利益。 cre8ir.com | The Board believes that, taking into account the volatile financial market conditions, it would be in the interest of the Company and the Shareholders to raise additional capital by way of the Open Offer to improve the general working capital position and address the net liabilities position of the Group. cre8ir.com |
强积金制度未能尽如人意,因其 无法保障非在职人士,并容许遣散 费/长期服务金的抵销安排,而其 表现亦跟随经济状况大幅波动,以 致目前这一代较年长劳动人口的 累算权益相当有限;及 legco.gov.hk | Its performance also fluctuated considerably according to the economic conditions and the accrued benefits for the current generation of older working population were limited; and legco.gov.hk |
本新闻稿所包含的预测说明,包括但不限於 Seagate [...] 对重组成本、营运费用与整合成本的期望、Seagate 对交易与协议能在交易结束後的一整年期间,大幅提升非 GAAP [...] 稀释後每股盈余与现金流量的期望、与交易预期效益有关的说明,以及与行动运算市场、云端运算市场和固态储存领域之商机有关的说明。 seagate.com | Forward-looking statements included in this press release include, but are not limited to, Seagate's expectation regarding restructuring costs, operating expenses and integration costs, Seagate's expectation that the transactions and agreements will be meaningfully accretive to non-GAAP diluted earnings per share and cash flow in the first full year following the closing, and statements relating to the anticipated benefits [...] of the transaction and the opportunities in the mobile [...] computing market, cloud computingmarket [...]and solid state storage. seagate.com |
当我们平常的脑波转换成Theta脑波的状态时,我们能够创造的疗癒可以涵盖各个层面:我们可以挖掘出问题的根源,转化情绪的障碍,拉出负面信念,清除世代相传的家族模式,疗癒身体的疾病甚至细胞的深层记忆,并且下载正面的新的程式和想法。 shufangwang.net | This cutting edge method is working [...] in the Theta brainwave state, we are [...]able to create the healing on all levels: we can [...]dig out the root of problems, transform emotional blocks, pull out negative beliefs, clear genetic family patterns, heal physical ailment down to cellular level and install positive new programs and beliefs. shufangwang.net |
根据云端计算系统及支援服务总协议,各项云端计算系统及支援服务交易之条件(包括 但不限於本集团应付之费用金额及付款条件)应以公平的原则订立并为一般商业条款, 且不逊於名气通(深圳)提供予其他独立第三方客户之条件。 towngaschina.com | Pursuant to the MasterCloud Computing System and Supporting Services Agreement, the terms of each CloudComputingSystem [...] and Supporting Services [...]Transaction (including but not limited to the amount of fees payable by the Group and the payment terms) shall be on a fair basis, on normal commercial terms, and on terms which are no less favourable than those offered by Towngas Telecom (Shenzhen) to other independent third party customers. towngaschina.com |