

单词 法力


法律效力 n

legal effect n


brute force
violent method


brain storming

External sources (not reviewed)

他还强调了纳入追求实效章节这一创新 法 , 力 图 采用注重成果的计划制定和管理 手段,提高计划实施的质量、效率、效益、问责和透明。
He also highlighted the
[...] innovative approach by including a section on management for impact, seeking to apply a resultsbased programming and management approach, improve the [...]
quality of programme
delivery, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and transparency.
除了加大法力度外,我們亦會在宣 傳及推廣教育方面多做工夫,亦會繼續與各有關的夥伴機構進行更緊密 的聯繫,做好我們的工作。
Apart from increasing the
[...] vigour of our enforcement actions, we will put in more efforts in publicity [...]
and education and maintain
close contact with the relevant partner institutions.
尽管与海军军舰相比,执法船只之间的冲突影响较 小,但广泛使用准军事和法力量处 理主权争端也 降低了冲突爆发的门槛。
However, though conflicts between law enforcement vessels are less severe than
military vessels, the extensive use of
[...] paramilitary and law enforcement forces in sovereignty [...]
disputes also lowers the threshold of entry into confrontation.
具体而言,这种法力求加 强儿童权利主要责任者以及家庭、照料者和儿童 自身的能力。
In particular, it seeks to
[...] strengthen the capacities of key duty bearers [...]
for children’s rights as well as of families, caregivers and children themselves.
联合国关于在刑事司法系统中获得法律援助机会的原则和准则摘自于国际 标准和公认的良好法,力求就 刑事司法方面法律援助制度所应依据的基本原 则向各国提供指导,并扼要列出高效和可持续的国家法律援助制度所需具体要 件,目的是依照题为“开展国际合作以增进特别是非洲刑事司法系统中获得法 律援助机会”的经济及社会理事会第 2007/24 号决议增进获得法律援助的机会。
The United Nations Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems, which are drawn from international standards and recognized good practices, aim to provide guidance to States on the fundamental principles on which a legal aid system in criminal justice should be based and to outline the specific elements required for an effective and sustainable national legal aid system, in order to strengthen access to legal aid pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 2007/24, entitled “International cooperation for the improvement of access to legal aid in criminal justice systems, particularly in Africa”.
[...] 基会和联合国其他机构配合下,我有幸担任主席的安 全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组继续在使儿童 兵复员和加大冲突的国家和非国家当事方遵守国法力度方面取得具体进展。
Together with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Ms. Coomaraswamy, with UNICEF and other United Nations agencies, the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict — which I have the honour to chair — has continued to make tangible progress in
demobilizing child soldiers and in enhancing compliance with
[...] international law by State and non-State parties to conflict.
[...] 部队的各国,以及该区域其他国家,同意继续开展联 合规划活动,以便制定法,力求把 在索马里境内的 所有军事行动连为一体,合成一股协调一致的力量以 [...]
打击青年党,并且把过渡联邦政府的权力范围扩展到 首都以外。
In that regard, we are pleased that the countries deploying troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), as well as other countries of the region, agreed to continue joint
planning activities in order to
[...] develop options for tying together all ongoing military operations [...]
in Somalia into a coordinated
and coherent effort against Al-Shabaab, as well as to extend the authority of the Transitional Federal Government beyond the capital.
Despite the passing of the
[...] Vocational Education Law in 1996 - which urged VET institutions [...]
to forge close ties with enterprises
- political and labour market influences once again meant that industry no longer focused on a connection with training institutions to ensure workers had appropriate practical skills.
一些更令人瞩目的新法律包括第 5767-2007
[...] 号《增加劳动者人数和缩小社会差距(负所得税)法》(《增加劳动者人数和缩小社 会差距(负所得税)法》”),法力求 减 少贫困和提高劳动参与率,向低收入者提 供劳动报酬。
Some of the more prominent new laws include the Increasing Participation in the Work force and Reducing Social Gaps (Negative Income Tax) Law 5767-2007, (the “Increasing Participation in the Work
force and Reducing Social Gaps
[...] (Negative Income Tax) Law”) which endeavours to reduce poverty [...]
and increase work force participation
rates, providing remuneration for labor to low income-earners.
[...] 内部/外部利益相关者分析法、首要/次要利益相关者分 法 、 力 场 分 析法、SWOT分析法和行为者影响图法(Actor [...]
Influence Diagrams)。
Amongst the generic methods that can be used to analyze stakeholders are: Internal / External
Stakeholder Analysis, Primary / Secondary
[...] Stakeholder Analysis,  Force Field Analysis, [...]
SWOT Analysis and Actor Influence Diagrams.
公众不仅对此案件中孰是孰非讨论激烈(网络调查显示大多数公众支持迈克尔·乔丹),同时公众还质疑,甚至谴责中国企业通过钻法律的空子、利用法律的灰色地带或抓住缺乏 法力 度 的 特点而牟取暴利的行为。
People aren't only debating who's right and who's wrong in this particular case — online polls show people overwhelmingly side with Michael Jordan — but they're also questioning, and often condemning, Chinese business practices whereby firms profit by taking advantage of legal loopholes, grey areas of the law or lack of enforcement.
此外, 科威特《法》力求维 护和促进人权,强调实现所有 人的自由、公正和平等,并规定公民享有表达、接受 教育和享受医疗保健的权利,不因出身、性别、语言 或宗教原因受到歧视。
Moreover, its Constitution sought to preserve and promote human rights, emphasizing the achievement of freedom, justice and equality [...]
for all, and granting
citizens the right to expression, education and health care without discrimination based on origin, gender, language or religion.
马来西亚已采取措施扩大其《制 止家庭力法》中暴力的定义。
Malaysia had undertaken measures to widen its
[...] definition of violence in its Domestic Violence Act.
议员和官员根据法律授权行使力, 法 律 必 须符 合起码的公正标准。
The powers exercised by parliamentarians and officials are based on legal authority and there are minimum standards of justice to which the law must conform.
[...] 则,特别是第五章,以推动快速归还此类资产,并帮助请求国建设 力 、 法律 和体制能力,从而促进追回、没收和收回此类资产。
The Ministers, therefore, urged all States Parties and relevant international organizations, consistent with the principles of the Convention, in particular Chapter V, to facilitate the quick return of such assets, and
to assist requesting States to
[...] build human, legal and institutional capacity to facilitate [...]
tracing, confiscation and recovery of such assets.
美国依照《宪法》赋予总统的权力和美利坚合众国法律冻结资产,相关法律 包括《国际紧急经济力法》(《 美国联邦法典》第 50 篇第 [...]
1701 节及以后各节)、 《国家紧急状态法》(《美国联邦法典》第 50 篇第 1601 节及以后各节)、经修正
的《联合国参与法》第 5 节(《美国联邦法典》第 22 篇第 287c 节)和《美国联邦 法典》第 3 篇第 301 节。
The United States implements the asset freeze pursuant to Presidential authorities under the Constitution and the laws of the United States of
America, including the International
[...] Emergency Economic Powers act (50 U.S.C. [...]
1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act
(50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), section 5 of the United Nations Participation Act, as amended (22 U.S.C. 287c), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code.
残疾人也可享受 2006 年 12 月 14 日颁布的第 39/2006 号《提高对依赖他人
[...] 生活人士的关爱并提高其个人自主 力法 》 中无自理能力人士自主及关注体系所 [...]
Lastly, persons with disabilities also enjoy access to the benefits and services of the System for the Autonomy and Care
of Persons in a State of Dependency (SAAD),
[...] provided for in Act No. 39/2006 of [...]
14 December 2006 on the promotion of personal
autonomy and care of persons in situations of dependency; the system forms part of the social services network of the Autonomous Communities.
批准的法律,包括反对家庭力法、 2010 年国家预算 法、反腐败委员会法;改动前解放战斗人员章程;司 法机构薪酬制度;领土和行政区划分法;国家安全法、 国防法、内部安全法、人口和住房普查法和使用红十字 标志法。
Laws approved include the law against domestic violence; on the 2010 State budget; on the Anti-Corruption Commission; on alterations to the statutes of former liberation combatants; on the remuneration regime of the judiciary; on territorial and administrative division; the national security law, the national defence law, the internal security law, the law on the population and housing census and the law on the use of the Red Cross Emblem.
苏斯洛娃女士的工作主要关注,在国际(《消除对妇女歧视公约》和《行 动纲要》)和国家文件的基础上倡导妇女人权,对性别问题敏感性的培 训(非政府组织、学生等)和性别平等主流化(议员和议会工作人员、各 个部门、政府官员等),对立法进行性别分析(平等机会法、家庭 力法、 劳动法典、公共卫生体系、教育、监狱制度),就性别歧视的个别案件 提供咨询,出版关于妇女人权和两性平等的出版物。
The main attention of Ms. Suslova’s work addresses women’s human rights advocacy at the international level (CEDAW, Platform for Action) and national documents, training on gender sensitivity (NGOs, students, etc.) and gender mainstreaming (MPs and Parliament staff, ministries, governmental officials, etc.), gender analysis of legislation (equal opportunity law, domestic violence law, labour code, public health system, education, penitentiary system), consultations on individual cases of gender discrimination, preparing publications on women’s human rights and gender equality.
有 人指出这一遗产中一些切实可行和积极的例子,其中包括建立国家法律工作人员 的力:法庭目 前 60%的工作人员是塞拉利昂人,包括高级职位的人员;一些雇 员转到各国际法庭的其他职位,也属高级职等人员。
Practical and positive examples of this legacy were
noted, including the
[...] development of the capacity of national legal staff: 60 per cent of the Court staff was [...]
currently Sierra Leonean,
including in senior positions; some employees had moved on to other positions in international tribunals, also at senior levels.
委员会建议缔约国加强努力防止、起诉和惩处所有形式的侵害妇女与 儿童的暴力行为,包括家庭暴力,确保有效和彻底实施为此目的而通过的现 有法律和国家战略,包括《防止和制止家庭 力法 》 和 《全国制止暴力侵害 儿童战略》。
prosecute and punish all forms of violence against women and children, including domestic violence, and ensure effective and full implementation of the existing laws and the national strategies adopted to that end, including the Strategy for Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence and the National Strategy to Combat Violence against Children.
因 此 , 這 些 法 令 上 的 條 文 規 定 無 損 法 庭 的力 , 法 庭 依 然 有 權 以 包 攬 訴 訟 協 議 違 反 公 共 政 策 為 理 由 , 把 這 類 協 議 視 為 不 合 法 而 且 完 全 不 能 強 制 執 行 。
It followed that the court‟s power to treat such agreements as contrary to public policy and therefore illegal and wholly unenforceable, remained unaffected by those statutory provisions.
我们要求国际社会, 特别是安全理事会,认真注意被占领的巴勒斯坦领土、包括东耶路撒冷在内的严
[...] 重局势,确保及时采取措施和行动,迫使占领国以色列完全停止其对巴勒斯坦人 民和土地的一切非法、侵略性政策,包括扩张定居点和定居者 力 、 法 外 处 决、 对巴勒斯坦人过度使用致命武力、毁坏家屋,并最终致力于谋求和平。
We call upon the international community, particularly the Security Council, to give due attention to the grave situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to ensure that timely measures and action be undertaken to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to halt completely all of its illegal and aggressive policies against the Palestinian people and their land, including
settlement expansion
[...] and settler violence, extrajudicial executions, excessive and lethal force against Palestinians, [...]
home demolitions
and finally commit to the pursuit of peace.
关于法庭 2010 年为传播有关《公约》所设争端解决机制的知识而进行的力,法庭庭 长告知会议,法庭在斐济政府和韩国国际协力团的协助下,在斐济组 织了一次研讨会。
In relation to the efforts made in 2010 by the Tribunal to disseminate knowledge about the dispute settlement mechanisms established under the Convention, the President of the Tribunal informed the Meeting that the Tribunal had organized a workshop in Fiji with assistance from the Government of Fiji and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的力建设 (培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层力,以 确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标法典委 员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism
targeted at
[...] food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability [...]
to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the
International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.




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