




Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)


Lugu Lake


Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)



External sources (not reviewed)

与认购权证相似,的价值状况乃参考行使价格或行使水平与挂鈎资产的价格或水平的 [...]
Similar to a call warrant, the
[...] moneyness ofa put warrant is calculated [...]
by reference to the difference between the exercise
price or strike level and the underlying asset’s price or level, divided by the underlying asset’s price or level, as illustrated in the table below.
基金经理可以买卖单 位,故此认购及赎回可由基金经理酌情直接记入基金帐户中,或由基金经 购入。
The Manager may deal in Units and subscriptions and redemptions may accordingly at the Manager's discretion be either for the direct account of the Funds or sales or purchases by the Manager.
The present
[...] value of the putoption ($ 419 million) [...]
has been accounted for as an other financial liability with the corresponding
amount recognised against non controlling interest.
2.5 本行不会故意或同意进行导致阁交易,除非有 易为法律所容许。
2.5 We will not knowingly execute or agree to execute a transaction which would result in you having a short sellingunless otherwise permitted by law.
c. 除下述(f)段所述情况外,「交易」或「买卖」包括:在不论是否涉及代价的情况下,购 入、出售或转让公司证券或任何实体(其唯一或大部分资产为公司证券)的证券,或提 供关於购入、出售或转让该等证券的要约,或以该等证券作出抵押或押记,或就该等证 券产生任何其他证券权益,以及有条件或无条件授予、接受、购入、出售、转让、行使 或履行现在或将来的任何期权(不论是认购或者兼备的期权)或其他权利或责 任,以购入、出售或转让公司的证券或该等证券的任何权益,或为进行上述任何行动而 达成任何协议
c. “dealing” includes, subject to paragraph (f) below, any acquisition, disposal or transfer of, or offer to acquire, dispose of or transfer, or creation of pledge, charge or any other security interest in, any securities of the Company or any entity whose assets solely or substantially comprise securities of the Company, and the grant, acceptance, acquisition, disposal, transfer, exercise or discharge of any option (whether call, put or both) or other right or obligation, present or future, conditional or unconditional, to acquire, dispose of or transfer securities, or any interest in securities, of the Company, in each case whether or not for consideration and any agreements to do any of the foregoing, and “deal” shall be construed accordingly
(e) 就而言,时间值的减少可能会抵销挂鈎资产价格的任何下跌,尤其当权证接 [...]
(e) in respectof a put warrant, a [...]
decrease in time value may offset any decrease in the price of the underlying asset,
especially when the warrant is close to its expiry where the time value usually decreases more rapidly.
已完成 之 成本值包括采购、加工及运输存货到当前地点及状况的所有成本。
Cost of completed properties held for sale comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.
期 权 合 约 赋 予 持 有 人 权 利 , 可 於 指 定 限 期 内 , 以 指 定 价 格 购 入( 认 购 期 权)( 认) 相 关 权 益 。
These contracts give option holders the right to buy (with a “call”) or sell (with a “put”) the underlying interest within a specified time and price.
务 请 有 意 接 纳 股 份 收 购 建 议 之 独 立 股 东 紧 记 密 切 留 意 股 份 於 要 约 期 内 之 市 价 及 流 通 性 ; 倘 於 公 开 市 场股 份之所 得 款 项 净 额 将 高 於 根 据 股 份 收 购 建 议 应 收 之代价 净 额 , 则 於 顾 及 其 本 身 之 处 境 及 投 资 目 标 後 , 应 考股 份 取 代 接 纳 股 份 收 购 建 议 。
The Independent Shareholders who intend to accept the Share Offer are reminded to closely monitor the market price and the liquidity of the Shares during the Offer Period
and shall, having
[...] regard to their own circumstances and investment objectives, consider selling their Shares in the open market, instead of accepting the Share Offer, if the net proceeds from the saleof such Shares would be higher than the net consideration [...]
receivable under the Share Offer.
[...] 若(a)飞利浦乃违约股东,要求飞利浦就MMD支付违约期权 价格(定义见下文)向MMD出售及转让(而飞利浦须据此出售 及 转 让)飞 利 浦 持 有 的 合 营 公 司 股 份(「飞 利 浦 违 约」);及(b)若MMD乃违约股东,要求飞利浦就MMD支付 违约期权价格(定义见下文)向MMD出售及转让(而MMD须 据此收购及接纳)飞利浦持有的合营公司股份。
Upon an Event of Default, the non-defaulting shareholder of JVCo shall have the right, exercisable upon delivery of a notice to the Defaulting Shareholder (the ‘‘Default Notice’’), to (i) terminate the Shareholders Agreement; and (ii) in the event (a) Philips is the defaulting shareholder, to call on Philips to sell and transfer to MMD (and Philips shall be obliged to thus sell and transfer) the shares of JVCo
held by Philips
[...] (‘‘Philips Default PutOption’’) against payment by MMD of the Default Option Price (as defined below); and (b) MMD is the defaulting shareholder, to sell and transfer [...]
to MMD (and MMD shall be
obliged to thus purchase and accept) the shares of JVCo held by Philips against payment by MMD of the Default Option Price (as defined below).
9. 倘行使价或行使价的总额超过基金资产净值百分之二十五,则金所持证券之 购入期权。
9. by writing call options in respect of securities comprised in the funds if the exercise price or the aggregate of exercise prices would be more than 25% of the Funds' Net Asset Value.
换言之,将同一杠 杆式产品或结构性产品脱手不算为另一宗交易。
In other words, any disposal or sale of the Leveraged Product or Structured Product will not be counted as a separate transaction.
这项波幅较低的特点十分难能可贵,有助投资者在坚持投资策略的同时, 又可减少跌市现而可能面临的损失。
This lower volatility is very valuable both in helping investors stick with a disciplined strategy and in reducing the risk of disappointment if investors need to cash in their investments in a down year.
另 请 独 立 股
[...] 东 紧 记 , 於 决持 有 其 於 股 [...]
份之投 资 前 , 应 先 行 考 虑 其 个 人 处 境 及 投 资 目 标 。
The Independent Shareholders are also reminded that
[...] their decisions to sell or hold their [...]
investment in the Shares are subject to
their individual circumstances and investment objectives.
由於目标集团资产及负债、或然代价及飞利浦退出 赎回金额现 值於收购事项完成当日的公平值、或然代价於飞利浦发出通知表示选择收取 或然代价当日的公平值、以及飞利浦退出於飞利浦发出通知表示选 择行使有关期权当日的赎回金额,可能有别於编制上文呈列的未经审核备考 财务资料时所采用各自的公平值及赎回金额,而就收购事项确认之可识别资 产 净 值(包 括 无 形 资 产)最 终 金 额 及 收 购 事 项 产生的 议 价 收 购 实 际 收 益(如 有),可能有别於上文呈列的估计金额,且可能出现重大差异。
Since the fair values of the assets and liabilities of the Target Group, the contingent consideration and the present value of the
redemption amount of the
[...] PhilipsExit Put Option as at the date of completion of the Acquisition, and the fair value of the contingent consideration at the date Philips gives notice of its election to receive the contingent consideration and the redemption amount of the PhilipsExit Put Option at [...]
the date Philips gives
notice of its election to exercise such option may be different from their respective fair values and the redemption amount used in the preparation of the Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information presented above, the final amounts of the identified net assets (including intangible assets) and the actual gain on bargain purchase arising from the Acquisition, if any, to be recognised in connection with the Acquisition may be different from the estimated amount as presented above and the differences may be significant.
除有限情形外(其中包括对南聯提出之一般要 约), 仅能於预定到期日(为二零一二年十月二十九日)由新加坡渣打银行行 使,除非永泰向新加坡渣打银行发出书面通知,要求新加坡渣打银行按照期权协议之条 款行使其
Other than in limited circumstances (which include
a general
[...] offer for Winsor), the put options can only be exercised by SCB Singapore on the scheduled expiry date, which will be on 29 October 2012, unless Wing Tai gives SCB Singapore a written notice requiring SCB Singapore to exerciseits put options in accordance with [...]
the terms of the option agreement.
交易” 指代阁下进行与本客户协议有关的交易,包括但不限於:证券与商品的
[...] 购买、出售、交换、订立协议、平仓、处置及一般处理(包括但不限於 存入及提取以及行使及认购期权)、资金的处置及根据该融资作 [...]
Transaction(s)” means the transactions carried out for and on behalf of you in connection with this Client Agreement, including without limitation : the purchase, sale, exchange, entering into, closing, disposal and general dealing (including but not
limited to deposit and withdrawal and
[...] exercise of call and put options) in securities, [...]
Commodities, the disposition of funds
and the drawing and repayment under the Margin Facility on behalf of you in connection with this Client Agreement.
剔除确认金融资产(续 )
[...] 团的继续涉及程度按本集团可能购回已转让资产的金额计算,惟倘有关资产的书面(包括现金结算选 择权或类似条文)按公平值计算,则本集团的继续涉及程度仅限於已转让资产的公平值或选择权行使价中之较 [...]
Where continuing involvement takes the form of a written and/or purchased option (including a cash-settled option or similar provision) on the transferred asset, the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement is the amount of the transferred asset that the
Group may repurchase, except that in the case
[...] of a written put option (including [...]
a cash-settled option or similar provision)
on an asset measured at fair value, the extent of the Group’s continuing involvement is limited to the lower of the fair value of the transferred asset and the option exercise price.
敦沛有权自行判断,决定何处置上述有关抵押品及∕或将任何持仓平仓 或斩仓,亦有权以当时市场价格转让给敦沛任何客户证券或有关抵押品,如因此导致阁下任何损失,及对 敦沛集团公司因此取得之利益,敦沛概不负责。
Tanrich is also entitled to exercise its own judgement in determining the time of the aforesaid sale or disposal or liquidation and to sell or dispose of any of such properties at current market price to Tanrich without any responsibility for any loss occasioned or being accountable for any profit made by Tanrich.
Shortselling of shares is safer [...]
because there are many safety factors: there are circuit breaks, stopping her purse in
case she has a very violent motion, there is a need garantis and many regulatory rules for this type of operation.
可赎回 股份使用摊销成本法入账,而直至二零一二年三月一日(着合资格首次公开发售 及於香港联交所上市截止而终止之日)止期间的可赎回股份实际利息列入融资开支。
The redeemable shares were accounted for using amortized cost and the effective interest on the redeemable shares for the period was included in finance expense up to March 1, 2012, the date on which the put right was extinguished with the closing of the Qualifying IPO and listing on the SEHK.
评估的拨备 管理层基於以下方式厘定的可变现净值:(i)采用独立物业估值师所提供当时的最新成交个案等市场数据及市场调查报 告;及(ii)采用基於供应商报价所作的内部成本估计。
Management determines the net realisable value of completed properties for sale by using (i) prevailing market data such as most recent sale transactions and market survey reports available from independent property valuers; and (ii) internal estimates of costs based on quotes by suppliers.
若任何未行使於预定到期日当天或之前获行使或被视为获行使,新加坡渣打银 行须向永泰或其代理人交付相等於其行使的的南聯股份,而永泰须向新加坡渣 打银行支付金额相等於获行使之股份數目(即 13,900,000 股)与行使价格(即於 本公告日期每股南聯股份 12.59 港元)之乘积的款项(即假如於本公告日期被全 面行使,新加坡渣打银行会应因该等股份已收取 175,001,000 港元)。
If any of
[...] the outstanding putoptionsare exercised, or deemed to be exercised, on or before the scheduled expiry date, SCB Singapore shall deliver to Wing Tai or its nominee the shares in Winsor representedby theput optionsexercised by it and Wing Tai shall pay to SCB Singapore the amount equal to the product of the number of shares subject to the put options exercised (namely 13,900,000) and the exercise price (which is HK$12.59 per share in Winsor as at the date of this announcement, such that SCB Singapore would have received HK$175,001,000 for the shares if the put options were [...]
exercised in full on
the date of this announcement).
(g) 香 港 会 计 准 则 第32号(经 修 订 )规 定 当 可工 具 及 清 盘 时 产 生 特 定 责 任 的 工 具 符 合 若 干 指 定 特 徵 时,可 获 有 限 豁 免,并 分 类 为 权 益。
(g) HKAS 32 (Amendments) provides a limited scope exception for puttable financial instruments and instruments that impose specified obligations arising on liquidation to be classified as equity if they fulfil a number of specified features.
Both Calland Put ("Buy" or"Sell")options [...]
contain risks. Investors should inquire the dealing company about the details
and provisions of future and option contracts, and also the related responsibility (such as in what circumstances you have the responsibility to settle the contract assets, or in option, the expiry date of option and the limited time in exercising the option).
这表示阁下仅可以透 过买入认购或而持有有关权证的长仓,并透过出售有关权证以将先前设立的有关长仓 平仓,即表示阁下不可关权证。
This means you can only take a long position in a
[...] call or a putwarrant by buying such warrant and close out such long position previously established by selling such warrant – that is, you cannot short sellsuch warrant.
若 客 户 将 股 票 每 月 投 资 计 划 户 口 下 持 有 之 证 券 卖 出 ( 不 论 计 划 已 被 终 止 与 否 ) , 本 行 会 就 有易 收 取 一 般 证 券 服 务 费 用 , 包 括 一 般 经 纪 佣 金 ( 即 交 易 金 额 之 0.25 % , 每 单 最 低 收 费 为 HKD100 ) 及 其 他 有 关 证 券 服 务 费 用 。
If a customer sells any securities in the Monthly Investment Plan account (regardless of whether the plan is terminated or not), the Bank will impose normal securities services charges, including the brokerage fee at normal rate (i.e. 0.25% of transaction amount, minimum HKD100 per transaction) and other relevant securities services charges on the selling transactions.
贸易及其他应付款项增加,主要反映因香港住宅项目的销售成本增加及开支上升、香港蔚然住宅项目预售单位所收订金、风力发电站装置船所收的未来租船订金、对中国内地三里屯VILLAGE非控股权益的 的公平值亏损增加,以及主要与分拆太古地产有限公司股份上市有关的应付开支上升。
The increase in trade and other payables principally reflects higher trade payables due to increased cost of sales and higher expenditure on residential projects in Hong Kong, deposits received for pre-sale units at the AZURA residential project in Hong Kong, reservation fees received for the future charter hire of wind farm
installation vessels, the increase in the fair
[...] value losson the put option in relation [...]
to the non-controlling interest in Sanlitun
Village in Mainland China and higher accrued expenses mainly relating to the spin-off and listing of shares in Swire Properties Limited.




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