

单词 法网



fall into the net of justice (idiom); finally arrested


The net of justice is wide, but no-one escapes.


it is hard escape the net of justice [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

核准的双边项目的范围除其他外包括氟氯化碳和消耗臭氧层物质淘汰计划、关于淘汰甲基 溴的技术转让、侧重于制冷行业的国家氟氯化碳消费淘汰计划、附件 A(第一类)物质的
[...] 最终淘汰管理计划、最终淘汰溶剂行业消耗臭氧层物质的总体项目、对臭氧机构和拉丁美 洲海关法网的支助。
The range of bilateral projects approved included, inter alia, CFC and ODS phase-out plans, technology transfer for the phase-out of methyl bromide, national CFC consumption phase-out plans focusing on the refrigeration sector, terminal phase-out managements plans for Annex A (Group I) substances, an umbrella project for terminal
phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector, support for an ozone unit and for the Latin
[...] American Customs Enforcement Network.
我们 吁请各会员国和其他国际捐助方支持联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室,包括其区 域和国家办事处,以及联合国预防犯罪和刑事 法网 各 研 究所和请求国,并与 其协调,向请求国提供技术援助,以加强其预防犯罪的能力。
We call on Member States and other international donors to support, and coordinate with, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, including its regional and country offices, the institutes of the
United Nations crime prevention
[...] and criminal justice programme network and requesting States [...]
in the provision of technical
assistance to strengthen their capacity to prevent crime.
加拿大还在执行一个技术援助项目——“拉丁美洲海关 法网 络 : 防止消耗 臭氧层物质的非法贸易”,还正在布基纳法索和圣卢西亚执行氯化碳淘汰计划,在玻利维 [...]
亚、古巴和乌拉圭执行消耗臭氧层物质淘汰计划,在牙买加、墨西哥和特立尼达和多巴哥 执行三个甲基溴技术援助项目,在贝宁和智利开展氟氯化碳淘汰计划项目编制工作。
Canada is also implementing a technical assistance project “Latin American
[...] Customs Enforcement Network: Preventing illegal [...]
trade of ODS”, CFC phase-out plans
in Burkina Faso and Saint Lucia, ODS phase-out plans in Bolivia, Cuba and Uruguay, three methyl bromide (MB) technical assistance projects in Jamaica, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago and CFC phase-out plan project preparations in Benin and Chile.
在国际教育大会筹备阶段还采取了其它一些创新 法 ( 网 络 论 坛、部长讲 话、因特网址)。
Other innovations were also introduced in the preparatory phase of the Conference (Netforum, messages of
[...] ministers of education, Internet site).
[...] 项目,以便在非洲一些机场设立打击贩运联合小组,并将其与国际刑警组织的 I-24/7 全球通讯系统和数据库以及海关组织的海关 法网 络 通信系统连接起来。
UNODC, in cooperation with INTERPOL and WCO, has developed the Airport Communication Project aimed at creating joint anti-trafficking units in a number of airports in Africa and linking them with the
INTERPOL I-24/7 global communications system and database and
[...] the WCO Customs Enforcement Network communication system.
并请提供您的姓名、单位、联络法 、 网 站 地 址和您打算使用联合国儿童基金会新闻传送服务的目的。
Please provide your name, organization, contact details, web site address and the purpose for which you intend to use the UNICEF news feeds.
许多国家境内存在根深蒂固的买卖钻石和黄金的 法网 络, 而这些钻石和黄金往往得自在正式法律范围之外活动的个人小规模经营者, [...]
因此,要采用《采掘业透明度倡议》和《金伯利进程证书制度》之类的办法,就 有更大程度的复杂性。
The existence in many countries
[...] of entrenched illegal networks for trading diamonds [...]
and gold, often acquired from artisanal
and smallscale operators operating outside the formal law, adds a degree of complexity to the introduction of processes such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
(i) 与其他相关行为体,尤其是包括联合国预防犯罪和刑事 法网 络 在 内的 各机构以及国际、区域和次区域各级的政府间组织、私营部门进行协调、协作并 [...]
(i) Coordinating, collaborating and developing partnerships with other relevant actors, especially the institutes comprising
the United Nations crime prevention and
[...] criminal justice network, intergovernmental [...]
organizations at the international,
regional and subregional levels and the private sector.
非经共体,支持打击跨国有组织犯罪的努力,呼吁国际社会和联合国系统加 强与区域组织的合作,加强与关于西非有罪不罚和人权问题巴马科部长级会 议、非洲大西洋国家部长级会议、8
[...] 国集团关于跨大西洋贩运可卡因问题巴 黎会议和关于清除跨国法网络的 跨大西洋专题讨论会等区域举措的合作。
The Security Council recognizes the support provided by bilateral and multilateral actors, including the European Union, African Union and ECOWAS to efforts aimed at combating transnational organized crime and calls on the international community and the UN system to strengthen their cooperation with regional organizations, and initiatives such as the Bamako Ministerial Conference on Impunity and Human Rights in West Africa, the Ministerial Conference of African Atlantic States, the G8 Paris
Conference on Transatlantic Trafficking of Cocaine and the Transatlantic Symposium on
[...] Dismantling Transnational Illicit Networks.
基于 2011 年 6 月在毛里求斯举行 的印度洋委员会区域司法论坛第三届会议提出的建 议,与欧洲法网和萨赫勒国家区域司法平台等其他 论坛联合建立了一个法合作网络。
The recommendations adopted in June 2011 at the third meeting of the IOC regional platform on justice in
Mauritius had led to
[...] the formation of a network on judicial cooperation, in conjunction with other forums such as the European Judicial Network (EUROJUST) and the Judicial Regional Platform [...]
of Sahel countries.
法国是欧洲联盟欧洲法网络的组 成部分,该网络使其能够在属于其管辖范围的调查和起诉中与欧洲 法网 络的 缔约国进行协调。
France is part of the Eurojust network of the European Union, allowing it to coordinate with Eurojust State parties in investigations and prosecutions that fall within its jurisdiction.
[...] 级,根据第一和第二阶段“COCAIR”行动的规定,中部非洲(和东非)所有机场如 今都与世界海关组织海关法网络数据库和国际刑警组织数据库实现连接,海关 官员和边防警察在海关/警方联合平台框架内共享旅客资料和其他有关资料。
At the subregional level, pursuant to the first and second phases of Operation “COCAIR”, all airports of Central (and
East) Africa are now connected to
[...] the WCO Customs Enforcement Network database and INTERPOL [...]
databases, and customs officers
and border police share information on passengers and other relevant information within the framework of joint customs/police platforms.
我们必须共同努力,建立一个有力、有效和高效 率的余留事项法庭,从而除其他外,鼓励确保前南问
[...] 题国际法庭和卢旺达问题国际法庭的剩余在逃犯不 致逃法网。
We must work together to establish a strong, effective and efficient residual
tribunal that will encourage, among other things, ensuring that the remaining ICTY and ICTR
[...] fugitives do not escape justice.
促请尚未根据 1988 年联合国公约第 12 条和联合国各相关决议而要求前体 化学品货运出口前通知的巴黎公约伙伴方,根据相关的规定要求出口前通知和
[...] 向麻管局报告,并鼓励前体化学品的所有生产国与阿富汗伊斯兰共和国及其邻 国密切合作,继续跟踪前体化学品的货运,防止其转入 法网 络。
Urging Paris Pact partners that have not yet requested pre-export notification for shipments of precursor chemicals in accordance with article 12 of the 1988 United Nations Convention and relevant United Nations resolutions, to do so and report it to INCB and encourages all countries where precursor chemicals are produced to cooperate closely with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its neighbouring
countries to continue the tracking of shipments of precursor chemicals and to prevent their
[...] diversion into illicit networks.
第 13.10 段
[...] 将(d)分段改为:“在国际、区域和次区域一级与其他相关行动者、特别 是与联合国预防犯罪和刑事法网络 各 研究所和政府间组织进行协调与协 作,强调打击有组织犯罪和贩运毒品,以及贩运人口和武器;”。
Coordinating and collaborating with other relevant actors, especially the institutes comprising
the United Nations crime prevention
[...] and criminal justice network and intergovernmental [...]
organizations at the international,
regional and subregional levels emphasizing combating organized crime and drug trafficking, and trafficking in persons and of firearms;”.
我们认识到,跨国有组织犯罪与 法网 络 相 互交织的风险与日俱增,其 中许多是新出现的或正在演变中。
We recognize the increasing risk of the convergence of transnational
[...] organized crime and illicit networks, many of which [...]
are new or evolving.
全民 教育全球监测报告》独立编辑组与教科文组织总部和总部外单位工作人员及其庞大的教育专
[...] 家网络进行磋商,在扫盲问题上,采取了以下 法 : 网 上 咨询;委托工作人员撰写专业背景 资料;与教科文组织教育研究所 [...]
The independent GMR editorial team consults UNESCO staff at
Headquarters and in field offices along
[...] with their wider network of education specialists [...]
and did so for the literacy issue
through an online consultation; through commissioning specialist background papers from staff; and through UIE, IBE and IIEP.
食品中兽药残留法典委员会主席感谢粮农组织/原子能机构联合司协助建设兽药残 留分析法网络数 据库,该数据库对兽药残留检测计划非常重要。
The Chair of the Committee on Veterinary Drugs thanked the Joint
FAO/IAEA Division for its assistance with the
[...] web-based repository for methods of analysis for [...]
residues of veterinary drugs and
its relevance for the veterinary residue monitoring programmes.
从看上去像您的银行或诸如 Skrill
[...] (Moneybookers)这样值得信赖的服务提供商那里发出的电子邮件要求您“更新”“验证”或只是“确认”您的详细信息,这会将您引至一个貌似 法网 站 的假网站上,但该网站却运行于一个不同的网址上。
Emails from what looks like your bank or trusted service like Skrill (Moneybookers) asking you to either ‘update’ ‘validate’ or simply ‘confirm’
your details will lead to a fake website that looks
[...] exactly like the legitimate version but is hosted on a different URL.
我们从打击和瓦解这些法网络的 工作中吸取 了许多经验教训,尤其是拥有强有力的立法框架、有 [...]
效的边境管制和执法机构以及保护我们管辖地区的 善治的重要性。
We have learned much about what works in combating and
[...] disrupting these illicit networks, not least the [...]
importance of robust legislative frameworks,
effective border and law enforcement institutions, and good governance for protecting our jurisdictions.
提 及的因素包括:(a)东道国政府的大力支助和其他成员国的更多支
[...] 助;(b)与相关联合国机构和国际组织的密切协作;(c)广阔的校友网 络和机构联系法网络。
Mention was made of: (a) the strong support of the host Government and the increased support from other member States; (b) the close collaboration with
United Nations agencies and international organizations;
[...] and (c) an extensive network of alumni and [...]
institutional contacts.
(d) 根据其他相关行动者各自的任务规定,在国际、区域和次区域各
[...] 级与其协调和协作,特别是与联合国预防犯罪和刑事 法网 络 各研究所和政 府间组织协调和协作,强调打击有组织犯罪和非法贩运毒品、贩运人口和偷 [...]
(d) Coordinating and collaborating with other relevant actors in accordance with their respective mandates, especially the institutes comprising
the United Nations crime prevention
[...] and criminal justice network and intergovernmental [...]
organizations at the international,
regional and subregional levels, emphasizing combating organized crime and illicit drug trafficking and trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, as well as illicit firearms trafficking;”.
。中心不断努力促进对根据投资争议解决中心《公约》、《规则》和《条例》解决 投资争议的广泛理解,以及进一步发展国际投 法 , 网 上 播 放举措也是中心这方面努力 的一部分。
The webcast initiative is also part of the Centre's continuing effort to promote a broader understanding of investment dispute
settlement under the ICSID Convention, Rules
[...] and Regulations, and to further the development of international investment law.
我们以提供广泛的英语课程加体育、文化和休闲课程而闻名,例如英语加高尔夫、下午茶、芳香 法 、 网 球 、 园艺、骑马、烹饪、舞蹈、插花及其他。
We are well known for our wide range of English plus sports, culture and leisure courses such as English plus golf, afternoon tea, aromatherapy, tennis, gardens, horse-riding, cookery, dancing, flower arranging, and others.
就本说明而言,如有必要根据 网上解决平台的技术和设计方面说明程序规则,而且如果此种说明将补充这些 规则,将采用网上解决机构准则的 法 ( “ 网 上 解决机构准则”)。
For the purposes of this Note, reference will be made to guidelines for ODR providers (“Guidelines for ODR providers”) where clarification of the procedural rules in view of technical and design aspects of the ODR platform are needed and where it would complement these rules.
执法机构尚未被纳入国家金伯利进程管理系统这一情况使金伯利制度容 易被掌握制造虚假文件技术的法网 络 滥 用,为在科特迪瓦违反制裁制度提供 便利。
The fact that law enforcement agencies have not been integrated into national KP administration
systems leaves KPCS susceptible of
[...] being misused by illicit networks that have mastered [...]
the art of producing fallacious documents,
hence facilitating violations of the sanctions regime in Côte d’Ivoire.
[...] 制止非法转让,更有效地管制出口,打击 法网 络 , 惩治为扩散供资以及减低恐怖 主义与大规模毁灭性武器串联在一起的风险。
If it is to be effective, our action against proliferation must also be based on resolute operational cooperation to obstruct illicit
transfers, control exports even more effectively,
[...] counter illegal networks, take punitive [...]
action against proliferation financing and
reduce the risk of a link-up between terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
更多的作为,它们要保证法网站无法 利用 其在线工具获取广告收入,或是无意中接受 法网 站 投 放 广告并从中获利。权利人仍在就这些领域与搜索引擎保持着磋 商,以期说服它们在数字经济领域承担起应有的社会责任。
the industry
[...] believes search engines could also do more to ensure that they do not generate advertising income for illegal sites through the use of their online tools, or inadvertently derive financial benefit from advertising placed by illegal sites. rights [...]
holders remain engaged
in discussions with search engines across all of these areas in an attempt to persuade them to be socially responsible actors in the digital economy. this is a top priority for music companies in 2013.




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