

单词 法援


法律援助 n

paralegal n

See also:


help v

External sources (not reviewed)

在区域一级,禁毒办的全球集装箱方案还通过在北非和西非提供 法援 助、 培训和能力建设来促进打击海上偷运移民活动。
At the regional level, the UNODC Global Container Programme also contributes to
combating the smuggling of migrants at sea
[...] by providing legislative assistance, training and [...]
capacity-building in North and West Africa.
(d) 政府當局應為僱員提供更多協助,以便他們在僱員補 償案件及僱主破產案件中獲法援。
(d) more assistance should be provided to
[...] employees in obtaining legal aid in employees' compensation [...]
cases and employer insolvency cases.
[...] 义务并非存在于真空之中,似乎有必要联系本专题为它提供一个框架,并赋予预 防、起诉、法援助和 执法方面的内容。
Since the duty did not exist in a vacuum what seemed essential was to provide a context for it in
relation to the topic, as well as content in aspects such as prevention,
[...] prosecution, judicial assistance and law enforcement.
这一协议规定的合作 涉及两国之间的广泛的对等的法援 助 , 例如,披露、交流和讨论情报、接受个 人口供和执行搜查和查封等。
Cooperation under this agreement involves
[...] extensive reciprocal enforcement assistance between the two [...]
countries, such as disclosing, exchanging
and discussing information, taking individual testimonies and executing searches and seizures.
这名专家指出,可通过与非政 府组织合作建立这类法援助制度。
The expert
[...] noted that such legal assistance regimes could [...]
be put in place in collaboration with NGOs.
正如早前所述法援署署 長行使在刑事案件規則第15(2)條之 下的酌情權,以決定是否豁法律援 助 申請人的經濟資格限額時,會按照 在英國實行已久的Widgery準則,評估豁免是否符合“司法公正”的原則。
As mentioned earlier, in exercising his discretion on whether to waive
[...] financial eligibility limit of a legal aid applicant under Rule 15(2) of the LACCR, the DLA would assess “interests of justice” against the Widgery [...]
which has a long history in the English practice.
关于申请法援助,商定的结果是消除氟氯烃配额的制定,因为 据报告,这是根据《最终淘汰管理计划》开展的活动之一。
On the request for assistance on legislation, it was agreed [...]
to remove the establishment of HCFC quotas as it is one of the
activities reported as achieved within the TPMP.
中国详细介绍 了通过立法决定和加强反恐工作的情况,包括为此参照中国已经加入的国际公约而 确定了有关恐怖主义活动、恐怖主义组织及其成员的法律定义;在预防和惩治经济 欺诈问题上采取多头出击的做法;在预防侵害儿童行为的犯罪和加强保护其权利方 面取得进展;推动开展打击腐败行为的国际合作;加强为有效打击跨国有组织犯罪 提供刑事法援助; 改进网上安全以加强预防和打击网络犯罪的能力;并修订相关 法规,法律援助的 范围从仅仅涉及审判阶段扩大至也包括审判前阶段以及嫌疑犯 可能面临无期徒刑的案件。
China elaborated on the adoption of legislative decisions and the strengthening of anti-terrorism efforts, including through the establishment of legal definitions of terrorist activities, organizations and their members by reference to the international conventions to which China had acceded; the adoption of a multi-pronged approach to the prevention and punishment of economic fraud; the progress made in the field of prevention of crimes against children and the strengthening of the protection of their rights; the promotion of international cooperation to combat
corruption; the
[...] strengthening of criminal justice assistance to combat transnational organized crime effectively; the improvement of online security to enhance capacity to prevent and combat cybercrime; and the amendment of legislation to extend the scope of legal aid from trials only [...]
to pretrial proceedings
and to cases where the suspect might face a sentence of life imprisonment.
国际合作,引渡和司法协助,包括为涉及移民劳工的案件提供 法援 助,有关于此的问题包括: (a) 各国当局以何种方式在涉及对移民、移民工人及其家人的暴力的犯罪 调查和起诉中利用国际合作?
(a) In what ways have national authorities used international cooperation in their investigations and prosecutions of crimes involving violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families?
(a) 制冷剂管理计划和最终淘汰管理计划提供的政策和 法援 助 的 费用,并虑及多 数国家已根据第 4B 条和《蒙特利尔修正》将氟氯烃纳入其立法。
(a) Cost
[...] of policy and legislation assistance provided under [...]
the RMP and TPMP, and considering that most countries have
included HCFC in their legislation pursuant to Article 4B and the Montreal Amendment.
法律承认受感染者在为获取各种社会服务和法援助过 程中有权获得尊重、尊严和平等对待。
This legislation thus confirms the right of persons affected by the pandemic
to respect, to dignity and to equal treatment in their efforts to
[...] obtain access to justice and various social [...]
实施药物管制条约的法援助是 使用预算 外资源提供的,并将需要加强毒品和犯罪问题办公室法律咨询方案(项目 [...]
GLO 900)的工作人员配置部分,以便提供这方面的服务。
Legislative assistance to implement the [...]
drug control treaties was being provided from extrabudgetary resources, and the
staffing component of the Legal Advisory Programme of UNODC (project GLO 900) would need to be reinforced for the provision of services in that field.
关于执行部分第 10 段所载请求,毒品和犯罪问题办公室将需要追加预算外 资源,用于在这方面提供法援助。
With regard to the request contained in operative
paragraph 10, UNODC would require additional extrabudgetary
[...] resources to provide legislative assistance in that context.
法律援助服局( 法援局)是 香港特区的法定机构,负责监督 法援 署 提供 的 法 律 援 助 服 务,并 法 律 援 助政 策向行政长官提供意见。
The Legal Aid Services Council is a statutory body that supervises the provision of legal aid services in HKSAR provided by LAD and to advise the Chief [...]
Executive on legal aid policy.
我 們 也 有 考 慮 到 按 條 件 收法 援 基 金 只 會 有 一 筆 數 額 有 限 的 撥 款 , 故 此 其 主 要 目 標 ( 尤 其 在 初 期 ) , 應 該 是 為 個 人 、 獨 資 經 營 者 和 合 夥 提 供 援 助 。
We have also taken into consideration the fact that the fund would have a limited endowment and the main thrust, especially at the initial stage, should be to lend assistance to individuals, sole proprietors and partnerships.
除了获得法援助之 外,在诉讼经费和 费用规则中出现了一些创新,例如法律费用保险,但并不普及。
Beyond the provision of legal aid, there are examples [...]
of innovation in litigation funding and fee rules — legal expenses
insurance, for one — but they are not widely available.
主要目的是让受害者获得法援助, 减少性别 暴力。
It is primarily aimed at increasing
[...] victims’ access to justice and reducing the [...]
incidents of gender-based violence.
所有澳门特区居民( 自然人和法人) 如证明自身不具备足够的财力来承担法 律费用,或承担全部或部分堂费,均有权获得 法援 助 , 援 助 的形式可以是法律 咨询法律援助。
All MSAR residents (individuals and legal persons) who demonstrate that they do not possess sufficient financial means to support legal fees or to support, in full or in part, court costs, are entitled, without discrimination, to legal assistance, which can either take the form of legal advice or legal aid.
即 使 按 條 件 收法 援 基 金 與 私 營 機 構 之 間 可 能 會 有 一 些 重 叠 的 地 方 , 但 預 計 兩 者 之 間 的 良 性 競 爭 , 很 可 能 會 提 高 法 律 服 務 的 效 率 和 質 量 。
Even if it is to be assumed that there may be some overlap between CLAF and the private sector, it is envisaged that healthy competition is likely to enhance the efficiency and qualify of legal services.
在答覆中,政府表示,就實施「強拍條例」後,土地審裁處已公布一份「實務指 示」,政府預期很快將會有客戶參與「調解先導計劃」,但若調解不成,會有需 要由土地審裁處作出仲裁,而小業主,尤其是長者業主,要與大地產商進行對辯 及提供樓宇市值評估數據特別困難,政府會否考慮提供專業援助,例如透過「支 援長者業主外展服務先導計劃」,協助提供市值估價資料,以及推薦 法 律 援助 署,就土地審裁處的審訊提法侓援 助 ,仿 如 法援 署 會 向精神健康覆核審裁處案 件及某些死因裁判研訊提法援?
Will the Government consider rendering professional assistance to these owners, for example through the Pilot Scheme on Outreach Support Service for Elderly Owners to help to provide them with information on the assessed market value of their properties, and referring them to the Legal Aid Department (LAD) to receive legal aid for Lands Tribunal proceedings, just as LAD provides legal aid for Mental Health Review Tribunal cases and certain cases in the Coroner's Court?
外 国人法》还承认外国人享有各种权利,包括:结社、集会、游行、罢工、免费法援助和受教育权利。
It also grants foreigners the fundamental rights of freedom of association,
assembly and demonstration, as well as the right to strike,
[...] the right to free legal assistance and the right to [...]
然而,最近世界知识产权组织在其网站上发表了一篇描述其有关《与贸易有关的知识产权 协议》和《多哈宣言》的法援助文 章,这有助于减轻上述的一些担忧。
However, very recently WIPO has
introduced a page on its website which
[...] describes the legislative assistance it provides [...]
in relation to TRIPS and the Doha Declaration.
2007-2008 年,政府向 620 个土著人提供法援助或 建议。
It had provided legal assistance or counselling [...]
to 620 indigenous persons during the period 2007-2008.
在 6 个国家中采用国际公认的民主标准的新闻立法, 加强与欧洲委员会、欧安组织、欧洲广播联盟和美洲 国家组织在提供新闻法援助方 面的合作。
Adoption of media legislation to internationally recognized democratic standards in six countries;
Strengthening of cooperation with the Council of Europe, OSCE, EBU and OAS
[...] in provision of assistance on media legislation.
文件的重点是下列领域切合实际并注重成效的 措施和技术援助活动:(a)立法援助和 法 律 起 草支助;(b)能力建设和培训;(c)技 术援助工具的开发;(d)国际合作;(e)研究和分析。
The focus of the document is on practical and result-oriented measures and technical assistance activities in the following areas: (a) legislative assistance and legal drafting support; (b) capacity-building and training; (c) development of technical assistance tools; (d) international cooperation; and (e) research and analysis.
为确保采用通盘考虑 和一致的法援助冲 突和冲突后区域的媒体,与各类组织制定的全面战略已在阿富汗、布隆 迪、刚果民主共和国、伊拉克、利比里亚、巴勒斯坦和卢旺达付诸实施。
The comprehensive strategy that has been developed with a broad spectrum of
organizations to secure a
[...] holistic and coherent approach to media assistance in conflict and [...]
postconflict areas has been put
into practice in Afghanistan, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Liberia, Palestine and Rwanda.
6.2 委员会注意到,按《任择议定书》第五条第2款(子)项和(丑) 项规定,同一 事件不在另一国际调查或解决程序审查之中,并已对可以运用的国内补救 法援 用无遗。
6.2 As required under article 5, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Optional Protocol, the Committee has ascertained that the same matter is not being examined under another procedure of international investigation or settlement, and that domestic remedies have been exhausted.
在这方面,原 子能机构、禁止化学武器组织和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办)等相关国
[...] 际专门机构应其各自成员国请求提供有针对性的 法援 助 , 是此类组织在促进执 行第 1540(2004)号决议方面所作的重大贡献。
In this regard the expertise of relevant specialized international organizations, such as IAEA, OPCW and the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime, in
[...] providing tailor-made legislative assistance to their respective [...]
member States upon the request
of the latter, is an important contribution by these organizations to facilitating implementation of resolution 1540 (2004).
[...] 作,贸易法委员会秘书处参与提供为实施公约各项条款所需要的技术援助,开 始时涉及如公约及其实施工作方面 法援 助 和咨询服务等中短期活动,但也包 括长期活动战略计划的制定。
An open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Technical Assistance is continuing its work, with the UNCITRAL Secretariat participating in the provision of technical assistance that will be required for implementing the Convention’s provisions, initially
regarding short- and mediumterm
[...] activities such as legislative assistance and advisory [...]
services regarding the Convention and
its implementation, but also including the development of a strategic plan for longer-term activities.




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