

单词 泛滥

泛滥 ()

spread unchecked
overflow (the banks)
be in flood



flood causes disaster (idiom); fig. swamped with work

See also:


extensive adj
general adj

be suffused with
pan- (prefix)


External sources (not reviewed)

In that regard, the scourge of small arms and light weapons is a major factor in the proliferation and chaotic circulation of such weapons.
这 种植物的在灌溉区的繁泛滥减少了可耕种的土 地,塞阻了河道,为食肉鸟类提供了栖息地。
This plant
[...] colonizes the flood plains, reduces [...]
the available cropland in the irrigated areas, impedes river traffic, and
provides habitat for carnivorous birds.
缅甸军政府民族主义情泛滥、不 可以常理推断, 对外界的批评强烈抵触,外界的施压因此常常收效 甚微。
The military government is intensely nationalistic, unpredictable and resistant to external criticism, making it often impervious to outside influence.
委 员会促请缔约国于下次定期报告提供关于各类形式家庭暴 泛滥 情 况 的统计数字 和各分类数据。
The Committee urges the State party to provide, in its next periodic report, statistics and disaggregated data on trends in the prevalence of various forms of domestic violence.
太平洋非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞活动继 泛滥 , 引 起 人们特别关注,必须采取更强有力的养护和管理措施,以充分保护金枪鱼资源不 [...]
The continuing proliferation of illegal, unreported [...]
and unregulated fishing across the Pacific is of particular concern
and will require stronger conservation and management measures to adequately protect current tuna stocks from overexploitation.
德国表示关注普泛滥的重 男轻女态度、根深蒂固 的社会传统偏见和陈旧观念,成为提高妇女地位的重大障碍,并且是致妇女于不 利境地,包括陷入劳务市场不利境地的根源。
It expressed concerns about the pervasiveness of patriarchal attitudes, deep-rooted traditional social prejudices and stereotyped attitudes as a major obstacle to the advancement of women and as a root cause of their disadvantaged position, including in the labour market.
我们参加第二次联合国审查从各方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法 贸易的行动纲领执行进度大会的各国家于 2012 年 8 月 27 日至 9 月
[...] 7 日齐聚纽约, 重申我们支持并承诺执行《行动纲领》和《使各国能够及时和可靠地识别和追查 非法小武器和轻武器的国际文书》的所有规定,以期结束小武器和轻武器非法贸 易和无节泛滥造成的痛苦。
We, the States participating in the Second United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, gathered here in New York from 27 August to 7 September 2012, reaffirm our support for, and commitment to implement all the provisions of, the Programme of Action and the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace, in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light
Weapons, with a view to
[...] ending the suffering caused by the illicit trade in and uncontrolled proliferation of small arms [...]
and light weapons.
由于有罪不罚文化泛滥,所 以少数民族和边境地区平民 过久地遭受歧视和其人权遭到严重侵犯。
The plight of ethnic minorities and civilians along the country’s border areas who are subject to discrimination and grave human rights abuses has continued for too long, due to the prevailing culture of impunity.
近年来,一座水坝的建设明显减少了河 泛滥 , 而 该河的水对野生甜瓜生长来 说是必不可少的。
In recent years, the construction of a dam has significantly reduced the flooding of the river essential for the wild melon.
小 武器泛滥增加 了个人间暴力的危险,这种暴力包括冲突之后继续存在的家庭暴 力。
A proliferation of small arms increases the risk of interpersonal violence, including domestic violence, which often continues after the conflict.
h) 避免教科文组织奖在某一具体领域的主题重叠和奖金额相对较低奖项 泛滥 ,而 应努力吸引潜在的捐助者来弥补计划与奖项之间的空白。
(h) Thematic overlaps of UNESCO prizes in a particular programme area and a proliferation of UNESCO prizes with relatively small monetary value shall be avoided; yet, efforts should be made to induce potential donors to fill existing gaps in programme-prize coverage.
许多情况都能引发洪涝,如暴雨、海水、涨潮、河 泛滥 以 及水坝决堤或城市排水系统溢流等。
Flooding can be caused by a range of situations that include heavy rainfall, seawater, high tides, run-off from rivers and dams or urban drainage.
因 为问题之大、之广,非任何单一政府部门所能解决; 因为这些疾病泛滥是受 普遍、有力的力量驱动,例 如迅速的都市化,以及不健康生活方式的全球化;以 [...]
及因为对这些趋势必须应以同等力量,即能够要求在 政府各部门实施正确的保护政策的最高级别的力量。
Because the problem is
[...] too big and too broadly based to be addressed [...]
by any single Government ministry; because the rise
of these diseases is being driven by powerful, universal forces, such as rapid urbanization and the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles; and because the response to these trends must come with equal power — top-level power that can command the right protective policies across all sectors of Government.
由于国家安全机构面临着后勤、财政和人力资源的 制约,该国武泛滥,执 法部门控制犯罪的努力继续受到掣肘。
Efforts by law enforcement agencies to curb criminality continued to be hampered by logistical, financial and human resource constraints facing the national security institutions and the proliferation of arms in the country.
很多国家担心假冒伪劣和没有许可证的药 泛滥 , 联 合国儿童基金会关注于控制药品供应的源头,只允许国家政府通过供应司来获取药品。
The expanding use of counterfeit and unlicensed medicines is a concern in many countries, and UNICEF focuses on controlling the origin of the medicines it supplies and only allows country offices to purchase medicines through Supply Division.
对于机械型组织的通常描述是: 高度专业化、例行性的组织任务; 形式化的运营流程泛滥于整个组织的繁文缛节、规章制度以及沟通形式; 大规模的运营单元; 组织任务所高度依赖的功能基础; 相对中心化的组织决策; 明晰的组织行政架构,以及在作业单位与支持单位之间的严格分界。
A clear configuration of the design parameters is described consistently in the research: highly specialized, routine operating tasks; very formalized procedures in the operating core; a proliferation of rules, regulations, and formalized communication throughout the organization; large-sized units at the operating level; reliance on the functional basis for grouping tasks; relatively centralized power for decision-making; and an elaborate administrative structure with sharp distinctions between line and staff.
在洪泛滥或下 暴雨时,进入市场的道路可 能发生变化。
There are also likely to be changes in terms of road access to markets where unusual flooding or heavy rains occur.
大规模砍伐导 致洪泛滥,人 口迁徙,广泛地破坏当地农业、经 济和基础设施。
Logging has resulted in extensive flooding, large scale human displacement and widespread agricultural, economic and infrastructure damage.
[...] 国际社会已到达一个重要关头,要么采取决定性步骤,进一步削减核武库并防止 核武器进一泛滥,最 终接近实现无核武器世界的目标,要么将面临不扩散制度 被侵蚀的严重危险,从而助长大大增加使用这些武器的风险并带来灾难性和无法 [...]
In an address given at the Global Zero summit on 2 February 2010, Foreign Minister Bildt stated, inter alia, that the international community had arrived at a critical point, where it could either take
decisive steps forward in
[...] further reducing nuclear arsenals and preventing a further spread of nuclear [...]
weapons, eventually taking
the world closer to the goal of a world free of those weapons, or face the very serious risk of the non-proliferation regime eroding and paving the way for a development that would significantly increase the risk of those weapons being used, with catastrophic and unforeseeable effects.
灾害对沿岸社区的影响在海啸(地质)、 风暴潮和洪泛滥(水 文)、海岸和湖岸风暴(气象)导致的次海洋事件中特别 显著。
The impacts of disasters on coastal communities are particularly pronounced in the case of subsea events resulting in tsunamis (geological), storm surges and coastal flooding (hydrological), and coastal and lakeshore storms (meteorological).
正如秘书长在其关于武装冲突中保护平民的最后报告中所说,“在许多冲突 中,因缺乏责任追究,而且更糟的是,在许多情况下没有对责任追究的预期,很 大程度上纵容了违法行泛滥”。
As the Secretary-General stated in one of his most recent reports on protection of civilians in armed conflict, in many conflicts, it is to a large degree the absence of accountability and, worse still, the lack in many instances of any expectation thereof that allows violations to thrive.
但我们还知道,明天可能有另外某个国家面临类 似局面,世界那时候将很快发现,科索沃片面宣布独 立所引发的急流已经失控,变为在世界各 泛滥 的分 裂洪流。
But we also know that, tomorrow, some other country might find itself in a similar situation, and that the world would then rapidly discover that the rushing river let loose by Kosovo’s UDI had become an uncontrolled cascade of secession across the world.
为解决地区经 济共同泛滥及其 成员重叠问题,2006年 举行的非盟峰会决定暂停承认新的地区经 济共同体。
In order to address the issue of multiplicity of RECs and overlapping memberships, the AU Summit held in 2006 decided to place a moratorium on recognition of new RECs.
委员会还建议缔约国加紧努力并利用一切可能的手法,打击和遏制公共言论方面 的种族主义和仇外心理的逆流,尤其要强烈谴责公共官员和政治及宗教领袖的种
[...] 族主义和仇外心理的言论,并采取适当措施,尤其打击缔约国实际控制领土上侵 害非犹太少数民族的种族主义行为和表现 泛滥 现 象
The Committee also recommends that the State party step up its efforts and use all possible means to counter and stem the tide of racism and xenophobia in public discourse, in particular by strongly condemning all racist and xenophobic statements by public officials and political and religious leaders, and by implementing appropriate measures to combat the proliferation of acts and
manifestations of racism that particularly target non-Jewish minorities in the
[...] territories under the State party’s effective [...]
来说不是显而易见的话,它就会被认为是有 创造性的。也许有人会认为现在所用的标准太低,如美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 和欧洲专 利局 (EPO)
[...] 标准,从而致使不重要的小发明专 泛滥 , 而这些小发明专利可能对专利制度 [...]
At present an invention is typically considered to be inventive if it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art.19 Some would argue that this standard as it is now applied, for example by the USPTO or
the EPO, is too low resulting in a
[...] proliferation of patents for trivial inventions [...]
which may not contribute to the over-riding
objective of the patent system which is the advancement of science for public benefit.
除教育、科学和技术问题外,此方案还将使我国能够解决国民经济的一些 具体问题;监测国土以便测量土壤湿度;估算农业耕地;监测和评价作物成熟 程度;完成多项地籍工作;监测道路、森林、河流和湖泊;确定河流 泛滥范 围 ;获得关于本国重要地区的照片和视频资料等。
Besides educational, scientific and technical problems, this programme will allow us to solve a number of concrete problems of the national economy; to monitor the territory in order to measure soil moisture; to estimate cultivated agricultural land; to monitor and evaluate the degree of crop maturation; to perform various cadastral works; to monitor roads, forests, rivers and lakes; to determine the extent of a river’s overflow; to obtain photo and video information on the country’s districts of interest; etc. The scientific, technical and instructive potential of the country is determined by the possibility of realizing advanced technology and science-intensive projects.
(CCPR/C/IRN/CO/3, para. 21) ,该委员会还“深为关切一些报告称,在拘留监所 内,尤其对那些被控犯有与危害国家安全相关的罪行,或遭革命法庭审判的人施
[...] 行酷刑和残忍,不人道或有辱人格待遇 泛滥 现 象 ,甚至造成了某些被拘留者被 迫害之死的案情。
The same experts also expressed their concern about reports of arrests and detention without charge and ill-treatment of detainees.7 7.5 In addition, the Committee takes note of the concluding observations on the Islamic Republic of Iran adopted by the Human Rights Committee on 2 November 2011, in which the latter Committee stated that it “is deeply concerned about the frequent violations of fair trial guarantees provided for under the Covenant, especially in the Revolutionary Courts” (CCPR/C/IRN/CO/3, para.
21), and that it “is deeply concerned at
[...] reports of the widespread use of torture [...]
and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
in detention facilities, particularly of those accused of national security-related crimes or tried in Revolutionary Courts, which in some cases have resulted in the death of the detainee” (ibid., para. 14).
代表忆及在本届会议开幕时曾提到,粮农组 织新当选总干事何塞·格拉齐亚诺·达席尔瓦先生表示在当前私营标 泛滥 的 情 况下, 要支持食典委的工作,它是制定以科学为依据的食品标准的世界主导机构。
The Conference also noted the need to broaden participation of FAO Members in CODEX” and recalled that, as mentioned in the opening session, the FAO Director-General elect, Mr. José Graziano da Silva, indicated his support for Codex as the world’s leading, science-based food standards body, in the face of the proliferation of private standards.
除了政策事项“挤占”管理工作事项之外,我们注意到了就一些与有逻辑、有目标的 计划编制没有关联的含糊结果提交的报 泛滥 , 以 及辩论准备不充分的情况。
Besides political issues “crowding out” governance tasks, we have noted the ramifications of reporting on vague results unconnected to logical, goal-oriented programming, and poorly prepared debates.




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