

单词 法西斯


fascist (loanword)





Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), heir the Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I


Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English renaissance philosopher and early scientist


Francis (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,这一天是所有国家的所有 法西斯的解放 和胜利的日子,并且这一天提醒人们,必须保护对人 [...]
This is thus a day of liberation and victory for all
[...] fighters againstfascism in allcountries, [...]
and a day of reminder of the need to protect
the results of the historic resistance to the evil once unleashed on humankind.
对反希特勒同盟国和其他国家法西斯 所作的贡献,我们心怀感激;我 们永远也不会忘记他们为共同胜利做出的牺牲。
We recall with gratitude the contribution of the
[...] Allies andanti-fascistfighters from [...]
other countries, we will never forget the
sacrifices they brought to the altar of our shared Victory.
我们各国人民对取得胜利作出了决定性的贡献,因此,我们吁请要教育青少 年对我们共同的英雄的历史和法西斯的伟大胜利拥有自豪感。
Given that the peoples of our States made a decisive contribution to the achievement of the victory, we call for the younger
generation to be raised with a sense of pride in our shared heroic history and in the
[...] great triumph achieved over fascism.
[...] 决定,而伟大胜利纪念碑仍是迄今为止团结俄罗斯人和格鲁吉亚人、团结法西 斯 作战且在这一战争中获胜的所有民族的最有力的象征之一。
The deputies of the State Duma are convinced that this decision was motivated by the desire of the Georgian authorities to destroy a monument in honour of the Great Victory, which to this day remains one of the most powerful
symbols uniting Russians and Georgians and all persons who fought against
[...] the scourge of fascism and prevailed in [...]
that war.
两个大的政党,在超过70年前的英国便同样提出这样的讲话。但 是,香港今天竟然有一位自由党的领导,跟外国当年这类政党的思
[...] 维、原则和理念有这麽大差距,我不知道香港的自由党是甚麽自由 党,可能法西斯的变质,对吗?
While two major political parties of the United Kingdom made speeches 70 years ago to the same effect, there is actually a leader of the Liberal Party in Hong
Kong today whose thinking, principle and concept can be so different from that of
[...] overseas political parties back then.
尽管巴勒斯坦权力机构一再重申决心走和平道 路和采取一切措施确保安全,但以色列继续违反其法 律义务,通过一系列已使局势加剧的非法、挑衅性措 施悍然阻止恢复直接谈判的努力,这些措施包括其政 府官员一再发表煽动性言论,以及以色列内阁最近就 效忠犹太国誓言通过法西斯法这明显违反了在 以色列的阿拉伯人的法律和宗教自由。
While the Palestinian Authority has repeatedly affirmed its determination to pursue the path of peace and undertake all measures to ensure security, Israel continues to violate its legal obligations and blatantly impedes efforts to resume direct negotiations through a series of unlawful, provocative measures that have only inflamed the situation, including repeated inflammatory remarks by Government officials and the racist bill recently passed by the Israeli cabinet on the Jewish loyalty oath, in clear violation of the legal andreligious freedoms of the Arab population in Israel.
根据 2001 年 5 月 3 日第 121-XV
号法律通过关于为某些类别人口提供补充 性社会保护的 2007 年 4
[...] 月修正案后,国家月津贴受益人数量有了进一步增加(第 二次世界大战期法西斯及其盟友统治时代的前被拘留人员和从 [...]
AEP 公司 切尔诺贝利核电站的死亡区域迁来的残疾人)。
By means of the amendments of April 2007 adopted by Law No. 121-XV from 3.05.2001 on the supplementary social protection of certain categories of population, the number of beneficiaries of monthly
state allowances was extended (former
[...] detainees during the fascist Germany and its [...]
allies during the Second World War and persons
with disabilities moved from the dead zone of the AEP Chernobyl).
该法律也禁止制作、 复制、存储、展示、美化或传播旨在煽动、鼓励或散布仇恨或反对公民自由隶属
[...] 的不容忍、种族、民族或宗教仇恨或不容忍或者宣传或维护新纳粹法西斯想和组织或以某种其他方式危害公共秩序的宣传材料、符号或节目,禁止制作、 [...]
The law also prohibits the production, copying, storage, presentation, glorification or dissemination of promotional material, symbols or features which incite, encourage or spread hatred or intolerance against free affiliations of citizens, racial, national or religious
hatred or intolerance, propagate or
[...] justify neo-Nazi and fascist ideasand organizations [...]
or jeopardize the public order in
some other way, as well as the production, copying, storage, presentation or dissemination or any other form of using symbols promoting or justifying the ideas, activities or actions of persons convicted of war crimes.
靠苏联全体人民的力量取得的伟大卫国战争的胜利,对于击法西斯和 第二次世界大战的结果,具有决定性的意义。
The victory in the Great Patriotic War, which was achieved through the efforts of all peoples of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was decisive in defeatingfascism and bringing the Second World War to an end.
除了这一切之外,我们 还要说,1945 年在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔,一小时 内有 45 000 名阿尔及利亚人被杀,因为这些人不幸
[...] 地认为第二次世界大战结束、纳粹主义法西斯 被打败,以及与自由有关的价值观获得胜利,会给阿 [...]
To all of that we would add that 45,000 Algerians were killed in a single hour in the capital, Algiers, in 1945, because they unfortunately believed that
the end of the Second World War, the defeat
[...] of Nazism and Fascism andthe victory [...]
of the values associated with freedom could
bring the Algerians independence.
如果没有战胜 纳粹主义法西斯 ,我们现在就不会在联合国这 里,它是促进国际合作与多边主义的重要场所,在这 [...]
里,这个独特世界组织的所有成员力求加强世界和平 与安全。
Without the victory
[...] against Nazism and fascism, wewould not [...]
be here at the United Nations, the key place for international
cooperation and multilateralism where all Members of this unique world Organization seek to strengthen world peace and security.
国际社会对那些为了将人类法西斯拯救出来而献出自己生命的人富有责 任,应采取有效行动,防止传播不容忍和种族、民族 [...]
或宗教至上概念,这些概念掩盖了对世界霸权的期 望,是新的威胁来源。
The international community had a duty to
those who had sacrificed their lives to save
[...] humanity fromfascism to take effective [...]
action to prevent the dissemination of
concepts of intolerance and racial, ethnic or religious supremacy, which masked aspirations to world hegemony and were a source of new threats.
我们英勇无畏的年轻男子及他们的家人 所做出的牺牲实际确保了我们今天生活在一个没法西斯的世界上。
The sacrifices of our valorous young men and their families have indeed ensured
[...] that we live in a world freeof fascism.
我们对那些解放军人,对我们的子孙 后代担负着共同的责任,必须确保那场战争的真
[...] 相以及那场胜利的真实意义不被篡改,坚决反对 一些人亵渎打法西斯雄们光辉形象的做 法。
Our shared duty, both to the soldierliberators and to future generations, is to protect the truth about the war and the
significance of the victory, and to resolutely oppose those who desecrate the
[...] glory of the heroes who defeated fascism.
不能把容忍此类现象作为 一个政治正确性问题处理,而应将其视为一种极度无 情的表现,是对所有法西斯者记忆的诽谤。
Tolerating such phenomena could not be dismissed as a matter of political
correctness but was rather a manifestation of deep
[...] cynicism, defamatory to the memory of all those who had fought against fascism.
它将转移或递解的想法装 扮成穿新衣法西斯,正如以色列媒体中知名以 色列问题作者所指出的那样。
It dresses up the idea of transfer or deportation as Fascismin new robes, as has been noted in the Israeli media by the most prominent Israel writers.
大会第六十六届会议重申《德班宣言》和德班审查会议成果文件的相关规定, 其中各国谴责新纳粹主义、法西斯和基于种族和民族偏见的暴力民族主义 思想的持续存在和死灰复燃,并指出这些现象在任何时候任何情况下均无可辩 解;回顾人权委员会第 2005/5 号决议请当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心 理和相关不容忍行为问题特别报告员继续研究这个问题,在其今后提交的报告中 提出相关建议,征求并考虑各国政府和非政府组织的意见;请特别报告员考虑到 按照人权委员会的要求收集的意见,编写决议执行情况报告,提交大会第六十七 届会议和人权理事会第二十届会议(第 66/143 号决议)。
instance or in any circumstances; recalled the request of the Commission on Human Rights in its resolution 2005/5 that the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance continue to reflect on the issue, make relevant recommendations in his future reports and seek and take into account the views of Governments and non-governmental organizations; and requested the Special Rapporteur to prepare, for submission to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session and to the Human Rights Council at its twentieth session, reports on the implementation of the resolution based on the views collected in accordance with the request of the Commission on Human Rights (resolution 66/143).
强调人人生来自由,享有平等尊严与权利,有理智,有良知,应彼此兄弟相 待,在这方面着重指出青年人极易受到各种形式和表现的种族主义、种族歧视、
[...] 仇外心理及相关不容忍行为之害,而且也极易受各种崇尚新纳粹、法西斯 他暴力意识形态的极端主义政党、运动及团体的影响
Emphasizing that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, and in this regard underlining the particular vulnerability of young people to all forms and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and also to
various extremist political parties, movements and groups that are
[...] based on neo-Nazi, neo-fascist andother violent [...]
此外,《宪法》第 46(4)条还规定禁止种 族主义和“显法西斯 形态”的组织。
In addition, racist organizations and organizations
[...] that “display a fascist ideology” are prohibited under article 46 (4) of the Constitution.
发言人提醒各方注意极端主义意识 形态尤其是新纳粹主义和法西斯,它们构成 现如今对青年人最大的威胁,第二次世界大战结束 65 周年到来之际,在该领域继续做出努力具有极其 特殊的意义和重要性。
She noted that extremist ideologies, including neo-Nazism and neo-Fascism, were among the main threats to youth and that further efforts in that regard were particularly important on the eve of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
我们各国人民以英雄主义和无私奉献赢得的 1941-1945 年伟大的卫国战争胜 利 65 周年即将到来,再次使我们缅怀那些在艰苦卓绝的法西斯中,以生 命和痛苦为代价,给世界带来解放与和平的人们的巨大伤亡和壮举。
The forthcoming sixty-fifth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, won through the heroism and self-sacrifice of the peoples of our countries, reminds us once more of the massive loss of humanlife and the achievement of those who, at the cost of their lives, deprivation and suffering, brought liberation and peace to the world in the struggle against fascism.
作为南斯拉夫这个共同国家的一部分,塞 尔维亚从一开始就参加了法西斯,遭受了巨大 的生命损失,此外法西斯者在塞尔维亚许多地 方对塞尔维亚人民实施了种族灭绝并对成千上万平 民,包括学童和学生疯狂杀戮。
Serbia, as part of the common State
of Yugoslavia, took
[...] part in theanti-fascist struggle from the beginning and suffered immense loss of life, compounded by the genocide conducted against the Serbian people and the insane executions ofthousands [...]
of civilians, including
schoolchildren and students, that the fascist occupiers undertook in many places in Serbia.
[...] Benjamin)在关于历史观的第八篇论文中在提法西斯时写道:“受压迫者的传统告诉我们,我们所生存的‘紧急状态’是常态而非例外。
As Walter Benjamin writes in the
thesis VIII on the concept of history,
[...] where he mentions fascism: “the tradition [...]
of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state
of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule.
[...] 行真实、客观的评价,不仅仅是为了纪念在 法西斯的斗争中死去的数千万人,也是为了为今世后代 [...]
An honest and objective assessment of events and the facts concerning those harsh years is needed today, not only to honour the memory of the
tens of millions of those who died in the
[...] fight against fascism, but also as lessons [...]
to current and succeeding generations.




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