

单词 沿条儿

See also:


following (a line)


son n

retroflex final
non-syllabic diminutive suffix

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,采用 道路运输的货物常常要在边境地区或某 条 指 定线 路 沿 线 的 装卸点进行转 运,致使在运输过程中增加了不必要的成本和延误。
As a result, goods carried by road often have to be trans-shipped at border areas or loading points along a designated route.
沙特阿拉伯鼓励不丹继沿着这条道 路 走下去。
Saudi Arabia
[...] encouraged Bhutan to continue along this path.
第二部分至第四部分(第 3 条至第 57 条)沿用了国家责任条款的基本布 局。
Parts Two to Four (arts. 3 to 57) follow the general lay-out of the articles on State responsibility.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
[...] 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东沿海地 区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起条交通 走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 [...]
深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan
multi-modal project
[...] that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked [...]
north east; and
the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
少年记者行动”招聘并培训儿童志愿者,来充分履行《联合 儿 童 权 利公约》第 12 条中赋予儿童自由发言和表达其所关心问题的权利。
The initiative recruits and trains
child volunteers in an
[...] effort to fulfil Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which gives children the [...]
right to speak freely and express their concerns.
在该项法规中,“婴儿床防撞护垫”是指“一块或多块无网 孔材料,可直接放置于婴儿床床垫上,围绕在 儿 床 床 沿或 内侧,针对使用至婴儿可以抓物站立的年纪”,此处不包括 直立式护垫以及紧包各独立床轨或带网孔的衬垫。
In this regulation, “baby pumper pads” means “a pad or pads of non-mesh material resting directly above the mattress in a crib, running the circumference of the crib or along any of the interior sides of the crib, and intended to be used until the age that an infant pulls to stand” and does not include vertical bumpers that wrap tightly around each individual crib rail or mesh crib liners.
委员会认为,关于第12 条,儿童个 人表达自己意见的权利,与集体陈情权 之间存在区别,集体陈情权可使儿童作为一个群体参与协商涉及他们的事项。
The Committee considers that,
[...] in relation to article 12, there is a distinction between the right of the child as an individual [...]
to express his
or her opinion and the right to be heard collectively, which allows children as a group to be involved in consultations on matters involving them.
(b) 执行主任应负责确保咨询人雇条件 符 合 儿 基 会 的各项相 条 例、细则、行政通知和指示,并应发布儿基会咨询人雇用政策和指示。
(b) The Executive Director shall be
responsible for
[...] ensuring that the terms of engagement of consultants conform to all relevant Regulations, Rules, administrative issuances and directives of UNICEF and [...]
shall issue policies
and instructions on the engagement of consultants by UNICEF.
委员会还建议,规划的措施侧重于 就业途径、适当的工条件、儿童入 学和预防辍学、医疗途径和减少儿童死亡率 以及适足住房、供水、卫生设施和供电。
The Committee also recommends that the planned measures
focus on access to
[...] employment, adequate conditions of work, enrolment of children in education [...]
and prevention of school drop-outs,
access to medical care, and reduction of child mortality, as well as access to adequate housing, water, sanitation and electricity.
此外,还应将世界范围的努力集中于保护儿 童和青少年不受犯罪特别是暴力所害,并保护环境和生 条 件 不 富裕 儿 童和 青少年;保护儿童免受犯罪和社会病态现象伤害;以及保护家庭暴力的儿童证 人和儿童罪犯。
Further, worldwide effort should focus on protecting children and youth from crime, in
particular from
[...] violence, and children and youth coming from economically disadvantaged environments and living conditions; protecting [...]
children from crime
and socio-pathological phenomena; and protecting child witnesses of domestic violence as well as child offenders.
因此,委员会回顾,《公约》附件二第 8 条规定沿海国 不同意委员会建议的情形下,沿海国应于合理期间内向委员会提出订正 [...]
In this connection, the Commission recalled that the
[...] provisions contained in article 8 of annex II to the [...]
Convention established that in the
case of disagreement by the coastal State with the recommendations of the Commission, the coastal State shall, within a reasonable time, make a revised or new submission to the Commission.
现代快速公交系 统可沿一条单一线路每小时运送最多 45 000 人次,相比之下,同一线路上混 合交通只能运送不到 10 000 人次。
Modern BRT systems can move up to 45,000 passengers per hour along a single route direction compared with fewer than 10,000 passengers for mixed traffic on the same corridor.
[...] 加上干旱、索马里人民持续遭受苦难、恐怖主义、招募和使 儿 童 兵 、索马沿 海的 海盗和武装抢劫行为以及劫持人质;重申必须制定全面战略,鼓励通过所有 [...]
The members of the Security Council and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union expressed their grave concern at the continued instability in Somalia, which has led to a multitude of problems, including a dire humanitarian situation, compounded by drought, continued suffering of the
Somali populations, terrorism, the
[...] recruitment and use of child soldiers, acts of piracy [...]
and armed robbery at sea off the
coast of Somalia and hostage-taking, and reiterated the need for a comprehensive strategy to encourage the establishment of peace and stability in Somalia through the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders and in line with the Djibouti Agreement.
使用合适的工沿着这条 线进行切割,在墙壁上开出一个孔。
Cut along the line with an appropriate tool to create an aperture in the wall.
那么,各方还必须确认,如果占领国无 情地逼我沿这条道路 走下去,那我们就将陷入一条 只会给巴勒斯坦人民和以色列人民及整个区域带来 更多暴力、痛苦的轨道,从而把我们推入又一个黑暗 时代,并使我们比以往任何时候都更远离我们在中东 实现和平、安全和共存前景的崇高目标。
It must also then be recognized that if recklessly forced down this path by the occupying Power, we will be taken on a trajectory that will bring only more violence, suffering, loss and instability for both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, as well as the region as a whole, propelling us into yet another era of darkness and taking us further away than ever from our noble goal of realizing a future of peace, security and coexistence in the Middle East.
沿着李尔的儿女环路一路走来,欣 沿 途 的 美景,感受爱尔兰传说的魅力
Enjoy legends and landscapes along the Children of Lir Loop.
除了《世界人权宣言》第 22 条和第 25 条之外,社会
保障权利还出现在《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》第 9、10 和 11 条,《消
[...] 除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第 5(e)(四)条、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公 约》第 11 条、《儿童权 利公约》第 26 条,以及《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成 员权利国际公约》第 [...]
27 条。
Further to articles 22 and 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it appears in articles 9, 10 and 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, article 5 (e) (iv) of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, article 11 of the Convention on the Elimination of
[...] against Women, article 26 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, article 27 of the [...]
International Convention
on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
(c) 指出政府做出的努力和国际社会尤其是联合国各机构的广泛贡献,有助 于在改儿童生活条件方 面取得重大进展,秘书长的报告确认了这些改善。
(c) Noted that efforts of the Government and broad contributions of the international community, in particular United Nations agencies, had helped to
bring about major progress in improving
[...] the living conditions of children, as recognized [...]
in the Secretary-General’s report.
实现《千年发 展目标》对于改进数以亿儿童的生 活 条 件 ,确保穷国的增长和可持续发展都是 至关重要的。
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals was
vital in order to improve
[...] the living conditions of hundred of millions of children and to ensure [...]
growth and sustainable
development in poor countries.
从奥克兰(Auckland)和陶朗加(Tauranga)北边, 在高速公路的“City Centre”出口驶出, 当你靠近市区时将看到环岛的一个大旗杆,在环岛转右时靠左侧车道行驶, 旅舍就在转出环岛后左侧的第条街 上 , 沿 这 条 无 尾 街行驶至尽头即可看见旅舍。
From Auckland and the north of Tauranga, take the “city centre” exit from the expressway, as you get nearer the city you will see a large flagpole on the roundabout, stay in the left-hand lane when turning right at the roundabout, we are the first street on the immediate left, the hostel is at the end of the cul-de-sac.
根据嵌套进化枝系地理分析(NCPA)推测,与越南毗邻的防城河周边地区可能是美丽小条鳅的扩散中心,该物种可由此区域通过 条 途 径 扩散: 1 ) 沿 西 江 水系向广西沿海独立水系至广东漠阳江和潭江水系扩散;2)向海南岛诸水系再至雷州半岛的鉴江水系扩散。
Nested-clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the fish may have originated from the border area of Guangxi and Vietnam, where the Dongzhong River, Beilun River and Fangcheng River are located, and
dispersed to other
[...] drainages in two ways: 1) through the Xijiang River to the coastal drainages in [...]
Guangxi and those of the
Moyangjiang and Tanjiang Rivers in Guangdong Province; 2) through the ancient river systems between Hainan Island and Vietnam to Hainan Island, then back to the mainland expanding northward to the Jianjiang River of the Leizhou Peninsula in Guangdong Province.
[...] 2010 年 7 月 14 日所作发言,其中比利时提出在考虑 严重违反国际人权和人道主义法行为时, 条 约 中提 及 儿 童 兵 问题。
In addition, Belgium reaffirms its statement made on 14 July 2010, in which it
proposed to include a
[...] reference to the issue of child soldiers in the treaty when considering [...]
serious violations of international
human rights and humanitarian law.
当我沿着一条街道 行驶时,一个同事告诉我,这条街道曾经是霍姆斯著名的香榭丽舍大街,遍布着咖啡馆、饭店和酒吧,整日熙熙攘攘。
As we drove down one street, a colleague told me it had once been known as the Champs-Élysées of Homs, with cafes, restaurants and bars bustling with people.
葡萄牙赞扬刚果民主共和国政府已取得的进展, 并鼓励沿着这条路继续前进,尽管它仍面临各种挑 战。
Portugal commends the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the progress achieved and encourages it to continue along this path despite the challenges it still faces.
还回顾所有相关的国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,特别是《公民及政治 权利国际公约》、2
[...] 《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》、2 《儿童权利公约》3 和《消 除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》,4 严重关切整个被占领土内的巴勒斯坦人民,尤其是妇女 儿 童 的生 活 条 件恶 化,构成日益严重的人道主义危机
Recalling further all relevant international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, and, in particular, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,2 the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,2 the Convention on the Rights of the Child,3 and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,4 Gravely concerned
at the deterioration
[...] in the living conditions of the Palestinian people, in particular women and children, throughout the [...]
occupied Palestinian
territory, which constitutes a mounting humanitarian crisis
[...] 约》的一个要素,也是必须用来解释《公约》其余部 分的一个视角,包括:第 1 条,其中规儿童系指 18 岁以下的任何人;以及第 24(d)条,其中提及产前和 [...]
Because that language was in the Preamble of the Convention, it was a constitutive element of that Convention and was the perspective through which the rest of
the Convention must be
[...] interpreted, including article 1, which defined a child as every human [...]
being below the age of eighteen
years, and article 24 (d), which referred to prenatal and postnatal health care.
8 个省的 55 个城市被证实发生了民族解放军征募和威胁征募或使 儿 童的 案件,沿委内 瑞拉边境的省份(阿劳卡省、北桑坦德省、桑坦德省)和沿海省份 (玻利瓦尔省、考卡省、乔科省、马格达莱纳省、纳里尼奥省)。
Cases of recruitment and threats of
[...] recruitment or use of children by ELN were confirmed in 55 municipalities of eight departments, namely along the Venezuelan [...]
border (Arauca, Norte
de Santander, Santander) and coastal departments (Bolívar, Cauca, Chocó, Magdalena, Nariño).
初期计划实施的范围是从加利 福尼亚北部一直到下加利福尼亚中部,在该水域布设了一系列的观测站位 (沿着 36 条与加 利福尼亚海流几乎垂直的从近岸到外海方向的断面布设了 近 600 个站位),采样时间间隔(采水测温、浮游生物拖网)为一个月。
Thus, implementation of the coastal module will require the support and participation of at least four groups of regional bodies and activities: (1) national GOOS programmes and GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs), (2) Regional Fishery Bodies (RFBs), (3) Regional Seas Programmes (RSPs) and (4) Large Marine Ecosystem approaches (LMEs) (Figure 7.1).




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