

单词 波什格伦

External sources (not reviewed)

外界可以波罗的海的格但斯克、什切青 港口进 波兰 的内地航道。
Access to the Polish inland waterways from the Baltic Sea is possible via the Port of Gdańsk or the Port of Szczecin.
雷纳塔·阿尔基尼女士(意大利)、** 亚斯明卡·迪尼奇女士(克罗地亚)、***豪 尔赫·弗洛雷斯·卡列哈斯先生(洪都拉斯)、* 伊姆蒂亚兹·侯赛因先生(巴基 斯坦)、* 弗拉基米尔·约瑟福夫先生(俄罗斯联邦)、** 嘉治美佐子女士(日本)、*科 伦·凯拉 皮尔先生(博茨瓦纳)、*** 杰里·克雷默先生(加拿大)、* 彼得·马登 斯先生(比利时)、* 苏珊·麦克卢格女士(美利坚合众国)、** 斯塔福德·尼尔 先生(牙买加)、*** 纳格什·辛格先生(印度)、* 默罕迈德·穆斯塔法·塔尔先 生(约旦)、*** 亚历杭德罗·托雷斯·莱波里先 生(阿根廷)** 和农耶·乌多女士(尼 日利亚)。
As a result, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions is composed as follows: Ms. Aїcha AFIFI (Morocco),** Ms. Renata ARCHINI (Italy),** Ms. Jasminka DINIĆ (Croatia),*** Mr. Jorge FLORESCALLEJAS (Honduras),*
Mr. Imtiaz HUSSAIN
[...] (Pakistan),* Mr. Vladimir A. IOSIFOV (Russian Federation),** Ms. Misako KAJI (Japan),* Mr. Collen V. KELAPILE (Botswana),*** Mr. Jerry KRAMER (Canada),* Mr. Peter MADDENS (Belgium),* Ms. Susan M. MCLURG (United States of America),** Mr. Stafford O. NEIL (Jamaica),*** Mr. Nagesh SINGH (India),* Mr. Mohammad Mustafa TAL (Jordan),*** Mr. Alejandro TORRES LÉPORI (Argentina)** and [...]
Ms. Nonye UDO (Nigeria).
发言的还有下列国家的代表:俄罗斯、西班牙(代表欧洲联盟、稳定与结 盟进程候选国和潜在候选国阿尔巴尼亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、黑山和塞尔维 亚以及赞同其发言的乌克兰、摩尔多瓦共和国、亚美尼亚 格 鲁 吉亚)、特立尼 达和多巴哥、日本、以色列、澳大利亚、美利坚合众国、巴布亚新几内亚、中国、 瑞士、加拿大、印度、科特迪瓦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、埃塞俄比亚、 巴基斯坦、爱尔兰、挪威、伦比亚 、 波 兰 、法国、古巴和阿拉伯利比亚民众国 (代表阿拉伯国家集团)。
Statements were also made by representatives of the following countries: Russia, Spain (on behalf of the European Union, candidate countries of the stabilization and association process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, as well as Ukraine, the
Republic of Moldova,
[...] Armenia and Georgia, which aligned themselves with the statement), Trinidad and Tobago, Japan, Israel, Australia, the United States of America, Papua New Guinea, China, Switzerland, Canada, India, Côte d’Ivoire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Ireland, Norway, Colombia, Poland, France, Cuba [...]
and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
(on behalf of the Group of Arab States).
而在该地图上,这些岛屿位波斯湾 的沿海一侧,可能是制图师将这些岛屿与“霍尔木兹”和 格什 姆 ” 混淆了。
On this map, they are placed on the Persian coast side, probably because the cartographer confused them with “Hormuz” and [...]
3.又回顾首次载人航天飞行以来人类进入外层空间的辉煌历史和非凡成 就,尤其是伦蒂娜·捷什科娃于 1963 年 6 月 16 日成为绕地球轨道飞行的第 一名女性,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗于 1969 年 7 月 20 日成为踏足月球表面的第一人,波罗号 航天器与联盟号航天器于 1975 年 7 月 17 日对接,这是人类在空间的第 一次国际飞行任务,并回顾过去十年来,人类利用国际空间站维持了多国人员在 外层空间的长期存在
the amazing history of human presence in outer space and the remarkable achievements since the first human spaceflight, in particular Valentina Tereshkova becoming the first woman to orbit the Earth on 16 June 1963, Neil Armstrong becoming the first human to set foot upon the surface of the Moon on 20 July 1969, and the docking of the Apollo and Soyuz spacecrafts on 17 July 1975, being the first international human mission in space, and recall that for the past decade humanity has maintained a multinational permanent human presence in outer space aboard the International Space Station
委员会现任成员如下:亚历山大·塔戈雷·梅德罗斯·德阿尔布克尔克(巴 西);奥斯瓦尔多·佩德罗·阿斯蒂斯(阿根廷); 伦 斯 ·福 拉吉米·阿沃西卡(尼 日利亚);哈拉尔·布雷克(挪威);加洛·卡雷拉·乌尔塔多(墨西哥);弗朗西 斯·查尔斯(特立尼达和多巴哥);彼得·克罗克(爱尔兰);因杜拉尔·法古尼(毛 里求斯);米哈伊·西尔维乌·格尔曼(罗马尼亚);阿布·巴卡尔·贝希里(马来 西亚);乔治·焦什维利(格鲁吉 亚);埃马纽埃尔·卡尔恩吉(喀麦隆);尤里·鲍 里索维奇·卡兹明(俄罗斯联邦);吕文正(中国);伊萨克·奥乌苏·奥杜罗(加 纳);朴永安(大韩民国);费尔南多·曼弗雷多(葡萄牙);西瓦拉马克里什南·拉 詹(印度);迈克尔·安塞尔姆·马克·罗塞特(塞舌尔);菲利普·亚历山大·西 蒙兹(澳大利亚);卜部哲郎(日本)。
The current members of the Commission are as follows: Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de Albuquerque (Brazil); Osvaldo Pedro Astiz (Argentina); Lawrence Folajimi Awosika (Nigeria); Harald Brekke (Norway); Galo
Carrera Hurtado
[...] (Mexico); Francis L. Charles (Trinidad and Tobago); Peter F. Croker (Ireland); Indurlall Fagoonee (Mauritius); Mihai Silviu German (Romania); Abu Bakar Jaafar (Malaysia); George Jaoshvili (Georgia); Emmanuel Kalngui (Cameroon); Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin (Russian Federation); Wenzheng Lu (China); Isaac Owusu Oduro (Ghana); Yong-ahn Park (Republic of Korea); Fernando Manuel Maia Pimentel (Portugal); Sivaramakrishnan [...]
Rajan (India);
Michael Anselme Marc Rosette (Seychelles); Philip Alexander Symonds (Australia); and Tetsuro Urabe (Japan).
坎宁安,“一个历史的锡克教徒”(加尔各答,1904; MACGREGOR,(2卷,伦敦,1846年)“的锡克人的历史”;苑“的锡克教徒史”“GOUGH”的锡克教徒和锡克战争“ 伦 敦 ,1897年),赛义德穆罕默德拉蒂夫”的旁遮普史“(加尔各答,1891年); SEWARAM SINGH塔帕尔,”斯古鲁那那德瓦“(拉瓦尔品第,1904年); BHAGAT拉什曼辛格,” 一个生活小品和工作宗师Govind辛格“(拉合尔,1909年); MACAULIFFE,他说:”锡克宗教“(6卷,牛津,1909年); TRUMPP,他说:”阿迪Granth,对锡克教徒的圣经“ 伦 敦 , 1877年),由Macauliffe诬蔑为一个不可靠的译本。
CUNNINGHAM, "A History of the Sikhs" (Calcutta, 1904; MACGREGOR, "History of the Sikhs" (2 vols., London,
1846); COURT, "History of
[...] the Sikhs"' GOUGH, "The Sikhs and the Sikh Wars" (London, 1897); SAYED MOHAMED LATIF, "History of the Punjab" (Calcutta, 1891); SEWARAM SINGH THAPAR, "Sri Guru Nanak Deva" (Rawalpindi, 1904); BHAGAT LAKSHMAN SINGH, "A short Sketch of the life and Work of Guru Govind Singh" (Lahore, 1909); MACAULIFFE, "The Sikh Religion" (6 vols., Oxford, 1909); TRUMPP, "The Adi Granth, the Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs" (London, 1877), stigmatised by Macauliffe as an unreliable [...]
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时 波 斯 尼 亚和黑塞哥维那、布基 纳法索、伦比亚 、古巴、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度尼西 亚、以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔代夫、荷兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南 非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Niger, Poland, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined the co-sponsors.
亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利 时波斯尼 亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、保加利亚、布基纳法索、加拿大、 伦比 亚 、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、 危地马拉、匈牙利、冰岛、以色列、日本、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢 森堡、荷兰、新西兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛文尼亚、瑞 典、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America joined the co-sponsors.
以下列出了一些最常见的技术指示器: 累积分配 涨跌比率 臂指标(TRIN) 保力加通道 商品通道指标 移动平均数(多种) 移动平均指标 麦伦波动指 标 动量 平衡交易量 抛物线 相对强弱指标(RSI) Stochastic(快慢两种) 易变性 市场推动预计,并且往往与认知相反!想想这句经典的股 格言 - “趁谣言吸购,在消息公布后抛售”。
Here is a list of some of the most common technical indicator: cumulative distribution ratio index go up drop arm (TRIN) the strength add channel
commodity channel index
[...] moving average (many) moving average index mecca Aaron fluctuation index momentum balance volume parabolic relative strength index (RSI) Stochastic (speed of the two) market volatility is expected to promote, and often and cognitive [...]
这 就是什么哥伦比亚一直主张并将继续主张,武器贸 易条约应该包括,通过建立更加格 的 控 制机制,明 确禁止此类转让。
That is why Colombia has advocated and will continue to advocate the inclusion in the arms trade treaty of the explicit prohibition of such transfers by establishing stricter control mechanisms.
由和平与重建部部长拉卡姆·切姆宗、联尼共(毛主义)主席 什 帕 ·卡 玛尔·达哈尔·“普拉昌达”、秘书长驻尼泊尔代表卡琳 · 德 格伦 和 秘 书长儿童与 武装冲突问题特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦见证的行动计划的签署,是尼泊尔和 平进程迈出的重要一步。
The signing of the Action Plan, witnessed by the Minister for Peace and Reconstruction, Rakam Chemjong, the Chairman of UCPN-M, Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda”, the Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal, Karin Landgren, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, was a significant step forward in the Nepal peace process.
我们也欢迎秘书长特别代表法里德·扎里夫先生 通过视频电话参加会议,摆在我们面前的秘书长报告 (S/2012/72)清楚地展现了他同地方领导人以及贝格莱德和普什蒂纳 的领导人开展的紧张工作。
We also welcome the presence via video teleconference of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Farid Zarif, whose intensive work with local leaders and those in Belgrade and Pristina is clearly outlined in the report of the Secretary-General before us (S/2012/72).
秘书长在其报告(S/2009/149)中认为安全局势 稳定,当地未发生重大安全事件,并且他适当地认为 普什蒂纳和贝格莱德 以及所有国际利益攸关者 均应为此受到赞扬。
In his report (S/2009/149), the Secretary-General describes the security situation as stable and without major security incidents, and he appropriate lists both Pristina and Belgrade, together with all international stakeholders, as deserving praise for this.
风险检查团队在各个生产基地就防火、防爆以及其它可能危及车间安全的风险进行检查。2010年,德国 格 豪 森 、弗赖 格 、 耶 拿和科隆的生产基地以及美国艾迪维尔、 伦 敦 和 波 特 兰 、巴西Jandira、印度加尔各答、捷克比尔森和韩国蔚山生产基地都通过了审核和安全认证。
The team’s efforts in 2010 included
[...] audits of the Burghausen, Freiberg, Jena and Cologne sites in Germany and the Eddyville, Allentown and Portland sites in the United States.
平均有 23%的学校管理部门提供了全日制教育建 议,不同的州百分比不同,而来自新的联邦州的比率比较高,因为基础设施是已 经存在的 (萨克森:79 %、图林根:73 %、萨尔:39 %、柏林:38 %、汉堡: 27 % 、梅伦堡-前波莫瑞州:26 % 、勃兰登堡:25 % 、巴登-弗腾堡: 12 %、下萨克森、石勒苏格-荷 尔斯泰因:11 %)。
An average of 23 per cent of school administrations offer full-day places - a percentage that varies according to the Länder, with the highest figures coming from the new Länder where the infrastructure already existed (Saxony: 79 per cent; Thuringia: 73 per cent; Saarland: 39 per cent; Berlin: 38 per cent; Hamburg: 27 per cent; Mecklenbourg-Vorpommen: 26 per cent; Brandenburg: 25 per cent; Baden-Württemberg: 12 per cent; Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein: 11 per cent).
但是杰克·布莱克为他的手术总是需要一个非常高的 格 , 这 就是 什 么 医 生工会在全国像他这样的医生不接受许可证。
But Jack Black always
[...] requires a very high price for his surgery and that [...]
is why the doctors union in the country does not
accept license for a doctor like him.
格伦先生 (瑞典) 代表欧洲联盟、候选国克罗地亚和前南斯拉夫马其顿共和 国、稳定与结盟进程国家阿尔巴尼亚 波 斯 尼 亚和黑塞哥维那、黑山和塞尔维亚 以及亚美尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国发言,他说,公约是适用于武装冲突的国际法的 重要组成部分。
Mr. Wingren (Sweden), speaking on behalf of the European Union; the candidate countries Croatia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; the stabilization and association process countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia; and, in addition, Armenia and the Republic of Moldova, said that the Convention formed an essential and integral part of international law applicable to armed conflict.
有没有报应的灵魂在死后圣经信仰的基础,这是供应的巴 伦 人 和 波 斯 人,并收到来自单词“Gehinnom”犹太着色(欣嫩谷),取得可恨由火灾火神牺牲玛拿西(二国王二十三。
There is no Scriptural basis for the belief in retribution for
the soul after death; this was
[...] supplied by the Babylonians and Persians, and received a [...]
Jewish coloring from the word "Gehinnom"
(the valley of Hinnom), made detestable by the fires of the Moloch sacrifices of Manasseh (II Kings xxiii. 10).
和塞尔维亚东正教主教会议现任主席、都主教 Amfilohije 以及塞尔维亚科索沃
[...] 和梅托希亚事务部长,讨论了如下问题:如何保存和保护塞尔维亚宗教遗产,继 续由欧洲委员会领导的重建进程,并找到继续在这方面与贝 格 莱 德 和普 什蒂 纳进行对话的框架。
My Special Representative met with the caretaker of the Patriarch and the current Chairperson of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Amfilohije, as well as with the Serbian Minister for Kosovo and Metohija, to discuss the preservation and protection of Serbian religious patrimony and the continuation of the reconstruction process led by the Council
of Europe and UNESCO, as well as a framework within which to continue
[...] dialogue in this area with Belgrade and Pristina.
申请人须通过法律,或任何专业团体, 什 么 资 格 或 授权工作中的地位,在客户端试图填补,Recruiterz将采取一切合理步骤,以获得和提供提供任何相关资格或授权的副本申请人,申请人同意,他们提供的参考可能会向客户披露,并已采取一切合理可行的步骤,以确认申请人是适合的位置不相关的人从两个引用。
Where the Applicant is required by
law, or any professional
[...] body to have any qualifications or authorisations [...]
to work in the position that the Client seeks to fill,
Recruiterz will take all reasonable steps to obtain and offer to provide copies of any relevant qualifications or authorisations of the Applicant, two references from persons not related to the Applicant who have agreed that the references they provide may be disclosed to the Client and has taken all reasonably practicable steps to confirm that the Applicant is suitable for the position.
安全理事会通过了一项主席声明 S/PRST/2008/44,对秘书长的报告表示欢 迎,并指出,考虑到贝格莱德和普 什 蒂 纳双方在各自声明中表明的对该报告 的立场,对“它们打算与国际社会合作”表示欢迎。
The Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2008/44), in which it welcomed the report and stated that, taking into account the positions of Belgrade and Pristina on the report which were reflected in their respective statements, it welcomed their intentions to cooperate with the international community.
除为其保留的 10 个席位(罗姆族、 阿什卡利族和埃及族社区 4 个波什尼亚克族社区 3 个,土耳其族社区 2 个和戈 拉族社区 1 个)外,“其他社区”还赢得 2 个席位(科索沃土耳其族民主党 1 个, 阿什卡利族统一党 1 个 I)。
The “other communities” won two seats (1 for the Kosovo Turk Democratic Party, KTDP, and 1 for the Ashkali Integration Party, PAI), in addition to their 10 set-aside seats (4 for the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, 3 for the Bosniak community, 2 for the Turkish community and 1 for the Gorani community).
[...] [...] B-场教育和研究仪器阵列的目的是:(a)监测由于 当地时间、季节和磁活动的作用,制约中、低纬度地区等离子体运动的电动力 学;(b)了解进入中、低纬度地区的超低频脉动强度及其与赤道电射流和极光电 喷流指数的关联;(c)支持对 Pc5 超低波对范艾伦辐射 带内部兆电子伏电子总 数的影响的研究。
It was observed that the African Meridian B-field Education and Research (AMBER) instrument array was deployed to: (a) monitor the electrodynamics that governed the motion of plasma in the lower and middle latitudes as a function of local time, season and magnetic activity; (b) understand ultra-low-frequency pulsation strength into low- and mid-latitudes and its connection with equatorial electrojets and the auroral electrojet index; and (c) support studies about
the effects of Pc5
[...] ultra-low-frequency waves on the mega electron volt electron population in the inner parts of the Van Allen radiation belts.
[...] 的措施和行动,帮助最不发达国家努力实现出口基础多样化,以减少对初级商品 的依赖,并缓解和减少初级商品 格波 动 的 不利影响。
There is a need for concerted measures and actions to support least developed countries’ efforts to reduce commodity dependence, including through
the diversification of their export base, and to mitigate and reduce the adverse
[...] effects of commodity price volatility.
除了感谢秘书长、建设和平委员会 主席以及世界银行代表所作的发言之外,我还要特别 感谢德国、伦比亚、波斯尼 亚和黑塞哥维那、葡萄 牙和印度各国部长以及加篷副部长今天出席我们的 会议。
In addition to thanking the Secretary-General, the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission and the representative of the World Bank for their statements, I would particularly like to thank the Ministers of Germany, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal and India and the Vice Minister of Gabon for their presence among us today.




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