单词 | 波函数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 波函数 —wave function (in quantum mechanics)See also:波数—wave number (reciprocal of frequency) 函数 n—function n • constructor n • function (math.) n 函 n—letter n 函—envelope
NS STSF包括专门的平均和滤波函数,支 持对发动机噪声的详尽分析。 bksv.cn | NS STSF includes special averaging [...] and filtering functions to support detailed [...]analyses of sound from engines. bksv.com |
支 持 N 循环脉冲串的波形函数有正 弦波、方波、锯齿波、脉冲波和任意波(噪声和 DC 除 外)。 cn.rigol.com | Waveform functions which support N Cycle mode are Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse and arbitrary waveforms (except Noise and DC). rigol.com |
支持的面向对象的功能有:构造函数 , 类方法,实例方法,类变量等等。 javakaiyuan.com | Support for object-oriented [...] features are: constructor, class methods, [...]instance methods , class variables , and so on . javakaiyuan.com |
国际组织是由‘特殊性原则’制 [...] 约的,也就是说,它们是由凭借权力予以建立的国家投资的,其限制是这些国家委托它促进 的共同利益的函数。 daccess-ods.un.org | International organizations are governed by the ‘principle of speciality’, that is to say, they are invested by the States which create [...] them with powers, the limits of which are a function of the common interests whose [...] promotion those States entrust to them. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨随函附上关于波兰共 和国为执行安全理事会第 1970(2011)号决议规定的 措施已采取的步骤的报告(见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to [...] submit herewith the report on the steps taken by the Republic of Poland on the implementation [...]of the measures [...]imposed by the Security Council in its resolution 1970 (2011) (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org |
本文旨在通过给出Microsoft Visual Basic程序的典型示例来帮助您,该程序的设计目的是控制EXFO的可调式激光光源和PDL表,以测量元件的PDL,该损耗作 为 波 长 的 函数。 exfo.com | This article presents the principles behind the 2600B series tunable laser sources and describes simple user calibration procedures to maintain optimum source performance. exfo.com |
是的唯一市场,不仅提供了大背景下的,由于日期的系列产品,但允许在设计值的任何日期的位置和也可以作 为 函数 的 波 动 , 资产价格运动的时间和位置值估计其他信息 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | It is the only market that not only provides the backdrop for the due date of the series, but allows the design value of [...] positions for any date and [...] also allows estimating the value of the position as a function of volatility, asset price, [...]time for exercise and other information en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
其语法形式为IRR(values,guess) 其中values为数组或单元格的引用,包含用来计算内部收益率的数字,values必须包含至少一个正值和一个负值,以计算内部收益率 , 函数 I R R 根 据数值的顺序来解释现金流的顺序,故应确定按需要的顺序输入了支付和收入的数值,如果数组或引用包含文本、逻辑值或空白单元格,这些数值将被忽略;guess为 对 函数 I R R 计 算结果的估计值,excel使用迭代法计 算 函数 I R R 从guess开始 , 函数 I R R 不 断修正收益率,直至结果的精度达到0.00001%,如 果 函数 I R R 经 过20次迭代,仍未找到结果,则返回错误值#NUM!,在大多数情况下,并不需要 为 函数 I R R 的 计算提供guess值,如果省略guess,假设它为0.1(10%)。 oapdf.com | Its grammatical form of IRR (values, guess) in which values for the array or cell reference, including the internal rate of return used to calculate the figures, values must contain at least one positive and one negative, [...] to calculate the [...] internal rate of return, IRR function Based on the numerical order to explain the order of cash flow should be determined by the need to enter the order of payment and income values, or if the array reference that contains text, logical values or blank cells, these values will be ignored; guess as to the function IRR calculation of the estimated value, excel using the iterative method to calculate IRR function to start from the guess function and constantly modify the rate of return IRR, until the results of the accuracy of 0.00001%, if the IRR function after 20 iterations, is still unable to find results, return error [...]value # NUM! oapdf.com |
此外, 数据的定制更加昂贵并会引入程度明显 的 波 动 性 ;供应 商 数 据 库 并不总是记录目 前方法下所包括的津贴和其他福利;且公共/非营利雇主的代表性一般都非常之 低。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, [...] customization of the data was more expensive and introduced a significant degree of volatility; the vendor databases [...]did not always capture allowances [...]and other benefits included under the current methodology; and the representation of public/non-profit employers was generally minimal. daccess-ods.un.org |
它的特点包括多数据库管理,创建和连接;表格,数据,索引操作;视图,触发器,和自定 义 函数 管 理。 javakaiyuan.com | Its features include multi-database [...] management, creation and [...] connection ; tables , data, index operations ; views, triggers , and custom function management. javakaiyuan.com |
另外,第十届会议主 [...] 席和禁雷运动一样,对在与利比亚国家过渡委员会结盟的部队控制的 黎 波 里 数周 之 后,该城市中存放杀伤人员地雷的大型武器仓库仍然无人守卫和警戒,表示关 切。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the 10MSP President joined the ICBL in expressing concerns about [...] large weapons stores containing [...] anti-personnel mines in Tripoli remaining unguarded [...]and unsecured weeks after forces aligned [...]to Libya’s National Transitional Council seized control. daccess-ods.un.org |
由函数生成的变量可以与标签对象间建 立链接,或用于其它函数中。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | The function-generated variable can be linked to label objects or used in other functions. nicelabel.com |
此操作可调用函数参考里的任何函数 或 编 写操作章节里的数据修改运 算符,还可运行一个程序。 redlion.net | This action may invoke any of the functions from [...] the Function Reference or the data modification operators described [...]in the Writing Actions section, or it may run a program. redlion.net |
購置了先進科技的超聲波路軌檢測儀器用作檢查及監察 輕鐵路軌情況,以及兩部較大型的超 聲 波 路 軌 檢測工程 車,在港鐵系統其他路線使用。 legco.gov.hk | Purchased the [...] state-of-the-art Ultrasonic Rail Test Machine which measures and monitors the condition of Light Rail tracks; and two larger Ultrasonic Testing Vehicles [...]for use on the heavy rail MTR lines. legco.gov.hk |
这种活动包括制订建议做法,以测试和评价海洋能源 [...] 系统、把海洋能源工厂纳入电网配电和送电、评估对环境的影响且监测海洋波浪、 潮汐和现行能源系统方面的工作(见www.iea-oceans.org)。2009 [...] 年,该组织出版 了一份资源评估方面的波浪数据目 录和一份题为“海洋能源:全球技术发展状况” [...]的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such activities include the development of recommended practices for testing and evaluating ocean energy systems, the integration of ocean energy plants into electrical grids for distribution and transmission and the assessment of the environmental effects of and monitoring efforts for ocean wave, tidal and current energy systems (see www.iea-oceans.org). In 2009 the [...] Ocean Energy Systems Implementing Agreement [...] published a wave data catalogue for resource [...]assessment and a report entitled “Ocean [...]energy: global technology developmental status”. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管解雇补偿的领取人数有 些波动, 分析显示该计划并不存在应用不当的情况,解雇离职的总体变化趋势是本机构的业 务需要所致。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While there were some fluctuations in termination indemnity numbers, the analysis [...] did not demonstrate that there was inappropriate [...]application of the scheme, and that the trends in overall termination indemnity-based separations appeared to be driven by the operational needs of the organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
劉健儀議員、陳茂波議員 和劉慧卿議員均贊成香 港在保持其競爭力的同時,應與亞太區內的鄰近港口 攜手合作,成為業務伙伴。 legco.gov.hk | Ms Miriam LAU, Mr Paul CHAN and Ms Emily LAU agreed that Hong Kong should partner with neighbouring ports in the region, while maintaining Hong Kong's competitiveness. legco.gov.hk |
本文件載述香港汽車保險市場目前的經營環境,以及保 險業監理處(“ 保監處” )對劉健儀議員及陳健波議員 就的士 及公共小巴保險所提出的事宜所採取的相關行動。 legco.gov.hk | motor insurance market as well as the action taken by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (“OCI”) that are relevant to the matters raised by Hon. legco.gov.hk |
最近几个月,此类事件的 数目有波动,节假日期间有所增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The number of [...] incidents has fluctuated during recent [...]months, and increased during the holiday period. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据会上所提关于模型中 CTC 的数量和上报生产和消费数量的波动 的 问题以及看来 若干国家未包括在内的情况,秘书处的代表解释说,模型系利用根据《议定书》第 [...] 7 条上 报的数据编制,但资料的不足意味着 CTC 方面的数据尤其存在问题。 multilateralfund.org | In response to questions on the figures for CTC in [...] the model, the fluctuations in the reported [...]production and consumption [...]amounts, and the fact that some producer countries did not seem to be included, the representative of the Secretariat explained that the model had been developed using data reported under Article 7 of the Protocol, but inadequate information meant that the data relating to CTC was particularly problematic. multilateralfund.org |
由二零零四年初開始, 使 用 超聲波儀器檢查軌道的 次數 增至每三星 [...] 期一次 。 legco.gov.hk | Since the start of 2004, the frequency of rail [...] inspection with ultrasonic equipment has [...]been increased to once every three weeks. legco.gov.hk |
选取函数后即打开“函数参数输入 ”对话框,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认, “ 函数 参 数 输 入 ”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第一名学生总分。 oapdf.com | Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, and then click "fold dialog" button (that is, the right button Number1), when the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box [...] appears again, click [...]the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following Total students first. oapdf.com |
波兰常驻联合国代表团向安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所设委员会主席 致意,谨随函转递关于波兰最 近支持该决议宗旨与目标的活动的资料(见附件)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Mission of Poland to the United Nations presents its compliments to the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) and [...] has the honour to [...] transmit herewith information on recent activities of Poland that support the [...]aims and objectives of the resolution (see annex). daccess-ods.un.org |
下列議 員同意加入該法案委員會:涂謹申議員、陳鑑林 議員、劉健儀議員、陳茂波議員 及陳淑莊議員。 legco.gov.hk | The following Members agreed to join: Mr James TO, Mr CHAN Kam-lam, Ms Miriam LAU, Mr Paul CHAN and Miss Tanya CHAN. legco.gov.hk |
开发者利用它可以在自己的应用程序中创建TIFF文件,但其应用程序只可供终端用户使用(不作为软件开发商工具的一部分),不可作为独立的产品销售重分发——TIFF-XChange SDK必须作为开发者所创建套包的一部分,而不是将创建TIFF文件作为主 要 函数 — — 其只是一个增值选项。 evget.com | The TIFF-XChange SDK is available on a Royalty Free distribution basis (for the Run Time Driver) to software developers to build in TIFF file creation into their software applications provided only that they are for end user use (not as part of a tool for software developers) and may not be redistributed in a standalone sale - but must form part of a package the developer has created and for which TIFF file creation will not be the primary function - but an added value option. evget.com |
本章介绍如何通过远程接口命令对 DG1000 系列双通道函数/任意波形发 生器进行编程 操作,以及接口命令集的格式和输入方法。 cn.rigol.com | . 1 This chapter introduces how [...] to programme DG1000 series [...] Dual-channel function/arbitrary waveform generator using [...]commands and how to input commands in right format. rigol.com |
就每个国家和地区提供下列内容:波兰语中国家/领土的短名称(主格、所有 格、方位格);波兰语中国家/领土的官方全称;波兰语中官方语言的名称;官方 语言中国家/领土的短名称;官方语言中国家/领土的官方全称;波兰语中从国家/ 领土名称派生出的形容词(主格、单数 、 男 性 ) ; 波 兰 语 中国家/领土居民的名称(男 性和女性单数及男性复数);波兰语 中使用的国家/领土首都的名称;官方语言中 国家/领土首都的名称。 daccess-ods.un.org | For each country and territory the following are given: the short name of the country/ territory (nominative, genitive, locative) in Polish; the official full name of the country/territory in Polish; the name of the official language (languages) in Polish; the short name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the official full name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the adjective from the [...] name of the country/territory in Polish [...] (nominative, singular, male gender); the name of inhabitants of the country/territory in Polish (male and female gender singular, and male gender plural); the name of the country’s/territory’s capital used in the Polish language; the [...]name of the country’s/territory’s [...]capital in the official language (or in official languages). daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然脆弱海洋生态系统可能有各种定义,但脆弱性是某区域的具 体物理及生态特征的一项函数。 daccess-ods.un.org | While there may be various definitions of vulnerable marine ecosystems, vulnerability is a function of the specific physical as well as ecological characteristics of an area. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,我们还是内置了一个“函数向 导 ”和“代码向导”,因此,即使完全得初学者也可以创建功能强大的安装包,甚至是那些要求异常苛刻的程序打包任务。 evget.com | Of course, we’ve also built in an “Action Wizard” and “Code Wizard” so even complete novices can create powerful installers that handle even the most demanding installation tasks. evget.com |
正如多项建议所指出,由于提交公约与建议委员会每届会议的新 来 函数 量 并不多,没有必要 每年两次对同一来函进行系统审议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As some proposals indicate, the number of new communications presented at each session of the Committee is not very high, so it is not necessary to systematically review the same communications twice a year. unesdoc.unesco.org |