单词 | 波江座 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 波江座—Eridanus (constellation)See also:江n—rivern 江—surname Jiang 座n—seatn basen standn
世界第一座防波堤波能电站于 2011 年夏天在西班牙 Mutriku 大西洋海岸边投入运行。 voith.com | The world's firstbreakwater wave power plant was commissioned in the summer of 2011 on the Spanish Atlantic coast at Mutriku. voith.com |
士们,先生们,第⼆次世界⼤战以 后,我们从波恩这座城市⾛向更加和平 的世界。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Ladies and gentlemen, after the [...] Second WorldWarBonn was the city from [...]which we started into a more peaceful world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
瑞丽一号大坝是瑞丽江上规划的三座BOT 大 坝中的第一座,这三座大坝的总装机容量将达到 1,420 [...] 兆瓦。 banktrack.org | The Shweli I Dam is the first of three BOT dams [...] planned for the Shweli River, with a combined capacity [...]of 1,420 MW. banktrack.org |
在夏天,巴斯克海岸的Mutriku开始从事世界首座商业波浪发电站的运营。 voith.com | In summer, Mutriku at the Basque coast takes up service as the world's first commercial wavepower station. voith.com |
当食客走进这家营业面积2000多平方米,拥有散客大厅和11间高档VIP包房,可容纳130位客人同时就餐的川江海河鲜馆时,注意力便被它传统与现代的精妙所席卷:典雅的卡座、波浪形的吊顶以及归而合一、餐饮会客两相宜的包房,体现出主人的周到与细腻,把商务宴请所需的华贵、尊享与现代味较浓的简约及写意结合得浑然天成。 bjdzm.com | When consumers enter into Chuan Jiang Seafood Restaurant with an area of more than 2000 square meters (it possesses individual customers hall and 11 high-end VIP chartered room, which can contain 130 guests to have dinner at the same time), they will be attracted by its exquisite and delicate tradition and modern feature; elegant deck, waved suspended ceiling and chartered room both for catering and meeting, all of them reflect consideration and tender of the host. bjdzm.com |
这条路线,一旦要连接两座省会城市(波尔图 与玛瑙斯),则需要进行长达 406 千 米的大量铺设、架桥和重建。 teebweb.org | This route, once [...] connecting twocapital cities(Porto Velho and Manaus), [...]requires 406 km of extensive paving, bridges and reconstruction. teebweb.org |
4以 下章节将关注得到中国公司一贯支持的三座萨尔温江大坝。 目前,正在参与或者可能参与萨尔温江大坝项 [...] 目的五家中国公司中的四家——中国水利水电建设 集团公司、中国葛洲坝集团公司、云南电网公司和 远见集团——未向公众宣布其环境政策,其中远见 [...] 集团还是《联合国全球契约》的签约企业。 banktrack.org | Four of the five Chinese companies currently or [...] potentially involved in the Salween Dams – Sinohydro, [...]China Gezhouba Group Company (CGGC), [...]Yunnan Power Grid Corporation, and Farsighted Group – lack publicly announced environmental policies, though Farsighted Group is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. banktrack.org |
无锡厂座落於江苏省无锡市新加坡工业园区,於 2002 年进行重大扩厂。 seagate.com | Located in the Wuxi-Singapore Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, the Wuxiplant underwent a major expansion in 2002. seagate.com |
萨尔温江的第五座大坝也是由中国公司出资修 建的,在去年初就宣布动工了。 banktrack.org | The construction of a [...] fifth dam on the Salween River, also financed [...]by companies from China, was announced early last year. banktrack.org |
与金江波作品具有高度精良的技术特性相反的是,WAZA,处于中国新媒体艺术家群体的“最边缘”处,显得粗糙而又玩世不恭。 yuanfenart.com | In contrast [...] to the highly polished technical quality [...]of Jin’s work, WAZA, among the “edgiest” of China’s New Media artist [...]groups, is rough and irreverent. yuanfenart.com |
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澳门《知悭惜电》比赛2011得奖名单 住宅楼宇组 冠军 远洋嘉园 亚军 宏开大厦第二座 季军 梓明阁 优异奖 新昌大厦 大厦公众用电组 冠军 雅新大厦 亚军 百利新邨第三座季军江荣花园 优异奖 嘉应花园第五座 餐厅/酒楼A组 冠军 新鸿运来美食 亚军 荣江小馆 季军 滋味满屋餐厅 优异奖 内港葡国餐厅 餐厅/酒楼B组 冠军 骑师日式料理 亚军 万豪轩酒楼 季军 滋味满屋美食坊 优异奖 新胜记鱼翅海鲜火锅 酒店A组 冠军 新中央大酒店 亚军 英京大酒店 季军 维多利亚酒店 优异奖 东亚酒店 酒店B组 冠军 濠璟酒店 亚军 新丽华酒店 季军 澳门置地广场酒店 优异奖 皇都酒店 酒店C组 冠军 金都酒店 亚军 澳门新濠锋 季军 澳门十六浦索菲特大酒店 优异奖 澳门渔人码头 节能慨念大奖 澳门新濠锋 cem-macau.com | May Fair Garden (Ka Ieng) Bl.5 Restaurants Group A Champion New Good Luck Restaurant 1st runner-up Wing Kong Restaurant 2nd runner-up Full Taste House Restaurant Excellence Award Porto Interior Restaurant Restaurants Group B Champion Jockey Japanese Cuisine 1st runner-up Grand Plaza Restaurant 2nd runner-up Full Taste House Deli Excellence Award New Wins Shark’s Fin Seafood Hot Pot Hotel Group A Champion Central Hotel 1st runner-up Ole London Hotel 2nd runner-up Victoria Hotel Excellence Award East Asia Hotel cem-macau.com |
Bulgin Components 专门设计和制造优质的防水连接器、Buccaneer [...] IP68 防护等级防水圆形连接器系列、电源连接器、电池座、 EMI 滤波器、保险丝座、指示灯、防破坏 LED 指示灯、防破坏开关、按钮开关、摇头开关和电压选择器。 digikey.cn | Bulgin Components specializes in the design and manufacture of quality waterproof connectors, the Buccaneer IP68 rated waterproof [...] circular connector line, mains [...] connectors,batteryholders,EMIfilters, fuse holders, indicators, vandal [...]resistant LED's, vandal [...]resistant switches, push button switches, toggle switches, and voltage selectors. digikey.ca |
2010 年,在美国专家的 协助下,在敖德萨、伊利切夫斯克、马里乌波尔 、别尔江斯克和塞瓦斯托波尔这 几个商业海港安装了固定辐射监测设备。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, with the assistance of United States experts, fixed radiation monitoring equipment was installed at the commercial seaports of Odessa, Ilyichivsk, Mariupol, Berdyansk and Sevastopol. daccess-ods.un.org |
Silene oldhamiana,发表自宁波,浙江,有 粉红色花瓣冠檐4-5毫米长,可能应当作为一独立分类群的处理。 flora.ac.cn | Silene oldhamiana, described from Ningbo, Zhejiang, has pink [...] petal limbs 4–5 mm long, and may deserve status as an independent taxon. flora.ac.cn |
本届展会共展出面积2万多平方米,吸引了国内外280多家LED生产企业参展,其中比较有代表性的参展知名企业有亿光集团、德士达、利亚德、钧多立集团、申安集团、中科晶电、朗波尔 、金沙江(太 时芯光)、清华同方、毅丰照明、山木显示、祥云光电、翠涛自动化、大族光电、亮彩科技、吉华光电、瑞谷科技、联诚发科技、茂硕电源、大盛半导体、海威半导体、科磊得数码光电、丽清集团、金积嘉光电、博上光电等(篇幅有限,不能详尽列举),集中向世人展示了现阶段LED产业各个领域内最先进的产品与技术。 ciled.cn | The exhibition area of about 20,000 square metres, with a total number of more than 280 domestic and abroad well-known LED manufacture enterprises participated the exhibition, [...] among which the representive well-known [...] enterprises suchas Ever Light, DSD, Leyard, [...]JDL Group, Shenan Group, China Crystal, [...]Lampearl, GSR ( Times LED), Tsinghua Tongfang, Yifeng Lighting, Sky Max, Xiangyun Optoelectronics, June’s Automation, Han’s Photoelectric, LC Technology, GLD, Lucky Valley, LCF, MOSO Power, Sage Seniconductor, Haiwei Semiconductor, CLED Optioelectronic,Liqing Group, Jeja Optoelectronics, Bopin LED etc (limited space, not an exhaustive list ), focused on showing the most advanced products and technologies in all areas of LED industry in recent stage. ciled.cn |
波兰现在有四座可以举办大型体育赛事的顶尖体育场。最令 人惊叹的改造毫无疑问是发生在华沙,那里的原十周年庆体育 [...] 场曾处于半废弃状态,而且它曾是欧洲最大的户外市场之一。 paiz.gov.pl | The most amazing transformation [...] arguably occurred in Warsaw where the old [...]10th Anniversary Stadium was semi-derelict and [...]home to one of the largest outdoor markets in Europe. paiz.gov.pl |
在一个持久的重要的时刻,没有什麽可以比一个海浪型奖座的美丽波浪效果做得更好. brandhk.com | For a long lasting momento of an important occasion you can`t do better than the Sea [...] Shore Trophy with its beautifulwave effect. brandhk.com |
对于主机不易到达的空间,可以从 LD 300 测漏仪主机基座上拔出超声波传感器, 然后超声波传感器通过连接线与主机相连,就可以深入到主机难以到达的细小空间作 测量。 csinstrument.com | A separate coiled extension cable is used to connect the sensor to the main unit. csinstrument.com |
放眼于世界最大的PVC市场且项目总投资为3.63亿美元的韩华化学宁波工厂是2008年浙江省最大的外商投资项目,也是目前韩华集团在中国大陆最大的投资项目之一。 sivecochina.com | With a total investment [...] of 363 million USD, theNingbo plantis the largest foreign-invested [...]project in the zone and one [...]of Hanwha Group’s largest investments outside of Korea, targeting the world’s largest PVC market, China. sivecochina.com |
浙江宁波市市长刘奇、徐明夫副市长、王仁洲副市长、太平洋造船集团董事长兼首席执行官梁小雷先生、太平洋造船集团执行经理林波先生、太平洋造船集团首席财务官张坚锋先生、太平洋造船集团首席行政官金海月女士以及其他政府部门的相关领导、银行、船东船检代表等嘉宾共同出席了此次活动,为GPA696正式命名为“Ungundja”。 sinopacificshipbuilding.com | Afterwards,a sea trial event [...] was also held for another global first fabricated OSV, the SX130. Attending this event were [...]Ningbo Mayor Liu Qi, Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group Chairman and CEO Simon Liang, Sinopacific Executive Manager Lin Bo, Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group CFO Jeff Zhang, Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group CAO Cathy Jin and representatives from the bank, the shipowner, and the ship inspection department, who all witnessed the GPA696 officially being named the “Ungundja”. sinopacificshipbuilding.com |
同时,中方还 同老挝方面签订了一系列谅解备忘录,为另外至 少 10 [...] 个项目开展可行性研究。中国水利电力对外 [...] 公司在这方面一直走在前面,他们签订了五份谅 解备忘录,包括为在南乌江上建造一座1,100 兆瓦 的水电站,这一项目可能影响 5 万人,同时还会淹 [...]没 Phou Dendin 国家级生物多样性保护区的部分区 [...]域,另一项目是在湄公河主河段上建造巴莱大坝, 该项目同样面临不少的争议。 banktrack.org | Sinohydro Corporation has spearheaded this [...] push, signing five MoUs, [...] including for a 1,100MW cascadeon the NamOu Riverthat could [...]potentially impact 50,000 people [...]and inundate part of Phou Dendin National Biodiversity Conservation Area, and the controversial Pak Lay Dam proposed on the Mekong River mainstream. banktrack.org |
与此同时,中国宣布在印度东南部和孟加拉国主要河流——雅鲁藏布江建设三座新大 坝的决定促使印度政府建议中国“确保下游国家利益不受上游工程侵害”。 project-syndicate.org | Meanwhile, China’s announcement of three new dam projects on the Brahmaputra, the mainriver running through northeastern India and Bangladesh, has prompted the Indian government to advise China to “ensure that the interests of downstream states are not harmed” by the upstream works. project-syndicate.org |
Bulgin 专门制造及经销经认证的电源连接、电路保护和环境密封产品,包括:电池座、IP68 Buccaneer [...] 连接器、IEC 连接器、Polysnap 连接器、通用连接器、电源滤波器、 保险丝座、指示灯和开关。 digikey.cn | Bulgin specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of approved power connectivity, circuit protection and environmentally sealed products including: battery holders; IP68 Buccaneer [...] connectors; IEC connectors; Polysnap connectors; general [...] connectors; mains filters;fuseholders;indicators and switches. digikey.ca |