

单词 法庭聆讯

See also:

法庭 n

court n
tribunal n
Tribunal n


hearing (law)


court of law

External sources (not reviewed)

此举可确保无行为能力的人不会因为无人愿意以诉讼保护人或 诉讼监护人的身份法庭聆讯中代 表他们而无法寻求公义。
This is to ensure that a person under disability will not be denied access to justice simply because no one is willing to act as his next friend/guardian ad litem in court proceedings.
大多数乘客仍然拒绝签署驱逐文件,一些人决心经法庭聆讯来确 认驱逐,从而证实程序的合法性。
Most passengers were continuing to refuse to sign deportation documents and some were
determined to make a point
[...] about the legality of the process by insisting on a court hearing to confirm the [...]
关于儿童权利,该代表团表示,除了上述立法外,冈比亚有专 法庭 ,聆 讯涉及 儿童的案件,正努力将其推广到全国各地。
Regarding children’s rights, the delegation
stated that, in
[...] addition to the legislation cited above, the Gambia had special courts to hear cases [...]
involving children
and was working to expand them across the country.
[...] 令拘留的机构;任何命令或请求的就诊;任何离开( 如参法庭聆讯) 和返 回拘留 地点的日期和时间;转移到其他拘留地点或释放的日期和时间,进行这种转移或 [...]
The following basic information should be included, at a minimum, and updated daily: the precise date and time of arrival of each detainee in the prison; the legal reasons for their deprivation of liberty and the authority which ordered the detention; any medical visit which was ordered or requested; the date and time of any
removal from detention (for example in the
[...] framework of a court hearing) and return [...]
to the place of detention; the date and
time of the transfer to another place of detention or release, and the authority for this transfer or release; and information about the identity of the detainee, including the detainee’s signature and that of the person responsible for any transfer or release.
2005年6 月,计划推展至适用于法庭聆讯前 未被羁留在经宪报公布的 收容所,且由警方直接向少年法庭申请照顾保护令的儿童及少年,以及相当可能 [...]
The Scheme was extended in June
2005 to cover children and juveniles
[...] taken to the juvenile court directly by the Police [...]
for the application for care or protection
orders without any period of detention in a gazetted place of refuge before the court hearing, and children and juveniles likely to be detained in a gazetted place of refuge on the recommendation of a social worker of the SWD.
( 如参法庭聆讯) 和返 回拘留地点的日 期和时间;转移到其他拘留地点或释放的日期和时间,进行这种转移或释放的机 构;以及关于被拘留者身份的信息,其中包括被拘留者的签名和负责转移或释放 的人的签名。
the date and time of any removal from detention (for example in the framework of a court hearing) and return [...]
to the place of detention;
the date and time of the transfer to another place of detention or release, and the authority for this transfer or release; and information about the identity of the detainee, including the detainee’s signature and that of the person responsible for any transfer or release.
K.B. 既没有到 Naestved 地区法院也没有在上诉时到丹麦东部高 法 院 出 庭聆讯。
Furthermore, a number of witnesses and defendants, such as defendant K.B., did not appear at the hearing before the District Court of Naestved, nor on appeal before the High Court of Eastern Denmark.
对违法儿童法庭审理和其聆讯应 闭 门进行。
The court and other hearings of a child in conflict with the law should be conducted behind closed doors.
缔约国称,提交人被告知最法院开 庭聆讯 , 但不知是何原因,他 没有出席。
The State party claimed that the author was advised
[...] of the Supreme Court hearing but for unknown [...]
reasons he failed to appear.
但是,如果法院认为 被告必须亲自庭,则 应根据控方的要求重新传讯被告 聆讯 的 日期 由 法 院 确 定。
However, if the court considers it necessary that the defendant
appear in person, the district
[...] prosecutor then issues a new summons to the defendant to appear at a hearing on a date set by the court.
委员会注意到,缔约国认为,既法官 对一个人聆讯结果证明不在法官 的 管辖权范围内,说明提交人求助的司法机 构不适当。
The Committee further notes that, according to the
State party, the
[...] author has not referred the case to the competent legal authorities because raising a matter during a hearing before a [...]
judge does not represent
seizure of that matter by the competent judicial authority.
此法律规定了人身 保护令程序,即立即释放任何未经 法 当 局 聆讯 以 决 定逮捕合法性及是否逮捕而 被非法拘禁的人。
This Law regulates the Habeas Corpus procedure that orders the
immediate disposal of
[...] any person illegally detained before a judicial authority , to hear such person [...]
and decide on the
legality of arrest and to maintain the arrest or not.
139(1) 条规定设立国家公务员法庭,有权 聆讯 和 裁 定国家公 务员的申诉,但不影响诉诸法庭的权利。
To protect civil servants, article 139
[...] (1) of the Constitution provides for the establishment of a national justice chamber for civil servants that has jurisdiction to hear and decide [...]
grievances of national
civil servants, without prejudice to the right of recourse to the courts.
司法機 構計劃利用該法庭聆訊民 事案件,以紓緩區域法院/家事法 庭內的法庭所承受的壓力。
The Judiciary's plan was to make use of these courtrooms for hearing civil cases to alleviate pressure on the courtrooms in the District [...]
Court/Family Court premises.
/ 或证人的作用,进行“讯问”的方 式,在提出申诉以及参与调查法庭 诉 讼 时是否已有支助机制 聆讯 的 特 定场所 和时间,保护措施的有效性,得到赔偿的可能性以及关于上诉的规定。
The right of the child victim and witness is also linked to the
right to be informed
[...] about issues such as availability of health, psychological and social services, the role of a child victim and/or witness, the ways in which “questioning” is conducted, existing support mechanisms in place for the child [...]
when submitting a complaint
and participating in investigations and court proceedings, the specific places and times of hearings, the availability of protective measures, the possibilities of receiving reparation, and the provisions for appeal.
為了能夠增調這些司法資源予區域法 院及家事法庭,我們現時使用了土地審裁處及勞資審裁處內的 民法庭,以聆訊區域法院的案件。
To enable us to deploy such judicial resources at the District Court and Family Court level, we
are making use of civil court rooms in both
[...] the Lands Tribunal and Labour Tribunal premises to hear District Court cases.
一如上文第9(b)段所載,在經擴大的輔助計劃之下,就 第 II類法律程序(即與勞資審裁處上訴有關的民事法律程序以外 的新訂民事法律程序類別及有關專業疏忽申索的現行民 法律 程 序類別而言),其最終分擔費用比率為20%;凡申索在審訊或 聆訊開始日期之前或(如有委聘大律師) 在向大律師送交在審訊聆訊中出庭的委 聘書之前已達致和解者,則最終分擔費用比 率為15%。
As set out in paragraph 9(b) above, under the expanded SLAS, the rate of final contribution for Type II proceedings (i.e. the new types of civil proceedings
apart from those
[...] relating to Labour Tribunal appeals and existing types of civil proceedings for professional negligence claims) is 20% or 15% if the claim is settled before the date of commencement of the trial or the hearing, or if counsel [...]
is engaged, before
the delivery a brief to counsel for attendance at the trial or the hearing.
同時,部分人士已申請法律援助,並 已獲延長在港逗留的期限,以等 法庭聆 訊 居 留權訴訟所得的結果。
At the same time, some had also
applied for legal aid and had their stay in Hong Kong extended pending the
[...] outcome of the court hearing on ROA litigations.
此外,根據《立法會條例》第 72 條(附件D),如原法庭 在聆訊選 舉呈請時,裁定本已被宣布在選舉中當選議員的人並非 妥為選出,而同時也沒有其他人妥為選出,則其議員席位自該項 [...]
Moreover, under section 72 of the LCO (Annex
[...] D), if on the hearing of an election petition, the CFI determines [...]
that a person who was originally declared
to have been elected as a Member at an election was not duly elected, and that no other person was duly elected, the person’s office as a Member becomes vacant from the date of determination.
决议没有说明该建议是针对设立 索马里新法庭、在现有的索马法庭 内 设 立新的特别庭、还是发展拥聆讯海盗 案件管辖权的索马法 庭内现有巡回裁判庭的能力。
The resolution does not specify whether the recommendation concerns
the establishment of
[...] new Somali courts, the establishment of new specialized chambers within existing Somali courts or the development of the capacity of the existing assize sections within Somali courts, which have [...]
jurisdiction to hear piracy cases.
人力厅目前的工作重点是处理完积压的大量惩戒和申诉案件,并在新的内 部司法系统中代表行政当局,出席联合国争 法庭 的 听 讯。
The Office is focused on clearing the significant backlog of disciplinary cases and appeals and on representing the
Administration in hearings before the United
[...] Nations Dispute Tribunal, in the context of the new administration of justice system.
于有关收回任何催缴到期款项的任何诉讼或其 法 律 程 序的 讯 或聆 讯中, 根据该等细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一位持有人记录于股东名 [...]
册,作出催缴的董事会决议案正式记录于董事会的会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式 发给被起诉的股东,即属证明被起诉股东名称的足够证据;且毋须证明作出催缴的
董事的委任,亦毋须证明任何其他事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债具决定性的 证据。
On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the [...]
recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient
to prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
关于一个法庭认为只部 分履行的请求,克罗地亚进行了广泛大量的调查工作, 讯法庭 同 意 克罗地亚: 不可能核实所涉文件存在的可定性。
Concerning the one request that the Tribunal considered to have been only partially fulfilled, Croatia had made extensive
investigative efforts,
[...] and the Trial Chamber concurred with Croatia that it was impossible to verify [...]
with certainty the existence of the documents concerned.
检方小组和辩方小组在讯前对法律 问 题进行了讨论,以 庭 中 出现争议 问题前集中加以审议和解决,并通过申请和/或来函方式解决诸多问题,以确保庭时间用于举证。
The Prosecution and Defence teams engage
in pre-hearing
[...] discussions of legal issues to focus and resolve contentious matters before they are raised in court, and deal with many issues by way of filings and/or correspondence to ensure that court time is used for [...]
the taking of evidence.
司法機構亦已擬定應變計劃, 必要時會增聘暫委區域法院法官,並安排他們於裁判法院法 庭聆訊區 域法院案件,從而可調撥區域法院部 法庭 資 源 聆訊 家法庭案件。
The Judiciary had also made contingency plans to engage additional deputy District Court Judges to hear District Court cases using courtrooms at the Magistrates' Courts if needed, thereby some courtroom resources in the District Court might be deployed for hearing Family Court cases.
[...] 料數量而獲付按小時計算的“閱讀費用”,其他聆訊前準 備工作將獲支付按數個小時( 有待指定) 計算的“準備費 用”,而每法庭聆訊則會獲支付法庭聆訊日費 用”。
As for solicitors, there will be a “reading fee” to be payable every hour, depending on the volume of material to be read, a “preparation fee” for each
stretch of hours (to be specified) of other pre-trial
[...] preparation, and a “court hearing day fee” for each court hearing day.
為保障 並 非 法律程序一方的有關人士的 利益,當局 建議 在《高院規則》第 62號 命令加 入
新 的 第 6A條規則,以訂明 法庭/ 法院 在 考慮是 否 作出該 項 命令時,必須為訟費的目的而將 並 非 法律程序一
[...] 方的人 加 入 成為法律程序的一方,而該人必須有機 會出席聆訊,聆 訊 上 由 法庭/ 法院進一步考慮有關事宜 。
To safeguard the interests of the non-party concerned, it is proposed to add a new rule 6A to Order 62 of the RHC to provide that where the Court is considering whether to make such an order, the person who is not a party to the proceedings must be joined as a party to the proceedings for the purposes of costs,
and that person must be given an opportunity
[...] to attend a hearing at which the Court should consider the [...]
matter further.
副秘書長(庫務)回應時表示,港燈的個案將 由上法庭聆訊, 處理退款的安排須視乎上訴法庭 [...]
的裁決和有關政策局與港燈就《管制計劃協議》所 作的討論而定。
DS(Tsy) responded that HEC's case would
[...] be heard by the Court of Appeal, and [...]
the arrangement regarding the handling of the
refunded amounts was subject to the Court of Appeal's judgment and discussion between the relevant Government Bureau and HEC in the context of the Scheme of Control Agreement.
据称,由于尼泊尔军队拒绝移交这四名军官,拒绝按照 要求提交包括军事调法庭讯问人 员的供述记录在内的档案,因此民事法院的案 件受理工作被推迟。
It is alleged that the case in the civil court is being delayed due to the fact that the Nepalese Army refused to hand over any of the four officers and submit the files containing the statements of the people interviewed by the Military Court of Inquiry as requested.
6.4 委员会注意到,提交人向法官揭露了自己及堂兄弟遭受的酷刑以及两位堂兄 弟失踪的事件,而且是 2002 年 10 月 15 日第一次庭聆讯,即被捕三周后,便 已告法官;法官回 复,开展关于酷刑的调查属于检察官的职责;此次聆讯后, 检察官并未涉足此案。
6.4 The Committee notes that the author denounced the acts of torture to which he and his two cousins had allegedly been subjected, as well as the disappearance of his two cousins, to the judge when he was first brought before him on 15 October 2002, three weeks after his arrest; that the judge replied that it was the responsibility of the public prosecutor to open an inquiry into torture allegations; and that the case was never referred to the public prosecutor.




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