单词 | 泊車 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 泊車 noun —parking nSee also:泊 v—moor v 泊 n—anchor n • lake n 泊—touch at
上述泊位 數字並未包括其他不會構成阻礙的非指 定 泊車 地 點,例如在私人車房 或住宅地方內的非指定泊車地點。 legco.gov.hk | This number [...] does not include non-designated parking places, which are parking places that do not cause obstruction, [...]such [...]as those in private garages and residential premises. legco.gov.hk |
另一位成員認為違例泊車和停 車不熄匙的性質不 同,不應相提並論。 forum.gov.hk | Another member considered that [...] idling vehicles and illegal parking were of different [...]nature, and it was not suitable to compare the offences. forum.gov.hk |
雖 然 免費泊 車 計劃已 終 止,但新推出的泊 車 代 用 劵 折 扣 計劃及 一 連 串 的 強 化推廣 及 宣傳活 動(如「 千 萬三重 巨獎迎 夏 [...] 日 」 抽獎活 動) 有 助 刺 激市民 在房屋委員會商場消費, 同 時亦可提高 停 [...]車 場 使 用 率 , 使 房屋委員會與商戶 同 享 雙 贏 的 效 果 。 legco.gov.hk | With the introduction of the Parking Coupon Discount Scheme and a series of publicity [...] and promotional activities such as [...]the launching of a territory-wide ‘Summer Lucky Draw Programme’, more customer patronage and carpark usage at HA shopping centers will be stimulated, thereby bringing a ‘win-win’ situation to both the retail tenants and the HA. legco.gov.hk |
關於《2007年道路交通(傷殘人士泊車 許可 證 ⎯⎯簡化申請及續期程序)規例》,張超雄議員表 [...] 示,該規例的涵蓋範圍過於狹窄,他認為應成立小 組委員會,探討可否將建議安排的適用範圍擴展至 健全人士。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding the Road Traffic [...] (Disabled Person's Parking Permit Simplification [...]of Application and Renewal Procedures) Regulation [...]2007, Dr Fernando CHEUNG said that the coverage of the Regulation was too narrow and considered that a subcommittee should be formed to explore the feasibility of extending the proposed arrangements to the able-bodied. legco.gov.hk |
你是否贊成把罰款定於違例泊車的水平,即320元? forum.gov.hk | Do you accept pitching the level of fine at the same [...] level as illegal parking, i.e. $320? forum.gov.hk |
除了保障政府權益及防範濫用情況外,契約 [...] 條件或須作相應修訂,例如︰在不超逾契約所訂明的最高總樓面面積的情 況下,泊車位的 數目可能須因應樓宇用途改變及改裝而修訂;又或如契約 [...] 沒有訂明最高總樓面面積,便可能須在豁免文件訂明現有樓宇須參照該樓 宇的核准建築圖則及該圖則所訂的總樓面面積。 legco.gov.hk | Apart from the necessary safeguards on the Government’s rights and against abuses, there may be consequential changes to the lease conditions required, e.g. subject to not [...] exceeding the maximum GFA specified in the [...] lease, the number of parking spaces may need to [...]be revised as a result of change of use [...]and alteration of the building; or if there is no maximum GFA in the lease, it may be necessary to stipulate in the waiver document such that the existing building refers to the approved building plans of the existing building and the GFA shown thereon. legco.gov.hk |
如果該公共屋邨或居屋屋苑的泊車設 施並非設於該屋 邨或屋苑內,房委會便會在其鄰近的指定屋邨停車場中, [...] 提供指定數量的私家車車位或/及貨車車位供該屋邨或屋 苑住戶使用。 legco.gov.hk | Should the parking facilities of public [...] housing estates or HOS courts be located outside their boundaries, the HA would [...]provide in a designated nearby carpark a stipulated number of parking spaces for private vehicles or/and goods vehicles for the use of residents of the estates/courts concerned. legco.gov.hk |
y 政府應檢討和更新《香港規劃標準與準則》有 關泊 車位的 準則,並考慮以下(但不限於)因素:(1) 前往建築物附近的集體運輸系統(例如與港鐵站的 距離)及其他公共交通工具的方便程度;(2)交通 管理事宜(例如違例泊車、交通流量數據等);(3) 參考樓宇的市場定位對車位的需求,以及其他相關 因素,作出實際的估計,以容許彈性處理。 legco.gov.hk | y The Government should review and update the Hong Kong Planning Standards and [...] Guidelines (“HKPSG”) on the [...] provision of car parking spaces having regard to factors including but not limited to: (1) accessibility to mass transport systems (e.g. proximity to MTR stations) and other means of public transport in the vicinity of the building; (2) traffic management issues (e.g. illegal parking, traffic flow data, etc); (3) realistic estimate of demand for car parking spaces with reference [...]to the targeted market [...]segment of the building, and any other relevant factors, to allow for flexibility. legco.gov.hk |
進入該停車場的時間, 須在處於海洋公園的時間內保留該 泊車 票 , 並須在服務人員要求時出示 該 泊車 票。 oceanpark.cn | (a) the payment of the relevant parking charge; or (b) the time of entry [...] to the car park, [...] shall retain the ticket whilst in Ocean Park and shall produce the ticket when required [...]by an attendant. oceanpark.cn |
(e) 目前,有關部門會參考《香港規劃標準與準則》5 , 考慮有關發展項目的地點、規模和單位面積及附近 的鐵路及交通運輸設施等因素,就個別地盤所需提 供適當數目的停車位進行評估,以提供合理數量的 泊車位。 legco.gov.hk | (e) At present, the relevant departments will make reference to the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG)5 to require the provision of a reasonable number of car parking spaces for an individual site, assessing factors such as the development’s location, scale and flat sizes, as well as railway and transport facilities nearby. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,從所得數據顯 示 , 自 免費泊 車 計劃終止 後 ,主要零售租 戶 的營業額 祇 有 些 微 下降。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, the statistics revealed that the turnover of large retail tenants has dropped only slightly after the discontinuation of the Scheme. legco.gov.hk |
該幅用地位於海洋公園入口,在未來海洋公園站傍設 置 泊車 轉 乘設 施,會方便駕駛人士轉用鐵路模式乘地鐵前往市區。 legco.gov.hk | The site is located at the gateway to the Ocean Park, and the park and ride facilities to be built adjacent to the future OCP station will bring about flexibility and convenience to motorists who may wish to shift to the railway mode in going to the city areas. legco.gov.hk |
大部分就這題目發表意見的成員都贊成把罰款定於違 例 泊車的 水平,即320元。 forum.gov.hk | Majority of the members who commented on this subject accepted pitching the level of fine at $320. forum.gov.hk |
此 外,根據現行措施,申請整幢改裝的工廈必須在改裝後保留 [...] 現有建築物構架,部分工廈業主可能因個別地盤及現有建築 物結構的限制,而難以提供所需的上落客貨設施 和 泊車 位。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, as industrial buildings applying for wholesale conversion are required to retain the existing building frame after the conversion, some building owners find it difficult to [...] provide the required number of [...] loading/unloading and car parking spaces due to constraints [...]related to the specific sites [...]and existing building structures. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 加設廁格、化妝間、指示路牌、泊車 位 ; 計劃興建有 蓋行人通道往返高山劇場;設置宣傳燈箱,推廣在高 [...] 山劇場舉行的表演,以及將現有的座椅更換為更舒適 的座椅;及 legco.gov.hk | (a) provision of additional toilet cubicles, dressing rooms, [...] directional signboards, parking spaces; planning [...]of a covered walkway leading to KST; installation [...]of illuminated advertisement boxes to promote the performances at KST; and replacement of the current seats by more comfortable ones; and (b) construction of a new annex building, as detailed in paragraph 4(b). legco.gov.hk |
(iii) 對於因非法泊車導致行人路承受過重壓力的問題,路政 署會密切留意有關的非法泊車黑點,並在有需要時會要 求運輸署考慮加設欄杆設施,以及警務處加強執法。 legco.gov.hk | (iii) As for footpaths receiving [...] excessive loading due to illegal parking, the HyD closely monitors the black spots of illegal parking, and requests the Transport [...]Department [...]to consider the installation of bollards along the footpaths and the police to strengthen law enforcement if necessary. legco.gov.hk |
倘若當時的屋邨住戶對其屋邨停車場 泊車 位 的 需求不高、屋邨住戶對 出租剩餘泊車位予屋邨住戶以外的人士並不表示反對,以及鄰近屋邨 或居屋屋苑住戶對有關屋邨停車場 泊車 位 的 需求殷切,為善用資源, 房委會便因時制宜地,根據當時的相關法例規定及程序向城市規劃委 員會(“城規會”)申請規劃許可和根據相關的土地契約(“地契”)條款的 規定向地政總署申請所需的豁免,將剩餘車位出租予非住戶人士使 用,包括鄰近屋邨或居屋屋苑住戶。 legco.gov.hk | In the case where the demand of the local residents for carparking spaces in particular estates was not high, where there was no objection from local residents of the estates to the letting of surplus carparking spaces to non-residents and there were genuine demand from residents of the adjoining estate or HOS court for these carparking spaces, the HA, would apply to the Town Planning Board (TPB) for planning permission in accordance with the prevailing legislation and procedures concerned and to the LandsD for necessary waivers in accordance with the stipulations under the relevant land leases as appropriate so as to let the surplus carparking spaces to non-residents, including residents of the adjoining estates or HOS courts. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 取消申請人在申領傷殘人士泊車許可 證時須出示駕駛執照及 車輛登記文件的規定 legco.gov.hk | (b) removing the requirement that the [...] applicant should produce a driving licence and vehicle registration document in applying for [...] a disabled person’s parking permit legco.gov.hk |
馮檢基議員: 主席,據報,世界各大城市多年來一直致力推動以 [...] 單車作為環保交通工具,當中紐約的路上單車使用人數至今已增至每 [...] 天約13萬;倫敦引入自助租單車服務,在全市設立三百多 個 泊車 站, 提供5 000輛單車供出租,規模僅次於巴黎;內地佛山市亦有類似的 [...] 租單車服務,並擬在5年內建成覆蓋全面的單車網絡系統。 legco.gov.hk | MR FREDERICK FUNG (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that major cities of the world have for years been committed to promoting the use of bicycle as a form of green transport, and among such cities, the number of cyclists on the roads in New York has increased to approximately 130 000 per day, while London has [...] introduced a self-service bicycle hire scheme with [...] more than 300 docking stations throughout [...]the city and 5 000 bicycles available [...]for rent, the scale of which is second only to Paris; and on the Mainland, there is a similar bicycle rental service in the city of Foshan, and a comprehensive system of bicycle network is expected to complete in five years' time. legco.gov.hk |
切勿規劃在化糞池或垃圾棄置區上築 建 車 道 或 泊車 位。 bccdc.ca | Do not plan driveways or parking areas over a septic [...] tank or disposal field. bccdc.ca |
除非獲海洋公園公司給予的授權,否則不得將 汽 車 停 泊在 停車場內指定為泊車位的 地方以外的地方 oceanpark.cn | (e) without authority granted by the Corporation, park a motor vehicle [...] otherwise than in a space designated as a parking space in a car park oceanpark.cn |
否則任何人在停車場停泊汽車,不 得讓該汽車不必要地跨 越任何用於劃定該汽車所停泊的泊車 位 的 界線或其他標 記;或 oceanpark.cn | (c) park a motor vehicle in a car park in such [...] a manner that the motor [...] vehicle unnecessarily projects over any line or other mark that delineates the parking space in which the motor vehicle is parked; or oceanpark.cn |
除非被服務人員指示將汽車停留,否則不得阻塞任何停車 場的入口或出口,或在停車場的任何出口或其他地方停留 超過取得泊車票或繳付泊車費所 需的時間 oceanpark.cn | (g) obstruct an entrance to or exit from a car park or remain stationary at an exit or elsewhere in a car park for a [...] period longer than is necessary to [...] obtain a parking ticket or pay a parking charge, unless [...]directed to remain stationary by an attendant oceanpark.cn |
已於進入該停車場時取得泊車票;及 oceanpark.cn | (b) where the relevant parking charge is payable at the time a motor vehicle leaves a car park, drive a [...] motor vehicle out of the car park without – (i) [...] having obtained a parking ticket at the time [...]of entering the car park; and oceanpark.cn |
一般情況下,學生不得在校舍內停 泊車 輛 ,但院長可酌情發 出 泊車 證 給 殘障學生。 cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk | However, the Campus Principal may, at [...] his / her discretion, issue car parking permits to students with a disability. cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk |
這項做法既能確 保屋邨住戶可優先使用有關的泊車設 施 ,亦能靈活適時地 回應不同時期當邨以至鄰近屋邨及居屋屋苑住戶在車位需 求上的變化。 legco.gov.hk | This approach not only ensures the priority use of the carparking facilities concerned by the local residents, but also responds flexibly and in a timely manner to any changes in the demand for carparking spaces in different periods of time from the local residents or from the adjoining estates or HOS courts. legco.gov.hk |
自 2005年拆售該等停車場予領匯以來,領匯現時作為該等停車場 的業主,如有需要出租其轄下停車場 的 泊車 位 給非住戶人士,或將其 停車場部分剩餘的車位改作停泊其他種類的車輛,都應因時制宜地, 在符合現時的相關法例規定及程序下,按照既定程序向城規會申請規 劃許可和向地政總署申請有關的豁免。 legco.gov.hk | Should The Link REIT find it necessary to let its carparking spaces to non-residents, or to convert the use of some of its surplus carparking spaces for parking other types of vehicles, it should apply to the TPB for planning permissions and the LandsD for necessary waivers in accordance with the prevailing legislation and procedures concerned as appropriate under the established procedures. legco.gov.hk |
我們計劃在 2008 年修訂《香港規劃標準與準則》的以下範疇:幼稚園、小學、 [...] 幼兒護理設施、兒童及青年中心、為家庭而設的社會福利設施、為長者而設的社 會福利設施;公共房屋的泊車位標 準;文物保護的準則;以及地下岩洞發展的準 則。 devb.gov.hk | We plan to revise the following aspects of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) in 2008: planning standards for kindergartens; primary schools; child care facilities; children and youth centres; social welfare facilities for [...] families; social welfare facilities for [...] the elderly; car parking standards for [...]public housing developments; guidelines on [...]heritage conservation; and guidelines for underground cavern developments. devb.gov.hk |
我們在 2010 年 12 月向立法會發展事務委員會匯報的文件內,列載了我們對新措 施推行情況的初步觀察:首先,由地政總署的專責小組集中處理根據新措施提出 [...] 的申請,令審批程序更為精簡;第二,自新措施宣布以來,提出整幢改裝現有工 廈作其他用途的規劃申請數目明顯增多,這顯示通過整幢改裝更新前工業區的勢 [...] 頭良好;第三,各部門已推出額外支援措施以方便落實活化措施,例如有關在改 裝工廈提供上落客貨設施及泊車位方 面。 devb.gov.hk | In our report to the Legislative Council Panel on Development in December 2010, we set out our initial observations on the implementation of the new measures: first, central processing of all applications under the new initiatives by a dedicated team in Lands Department has streamlined the approval procedures; second, the big increase in planning applications for wholesale conversion of existing industrial buildings to other uses since announcement of the new measures shows that there is a good momentum to regenerate the former industrial areas through wholesale conversion; third, various departments have introduced additional supporting measures, e.g. [...] on the provision of loading/unloading [...] facilities and car parking spaces in converted [...]buildings, to facilitate implementation [...]of the revitalisation measures. devb.gov.hk |
我們會繼續推行各種改善措施,在環境許可下,按需要增加電單 車泊位,改善電單車車位的供求情況。 legco.gov.hk | We will continue to implement various measures to improve [...] the supply and demand of [...] motorcycle parking spaces by providing more motorcycle parking spaces as [...]needed, so far as circumstances permit. legco.gov.hk |