

单词 波折



calligraphic flourish with many twists
fig. many twists and turns

See also:


fold v
turn v
break v


discount n
bend n

External sources (not reviewed)

至於聯合交易所委員 會,經過幾波折,終於亦同意該項修訂,但據我了解,委員會本來亦屬意自願改革 方案的方式。
The committee of the stock exchange, after some hiccup, also agreed to the amendment to be proposed but would have preferred, as I understand it, the formula in the voluntary package.
我認為在第一階段,即 取證時曾遇不波折。
I think at the first stage, at the stage of obtaining evidence, we had
[...] experienced a lot of setbacks.
這 次出現的 耽 誤 , 不 是立法會耽 誤 , 而 是
[...] 因 政 府本身 的 官 僚 態度致 使 這 項 條例草案出現波折。
The delay this time around is not caused by
the Legislative Council, instead, it is the red tapery within the Government itself
[...] which has caused the twists and turns.
预期随着几波折和拖 延的电子人员调 动系统的正式运作,效率会进一步提高。
Further efficiencies are expected from the full operation of the electronic movement of personnel (e-MOP) system, which has had several setbacks and delays.
虽历波折,包 括幕后的大量政治协商,但选出 新总统并和平转交权力是巨大的成功。
The election of a new President and
the peaceful transfer of power, albeit
[...] after a turbulent process, including substantial [...]
political consultations behind the scenes, was a great success.
就這方面,我希望政府切記, 我們並非按“一樣半樣”項目的計算來使市民百上加斤的,我們是把很多事 情組合起來,而讓市民覺得這個政府計數計得很盡,無論是銷售稅、醫院管 理局病床的收費,以至將來連十字車也可能要收費數百元,甚至 1,000 元, 當中有很波折、很 多壓力合併起來時,便會使市民覺得這個政府是無情無 義的。
We are looking at all things as a whole, and in this way, people have come to realize that the Government is indeed very mean, so mean that it is even turning its attention to a sales tax, the hospital beds under the Hospital Authority and an ambulance service charge amounting to several hundred or even a thousand dollars.
剛才我們有些同事 說,其間出現了一波折, 以 致 耽 誤 了一些時 間 , 我 覺 得我們不要本末倒置 , 因 為 實 際 上 耽 誤 時 間 的, 不 是立法會審 議 這 項 條例草案的 同 事,而 是 負 責 的 有關官 員 ; 實 際 上 , 某 些 人 太官僚 化 了。
However, I think we should not put the cart before the horse, as he who delayed the entire process was not any member of the Bills Committee, but the official in charge; really, some people were too bureaucratic.
[...] 真,我們一定可以透過共同努力來排除這些阻礙 波折 , 為 全港市民 開創大家引以為傲的海濱。
Yet, I believe that our dream will come
true one day and we can certainly
[...] overcome obstacles and setbacks through concerted [...]
efforts, and we will be able to create
harbourfronts that all Hong Kong people will be proud of.
不過,如果示威者在一些敏感地 方 (例如中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室門外)或街上示威 時總是諸波折(例如 人龍被警方堵截),或示威本是和平進行的,但 警方卻把示威者拘捕返警署,並發出不着邊際的警告的話,警方便要 切記,市民心中自有尺度,他們是非常公道的。
Nevertheless, if there are disruptions whenever demonstrations are being carried out at some sensitive locations (such as outside the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) or on the streets, say, processions of protestors are constantly being cut off by the police, or that protestors carrying out demonstrations peacefully at first are arrested by the police, brought to the police stations and given pointless warnings, the police should then bear in mind that the public can judge for themselves and they are very impartial.
不過我們要明白,保留嚴苛的離婚法 例,只能為想離婚的夫婦平波折, 而 不能賴以鞏固婚姻關係。
However, it must be recognized that the institution of marriage cannot be bulwarked by retaining stringent divorce laws which make divorce unnecessarily difficult for the parties concerned.
主席先生,僱傭(修訂)條例草案自去年七月提交立法局以來, 波 ㆔ 折 , 期 間尤其 因為立法局通過劉千石議員的修訂,政府基於有關修訂破壞勞顧會的共識,而撤回條 例草案,引致劉議員辭職抗議。
In particular, Mr LAU Chin-shek resigned during the period in objection to the Government's withdrawal of the Bill, after his amendments had been passed in the legislative Council, on the basis that those amendments upset the consensus reached by the Labour Advisory Board (LAB).
可惜的是,施政報告在提出土地發展計劃的同時,對如何平衡發 展與保育,以及保障當地居民及業權人權益方面着墨不多,實在令人 擔心在拓展新土地的過程中,會否又出現別 波折。
Unfortunately, even though a land development plan is proposed in the Policy Address, there is little mention of the protection of the rights of local residents and owners, so whether or not other unexpected turns of event will again occur in the process of new land development is indeed a cause for concern.
追溯香港醫療改革的過去,就像希臘神話中的奧狄斯,他遠離家鄉到海 外征戰,其間經歷無波折和驚 險遭遇,千辛萬苦之後,終於回到家鄉。
If we trace the medical reform in Hong Kong we would embark on an expedition like Odysseus did in the Greek mythology.
政府亦意識到現行的公屋租金政策不合時宜,於是房委會早於 2001 年 便成立了一個專責委員會,全面檢討有關政策,但可惜中間 波折 重 重 ,甚 至因出現訴訟而令檢討工作一度停頓。
In 2001, the HA set up an ad hoc committee with the mission of conducting a comprehensive review of the domestic rent policy.
解锁作为内存的新怪物提高!“商业登记/“怪物内存匹配功能的经典记忆的游戏,新 波折。
Monster Memory Match helps improve your kid's memory skills while keeping them entertained!
過去 3 年來,我一直密切注視這項有時略波折的檢討過程,我深信英基的主席和行政總裁在從事這項工作時也能做到 不遺餘力、勇於承擔和不偏不倚,實在應予嘉許。
I have been following closely the sometimes rocky progress of these measures over the past three years, and I believe that the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Foundation are to be commended for the vigour, commitment and sense of fairness with which they have pursued their task.
The path to provide Hong Kong with cable TV, already quite common in many developed economies, has had its bumps along the way.
自回歸以來,香港社會經歷過不 波折 及 風浪,面對社會氣氛轉 變,特區政府也有回應不同的訴求,提出應對措施,並務求使推行的 政策能以香港的長遠整體利益出發,盡量平衡不同階層人士的需要。
In the face of changes in the atmosphere of society, the SAR Government has put forth corresponding measures to meet different aspirations. It has endeavoured to ensure that policies implemented are for the long-term interest of Hong Kong as a whole, and every effort has been made to strike a balance in meeting the needs of various strata.
纵观历史的轨迹,人类社会的发展进程很少会一帆风顺,时常出现一些起伏 波折。
The path of social development and progress is seldom smooth.
此外,㆗英合作已波折重重 ,假如要就條例草案採取單方面行動的話,㆗、英、 港政府的工作關係會更趨惡劣。
Moreover, Sino-British co-operation is already suffering badly. The working relationship between the Chinese, British and Hong Kong Governments will deteriorate further if unilateral action is taken on the bill.
这是一个充波折、断断续续的进程, 但它是唯一可行的行动方案。
It is a tortuous and fitful process, [...]
but it is the only viable course of action.
波折,我 們喜見㆗、英兩國能重回談判桌㆖,重新展開合作的對話。
After so many twists and turns, we are [...]
happy to see that China and the United Kingdom agree to reopen negotiation and to
resume dialogue in the spirit of co-operation.
我深切盼望, 當遇到家長反對㆒項我認為正確、這位議員也認為正確的政策時,政府會得到這位 議員和本局其他議員的支持,使這 波折 重 重 的政策得以順利推行,因為我認為我 們不應低估來自某些家長的阻力。
And I very much hope that when that resistance from parents comes, to a policy which I think is right and the Honourable Member thinks is right, we will have as a government the support of the honourable lady and some of her colleagues in seeing a difficult policy through because I do not think that one should under-estimate the amount of resistance that there will be from some parents, in my judgment that is wrong and in the Honourable Member’s judgment that is wrong, but we are going to have to deal with that and it will need a good deal of firmness from time to time in doing so.
在政府、僱主和僱員㆔者關係的發展這個漫長和時 波折 的過程㆗,工㆟和其工會在很大程度㆖已適應僱主在這過程㆗居於主導,但體察及從 善如流的角色。
Workers and their unions have to a very large extent adjusted to the dominant but perceptive and responsive role of employers in the long and sometimes difficult development of the tripartite relationship between the Government, the employers and employees.
In an interesting twist, an unrelated law firm issued a statement a day later saying it was conducting its own investigation into the matter, in what looks a prelude to a shareholder lawsuit.
黃定光議員:主席女士,地鐵及九鐵合併問題一直 波折 重 重,擾攘多年, 終於在去年 12 月,這問題得到圓滿解決,兩鐵正式合併,改名為香港鐵路 [...]
MR WONG TING-KWONG (in Cantonese): Madam President, the issue of merging
the former MTR Corporation and the KCRC
[...] had suffered many setbacks and there had been [...]
a great deal of hubbub for many years
before the problems were satisfactorily resolved in December last year, leading to a formal merger of the two railway corporations and the name of the merged corporation is the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL).
該期權獲行使後,除於該期間發生的期權回購開支(包括期權溢價以及利潤分成)外,還對114百萬美元的額 折 舊 開支加以確認,以 反映假設相關資產先前於期權期限內並無分類為持作出售而須對計提 折 舊。
Following the exercise of the option, in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit entitlement) incurred during the
period, $ 114 million of
[...] additional depreciation expense was recognised to reflect the depreciation that would have been charged if the related assets had not previously been classified as held for sale during the option period.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅折扣; (b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 [...]
地减少本组织网络意外停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最终用户电话程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach
provides the following benefits: (a)
[...] significant worldwide discounts for all locations; [...]
(b) speedier diagnosis of problems,
thereby minimizing unplanned downtime of the Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user procedures for telephones at all offices.




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