

单词 法律上

See also:


laws and decrees

External sources (not reviewed)

国家有义务消除法律上和事 实上的对妇女的歧视,并采取措施实现男女平 等。
States are obliged to eliminate both de jure and de facto [...]
discrimination against women and put in place measures to achieve
equality between men and women.
由于缺乏有关统一索马里国内立法与 《公约》的信息,这造成法律上的 模 糊。
The lack of information on the harmonization of
[...] national legislation of Somalia with the Convention creates legal ambiguity.
提供收入 壟斷機構亦須證明施行英國競爭法的禁止條文,將會 法律上或 事實上妨礙執行獲指派的特定工作。
A revenue-producing monopoly must also show that the application of the prohibitions of the domestic competition law would obstruct the performance, in law or in fact, of the particular tasks assigned to it.
律师就此提 出了一些建议,包括如下:如果 法律上 有 理 由实行审前 羁押,就应该照办,以保证受害人的安全;如果采取“较 为宽容的做法”,就应该保证各机构之间迅速交流信息;如 果较为宽容的措施受到违反,就应该立即实行羁押;违反 民法保护令的行为应被定为刑事犯罪。
The counsel made several recommendations in this regard, including the following: if there are legal grounds for [...]
pretrial detention they
should be applied to guarantee the safety of the victim; if “more lenient means” are applied, a swift information exchange between all agencies should be guaranteed; detention should be imposed immediately in the event that the more lenient measure is breached; and a breach of civil law protection orders should be made a criminal offence.
根据一致性原则,任何和所有的个人,作为自然人均因此拥有权利和义 务,或换言之作为法律主体本身、其相对人,或 法律上 均 拥 有同样尊严。
According to the principle of universality, any and all individuals, for the simple fact
of being natural persons, have rights and duties or, in other words, are
[...] subjects of, and to, law with the same dignity.
委员会敦促缔约国采取措施,处 法律上 没 有 父亲的人面临的问题,由于是 非婚生子女,他们受到各种法律,包括关于家庭生活、土地所有权和继承问题的 [...]
The Committee urges the State party to take measures to address the
[...] problems faced by the legally fatherless who, [...]
by virtue of having been born out of wedlock,
are negatively affected by various laws including the laws governing family life, land ownership and inheritance.
b. 结构与法律地位:中心将是一个 法律上 独 立 的实体,并可接受各国和国际机构提供 的财务、行政和技术支持。
(b) Structure and legal status: The centre will be an independent legal entity, allowing it to formalize the financial, administrative and technical support provided by national and international institutions.
[...] 表将特别强调研究报告中的三项最为重要建议,即在每一个国家制定关于暴 力侵害儿童问题的全面战略;在各国 法律上 明 确 禁止所有形式的暴力;强 化各国在这一方面的数据收集、分析和传播、研究等工作。
The report highlights the need to accelerate progress in key strategic areas and the special emphasis the Special Representative will place on three overarching recommendations of the study, namely the development in each State of a comprehensive strategy on
violence against children; the
[...] introduction of an explicit national legal ban on all forms [...]
of violence; and the consolidation
of national data collection, analysis and dissemination, and research in this field.
因此,正面区别对 待不仅法律上可接 受,而且是作为完全及实在地理解公平的必须措施。
Positive discrimination is therefore not only
[...] admissible under the law, but it is actually [...]
a required measure, as a corollary of
equality in its full substantive understanding.
(c) (如請求送達的是傳召證人出庭 的 傳票)一項承諾, 承 諾 被
[...] 送達傳票的人不得僅因拒絕或沒 有接收 該 傳票, 或拒絕或沒 有 遵守該 傳票的規定而遭 受 處 罰或上法 律 責任或於其他情況下法律上蒙 受不利。
(c) where the request is for the service of a summons to appear as a witness, an undertaking that the person on whom the summons is to be served shall not be subject
to any penalty or
[...] liability or otherwise prejudiced in law by reason only of the person's refusal or [...]
failure to accept or comply with the summons.
该代表进 一步指出法律上的平 等和事实上的平等之间的差距,以及处理对妇女的 [...]
The representative further pointed to
[...] the gap between de jure and de facto equality [...]
and the need to address legal discrimination
against woman and underscored the importance of the establishment of a new gender entity in the United Nations.
防范机制可发挥作用,确保这类保障措施实际执 行并产生效果,同时提出建议 法律上 和 实 践中改善保障制度,从而改善被剥夺 [...]
It is the role of preventive mechanisms to ensure that such safeguards are actually in place and operating effectively and to make
recommendations to improve the system of
[...] safeguards, both in law and in practice, [...]
and thereby the situation of persons deprived of their liberty.
会议主席请发言者在发言时重点讨论与文化财产定罪有关的以下具体问 题:(a)国家一级提供统计数据的情况;(b)在贩运文化财产方面的专门立法情况 以及在拟订具法律上所可 能遇到的挑战;(c)对贩运文化财产实施强有力的惩 处;(d)针对具体利害攸关者或部门的惩处;(e)举证责任倒置的问题;(f)对非法 [...]
The Chair of the meeting invited speakers to focus their contributions on the following specific issues regarding the criminalization of cultural property: (a) the availability of statistical data at the national level;
(b) the existence of
[...] specific legislation on trafficking in cultural property and potential challenges in developing specific legislation; (c) the imposition [...]
of strong penalties
for trafficking in cultural property; (d) the existence of penalties directed at specific stakeholders or sectors; (e) the question of reversing the burden of proof; (f) criminal law measures criminalizing those requesting and purchasing illicit cultural property; and (g) the use of new technologies in the fight against trafficking in cultural property and the criminalization of such use when done for illicit purposes.
在深入学习及其后的重量是Haggada放在内容的解释,即 法律上 不 包 括教义(民俗,传说,历史回忆,道德和教学法等),其中那户大,谁的目的是制定一个法典采取了很少或没有考虑。
In the profound study and explanation of its contents much weight was
placed upon the Haggada, ie the doctrines not
[...] included in the law (folklore, legends, [...]
historic recollections, ethics and didactics,
etc.), of which Jehuda, who aimed to draw up a code of laws had taken little or no account.
(e) 在家庭和其他环境禁止一切形式的体罚,确保 法律上 有 效执行现有 的禁止规定,包括进行提高认识的宣传和开展以积极和非暴力方式抚育儿童的公 [...]
(e) To end all forms of corporal punishment in the home and other
settings by ensuring effective implementation
[...] of the existing legislative prohibition, including [...]
through awareness-raising campaigns
and public education promoting positive and non-violent child-rearing.
相关立法还对贩毒者和吸毒者进行 法律上 的区 分,并严厉禁止资助毒品贩运。
The relevant legislation also established a legal distinction [...]
between drug traffickers and drug addicts and severely punished
the financing of drug trafficking.
成员国有道义法律上的义 务继 续提出共享自然资源问题,直到以色列不再剥削巴 勒斯坦的资源并为其非法行为造成的损失赔偿巴勒 [...]
It was a moral and legal obligation of Member [...]
States to continue raising the issue of shared natural resources until Israel
ceased exploiting Palestinian resources and compensated the Palestinian people for the losses that had resulted from its illegal practices.
同 樣 , 在 安 大 略 省 , 加 拿 大 樞 密 院 或 安 大 略 省 行 政 局 的 每 一 名 議 員 、 加 拿 大 參 議 院 或 眾 議 院 或 立 法 議 會 的 每 名 議 員 、 每 名 法 官 及 每 名 太 帄 紳 士 、 每 名 大 律 師 及 事 務 律 師 及 每 名 見 習 律 師 、 每 名法 律 上 合 資 格 並 正 在 執 業 的 醫 生 及 獸 醫 、 每 名 死 因 裁 判 官 、 每 名 執 法 者 , 包 括 治 安 官 、 任 何 感 化 院 的 院 長 、 監 獄 或 懲 教 機 構 或 拘 留 所 的 監 督 、 獄 卒 或 看 守 人 、 治 安 人 員 、 警 務 人 員 、 消 防 員 及 法 院 人 員 等 , 均 沒 有 資 格 出 任 陪 審 員 。
Similarly, in Ontario, every member of the Privy Council of Canada or the Executive Council of Ontario, every member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Assembly, every judge and every justice of the peace, every barrister and solicitor and every student-at-law, every legally qualified medical practitioner and veterinary surgeon who is actively engaged in practice and every coroner, every person engaged in the enforcement of law, including sheriffs, wardens of any penitentiary, superintendents, jailers or keepers of prisons, correctional institutions or lockups, sheriff's officers, police officers, firefighters and officers of a court of justice, etc, are ineligible to serve as jurors.
两位特别报告员的意见在委员会内部得到颇多支持,如同最终通过的第 19
条草案评注所述,委员会面临在两种解决办法中选择其一:“(a) 不将任何带有
[...] 新保留的继承通知视为真正的继承文书,而是 法律上 将 其 视为加入处理;或 (b) 承认该通知具有继承性质,但同时对其适用有关保留的法律规则,就好比是 [...]
The view of the two Special Rapporteurs prevailed in the Commission, which, as indicated in the commentary to draft article 19 as finally adopted, had a choice between two alternatives: “(a) to decline to regard any notification of succession made subject to new
reservations as a true instrument of succession
[...] and to treat it in law as a case of accession, [...]
or (b) to accept it as having the
character of a succession but at the same time apply to it the law governing reservations as if it were a wholly new expression of consent to be bound by the treaty”.
委员会建议缔约国进一步修正《家庭法》,确保将一夫多妻制列为非法行为,取 消婚姻监护人的法律要求,法律上 毫 无 例外地承认一穆斯林妇女和一非穆斯林 男子之间的婚姻。
The Committee recommends that the State party further revise the Family Code to ensure that polygamy is outlawed, that the legal requirement of the institution of the marital guardian is abolished and that a marriage concluded between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is fully recognized by law without exception.
(d) 在法律上和实践中,确保缔约国移徙工人及其家庭成员,包括身份不 [...]
正常的人员,都能作为公民有平等的机会提出申诉,在法院获得有效补救,了解 其他可以援用的补救办法。
(d) Ensure that, in law and in practice, [...]
migrant workers and members of their families in the State party, including those
in an irregular situation, have equal opportunities as nationals to file complaints and obtain effective redress in the courts and that they have access to information about other available remedies.
他 們 認 為 , 如 果 此 舉 引 致 削 弱 收 取 利 息 的 權 利 , 或 者 造 成 前 後 矛 盾 , 則 可 制 訂 法 例 條 文 , 規 定 債 務 人 在 法 庭 行 使 暫 停 權 之 前 須 證 明 本 身 有 苦 況 , 作法 律 上 的 補 救 方 法 。
They suggested that if that has the effect of diluting the entitlement to interest or of producing inconsistency this could be remedied by a provision requiring the debtor to show hardship before the power to suspend could be exercised.
[...] 不管是通过電話,信件,電傳或者互聯網, 在法律上如下束縛您和您的繼承者, 受讓人, 承買人和代表: [...]
當您從WWTC定购或購買商品時, 您是在合法年龄購買并且商品可以在您居住的州並且/或者城市被購買和擁有。
Your purchase of WWTC Merchandise, whether in person, by telephone,
by mail, by fax, or
[...] over the Internet, legally binds you and your [...]
heirs, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives as follows: When you order and purchase
Merchandise from WWTC, you represent that you are of legal age to purchase the Merchandise ordered and that the Merchandise can be purchased and owned in your state, county, and/or city of residence.
委员会重申其立场,认为应法律上 充 分落实《公约》各项权利,并按照关于在 国内应用《公约》问题的第9 号一般性意见,敦促缔约国采取必要措施,确保法律上落实 《公约》各项条款,并对侵犯经济、社会、文化权利的受害者给予有 效补救。
The Committee reiterates its position
that all the
[...] Covenant rights are fully justiciable and urges the State party to take the necessary measures, in line with its general comment No. 9 on the domestic application of the Covenant, to ensure that the provisions of the Covenant are made justiciable [...]
and that effective remedies
are available to victims of violations of economic, social and cultural rights.
在我看来,政治问题并非一些人优先关注的问 题,这些人的目的在于火上浇油,制造危机,公然企 图转移国际社会对以下情况的注意力,那就是,国
[...] 际和区域上广泛反对国际刑事法院(国际刑院)对苏 丹国家、政府和人民采取的法律上 和 政 治上都存 在问题的做法。
It seems to me that the political track is not a priority for some people who are seeking to fan the flames and invent crises in an open attempt to divert the international community’s attention from the
broad international and regional
[...] rejection of the legally and politically flawed approach adopted [...]
by the so-called International
Criminal Court (ICC) against the Sudanese State, Government and people.
由于中心法律上有别 于教科文组织,因此,本组织对中心既不承担其法律责任,也 不承担其它任何义务,不论是财务管理还是其它性质的义务,但本协定有明确规定的除外。
As the Centre is legally separate from UNESCO, [...]
the latter shall not be legally responsible for it and shall bear no liabilities
of any kind, be they financial or otherwise, with the exception of the provisions expressly laid down in this Agreement.
注重的焦点将设定为 政府可执行哪些政策,法律上帮助 穷人形成力量,增进数十亿非正式工人及企 [...]
Focus will be set on policies that governments
[...] may implement to legally empower the poor, [...]
and enhance the capacity of billions of
informal workers and entrepreneurs to fully benefit from and contribute to the market economy.
(k) 對已簽立文件之提述包括以親筆或印鑑或電子簽署或任何其 法律 上可接受之方式簽立之文件之提述,而對通告或文件之提述包括任何 [...]
以數碼、電子、磁力或其他可取用形式或媒介紀錄或儲存之通告或文 件及不論是否實質存在之可見資料。
(k) references to a document being executed include references to it being executed under hand or
under seal or by electronic signature
[...] or by any other legally acceptable method [...]
and references to a notice or document include
a notice or document recorded or stored in any digital, electronic, electrical, magnetic or other retrievable form or medium and information in visible form whether having physical substance or not.




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