单词 | 治療 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 治療 noun —treatment n治療 noun —therapy nSee also:治 v —research v • punish v 治—manage • treat (a disease) • harness (a river) • wipe out (a pest)
此外,即使 [...] 青年人或可明瞭某個醫療過程的性質,但未必理 解 治療 後 可 能需要的 社會支持。 hkreform.gov.hk | Further, while a young person may understand the [...] nature of a particular procedure, he or she may not appreciate the social support [...] that may be required after treatment. hkreform.gov.hk |
分享資訊:護理系統應確保有關診斷 、 治療 、 預 後和資源的資料,應與所有健康護理小組 [...] 的成員,包括家庭在內分享。 familyvoicesofca.org | The system of care should assure that information [...] concerning diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and [...]resources be shared with all members of [...]the health care team, which includes the family. familyvoicesofca.org |
(2) 關於已屆某一年齡的人士可同意接受外科、內科及 牙科治療的法 例方面,是否適宜作出改變。 hkreform.gov.hk | (2) Whether any changes are desirable in the law relating to the age at which a person may consent to [...] surgical, medical and dental treatment. hkreform.gov.hk |
15.3 該條例第2(2) [...] 條列出以牙醫身分執業的情況,該等情況涵蓋任何表示 準備以牙醫身分執業或替人治療,包括鑲嵌假牙或其他牙齒裝置的人 士。 dchk.org.hk | 15.3 Section 2(2) of the Ordinance sets out in what circumstances a person practises dentistry and includes a person who [...] suggests that he is prepared to practise [...] dentistry or to give treatment, including the [...]insertion of artificial teeth or other dental appliances. dchk.org.hk |
我們也可能向您的醫生或醫療團 [...] 隊提供您的個人健康隱私資料以授權某項特定的醫 藥 治療。 centralhealthplan.com | We may also share your protected health information with your doctor or medical group for purposes such as authorizing a [...] particular type of treatment. centralhealthplan.com |
(8) 支援中風後需接受語言障礙治療的長 期病患者及其 照顧者或家屬。 communitycarefund.hk | (8) To provide support for the chronically ill requiring speech therapy after suffering from stroke, and their carers or family members. communitycarefund.hk |
有個別人士,曾証明其他 保險公司有支付此類治療,或証明此 類 治療是 有效而贏得要求承保的。 familyvoicesofca.org | Individuals have won claims by proving that [...] other insurance companies have [...] paid for the treatment in question or that the treatment has been [...]beneficial in other ways. familyvoicesofca.org |
就此,政府可否告知本會,是否 知悉自醫管局推行《藥物名冊》以來,主診醫生最經常為病人處方但須由病 人自費購買的 30 種藥物名稱、當中每種藥物主要治療 的 病 症、醫生通常處 方的劑量、零售價,以及病人可否就有關的藥 物 治療 費 用向撒瑪利亞基金申 請資助? legco.gov.hk | In this connection, will the Government inform this Council whether it knows the names of the 30 drugs which are most often prescribed to patients by attending doctors but have to be purchased by patients at their own expenses since the implementation of the [...] Formulary by the HA, the diseases treated principally by each of these drugs, the dosages normally prescribed by doctors, their retail [...] prices and whether patients may apply to the Samaritan Fund for assistance in meeting the expenses on the drug treatments concerned? legco.gov.hk |
2.1.1 「按摩院」指任何用作或擬用作接待 或 治療 需 要 按摩或其他類似服務或 治療的人士的地方。 police.gov.hk | 2.1.1 “massage establishment” means any place used or [...] intended to be used for the [...] reception or treatment of persons requiring massage or other similar services or treatment. police.gov.hk |
任何牙醫,如在受酒精或藥物影響以致不宜執行專業職務的情況 下治 療病人 或執行其他專業職務,亦可能須面對紀律處分程序。 dchk.org.hk | A dental practitioner who treats patients or performs other professional duties while under the influence of drink or drugs to such an extent as to be unfit to perform his professional duties is liable to disciplinary proceedings. dchk.org.hk |
(1) 資助有語言障礙的兒童接受私人語言訓練中心的言 語治療。 communitycarefund.hk | (1) To provide subsidy on speech therapy with private speech training centres for children with speech problems. communitycarefund.hk |
盡量縮短精神病(首次發作 及任何復發)未獲治療的時 間,可提高達致良好預後情 況的機會。 psychosissucks.ca | By reducing the [...] duration of untreated psychosis (both [...]the initial episode and any relapses), the likelihood of good prognosis is increased. psychosissucks.ca |
微波的用途十分廣泛,可用於偵測超速車輛、發送電話、無線電和 電視訊號、治療肌肉疼痛、弄乾和處理膠合板、處理橡膠及樹脂、發酵 [...] 麫包及炸麫包圈,以及烹煮薯片等。 cfs.gov.hk | They are used to detect speeding cars, send telephone, radio and [...] television communications and treat muscle [...] soreness, dry and cure plywood, cure rubber and [...]resins, raise bread and doughnuts, as well as cook potato chips. cfs.gov.hk |
管理性護理通常限制使用專家,醫療 和 治療 ; 所 以,被否決並不是少見的)。 alphasb.org | (Managed care frequently limits the use [...] of specialists, treatment and therapy; therefore, [...]it is not unusual to be denied. alphasb.org |
實驗室裡的科學家從早忙到晚,為的是找 出 治療 成 千上萬感染致命病毒兒童的方法。 sfusd.edu | A laboratory scientist works late into the [...] night to find a cure for a deadly virus [...]afflicting thousands of children. sfusd.edu |
減緩輸注流速或治療前先 給予抗組織胺或/與類 固醇藥物,大部分的病患都能順利地持 續 治療。 giddi.com.tw | Most patients have successfully continued therapy after a reduction in rate of infusion and pretreatment with antihistamines and/or corticosteroids. giddi.com.tw |
咖啡因的主要特性 是可以刺激中樞神經系統,幫助治療 精 神 異常和刺激呼吸作用,同時也可以釋放 脂肪、刺激心跳,和輕微的利尿作用。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | Caffeine’s main properties are a stimulant action on the central nervous system with psychotropic effects and stimulation of respiration, the fat release discussed above, stimulation of the heart rate and a mild diuretic effect. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
例如,我們可能連絡您關於 可適用於您的治療選項,或是關於長期慢性疾病的健康教育課程等資 訊。 centralhealthplan.com | For example, we may contact you to inform you [...] about possible treatment options or alternatives, [...]or to provide education about managing a chronic condition. centralhealthplan.com |
(d) 由根據《輔助醫療業條例》(第 359 章)註冊的物理治療師經營的物理 治療院 police.gov.hk | (d) an establishment for physiotherapy operated by a physiotherapist registered [...] under the Supplementary Medical Professions [...]Ordinance, Chapter 359, Laws of Hong Kong police.gov.hk |
當心事項 [...] 警示語「當心事項」用於表示無採取預防措施之危險,可 能導致輕微至中度傷害或有損治療效 果。 aandd.jp | CAUTION The signal word CAUTION is used [...] to indicate hazards which, without precautionary measures, might result in minor to [...] moderate injury or impair treatment. aandd.jp |
最近,一款新型微波消融系統已獲得美國食物及藥物管理局(FDA)批准用 於 治療 肝 癌 病人。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Recently a high efficacy microwave coagulation system has [...] been developed and approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA for clinical [...] use in patients with liver tumors. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
最新調查顯示,本港眼敏感患者經常接觸的室內眼敏感致敏原包括床單、空調系統、化學 [...] 物品、塵、窗簾布;過半數受訪者的日常生活及工作受到影響及認爲難以避開致敏原;有眼科 醫生提醒眼敏感患者,治療眼敏 感應顧及治標治本,以改善患者生活質素。 hkupop.hku.hk | Until lately, a survey has first unveiled the prevailing indoor allergens such as bed sheet, ventilation system, chemicals, dust and curtains that are unknown to patients before. The survey also [...] reveals that over half of the [...] respondents’ daily life and work are affected by eye allergy [...]and considered avoidance of indoor allergens a challenge. hkupop.hku.hk |
評定患者血清中過敏原特異性 IgE [...] 含量連同基於患者病史和後續測試的臨 床評估,可以幫助醫師確診異位性過敏,並有助 於 治療 該 患 者。 hcdiagnostics.com | Assessing the level of allergen-specific IgE in a patient’s serum in conjunction with a clinical evaluation based on patient history and [...] subsequent testing can help a physician confirm a diagnosis of atopic allergy [...] and assist in the treatment of the patient. hcdiagnostics.com |
初生嬰兒及特別治療病房之探訪政策 每所醫院的探訪政策不同,由可以任何時間探訪、醫院指定時間探訪,到特 別情況探訪不等,視乎探訪者屬於家長、近親或兄弟姊妹而定。 babyfriendly.org.hk | Practices varied from free visiting to visiting according to hospital visiting hours to visiting under exceptional circumstances depending on whether the visitors were parents, close relatives or siblings. babyfriendly.org.hk |
病患產生 BK 病毒引發的腎病變時應考慮降低其免疫抑 制治療。 roche.com.tw | Reduction in immunosuppression should be considered for patients who develop evidence of BK virus-associated nephropathy. roche.com.pk |
註10 : 如重新按揭(加按)是為了支付醫藥費,則須夾附有關證明文件,如醫生信,信 內應列明醫生對病人的診斷、建議的 治療 方 法 及醫藥費的估計總額。 rl.com.hk | Note 10 : Where refinancing is sought for medical expenses, evidence such as a [...] letter from Doctor providing diagnosis, and [...] recommended treatment and estimated [...]total amount of medical expenses for patient should be provided. rl.com.hk |
y 化學反應的能量變化已被利用於很多日常生活的產品中,如暖手器、用 於物理治療的熱 敷包、冰墊、自熱咖啡及飯盒。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | technology and the environment, e.g. energy crisis and global warming. y Energy changes in chemical reactions have been [...] utilised in many daily life products, e.g. [...] hand-warmers, physiotherapy heat-packs, cold-packs, [...]self-heating coffee and lunchboxes. [...]y Harnessing solar energy and storing it chemically are the challenges in using alternative energy sources. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
該壓縮機會製造經由乾淨的配管移動至噴霧器之空氣流,以產生藥用霧粒, 小至能抵達肺部最遠部位,為哮喘、過敏和其他呼吸系統疾病提供最 佳 治療 效果。 aandd.jp | The compressor creates a stream of air that travels through the clear tubing to the nebulizer which generates a medicinal mist of particles, small enough to reach the furthest [...] parts of your lungs, to provide maximum [...] benefit for the treatment of asthma, allergies and other respiratory disorders. aandd.jp |