单词 | 沿途 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 沿途 —along the sides of the roadless common: by the wayside See also:沿 adv—along adv 沿—following (a line) 途 n—way n 途—route
2003 年 1 月制作了一种供内部使用的关于“丝绸之 路 沿途 的 文 化多样性” 的交互光盘,其中一节是专门论述包括阿富汗在内的中亚国家的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An interactive CD-ROM on “Cultural Diversity along the Silk Roads” was produced for internal use in January 2003 with a special section on Central Asian countries, including Afghanistan. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当这不起作用,末底改后来承认Starla他不喜欢她的,和作为一个结果,她愤怒地追逐末底改和里格比 , 沿途 摧 毁了大半个城市。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When this doesn’t work, Mordecai later admits to Starla his dislike of her, and as a result, she angrily chases Mordecai and Rigby, destroying half the city along the way. seekcartoon.com |
至於處置設施產生的塵埃問 題,運輸及房屋局首席助理秘書長(運輸)7表示會以 陸路交通運 送 有關的建築廢物至 躉船轉運站,並會 覆蓋所有運送公眾填料的車輛,以減少塵 埃 沿途 飛揚 的情況。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the dust problem from the disposal facility, PAS(T)7 said that the construction waste would be transferred to the barging facilities by land transport, and all vehicles carrying public fill would also be covered to reduce dust on road. legco.gov.hk |
在宗教间对话计划范围内,举办了一次关于“丝绸之 路 沿途 的 科 学和精神”的讨论会 (2002 年 9 月),其明显的结果将是在阿拉木图(哈萨克斯坦)设一个关于该专题的教科文 组织教席。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the framework of the interreligious dialogue programme, a symposium was organized on “Science and Spirituality along the Silk Roads” (September 2002), the tangible result of which will be the creation of a UNESCO Chair on this theme in Almaty (Kazakhstan). unesdoc.unesco.org |
2010 年 12 月至 2011 年 2 月期间, 他们对通往 Ishasha 的公路沿途上的 刚果民主共和国武装力量阵地进行联合伏击。 daccess-ods.un.org | This coalition was responsible for a series of ambush attacks on FARDC positions along the road to Ishasha between December 2010 and February 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 「東西走廊」是指當沙中線把馬鞍山線的大圍站與 西鐵線的紅磡站連接起來後,乘客可由烏溪沙站直 [...] 達紅磡、九龍東、新界西至屯門, 沿途 不 用轉線, 為往來新界東及新界西的乘客提供更直接和方便的 [...]鐵路服務。 legco.gov.hk | (a) The “East West Corridor” refers to when SCL connects Tai Wai Station of the Ma On Shan Line with Hung Hom Station of the West Rail Line, passengers may travel from Wu Kai Sha Station to Hung [...] Hom, East Kowloon, the West New Territories [...] and Tuen Mun without interchanging, [...]providing a more direct and convenient railway [...]service for passengers commuting between the East New Territories and West New Territories. legco.gov.hk |
即使 實施所有交通管理措施,假如不興建 P2 道路網,中區 填海第一期地段內的交通將會在 2011 年全面癱瘓,原 因是干諾道中沿途會出現連綿不絕的車龍(在沒有中環 灣仔繞道的情況下),即使綠色交通燈亮起,康樂廣場 的車輛仍然無法駛入干諾道中。 devb.gov.hk | Even with all the traffic management measures, traffic in CRI will be paralyzed by 2011 if Road P2 network is not built, because continuous traffic queues will be found along CRC (without CWB), and vehicles from Connaught Place will not be able to exit onto CRC even when the traffic lights are in their favour. devb.gov.hk |
興建主幹道可確保 為港島提供一個發揮功能及均衡的道路網,為此,主幹道 沿途亦需 設立足夠的進出口連接到商業中心區,以減輕走 廊的交通壓力。 devb.gov.hk | The Trunk Road is needed to ensure the provision of a functional and balanced road network on Hong Kong Island and, to do this, the Trunk Road also needs to have adequate intermediate access points to serve the CBD so as to alleviate the burden of the Corridor. devb.gov.hk |
在与利比里亚接壤的边界沿途 Para 至 Sao 的公路上,许多不明身份的武装 分子向该巡逻队开火,7 名维和人员丧生。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to reports of an attack on civilians in the village of Sao the night of 7 June, UNOCI deployed a patrol, which came under fire by a significant number of unidentified armed elements on the road from Para to Sao along the border with Liberia, killing the seven peacekeepers. daccess-ods.un.org |
徒步旅行:从亚瑟通道的高山村落可以通往许多高山健行步道 , 沿途 可 以观赏到瀑布以及云雾缭绕的高山景色,美不胜收。 cn.yha.co.nz | Go hiking on one the many alpine walks accessible from Arthur’s Pass village – see waterfalls and spectacular mountain views shrouded in mist. yha.co.nz |
遊行當天,我們一支二十多人的研究隊伍,在維園及遊行路 線 沿途 在 不 同時間及地點抽查了部份遊行人士。 hkupop.hku.hk | During the July 1 demonstration, we sent more than 20 interviewers to station at the Victoria Park and various "check points" along the marching route. hkupop.hku.hk |
在爱尔兰水道航行的真正乐趣是停下来享 受 沿途 的 美 景以及丰富的活动。 discoverireland.com | The real joy of cruising Ireland’s waterways is stopping off and enjoying the sights, scenery and the bountiful activities along the way discoverireland.com |
交通運輸是經濟運作要素,英國現任政府於2010年上台之時,部分人士懷疑倫敦昂貴的Crossrail計畫是否會停擺,放棄這座快速串連倫敦內外的鐵路網,如今各界讚揚此舉帶動經濟成長,若鐵路網能振興城市經濟,單車網能否也可帶 動 沿途 各 個 社區的經濟? thisbigcity.net | When the UK’s coalition government came to power in 2010, there was concern over whether London’s expensive [...] Crossrail project – a speedy underground network connecting outer London to the city centre [...] – would continue to be developed. thisbigcity.net |
從西面的德比出發,開四驅越野車沿660公里的吉布河路行進,前往東面的庫努納拉 , 沿途 可 見 溫迦那峽谷(Windjana Gorge)、隧道溪(Tunnel Creek)和洶湧的盆梯科斯特(Pentecost)河與奧德河(Ord River)。 danpacplus.hk | Four wheel drive the 660-kilometer Gibb River Road from Derby in the west to Kununurra in the east, taking in Windjana Gorge, Tunnel Creek and the mighty Pentecost, and Ord Rivers. danpacplus.hk |
注意到跨国有组织犯罪活动形式多样,有时 [...] 可能相互关联,犯罪组织伺机行事,并利用各国,尤 其是沿途地区的沿海国和小岛屿发展中国家的弱点, [...] 吁请各国和相关政府间组织在各级加强合作与协调, 根据国际法查明和取缔偷渡移徙者和贩卖人口的行 为;90. daccess-ods.un.org | Notes that transnational organized criminal activities are diverse and may be interrelated in some cases and that criminal organizations are adaptive and take [...] advantage of the vulnerabilities of States, [...] in particular coastal and small island [...]developing States in transit areas, and [...]calls upon States and relevant intergovernmental organizations to increase cooperation and coordination at all levels to detect and suppress the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons, in accordance with international law daccess-ods.un.org |
火车是在中国国内旅行的一种经济高效的交通工具,游客 可 沿途 欣 赏 风景。 shangri-la.com | Trains offer an efficient, scenic way of travelling within China, and link most parts of the country with reliable service. shangri-la.com |
但是,从北到南一路下来,游客可以 欣赏到心旷神怡的各色美景,从北部启 程,一开始是阿登山麓的Ösling林区,沿 途是此 起彼伏的农场和林地,然后到达中 世纪遗迹丰富的首都,终点是东南部莫泽 尔河畔的葡萄园,或者到有“红土”之称 的南部,该地区的特色仍然是大量的铁矿 石生产基地。 luxembourgforfinance.lu | However, travelling from North to South, the visitor can enjoy an astonishingly varied landscape, beginning to the North with the wooded Ösling region, in the foothills of the ardennes, down through rolling farm and woodland, to the capital with its medieval relics and ending in the South east with the vineyards of the Moselle or to the South with the so called "red earth" where the region is still marked by huge iron ore production sites. and all this within 82 kilometers. luxembourgforfinance.lu |
有些猫可能会过于警惕而不肯进诱捕笼,可以尝试换更有吸引力的食物,还可以在 笼门处、笼内沿途多处 洒少量食物,诱使猫在不知不觉中进入笼子深处。 animalsasia.org | Some cats may be too wary and refused to enter the cage so you can try some more attractive food and put more of it around the door to lure the cat to enter. animalsasia.org |
首先,我們先處理七一遊行時在維園及遊行路 線 沿途 以 正規問卷調查方法獲得的數據,確定遊行巿民的人口結構,作為網上調查的基準。 hkupop.hku.hk | First of all, we first analyzed the data obtained from the on-site survey conducted in Victoria Park and along the marching route on July 1, so as to identify the demographic structure of the demonstrators and set a benchmark for the online survey. hkupop.hku.hk |
我們需要建造主幹道,以紓 緩交通擠塞的情況和應付該走廊沿途 路 面交通的預計增長。 cwb-hyd.hk | We need to construct the Trunk Road to relieve the traffic congestion and cater for the anticipated growth in road traffic along the Corridor. cwb-hyd.hk |
五年后,Muybridge 在赛 道沿途架设了 24 台照相机。 motion.kodak.com | Five years later, Muybridge set 24 cameras up in a row along a racetrack. motion.kodak.com |
黎巴嫩军队确保联黎部队往返贝鲁特的车队的安 全,提供护送,沿途并加强保安措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Lebanese Army ensures the security of UNIFIL convoys travelling to and from Beirut by accompanying those convoys and taking heightened security measures along the road. daccess-ods.un.org |
在為汽車量身打造的國度,身為單車騎士可能會很辛苦,畢竟美國多數道路都是為汽車和卡車而設,在各大都會區很少見到單車專用道,各位固然可運用Google地圖單車功能,找到騎乘單車的地點與路線,但不會註明途中是否有土地或龐大車潮,也毫不清楚週遭區域安全性,或是否有停車架,更不會提 及 沿途 的 美 景。 thisbigcity.net | Sure, you can use the Google Maps bike function to help find ways to bike from place to place, but it will not tell you whether there is construction or heavy traffic on the road and it has absolutely no idea of the safety of the surrounding area or the availability of bike racks. thisbigcity.net |
所有路线也十分适合骑自行车的初学者,因 为 沿途 也 有 不少停下来休息的地方;而且在很多渡口,也可以稍停下来欣赏风景。 visitfinland.com | All the routes are also perfect for beginner cyclists because there are plenty of places to stop off for a rest along the way and the ferry crossings mean sometimes you don’t have any choice but to get off and enjoy the scenery. visitfinland.com |
目前的项目(两条管道,外加或不加一条服务/安全隧道)设法通过两阶段的 实施办法节省投资费用,设计一个作业系统,以应付 17 公里路程沿途 30%的斜坡, 尽头的终端,高速铁路车辆,采用露天的铁路设备和一个安全停车区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current project (dual-tube with or without a service/safety tunnel) is seeking to reduce investment costs through implementation in two phases, an operating system designed to handle gradients of 30 per cent over 17 kilometres, dead-end terminals, rolling stock requiring a rapid pace, use of open railway equipment and a secure stopping area. daccess-ods.un.org |
而喜歡「自助遊」的朋友亦可使用兩套專為活動而製作的生態旅遊徑指南和「綠遊香港 App」智能手機應用程式,程式內列載有八條生態文物徑的路線位置 、 沿途 景 點 、觀賞特色、前往方法等,更提供最新天氣預報及詳細路線地圖,以及為行山人士提供旅遊備忘和小貼士。 hkelectric.com | Two eco-tour maps and a “Green HK Green App” featuring the eight eco-heritage routes, their major characteristics and access information have been produced for free. hkelectric.com |
阳光明媚的德文郡(Devon)犹如海滩上的浓缩奶油和新鲜蟹肉三明治,又如码头旁的苹果汁;在这里,可以感受海上冲浪课程,在崎岖的达特穆尔(Dartmoor)野营,或悠闲驱车欣赏乡间小 道 沿途 的 绵延青翠田野美景。 visitbritain.com | Sunny Devon is clotted cream, fresh crab sandwiches on the beach and cider on the quayside; it's a salty surfing lesson, camping wild on rugged Dartmoor and driving leisurely down country lanes with green fields rolling on both sides. visitbritain.com |
此外,如果没有联合国各机构和其它处理跨国 犯罪问题的国际和区域组织的协调行动与支助,而最 重要的是,如果没有主要贩运路线 沿途 各 国 的广泛双 边合作,就无法确保成功执行为处理该问题而通过的 各项战略决策。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, the successful implementation of the strategic decisions that have been adopted to address the problem cannot be ensured without the coordinated action and support of the United Nations agencies and other international and regional organizations dealing with transnational crime and, most important, extensive bilateral cooperation among all countries along the main trafficking routes. daccess-ods.un.org |
行程包括沿途在埃克塞特、普利茅斯和彭赞斯等风景如画的海滨城镇停留;这是最适合休闲旅游和家庭度假的车游天下!在布里斯托尔、纽基、巴恩斯特布附近还有许多高尔夫球场,2010年莱德杯高尔夫球赛就是在南威尔士凯尔特庄园度假村举办的,高尔夫爱好者在欣赏周围迷人美景的同时,还可以在那里玩上几轮。 tipschina.gov.cn | The region also has a number of golf courses near Bristol, Newquay, Barnstable, plus, Celtic Manor Resort in South Wales which hosted the 2010 Ryder Cup, where golf enthusiasts can play a few rounds while taking in the stunning surrounding landscapes. tipschina.gov.cn |