

单词 沿线


沿口线脚 n

cornice n

See also:


following (a line)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,采用 道路运输的货物常常要在边境地区或某一条指 线 路 沿线 的 装 卸点进行转 运,致使在运输过程中增加了不必要的成本和延误。
As a result, goods carried by road often have to be trans-shipped at border areas or loading points along a designated route.
联黎部队还将与协调联合国驻黎巴嫩 各机构工作的联合国黎巴嫩问题特别协调员办事处保持密切合作,与黎巴嫩政府 就安全理事会第
[...] 1701(2006)号决议及其他问题和联黎部队的相关政治方面进行 接触,同时与有关各方进行合作,缓减黎巴嫩境内和“ 线 ” 沿线 的 政 治紧张局 势。
The Force will also maintain close cooperation with the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, which coordinates the work of all United Nations agencies in Lebanon, and provide an interface with the Government of Lebanon on political aspects relevant to Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) and other issues and
UNIFIL, while collaborating with all concerned parties to mitigate political tensions
[...] within Lebanon and along the Blue Line.
联合国驻利比里亚特派团部队将合并地点和基地,转为更机动的态势,并在 特派团军事部门减员的情况下开展工作,以便为该国各地提供安全防护,支持国
家安全部队,与新组建的军队举行联合演习,按照联合国军火禁运豁免规定检查 政府获得的武器和弹药库存,供国家警察使用,开展警戒和搜查行动以收回非法
[...] 武器,保护联合国和政府所在地点和设施,并定期进行空中和地面巡逻,特别是 对边沿线和其 他高风险地区进行巡逻。
The forces of the United Nations Mission in Liberia will consolidate their locations and bases, shifting to a more mobile posture and working within the reduced strength of the military component of the Mission, in order to provide a security umbrella throughout the country, support the national security forces, conduct joint exercises with the new army, undertake inspections of inventories of weapons and ammunition obtained by the Government in accordance with the exemptions to the United Nations arms embargo for use by the national police, undertake cordon and search operations to retrieve illegal weapons, protect key United Nations and Government locations and
installations and conduct regular air and ground patrols, in particular
[...] along the borders and in other high-risk areas.
塞尔维亚指出,2009年 底了解到科索沃和梅托希亚省行政边 沿线 布 设 了地雷。
Serbia indicated that toward the end of 2009 knowledge was obtained that mines where emplaced along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija.
两天后,尽管刚果(金)武装部队增调部队到这一 地区,但兵变者夺取了鲁丘鲁与卢旺达接壤边 沿线 的 前 全国保卫人民大会据点 Dunyoni、Changu 和 Mouzi(见附件 33)。
Two days later, despite FARDC having deployed additional troops to the area, the mutineers managed to take control of former CNDP strongholds Runyoni, Chanzu and Mbuzi, situated along the Rwandan border in Rutshuru (see annex 33).
在城市和大多数区域地区,以及国家和地区高速公 沿线 都 提 供手机服务。
Mobile phone services are available in urban areas, most regional areas and along a number of national and regional highways.
在前全国保卫人民大会人员兵变开始后,刚果(金)武装部队第 803 团的 100
[...] 多名逃兵为恩杜马保卫刚果民兵组织提供增援,以袭击并抢掠 Mpofi-Kibua 轴线 的沿线村庄 ,杀害了很多刚果(金)武装部队士兵。
Following the beginning of the ex-CNDP mutiny, over 100 FARDC deserters of the 803rd regiment
reinforced NDC in order to attack
[...] and pillage the villages along the Mpofi-Kibua axis, killing dozens [...]
of FARDC soldiers.
据报在选举结束 后,由其中许多人是前战斗人员的青年组成的这些工作队从事勒索和暴力行为, 这在边沿线尤为严重。
With elections over, these task forces which are comprised of youths, many of whom are former fighters, are reportedly engaged in extortion and acts of violence especially along the borders.
论坛请秘书处继续在以下诸方面提供协助和进行协调:确定发展 公路和铁路基础设施以及铁道机车车辆方面的优先重点投资需要、并促进
[...] 为此进行融资、同时亦支持在亚洲公路 沿线 各 路 段设置道路标志的工作。
The Forum requested the secretariat to continue to assist and coordinate in the identification of priority investment needs and to promote financing for the development of road and railway
infrastructure and rolling stock as well as supporting the
[...] installation of route signage along [...]
the Asian Highway network.
There is little land left for further development in this village, therefore the river beach along the road was the only choice for the site of a tourist center.
在此方面,经社会指出,越来越多的国家 正在利用公私营伙伴关系,以便为交通运输基础设施发展项目,包括亚洲公 路网和泛亚铁路沿线的一 些相关路段的项目,进行融资。
In that regard, it noted that an increasing number of countries were utilizing public-private partnerships in order to finance transport infrastructure development projects, including along sections of the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway networks.
两国共同边沿线和苏 丹的边缘化外围地区持续的不稳定仍将威胁 和平和相互间的经济活力,以及中国在两国 的利益。
Continued instability along the shared border and in Sudan’s marginalised peripheries will remain a threat to peace and to mutual economic viability, as well as to Chinese interests in both.
值得骄傲的是,迄今为止LIVESTRONG全球抗癌运动已在澳大利亚、加利福尼亚、墨西哥,最近还在意大利都取得了成功,该运动企业合作伙伴耐克通过具体的行动,在这些地方帮助增强草根对癌症负担的意识,具体行动包括其Open Roads计划,在这项计划中,Hope Rides
[...] Again黄盒粉笔和宣传标语被分发给站在自行车 沿线 支 持 兰斯·阿姆斯特朗的车迷们。
The LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Campaign is proud of its successes to date in Australia, California, Mexico and, most recently, Italy, where its corporate partner Nike helped build grassroots awareness ofthe burden of cancer through visibility efforts including its Open Roads project, in which Hope Rides Again yellow boxes of
chalk and cheer cards were given to fans who
[...] lined the tour route in support of [...]
Lance Armstrong, LAF founder and chairman,
cancer survivor and champion cyclist.
(c) 改进来源国、中转国和目的地国之间以及政府间组织之间在执法合作 领域的信息交流,并考虑使这种交流制度化;各国特别是主要贩毒 线沿线国 家 ,应当根据本国立法,考虑建立执法官员联合侦查组处理贩毒和有组织犯罪 案件。
(c) Improve and consider institutionalizing the exchange of information among source, transit and destination countries and among intergovernmental organizations in the area of law enforcement cooperation; States, in particular those situated along major drug trafficking routes, should, in conformity with their national legislation, consider establishing joint investigations and teams of law enforcement officers dealing with drug trafficking and organized crime.
在这些陆、 海橄榄油之路沿线,地 中海沿岸的港口和城市、集市和市场、葡萄种植园和季节性收购 [...]
站、手工的或近代的橄榄加工方式、挤压和制备方式、橄榄油的运输和储存等,都是有关民 族和整个人类的共同遗产。
All along these
[...] land and sea routes, a heritage common [...]
to the peoples concerned and to humanity as a whole is found in the
ports and the towns of the Mediterranean, in the bazaars and markets, in the fields where olives are cultivated and the equipment for harvesting them, in the traditional or modern methods of olive production, in the pressing and preparation and in the transportation and storage of olive oil.
汽车专用沿线不设平交路口,车道中间应有中央分 隔带。
At -grade intersections should not be designed on the access-controlled highways and the carriageway should be divided by a median strip.
其次,我要感谢埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国大力 支持过渡联邦政府盟军,导致从青年党手中夺回与索 马里边沿线重要地区。
Secondly, I want to thank the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the strong support it has given to the TFG allied forces, which has led to the capture from Al-Shabaab of important areas along the border with Somalia.
综上所述,高贵林及常线沿线的城 市将有一个非常美好的未来,这里会有更多工作机会,更多人口迁移至此,更多更完善的社会服务等等。
After all, I can see a brillian future of Tri-city, as more jobs will be created, more population will relocate to the area, and more social services will be provided.
鉴于其地理位置, 即位于所谓的巴尔干线沿线,克 罗地亚特别清楚大规模毁灭性武器扩散的危 险。
Owing to its geographic position — along the so-called Balkan route — Croatia is particularly aware of the dangers of weapons of mass destruction proliferation.
例如, 一些小岛屿发展中国家(多米尼加共和国、牙买加、毛里求斯以及特立尼达和多
[...] 巴哥)占据有利的地理位置,位于主要货 线沿线 , 这 些国家的集装箱港货运量 从 2001 [...]
年至 2007 年基本翻了一番。
For example, container port traffic roughly doubled from 2001 to 2007 in those
States that are strategically located along
[...] major shipping routes (e.g., in the Dominican [...]
Republic, Jamaica, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago).
另外,他还设计了上海至天津铁 线沿线 的 几 座车站。
In addition, he designed several train stations along the line between Shanghai and Tjandju.
安置难民和无家可归者以及加强我国与塞拉利昂、利比里亚和科特迪瓦边 沿线 的安 全的开支仍然是我们的优先安排。
Priority is still being given to expenditure relating to care for refugees and displaced persons and the strengthening of security on our borders with Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire.
科鲁尼亚与马德里半岛的北侧相连,高速公 沿线 坐 落 着多个西班牙城市。
A Coruña is in communication to the north of the peninsula with Madrid with diverse Spanish cities along the highway.
当前的关注 重点是发展将这些网络连接起来的包括海 港和陆港在内的多式联运设施;基础设施升 级改造和完成泛亚铁沿线的空 缺路段;以 及交通运输的便利化,尤其是在陆运部门。
Attention is now focused on the development of intermodal facilities which link these networks including maritime and dry ports; the upgrading of infrastructure and completion of missing links along the Trans-Asian Railway (TAR); and facilitation of transport particularly in the land transport sector.
定位驱动器就是您理想的选择,不仅 沿线性 路 径或旋转方式实现目标产品的转移,还可根据 [...]
您不同的需要引导可移动机械部件实现目标区域 的不同移位。
Positioning drives are ideally suited to this, operating
[...] either on a rotary or linear basis to move products [...]
towards their target position and
guide moveable machine parts to a defined target location based on your requirements.
在过去八个月中,发生在巴布亚的最引人注目的暴力事件是发生在自由港连接蒂米卡(Timika)和谭巴架佩亚(Tembagapura)城镇的主要矿区道 沿线 的 一系列枪击事件,目标是自由港或者准军事警察的车辆,如机动旅。
The most dramatic violence in Papua over the last eight months has been the series of shootings along Freeport’s main mining road linking the towns of Timika and Tembagapura, aimed at either Freeport vehicles or those of the paramilitary police, Brimob.
目前, 穷 人 随 季节变 化,住在不同 的 地方:洪水淹 没 的地区 、多户 合 住房屋 、 废弃建筑物 或 其他地方,如 铁沿线、 街 道、屋檐下、沿岸、公共 花园、污水管和七个地区的各种场所。
At present, poor people are living in various areas depending on seasons: flooded areas, or multi-family shared buildings, or old buildings or other places such as alongrailroad areas, on-street areas, place under the end piece of roofs, place along the river, in public gardens, areas along the sewage pipe and various areas in the seven Khans/Districts.
此外, 根据总督 2010 年的施政演说,让领土政府感到鼓舞的是,汉密尔顿东北经济开 发区产生了积极影响,并打算在环现有经济开发区边 沿线 地 区设立过渡区,以 及在圣乔治和桑迪斯设立这样的过渡区。
Further, according to the 2010 Governor’s Throne Speech, the territorial Government was encouraged by the positive impact of an economic empowerment zone in Northeast Hamilton and intends to develop transition zones along the perimeters of the existing boundaries of the economic empowerment zone, as well as in St. George’s and Sandys.




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