

单词 法医学

法医学 ()


See also:

法医 adj

forensic adj
medico-legal adj

法医 pl

forensics pl


forensic investigator
forensic detective


medical science
study of medicine

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 第 12 条的规定应根据不同的情况适用于所保存的被用以 法医学 [ 或民事和刑事 诉讼或其它法律诉讼 ] 生成人类基因数据的生物样本。
(b) The provisions of Article 12 should apply mutatis mutandis to stored biological samples used to produce human genetic data for forensic medicine [...]
[or in civil and criminal
proceedings or other legal proceedings].
表示支持毒品和犯罪问题办公室在发展 学 和 法医学 服 务方 面以及具体法医学证件 检查领域的工作。
Support was expressed for the work of UNODC in the
[...] development of scientific and forensic services in general and, specifically, in the area of forensic document [...]
它检讨了法医专门知识的协调情况,并就加强全 法医学 服 务 的创新方 式提出了建议。
It examines the coordination of forensic expertise and suggests innovative ways of
[...] enhancing forensic science services worldwide.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室继续支 持该网络,其中包括使它在 2011 年成功加入国法医学战略联盟。
UNODC continued its support to the
Network, including for its successful admission to membership of the
[...] International Forensic Strategic Alliance [...]
in 2011.
(d) 在 2003 年政府与非政府失踪人员及其家属问题研究专家国际会议结束 后,为了促进并帮助落实会议 法医学 及 人 体遗骸问题相关的建议,红十字委员 会立即建立了自己法医学服务机构。
(d) Immediately after the 2003 international conference of governmental and non-governmental experts on the missing and
their families, ICRC
[...] established its own forensic services in order to promote and help support the implementation of the recommendations from the Conference related to forensic sciences and human remains.
(b) 第 12
[...] 条的规定应根据不同的情况适用于所保存的被用以 法医学 生 成 人类基因 数据的生物样本。
(b) The provisions of Article 12 should apply mutatis mutandis to stored biological samples used to produce
[...] human genetic data for forensic medicine.
第 12 条:为法医或在民事、刑事和其它法律诉讼中采集生物样本 在法医学或因 民事、刑事和其它法律诉讼的需要,包括亲子鉴定,而采集人类基因 数据时,只有在符合与国际人权法精神一致的国家法规法规定的情况下,方可要求进行活体 或尸体生物样本的采集。
When human genetic data are collected for the purposes of forensic medicine or in civil, criminal and other legal proceedings, including parentage testing, requests for the collection of biological samples, in vivo or post-mortem, should be made only in accordance with national legislation or regulation, consistent with the international law of human rights.
报告还表明了提高认识和加法医学 服 务提供者与科学家之间的合作的重要 性,并提出了更加普遍法医学中的 协同领域,以确保更有效地交流世界各地法医学专门知识和信息。
The report also demonstrates the importance of increased
awareness and
[...] collaboration among forensic science service providers and scientists and suggests areas of synergy in forensic science more generally to ensure a more effective exchange of forensic science expertise and information [...]
64/182 号决议通过了
[...] 《关于开展国际合作以综合、平衡战略应对世界毒品问题的政治宣言和行动计 划》(A/64/92-E/2009/98,第二.A 节),其中强调,“在通过研究科学证据以加深 对问题的认识以及共享经验法医学 数 据和信息的基础上,继续并持之以恒地 在国家、区域和国际范围内作出努力至关重要,有助于防止前体和其他国际管 制物质转用于非法生产和制造麻醉药品和精神药物,包括苯丙胺类兴奋剂”。
In the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem (A/64/92-E/2009/98, sect. II.A), adopted during the high-level segment of the fifty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/182, it is emphasized
that “continued and
[...] persistent national, regional and international efforts based on improved understanding of the problem through the examination of scientific evidence and the sharing [...]
of experiences,
forensic data and information are essential to preventing the diversion of precursors and other substances under international control that are used in the illicit production and manufacturing of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including amphetamine-type stimulants”.
[...] 这种合作在法医领域采取不同的形式,包括技术援助活动、跨国界行动、交换 法证数据和承法医学服务 提供者与区域组织的互补作用,以及在促进采取全 [...]
Combating transnational organized crime requires international cooperation, which in the forensic field takes different forms, including technical assistance activities,
cross-border operations, the exchange of forensic data and recognition of the complementary
[...] role of forensic science providers and regional [...]
as well as of bilateral efforts in promoting a comprehensive and cost-effective approach.
将 界定该战略联盟在使用创新协作方式倡导实施国际公认 法医学 质 量 标准和推 进法医领域国际合作中的牵头作用。
The leading role of the Alliance in advocating the implementation of internationally
accepted quality
[...] standards in forensic science and advancing international cooperation in the forensic field by using innovative ways of collaboration [...]
will be defined.
它们的作 用对于下述领域尤其关键:基础研究(更好地认识人类基因组演变过程及其与环境之间的互
[...] 庭面对的健康风险(包括对某些病理现象致病机率或基因预定的预测性测试) 法医学 和法 律( 尤其是在民事诉讼法方面的应用,例如血缘亲子关系测定,或者是在刑事诉讼法方面的 [...]
In particular, it is essential for basic research (improved knowledge of the evolution of the human genome and its interaction with the environment); applied biomedical research (for example in pharmacogenetics; epidemiological research; knowledge of the health risks run by a person or family (including tests to determine susceptibility
or genetic predisposition to certain
[...] diseases); forensic science and the judicial [...]
system (particularly in civil court proceedings,
for example to identify a parent, and criminal proceedings, for example to identify a criminal).
检察官本人也有权进行调 查,这就需要接受调查法医学技能 培训。
Prosecutors also have the power to carry out investigations themselves, which requires training
[...] in investigatory and forensic skills.
据国法医学和法证科 学研究所提供的资料,只有 5%(128 宗)此类严重侵犯行为的案 情和犯罪者被记录在案,其中 97 宗涉及到 [...]
2009 年和 2010 年被杀害的儿童,而 该研究所将这些儿童被害的特点归结为“社会政治暴力”的结果。
According to the National
[...] Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, the circumstances [...]
and perpetrators of such
grave violations were documented in only 5 per cent (128) of cases, of which 97 involved children killed in 2009 and 2010 as a result of what the Institute characterized as “sociopolitical violence”.
自治妇女中心法医学研究 所合作,编写了一份家庭暴力登记表,作为卫生部制 定标准表格的基础。
The Autonomous Women’s Centre prepared
a form for recording domestic violence in cooperation with the
[...] Institute of Forensic Medicine which served [...]
as a basis for the
development of a standard form by the Ministry of Health.
(b) 促进加强国家同相关组织的合作,以便普遍地应 法医学 , 特 别是在 调查侵权行为时应法医遗传 学,并加强国际合作,促进国家同这些组织交流与 这一领域相关的经验,因为这些经验将有助于身分鉴定工作,也有助于找到已离 [...]
(b) To promote enhanced cooperation
between States
[...] and organizations in the use of forensic sciences in general and forensic genetics in particular [...]
in the investigation
of such violations, greater international cooperation to promote exchange of information between States and organizations with relevant experience in this area which would facilitate identification and help locate victims’ relatives who have moved away from their places of origin and need to be contacted
为了提供追查失踪人员的有效 搜索和鉴别工具,格鲁吉亚采用 法医学 方 面的现代方法,包括 DNA 技术的使用。
With a view to providing effective search and identification tools for
the tracing of missing persons, modern methods in
[...] the field of forensic sciences, including the [...]
use of DNA, are widely used in Georgia.
行动计划》吁请会员国加强药物管制机构、海关当局和警察当局之间交流高 质量的可法医学信息 的框架,包括酌情通过联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室法医学实验室进行此种交流。
The Plan of Action calls on Member States to enhance frameworks for the
exchange of high-quality
[...] and reliable forensic information among drug control agencies, customs authorities and police authorities, including, when appropriate, through the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) forensic laboratory.
虽然没有提法医学服务 的单一模式,但这种服务需 要成为国家药物管制和预防犯罪的结构和战略的组成部分。
Although there is no single model for
[...] the provision of forensic science services, such [...]
services need to form an integral
part of the national drug control and crime prevention structure and strategy.
小组委员会建议通过确保进行独立、迅速和彻底的调查,确保提供医疗和 心理意见的专业人士来自具有独立性质 法医学 研 究 所,而且按照适用的司法审 查标准在诉讼程序的相关阶段,承认独立专家的证词,以加强执行《伊斯坦布尔 议定书》。
The Subcommittee recommends strengthening the implementation of the Istanbul Protocol by ensuring independent, prompt and thorough investigations and by ensuring that the professionals who render medical and psychological opinions belong to forensic medicine institutes with demonstrated independence and that independent expert testimony be admitted at relevant stages of legal proceedings in accordance with the applicable criteria for judicial examination.
[...] 者服务人员和倡导者、执法人员、法院、管教官员 法医学 家 , 以及法律、卫生 和教育专业人员,并且,这样的应对措施要避免再度伤害,要增强受害者的权 [...]
Recognizes that effective protection requires comprehensive, integrated, coordinated multisectoral approaches involving multiple stakeholders, including women’s organizations, religious and community leaders, youth, men and boys, victim service workers and advocates, law enforcement
personnel, the judiciary, corrections
[...] officials and forensic scientists, as well as [...]
legal, health and education professionals,
and that such responses should avoid re-victimization, be empowering to the victim, be evidence-based and culturally sensitive, and integrate the specific and differentiated needs of women and girls who face multiple, intersecting and aggravated forms of discrimination
因此,必须进一步分析在不属于预防犯罪的范畴内更普遍地应 法医学特 别是法医遗传学的做法对人权的影响。
It is necessary, therefore, to further analyse the impact on human rights of the use of forensics and especially forensic genetics more generally, outside the crime prevention context.
信息交换方面的障碍,并制定更加有效的分享进程。此外,加拿大目前担 任司法快速应对机构的主席,这是一个能够迅速部署刑事司法专家的政府间实 体,成员多法医学家,该实体 法医学 家 开 设培训课程。
In addition, Canada is currently chairing Justice Rapid Response, an intergovernmental entity that is able to rapidly deploy to active duty criminal justice experts, many of whom are forensic scientists, and which offers a training programme for forensic scientists.
铭记以传统的法医方法有效搜寻和识别失踪人员,认识到 DNA 法医学技术 已 取得重大进展,这种技术特别有助于识别失踪人员的工作
Bearing in mind the effective search for and identification of missing persons through traditional forensic methods, and recognizing that great
technological progress has been achieved in the
[...] field of DNA forensic sciences, which could significantly [...]
assist efforts to identify missing persons
(c) 地方有效法医学能力,包括专 法医学 团 队 ,可采取更加有效的方式 为受害人家属及其社区服务,因为他们说话的语言、所处的文化相同或相似,而 且通常与受害人或其家属有相似的经历,都有加强本国法治建设的强烈使命感。
(c) Effective local forensic capacity, including specialized forensic teams, may serve the families of the victims and their communities in more effective ways because they speak the language, are from the same or a similar culture, have often lived through comparable experiences and often have a strong commitment to improving the rule of law in their countries — they are also better positioned for regional cooperation
在美国,从黄石国家公园一个温泉里收集 到的水生栖热菌在临床测试法医学 和 癌 症研究中 都很有用,并且有助于检测导致 AIDS 的病毒。
In the United
[...] States, the bacterium Thermus aquaticus, collected from a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park, is useful in clinical testing, forensics, cancer research [...]
and in helping
to detect the virus causing AIDS.
参加研讨会的有来自贝 宁、布基纳法索、佛得角、科特迪瓦、加纳、几内亚比绍、利比里亚、马里、
[...] 毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔、尼日利亚、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂和多哥的 23 位法医服务 提供商负责人,拟订法医学领域 区域合作的初始基准。
The workshop, attended by 23 heads of forensic service providers from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, the Niger,
Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo, set the initial benchmark for regional
[...] cooperation in the field of forensic science.
[...] 人员、检察官、法官、受害人权益维护者、保健专业人员 法医学 家 等 所有利益 攸关方密切合作
Recognizing that effective and integrated criminal justice responses to violence against women require close cooperation among all key stakeholders,
including law enforcement officials, prosecutors, judges, victim advocates, health
[...] professionals and forensic scientists
毒品和犯罪问题办公室法医学领域 的支持是要提高国家法医实验室的能 力,增强其工作性能;制定标准和工作程序,以确保科研成果能有效地用于刑 [...]
事司法、执法、卫生和监管制度;世界各地生成和交换高质量的法证数据,支 持为有效的政策干预进行准确的趋势分析。
The support of UNODC in
[...] the field of forensic science provides for the [...]
development of capacity and the enhancement of the
performance of national forensic laboratories; the development of standards and working procedures to ensure that scientific findings are used effectively in support of the criminal justice, law enforcement, health and regulatory systems; and the generation and exchange of quality forensic data worldwide in support of accurate trend analysis for effective policy interventions.
[...] 学)、天文学、地理学、地质学和气象学、自然 法 、 医学 、 药 物学、生态学、 生物多样性管理、可持续发展与间种、农林、生态系统管理、林业管理、流域管 [...]
理、动植物物种目前及潜在的使用、土壤和矿物,有用物种的加工和储存及不同 成分配方等。
The traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples takes in a wide range of subjects, including natural sciences (biology, botany, zoology),
astronomy, geography, geology and meteorology,
[...] natural healing, medicine, pharmacology, [...]
ecology, biodiversity management, sustainable
development and associated crops, agroforestry, ecosystems management, forestry management, watershed management, current and potential uses of plant and animal species, soil and minerals, and the processing and storage of useful species and diverse ingredient formulations.




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