单词 | 沿袭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 沿袭 noun —lineage n沿袭 —follow (an old custom etc) • carry on as before See also:沿 adv—along adv 沿—following (a line) 袭—inherit • classifier for suits (esp. of funeral robes)
(d) 1970 年《关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约》以及其 他 沿袭 相 同 模式的 公约。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) The 1970 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and other conventions which have followed the same model. daccess-ods.un.org |
手表的表冠沿袭了Or is特有的表冠保护装置,配以标准的三脚螺丝,更具特色。 oris.ch | The watch also boasts Oris’s characteristic crown protection with the use of the standard 3 leg screws. oris.ch |
各企业 逐渐开始依赖若干数据管理特性,元数据、主数据管理、数据管理支持和数 据沿 袭是其中的几种。 opendatacenteralliance.org | Metadata, master data management, support for data governance, and data lineage are examples of data management features that enterprises have come to rely upon. opendatacenteralliance.org |
沿袭这个 概念,在室外屋顶我们也只简单地运用了红色涂料和木质板材的组合。 chinese-architects.com | In the same way the outdoor rooftop uses the same red combined with the wooden panels. chinese-architects.com |
它们的工作方案应该沿袭其所 属组织的全球工作方案,应该专注于协助区域和 次区域制定并执行区域和次区域方案。此外,它们应该获得明确授权,确保成员国 在行政首长协调会的领导和指导下,执行各项政策与决定,并确保在区域、次区域 和国家各级实现最佳的协调一致和一体化的进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, they should receive a clear mandate to ensure implementation of the policies and decisions of Member States, under the authority and direction of CEB, and of the process towards optimum coherence and integration at the regional, subregional and country levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
该准则沿袭经合 组织和联合国专家组提出的 基于风险的尽职调查原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | The guidance follows the five-step framework for risk-based due diligence proposed by the Group and OECD. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球水系统项目(GWSP)代表报告,此项行动是国际协调项目 , 沿袭 了 全 球环境变化科 研计划的传统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The representative of the Global Water System Project (GWSP) reported that this initiative is an international coordination project in the tradition of the global environmental change research programmes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这个机 构可沿袭经合 组织财政事务委员会的做法,征聘驻地专家和工作人员,以就委员 [...] 会提出的问题开展具体研究工作,并执行委员会在技术合作领域的任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | It could follow [...] the practice of the OECD Committee [...]on Fiscal Affairs and recruit resident experts and staff to conduct specific [...]studies on the issues raised by the Committee and to fulfil its mandate in the area of technical cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于最 后一点,法院承认,管辖权问题通常应当首先由仲裁庭处理,但法 院 沿袭 其在 以往案件上的做法,认为如果争议明显不在相关仲裁协议范围之内,法院应当 立即作出相应裁决。 daccess-ods.un.org | On that last point, the court acknowledged that jurisdictional issues should normally be left to the arbitral tribunal in the first place, but it nevertheless held — as it had done in previous cases — that where the dispute clearly does not fall within the arbitration agreement at issue, the court should immediately rule accordingly. daccess-ods.un.org |
TOD’S 豆豆鞋等标志性产品沿袭了奢华意大利手工皮具品牌的传统,始终倡导 “精致手工”来体现品牌的奢华内涵。 expo2010italy.gov.it | Tod's “Art of Italian Shoemaking” highlights the coveted Italian tradition of pure craftsmanship, which is at the heart of the brand’s essence and central to the idea of "Made in Italy". expo2010italy.gov.it |
夜校”沿袭了免费大学的传统,许多活动向所有有兴趣参与的人开放。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the tradition of free universities, many of Night School’s events were open to all those interested to take part. shanghaibiennale.org |
之三 贸发会议应根据以前的分析,确定最不发达国家和其它发展中国 家在实现高投资率方面的成功和可推广模式,争取实现上述目标,同时也要承认 贸发会议自己的结论,即最不发达国家可能面临独特的挑战,在许多方面无 法沿 袭与新兴经济体相同的发展步伐。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c)ter Building on its prior analyses, UNCTAD should pursue this objective by identifying successful and replicable models among LDCs and other developing countries for achieving high investment rates in full recognition of its own conclusions that LDCs may face unique challenges, and in many respects cannot follow the same development pace as emerging economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们对年轻与年长的顾客同样具有吸引力,这一传统已 经 沿袭 了 一 个多世纪。 hk.ashford.com | They draw the attention of both the young and old alike; a tradition that began more than a century ago. ashford.com |
本系列不仅沿袭了品牌标志性的绿-红-绿织带,还借鉴500 by Gucci的设计概念,展现极富现代感的黑白对比。 gucci.com | Featuring the House’s signature green-red-green web, the Collection mirrors the 500 by Gucci with its contemporary contrast of black and white. gucci.com |
现在来谈关于可持续渔业问题的决议草案,我国 代表团重申,不可偏离自《公约》谈 判 沿袭 下 来的所 有海洋法问题谈判的规则,即以协商一致方式开展工 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Turning now to the draft resolution on sustainable fisheries, my delegation reiterates the need not to deviate from the rule of all negotiations on the law of the sea — inherited from the negotiation of the Convention — namely, of proceeding by consensus. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 简化模式沿袭基线模式,使用按世界银行图表集法计算的人均国民总收 入。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The streamlined model represents a continuation of the baseline model in the use of GNI per capita in World Bank Atlas terms. daccess-ods.un.org |
他沿袭利玛 窦 (Matteo Ricci) 的知识传教策略,进一步借由中国人熟悉的九重天概念包装与推广陌生的天文与宗教,将上帝所在的天堂安排在第十二重(称之为“天堂山”),以可视化、形象化 的方式加强中国读者对上帝与天堂的认识。 wdl.org | Following the Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci’s method of explaining Christian concepts in terms familiar to the Chinese and taking into consideration the Chinese people’s familiarity with the nine spheres of heaven, Diaz repackaged and promoted the unfamiliar astronomy and religion by placing God in the 12th division, called Mountain of Paradise, thus in a visual and symbolic way strengthening the Chinese reader’s knowledge of God and Paradise. wdl.org |
研究报告沿袭了人权 高专办的方针,找出了具有普遍和局部意义的结构、程序和成果指标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The study followed the approach of OHCHR by identifying structural, process and outcome indicators with universal and contextual relevance. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项决议草案在很大程度上沿袭了去 年的决议 草案所使用的措辞,没有体现自去年以来在当地取 得的实质性进展,因而它丧失了客观性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current draft resolution relied heavily on the language of the previous year’s resolution and did not reflect the substantial progress made on the ground since, thus rendering it irrelevant. daccess-ods.un.org |
上海席梦思床褥家具销售有限公司总经理柯王仁先生称:"Simmons席梦思品牌早在上世纪30年代就来到了中国的风尚之都——上海,而在21世纪初,Simmons席梦思重返中国市场 , 沿袭 上 世纪的辉煌历史,秉承古老家族的百年荣耀,为中国消费者呈现Simmons席梦思的卓然品质。 simmons.cn | Mr. Jin Kao, General Manager of Shanghai Simmons Bedding & Furniture Sales Ltd said: “The Simmons brand entered China’s fashion hub of Shanghai in the early 1930s and came back to China in the early 21st century. simmons.cn |
Murciélago Roadster 沿袭了 C oupé 非凡而独特的特征,不愧是兰博基尼品牌的标志性经典车型。 lamborghini.com | The Murciélago Roadster version builds on the extreme [...] and exclusive features of the Coupé thus confirming it as a real "icon" of the Lamborghini brand. lamborghini.com |
第一— 作为一种属于国际仲裁背景中的现象,它主 要 沿袭 了 瑞 士国际私法1989年法案的第192(1)条中表达的模式;以及第二—作为一种特别针对于俄罗斯联邦的国内仲裁观念。 cyarb2012.czechyearbook.org | First – as a phenomenon belonging to the international arbitration setting, largely following the model reflected in Art. 192 (1) of the Swiss Private International Law Act of 1989, and, second – as a domestic arbitration notion, specific to the Russian Federation. cyarb2012.czechyearbook.org |
FRED沿袭创始 人原先成功宗旨,秉承珠宝制作基本原则—拒绝平庸,制作出迎合女士需求的各种珠宝,令佩带的女士魅力四射。 lvmh.cn | FRED remains faithful to its founder’s [...] original successful slogan and reinvents FRED’s line according to the basic rules of jewelry: [...]jewels reject clichés and lines match women’s sensuality. lvmh.com |
城市的建造严格遵守了30年前西班牙国王查尔斯·冯·昆卡(Charles V. Cuenca)制定的垂直城市规划原则,并于后来的400年间一 直 沿袭 了 当 初的规划。 glifr.com | This inland colonial town (entroterra), now the country's third city, was founded in 1557 on the rigorous planning guidelines issued 30 years earlier by the Spanish king Charles V. Cuenca still observes the formal orthogonal town plan that it has respected for 400 years. glifr.com |
为了便利于对关于土著人民及其决策参与权研究的进度报告草稿进行讨论, 并沿袭专家机制第一次研究的做法,人权高专办于2010年3月23日和24日在 日内瓦举办了一次技术研讨会。 daccess-ods.un.org | To facilitate discussion related to the draft progress report on the study about indigenous peoples and the right to participate in decision-making, and following the practice of the first study of the Expert Mechanism, OHCHR organized a technical workshop in Geneva on 23 and 24 March 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
她也加入了他在他的(第一)迁移到阿比西尼亚(埃塞俄比亚),公元615年,麦加的穆斯林移民,由麦加人仍 然 沿袭 前 伊 斯兰宗教迫害寻求避难。 mb-soft.com | She also joined him in his (first) migration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 615 AD; a number of Mecca's Muslims emigrated then, seeking refuge from persecution by the Meccans who still followed their pre-Islamic religions. mb-soft.com |
朱莉娅•雷(Julia Leigh)的第一部小说《猎人》( The Hunter )– 被誉为“沿袭了塔 斯马尼亚哥特派的最佳传统”– 入围了多个国际奖项,获得了英国贝蒂•特拉斯克奖和法国的the Prix de L’Astrolabe Etonnants Voyageurs 奖,以及《纽约时报》年度重要图书奖。 china.embassy.gov.au | Julia Leigh’s first novel, The Hunter – described as ‘in the best tradition of Tasmanian gothic’ – was internationally shortlisted for many prizes and won a Betty Trask Award (UK), the Prix de L’Astrolabe Etonnants Voyageurs (France), and was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. china.embassy.gov.au |
星睿,由梅赛德斯-奔驰倾力打造的认证二手车业务 , 沿袭 百 年 荣耀及矢志不渝的品质信念,将盛载赞誉的星芒传奇倾情呈现,并赋予认证二手车业务以全新内涵:尊崇备至、品质卓越。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Inheriting the star's century glory and commitment, the StarElite Pre-Owned Program provides the same level of assurance and quality that would stand up to the Mercedes-Benz name. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
童衣XL》是张卫星去年《童衣》系列的延续,是创作主题的意犹未尽和自 然 沿袭 , 是 时间流变的自觉呈现。 randian-online.com | CHILDREN’S CLOTHES XL” following Zhang Weixing’s last year series “CHILDREN’S CLOTHES”, is an unsatisfied pleasure and natural continuation of the subject as well as a natural presentation of the flow of time. randian-online.com |